tom in court today what happened
Hi all,
Just got back from court and relaxing a bit now, But here is a brief outline what took place today but first I would like to thank all those that sent the good will wishes whether it’s on the Internet or by phone it always is really appreciated.
In court it was a very interesting time these hearings generally take between 15 to 20 minutes, but this one went on for an hour and 10 minutes, I made it extremely difficult in there for the magistrates and the legal adviser, so much so that the magistrates were shuffling in their seats and were a bit in discomfort, the legal adviser bless her was a slightly redder colour when I left them when I arrived, so all in all it went pretty much as I expected, with the exception of them breaking my human rights for they told me that I was not allowed to cross examine the CPS witnesses and that I needed to do it through a solicitor, I was a bit peeved at this and I made my feelings known that I did not need a ventriloquist doll to transmit my words for the witnesses to answer, and I told them it was an absolute absurdity.
They breach my human rights on several occasions, they try to bully me and coarsely into making statements but unfortunately for them I stood my ground with no case to answer.
I asked the magistrate who is known in the court as the chair! Lol to tell me her name. With a bit of shock and horror she said I have never been as this before and I am not obliged to tell you! To the contrary I replied you are obliged to tell me and I informed them of his Lordship Lord Dyson directive that he passed requiring that every judge, magistrate, and court officer must identify themselves when a member of the public request that, there are also other court directives to this effect.
There was more to-ing and fro-ing but about 10 minutes later the magistrate apologised and said yes Mr Crawford you are correct and told me her name, I said thank you very much Carol and the hearing continued.
Sorry can go into every little detail but basically we are where we are, dealing with criminals and word manipulators.
So thank you very much once again for your support and also for all those that came along to the court you’re all great, I believe that I am still in the driving seat and they still are in the dark in regards to what I’m up to
I will keep you up to date when I can.
Cheers Tom.