Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

But that's our Bobby, a liar and a cheat through and through.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:But that's our Bobby, a liar and a cheat through and through.
This isn't the first time Bobby's been caught plagiarizing as big as he pleases. Back in 2013 Hilfskreuzer Möwe did some research on Bobby's early 2000's work “Your Child Or Her Life!” which recounts how he lost custody of Elizabeth Anne, who may or may not have been his child:
You may have noticed that grammar and spelling aren’t exactly exceptional. Well, at page 15 something odd happens – suddenly everything cleans up. And there’s something else really weird: Menard begins referencing Massachusetts legislation and U.S. authority figures. This goes on for most of the remaining text, until page 34. This is a lengthy litany of “Dirty Tricks” used by child welfare authorities.

A little research identified what was going on. Rob had plagiarized another source of American origin, and then simply swapped out a few words here and there to make the content vaguely suitable for his narrative. I suspect the original source was this website: ... ty-tricks/
viewtopic.php?f=48&t=9364&hilit=tale+tw ... art=40#top

Freeman who are considering becoming clients of Bobby's new legal services scam have to ask themselves:

How much of the freeman stuff Bobby charges for is just material he cut and pasted off the web?

How much of it is usable, or has any basis in law?

Buyers be ware, freemen!
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
Anyone who thinks that everything I share on my wall is my own words or opinion, is an idiot. I share things I find, and I share things which have been shared with me. I do my best to give credit where it is due, if I know the original source. If I do not give a source, feel free to use Google to find that source. If you don't find anything, good chance it is my own. If you do, then that is the source. Google is your friend.
No, Bobby, most folks know you so frequently plagiarize that most of what you post/print/say has to be googled to see where you took it without credit. You don't today do anything to give credit to the original authors any more than gave credit to the originators of the material you stole for your “Your Child Or Her Life!” screed back in the early 2000's.

Your minions should note that you had no trouble at all leaving the impression that the stuff you plagiarize is your original material. When the commenters on Facebook page say you are brilliant based on the stolen stuff you post, you never bother to say it's not yours. . .until you get caught.

You lie like a witless 10 year-old, Bobby.

Bobby's got another project:
Canadian Human Individual Rights Protection Program
(Not associated with Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program)
Canadian Human and Individual rights are being eroded on all sides, from police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers who have not observed a breach of the peace, to Law Societies abusing and breaching public trust to secure unlawful court orders, to government agents acting like they are our masters, instead of our servants.
CHIRPP is a grass roots association of citizens joining together to bring legal action in courts of law to address these injustices.
Membership fees will be used to secure precedent setting judgments protecting the human and individual rights of all Canadians, for education and public awareness campaigns, and advertising and promotions of our organization.
Interested Canadian individuals are invited to contact Robert Menard at for membership information packages.
You're going to "secure precedent setting judgments", Bobby? Oh, please don't make me laugh. You can't even properly notate the piddiling web based pseudo-scholarship you do now. Real lawyers eat you for lunch and you know it.

Heads up freeman lurkers. Ask Bobby to document one successful effort in court before you give him a dime! This wouldn't be the first time he's begged money for legal actions that got lost in a pile of Moose Head empties!

Real lawyers eat Bobby for lunch!
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Robert Menard wrote:police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers
Is he saying that the cops have been screwing with him?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Famspear »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
Robert Menard wrote:police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers
Is he saying that the cops have been screwing with him?
:thinking: :!: :lol:
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

We should note that Bobby's reduced to saying he isn't even responsible for what he posts on his own Facebook page. He says he can plagiarize anything he wants and never has to account for any of the crazy things he says.

According to Menard he doesn't have to explain the failure of his several projects, explain why he never filed all the suits he promised in the 2000's, account for the ACCP fees he gathered, justify the growing anti-Semitism of the WFS or explain the failure of the C3PO.

According to Bobby he doesn't have to talk about his flight from prosecution even though he very publicly bragged about being police proof just a few days before his arrest.

But what should we expect? Bobby says he was not responsible for giving bomb making lessons to an impressionable childhood friend who later blew part of his hand off. He says it was the government, not him, that messed up Megan and Elizabeth Ann's home.

Menard says he not responsible for anything!

Now this guy is offering singlehandedly bring the freeman subculture into freedom and prosperity via his magic legal actions.
Coward Clock: It has been 53 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

More pointless, self-aggrandizing babble from Bobby: ... es-himself

As things go from bad to worse for Bobby he does the only thing he knows to do. . .come up with a new self promotion.

If Bobby's recent pitches had been even marginally successful he would be busy as a bee getting training videos, advice strategies and form letters together for clients.

My guess is that he's sitting on a dirty couch wondering what to do. And this pony only has one trick. . . make a pitch.

There's no substance there, freeman lurkers.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by The Observer »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
Robert Menard wrote:police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers
Is he saying that the cops have been screwing with him?
Well, to put it legally, I think he is saying he is continually being raped by the police. If that is the case, this may explain a great deal about Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
arayder, at least try to be honest. I know how difficult that is for you. What I believe is that I do not have to explain anything to YOU.
Ok, Bobby, then you are going to have to explain why you ignored the calls from freemen to explain your failed efforts so far. Why did you delete their comments from your Facebook page? Why did ignore all their questions on the Icke's forum? Why won't you come to Quatloos and give us a statement? No need to debate just explain.

Or you could publicly document one success of the several you have publicly claimed for everyone reading, not just me.

It's time to fish or cut bait, Bobby.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
He makes me laugh with his incompetence and vitriol and frustrations and lies. Just because I have no obligation to do something, does not mean I won't do it for my own pleasure.
Your problem, Bobby, is that freeman lurkers have to be wondering about your competency.

You claim to be a successful freeman guru. Yet the only evidence everyone has is of your failures. You can convince freemen that I am a son-of-a-b***h and it still doesn't answer the question of why they should give you a dime.

. . .and that's why you drink cheap beer . . .while sitting on dirty couch. . . .surfing the net for material to plagiarize.

And they are beginning to catch on. From your own Facebook page:
Richard Kent . . .im questioning here for an honest reply its happening to much on facebook
Richard Kent me ppersonaly i dont mind a honest fight btu your on here way to much to to say you do the things you do
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

Famspear wrote:
Dr. Caligari wrote:
Robert Menard wrote:police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers
Is he saying that the cops have been screwing with him?
:thinking: :!: :lol:
apparently some of the c3po came onto the Steaming Pile of BM© and everyone knows he's kevin's man.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Back on April 6th I wrote, in this discussion;
Burnaby49 wrote:
ComfySlippers wrote:Someone should point BoBBy's potential victims to:

Sovereign Citizen Training for Law Enforcement
by Florida Sheriffs on YouTube.

It's a new(ish) training video for and by Police Officers.

BoBBy does a cameo at 12:22

And Bobby's a star in a new academic article just published in the March edition of the Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law. The article's main focus is on how OPCA types are attacking the Canadian legal system and Menard's various past antics are used as examples. Examples of OPCA failures of course.
(b) What do OPCA Gurus Teach?

OPCA gurus teach a spectrum of responses to what is (incorrectly) perceived as unauthorized action by police, courts, lawyers, government actors, and other institutions. This review will focus on Freeman-on-the-Land guru Robert Arthur Menard. Menard is a suitable representative Canadian guru for several reasons:
The article gives five reasons why Rob's failed concepts serve as the prototype for an analysis of OPCA gibberish. This one gives him his due as the creator of all of this nonsense;
2. Menard is effectively the sole creator of the Freeman-on-the-Land movement. His ideas are therefore highly relevant and influential.
Rob, I know you read all the postings here so I've been looking for a publicly available copy of this paper to save you from having to haul your lard-butt out of your chair and go to a library. I finally found one and here it is; ... ew/422/418

No need to thank me Rob, just a little public service for fugitives from the law.

The author is Donald J. Netolitzky, described in the introduction as;
Donald J Netolitzky (PhD Microbiology, University of Alberta, 1995; LLB, University of Alberta, 2005) is a Legal Counsel for the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench. Correspondence: Donald J Netolitzky, Law Courts, 1A Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0R2, Email: donald.netolitzky@ The views expressed in this article are those of the author, and not those of any other member of the Court of Queen’s Bench, or the Court itself.
A bit of full disclosure here. I know Donald slightly. He and I, along with Ron Usher, were co-presenters in the seminar I wrote up here;


which resulted in Menard phoning Ron Usher and giving him a wild, semi-coherent rant about how he was going to get Burnaby49. I described Donald in the seminar posting as;
Ron Usher and I gave the second part of the presentation today. We were joined by Donald Netolitzky, an acquaintance of Ron's, who spoke from Edmonton via a phone link. Donald is a lawyer who works for the Alberta Queen's Bench. As I understand it his position does not involve litigation. He is a technical advisor and assistant to the QB judges, a very unusual position in Canadian courts. In any event he is extremely knowledgeable about Freemen and is very active in giving presentations and writing papers about them and their court issues. The written material provided to the course participants was largely provided by him.
While Ron Usher got a Menardian blast Rob did not phone Donald. Perhaps he figured he had enough problems with the criminal justice system (he was already on the run from the Toronto arrest warrant at that time) without harassing somebody working in the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench, home of the notorious Judge Rooke of Meads v Meads fame.

Donald certainly has the experience to write on freemen. Alberta is ground zero for Canadian freeman craziness and Edmonton is ground zero for Alberta. To list just a few of the Alberta OPCA types discussed in Quatloos;

Allan Boisjoli;

Paraclete Belanger

The Parlees;

Sean Wesley Henry, a.k.a. :Chief :Nanya-Shaabu: El:

Glenn Fearn

Adam Gauthier

Dale Jacobi;

Kevin Sisk

Rob Page;

Mark-Randolph Simser

This gang

All this from just a quick review of Canadian Sovereign discussion. There are probably quite a few more either as subjects of discussions or mentioned in them. All within Donald's jurisdiction.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Menard's puked up yet another moronic idea to try and fleece the gullible;
Robert Menard
August 4 at 8:54am

Canadian Human Individual Rights Protection Program

Canadian Human and Individual rights are being eroded on all sides, from police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers who have not observed a breach of the peace, to Law Societies abusing and breaching public trust to secure unlawful court orders, to government agents acting like they are our masters, instead of our servants.

CHIRPP is a grass roots association of citizens joining together to bring legal action in courts of law to address these injustices.

Membership fees will be used to secure precedent setting judgments protecting the human and individual rights of all Canadians, for education and public awareness campaigns, and advertising and promotions of our organization.

Interested Canadian individuals are invited to contact Robert Menard at for membership information packages.
Do I detect some personal resentment in this? Comments about how law societies won't let you play at being a lawyer and police offices who don't treat you as colleagues? Who do we know who is festering over these specific issues Rob? Perhaps someone who's a fugitive from an arrest warrant for trying to pretend he's a cop or who has a court order against him for pretending to be a lawyer?

Rob, as always, is being very vague about specifics on where the money will go. This is absolutely meaningless;
secure precedent setting judgments protecting the human and individual rights of all Canadians, for education and public awareness campaigns, and advertising and promotions of our organization.
Which means that he can piss away all of the money that he's not going to get without any problems about accountability. Hey, I spent it all on advertising and promotion just like I said I was going to do, I tried! Actually it sounds a lot like he's just dusted off and renamed that old Canadian
Common Corps of Peace Officers scam he tried while in Quebec. Remember that one? As soon a he got $50,000 or some other impossible amount he was going to do research, establish provincial boards of directors, educational organizations, start court actions, effect legislation; all kinds of fabulistic daydreams that had no details, accountability, or timelines attached. If I remember correctly Rob said specifically that "education and public awareness campaigns, and advertising and promotions of our organization" were goals of that pipe-dream too.

Rob must be desperate if he's dusting off an iteration of that failed old chestnut. I guess his recently announced six week intensive online course on how to be a freeman didn't bring in the riches he was hoping for. ... riends_tab

This time our old friend Brian Alexander isn't going to be first in line to cough up cash for yet another doomed at the gate Menard venture;

Brian Alexander

sorry advertising here please...only free input is allowed.

and I would recommend you put a caveat warning people what will happen when they follow your legal advice.

you caused me and a lot of people a lot of grief. in fact you are the reason for most of my troubles. ... 912750472/
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

You mean our favorite idiot Brian Alexander finally not only caught a clue, but knows who the author of his problems was, a m a z i n g!!!! There may be a glimmer of light yet.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Canadian Human and Individual rights are being eroded on all sides, from police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers who have not observed a breach of the peace, to Law Societies abusing and breaching public trust to secure unlawful court orders, to government agents acting like they are our masters, instead of our servants.

CHIRPP is a grass roots association of citizens joining together to bring legal action in courts of law to address these injustices.

Membership fees will be used to secure precedent setting judgments protecting the human and individual rights of all Canadians, for education and public awareness campaigns, and advertising and promotions of our organization.

Interested Canadian individuals are invited to contact Robert Menard at for membership information packages.
Bobby has unwittingly entered into an endeavor, petitioning the court, filing suits, etc. which is a matter of public record. A few days, weeks or months from now when he asked what happened he won't have the excuse that the court actions (or lack there of) are his private business.

I'd like to ask the Canadian experts here if Bobby's contention that he needs boat loads of money to file the sort of court challenges he promises is accurate?
Brian Alexander

sorry advertising here please...only free input is allowed.

and I would recommend you put a caveat warning people what will happen when they follow your legal advice.

you caused me and a lot of people a lot of grief. in fact you are the reason for most of my troubles
The repudiation by Brian Alexander signifies jut how low Bobby has sunk in freeman world.

Coward Clock: It has been 55 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Nazi Bob is up to his old tricks.

Tony White posts yet another holocaust denial video on nazi Bob's Facebook page:
Tony White The greatest lie ever told - The Holocaust - 2015 Documentary HD
We can be sure Bobby will opine that his page is a free speech haven and that he doesn't necessarily believe everything on his page.

But one has to ask why if such is the case Bobby has so frequently censored posts and banned posters/commenters from his Facebook page? One has to ask why if it is the case that Bobby is noncommittal on the issue of holocaust denial he has been so supportive of the efforts of holocaust deniers such as Patrick, (the WFS site administrator) who says Bobby helped him open his mind to the idea of holocaust denial and nazi apologism?
Last edited by arayder on Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by JamesVincent »

Clicked on link for Rob's Facebook, realized we have mutual friends.

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

Brian Alexander wrote: you caused me and a lot of people a lot of grief. in fact you are the reason for most of my troubles
Hopefully they bicker over this. Might provide some new details on Brian's story.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'd like to ask the Canadian experts here if Bobby's contention that he needs boat loads of money to file the sort of court challenges he promises is accurate?
No. I don't know what the specific costs are but if you'll recall Menard managed to start this lawsuit against the federal government last year on his own meager resources without begging for money.


Of course that was very personal, his idiotic idea of an end-run around his criminal charges by getting a note from the Federal Court of Canada saying it was OK for him to play at being a policeman. The big cost, and the big hurdle, is lawyer's fees. While Rob considers himself Canada's expert on freeman litigation (hence his frequent offers to advise others for a fee) whether or not he can self-represent depends on which court he plans to use. I suppose there is always Rocco Galati, Canada's foremost constitutional expert. He loves losing cases like this.

Does it matter in any case? There are two reasons why costs, legal strategies, choice of courts are irrelevant.

1 - He's not going to get any money. He tried exactly the same thing with his C3PO fantasies while he was in Quebec and he just got a few hundred of the $50,000 he said that he needed. Nothing whatever came of that and I assume that the money went to beer, crackers, and fish nuts. I can't see whatever he has left in the way of a following coughing up even that minor level of funding again. He's exhausted his credibility.

2 - Do you really believe that if he actually got some money he'd spend it on his proposed scheme? I don't. It's just a con to get cash because he's broke and he needs something to keep him in beer and snacks. Gainful employment is out so all that is left is trying the same scams that failed in the past.

But he's gone to the well too often. So far this year he's tried some radio show and that proposed on-line Freeman course and both seemed to have died at the gate.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

JamesVincent wrote:Clicked on link for Rob's Facebook, realized we have mutual friends.

Well that's one degree of separation, James.

I think we have all had brushes with people, or people who knew people, who did and said some crazy stuff.