Ed&Elaine: Crazy follower William Miller arrested

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Ed&Elaine: Crazy follower William Miller arrested

Post by ElfNinosMom »

From http://www.fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar ... /-1/NEWS05
Man faces charges of threatening to kill Farmington chief
Veteran said to have ties to tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown

Democrat Staff Writer

FARMINGTON — A local veteran with ties to convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown of Plainsfield is being held on $20,000 cash bail on misdemeanor charges he threatened to kill the town police chief, the town administrator and other town employees.

William Miller, 41, of Summer Street — an Army veteran of Desert Storm, a follower of the U.S. Constitution Rangers, a national grassroots organization that looks to defend citizens against perceived encroachments by the government, and a self proclaimed freedom fighter — was arraigned Monday at Rochester District Court on misdemeanor charges of criminal threatening and disorderly conduct.

Farmington Police Chief Scott Roberge said the charges stem from an incident last Thursday when Miller allegedly told a worker at Town Hall that he was going to "cap" some people in the Town Hall and as well as Chief Roberge. Roberge said Miller also indicated he wanted to kill Town Administrator Anthony Mincu.

The chief said Monday that Miller has a lengthy history with the police dating back years.

"He's been sending me letters complaining about all sorts of things for about seven years now," Roberge said. "He has tried to sue myself and the Police Department, has made false accusations about the police covering up murders and drug rings."

Miller's writings and opinions can be viewed on various websites. He was once given access to a website where he would make audio blogs about the status of his friends Elaine and Ed Brown.

The website, Quest for a fair trial in N.H, has recently taken down the links to Miller's recordings, stating, "All we can say is that William needs serious help and intervention. He was given access to this service months ago to share verbal updates on Ed and Elaine Brown and he's been abusing this access to post verbal rants with aggressive-violent overtones which we do not condone."

On one website Miller made a statement saying he no longer wishes to be involved with the Browns saying, "that his efforts at communication, were inappropriate."

Roberge said Miller has also had issues with the Veteran's Hospital in Manchester, has handed out propaganda around his house claiming Farmington and other local police have been covering up murders and arresting people without just cause, and does not believe he has to pay taxes.

Last Friday local police were in hiding around Miller's house waiting for him to leave. Roberge said they were there until early Saturday afternoon and when Miller left his residence to take a walk police "took him down" and arrested him.

"Miller was cooperative but did yell a lot. I made the decision to not call the SWAT team in because that's what he would want — to make a scene and a standoff. I didn't want to draw a lot of attention and public notice to this," Roberge said.

On Sunday police executed a warrant to search Miller's house, where among other items they found a M1 rifle with ammunition and removed it from the residence.

Miller has stated in website postings that he is against all government agencies and that he believes New Hampshire is a Nazi state.

In January, Miller had this to say about the Brown's situation: "It is because most of you are abject cowards and brainwashed idiots, that it has come to this in our country: what passes for "law, government and authority," rendering un-Constitutional dictums to the people at every turn and commanding obedience. Furthermore, I will not live a slave in my own country. I am going to see judge McAuliffe, and US Attorney Colontuono and various other officials hanged for treason for these actions. It is only a matter of time."

"This has been building for some time," Roberge said. "We have dealt with him in the past and more recently I have been concerned that he has escalated to violence. My position is to protect my police team and the public, which we have done. I just hope he gets the treatment he needs."

Miller's trial is scheduled for Dec. 4. He is currently being held on $20,000 bail, is being electronically monitored, he is not allowed to come in contact with Police Chief Roberge, other officers or town officials and is not to be released until he has undergone a mental health screening in Concord.
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Re: Ed&Elaine: Crazy follower William Miller arrested

Post by Imalawman »

ElfNinosMom wrote:
Miller's trial is scheduled for Dec. 4. He is currently being held on $20,000 bail, is being electronically monitored, he is not allowed to come in contact with Police Chief Roberge, other officers or town officials and is not to be released until he has undergone a mental health screening in Concord.

This should be mandatory for anyone supporting the Browns.
"Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs" - Unknown

Re: Ed&Elaine: Crazy follower William Miller arrested

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

William Miller, 41, of Summer Street — an Army veteran of Desert Storm, a follower of the U.S. Constitution Rangers, a national grassroots organization that looks to defend citizens against perceived encroachments by the government, and a self proclaimed freedom fighter — was arraigned Monday at Rochester District Court on misdemeanor charges of criminal threatening and disorderly conduct.
Is the U.S. Constitution Rangers an actual national grassroots organization, or are Ed Brown and William Miller the only members? Approximately how many members does it have?

On the miller topic, I'm glad that he has been arrested. He was getting pretty scary and could use a little time off in the nice padded room to bring things back into focus.

Post by Truthstalker »

an Army veteran of Desert Storm
Was he was a wack-job before entering the Army? While I'm not attempting excuse or extenuate his behavior, there seems to be significant anecdotal evidence that many returning veterans from both Iraq wars have suffered debilitating psychological trauma due to various causes.

Obviously, if his apparent dementia is Service-connected, he should be treated rather than punished. I wonder if it's possible to make such a determination.
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Post by Dezcad »

Looks like Joe Haas, who was just convicted of threats in NH and discussed here, is about to throw his support behind Bill:
Hey! Let's have some fun with this case! Grin Like HOW and WHERE does Bill go for a psycho-val? Maybe he's right that there needs to be a cap on spending as they say, or to put a lid on it? A cap, or like bars of the Constitution against a gov't that wants out of its cage, as Martin J. "Red" Beckman, told us about in the 1980s here in N.H. when he was running for President, with his info-mercials on Ch. 9 to meetings at the Highway Hotel in Concord where he'd sell us his autographed books, that I put to good work in the M.83-50-D IRS case against me in Concord, N.H.

To me it sounds like Bill did rattle the cage of these Farmington beasts just too much that they like escaped from their Constitutional cage, and need to be taught a lesson in the law, that they do not bite the hand that feeds them: the gentle and froward master, the servants needing this tongue-lashing every now and then, like that yell-in-your-face tactic they used to do at the fast-track first-time offender program at the State Prison where the goons can let off steam legally, otherwise they'd bloat up and explode with negative ions! Evil

I just sent a question or comment to The powers-that-be through their http://www.farmington.nh.us/Public_Docu ... s/comments page by writing that: "Hi, I'd like to look at the Bill Miller file folder(s) of what exactly is his 'beef' with the town, and why/how, etc. he was arrested for thinking out loud of him 'THINK'ing about killing the Chief of Police. To me this sounds like the town has gone way overboard in making a mountain out of a molehill, actually a verbal description of a molehill, taken as a threat by the powers-that-be who in my opinion are George Orwellian 'Nineteen Eighty Four' *Thought Police* in action. Please tell me WHEN a good day and time would be to visit and copy. Thanks."

Note that this was sent at 1:37 p.m. this afternoon, with my telephone # and e-mail address for them to get back to me as a member of VOCALS, Inc. I did put down as my "Organization" = Victims of a Corrupt American Legal System, with my POB in Concord too, so wondering which of these three ways they plan to use. Their acknowledgment page does not print your comment, but does read of: "Thank you! We have received your comment to Farmington. Thank you for your interest and participation. If you requested to be contacted, a representative will get back to you shortly."

I did also call The Rochester District Court, 76 No. Main St., Rochester, NH 03867-1905 http://www.nh.gov/judiciary/courtlocati ... istdir.htm at 332-3516 M-F 8-4 and was transferred over to the deputy clerk that covers Farmington. She said to view the file anytime, and that does include the affidavit. And so my plan is to go there this Monday afternoon, Oct. 29th to copy and then over to the Board of Selectmen for Farmington meets at 6:00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Chambers @ 356 Main Street, where the Agenda is posted over at http://www.farmington.nh.us//Public_Doc ... 1-000F8513 for 1. Pledge of Allegiance, and then 2. Public Comment, to maybe give them a piece of my mind of whatever Bill tried to do, but me in a more diplomatic way, and to maybe condemn their "Thought Police" tactics, as to look into maybe firing the Police Chief if such is the case, as we canNOT have these type goons on the loose; they are a menace to society!

Yours truly, - - Joe

pc: Bill Miller, Strafford County Jail, Dover, N.H.
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Post by Famspear »

A cap, or like bars of the Constitution against a gov't that wants out of its cage, as Martin J. "Red" Beckman, told us about in the 1980s here in N.H. when he was running for President, with his info-mercials on Ch. 9 [ . . . .]
The same Martin J. "Red" Beckman credited as having co-authored "The Law That Never Was" with Bill Benson?

Small world.
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