Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Skeleton »

mufc1959 wrote:
TheNewSaint wrote:Did he try to pay his mortgage off with a WeRe check? Because I can't imagine why else this guy thinks Peter of England is going to help him with his foreclosure. (Not that he'd even help with the WeRe check.) Peter seems an odd choice for freedman guru, when so many others practically specialize in this sort of thing.
He's posted fairly regularly over the months on PoE's FB page about using WeRe Bank cheques, and asking PoE for help. (PoE has now deleted all visitor posts, so I can't go back and check.)

As LPA Receivers have been put in, I think this is a BTL or commercial property that he's about to lose.
Correct, I think its a a garage/servo/petrol station depending on where your from. Like the man in red says i cant go back and check.
When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

It's a bit sad Andrew Cope putting all his misplaced faith in PoE riding gallantly to his rescue. He seems to be following Waugh on the road to ruin. If indeed he's a genuine poster and not just some stooge or syphocant.

Andrew - Mr. Smith comes to no-ones assistance (other than helping himself).
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

So I looked up this Bank of Scotland plc vs Waugh. As best as I (a non-UK layman) understand it:
In Bank of Scotland PLC v Waugh & others [2014] EWHC 2117, a borrower sought to avoid a claim based on a mortgage where only the borrower had signed the offer letter, the signature on the mortgage deed had not been witnessed/attested and the borrower was wrongly identified.

In the Bank of Scotland case, Mr Waugh argued there was no binding contract arising from the relevant facility/offer letter and the preceding deed which purported to create an all monies charge was ineffective.

The bank applied for summary judgment. The court concluded the bank’s money claim on the basis of the facility letter was unaffected by the failure to comply with s2 of the 1989 Act.

The court accepted that, although the deed was not validly executed and therefore did not itself create a legal mortgage, by virtue of s51 of the 2002 Act the trust’s interest was subject to a binding legal charge in accordance with the deed (pending rectification of the register).

Ultimately the Court concluded

- There was no defence to the money claim.
- The deed had not taken effect as a legal charge but it did give rise to an equitable charge.
- Nevertheless pending the determination of the application to rectify the register at law the property was currently subject to a registered legal charge.

(From ... valid-deed
It looks to me like Andrew Cope is citing a case where his argument lost. Am I reading that correctly?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by mufc1959 »

TheNewSaint wrote: It looks to me like Andrew Cope is citing a case where his argument lost. Am I reading that correctly?
That is indeed the case. The judge in the Waugh case ordered the Trustees to sign a new legal charge and that if they didn't, it'd be signed by the court. They didn't, the court signed it and Bank of Scotland took possession of the property and put it up for auction.

And in Waugh the defect in the legal charge wasn't that the deed hadn't been dated on the date it'd been signed. The defect was that the Trustees' signatures hadn't been witnessed - and there was no attestation clause for the witnesses to sign. In practically every case, a mortgage deed is signed by the borrowers and witnessed by someone in the solicitors' office ahead of the completion date. Once completion takes place, the deed is dated. Nothing wrong with that at all.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by longdog »

I think I'm right in saying that, as a rule, even if a contract such as a mortgage is void as a matter of law, the courts will at worst treat the whole sorry mess pretty much as if it never happened.

Basically the best the home-owner could expect is "You don't have to pay the mortgage but you don't own the house either" which would put everybody back to where they started. In reality of course 99 times out of 100 courts don't treat minor technicalities as being fatal to a contract and just order the technicality corrected.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by SteveUK »

Alan smith is certainly an interesting one. I've never quite decided if he really believes his own BS or just a pure scam. It's hard to tell.

His recent behaviour though points to someone just trying to ingratiate themselves with any old conspiracy bullshit.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

SteveUK wrote:Alan smith is certainly an interesting one. I've never quite decided if he really believes his own BS or just a pure scam. It's hard to tell.

His recent behaviour though points to someone just trying to ingratiate themselves with any old conspiracy bullshit.
I was very evenly divided on this too until the key-fob shenanigan, at which point it became clear (to me at least) that he's purposefully and undeniably deceitful.

On his latest FB post:
Roman Potter: Hi peter having big problems in getting in touch with u thank u
Of course you are, Roman! He's very busy right now, what with the thousands of WeRe debit cards that were sent out last month... oh wait.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by mufc1959 »

Well, blow me (not you, Bones)! PoE has turned up in Court in Germany. He's produced three short YT videos of how his day has gone.

As usual, PoE has put his own spin on things. He's going to try to get the judge removed from office. This is because, it seems, the judge didn't like a mob standing round in court and threw them out. PoE said in the third video that there was 175 people in court, but in the first video it looked as if the crowd was on the scale of Wakefest. The judge also objected to someone trying to take a photo. But PoE says he will go all the way to the Vatican to have the judge removed.

He also didn't like the prosecution using a photo of "a mailing address at a location in Manchester" (i.e. the Palatial HQ in Ducie Street) to try to discredit him.

And, without a hint of irony, PoE is incredulous that the judge is acting as judge, jury and executioner - er, isn't that what the Common Law Court of Record 750181 does ...?

Apparently the only burning question the court needs to decide is whether or not the Prom Note is legally binding and enforceable. Again, in typical PoE spin, he says that the FCA, Ombudsman, etc have all decided it's valid and legally binding, and so that should be the end of it, no? Well, that's not exactly what they said - IIRC, the FCA, the FOS and the NZ Ombudsman said that the person signing the prom note is on the hook to PoE for £150K, but unless and until that's paid, he has nothing to pay the 'cheques' or LLTs with.

Anyway, let's see how this pans out. But unless we can get an independent report, PoE's inevitable final report will be that it's been a resounding WIN!!!!11!!! for WeRe Bank, whatever the actual outcome is.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by mufc1959 »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:[
On his latest FB post:
Roman Potter: Hi peter having big problems in getting in touch with u thank u
Of course you are, Roman! He's very busy right now, what with the thousands of WeRe debit cards that were sent out last month... oh wait.
PoE's Reply to this is breathtakingly arrogant, even for him!

Roman Potter: Hi peter having big problems in getting in touch with u thank u
Peter Of England See above - of course you have!!!
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

This seems like a major development. From the description of the first video, it sounds like a WeRe Bank customer is in legal trouble for trying to pay his local taxes with WeRe Bank funny money:
Legal Process begins in the lower district court accusing AW of attempting to damage the community of Ravensburg by issuing an LLT to pay local taxes to Stadt Ravensburg - Stadtkasse and finance demands from Finanzamt Ravensburg.
Not only that, the court managed to haul the elusive Peter of England himself into the courtroom. Given his history, I doubt he's there willingly.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

Im hoping that he'll get Das Boot from the German judge and that his paperwork to the Vatican gets filed with all the other conspiracy crap that must arrive daily by the bucket load thanks to novels by the likes of Dan Brown.

He's proud to announce that not one of his followers will face charges of money laundering or fraud- now or EVER. In Switzerland. Probably because everyone across Europe now simply ignores the LLTs and phoney cheques and ML requires you to launder, well, actual real money of the spendy type and not the worthless Re.

So he's sticking it to Der Mann and unless our faithful German reporter was to be on hand Petey will just lie as usual irrespective of the outcome. He's got form for this - the three part you toob epic regarding his doomed appeal following his UK traffic conviction (no docs, insurance and dodgy plates) which was Crawfordesque in its denial of reality.

The proof however is very much in the strudel - nothing will come of this Tutonic adventure. Germany and its financial institutions will continue unperturbed, Petey will return to his crazy aliens references, the end of the world (again) and Clinton-bashing. Anyone facing prosecution or financial ruin in the German speaking world will be left swinging in the wind.

Still, I'm glad he's still out there providing me with seemingly endless free amusement.

I came to the conclusion about two years ago that the man is simply enjoying a colossal joke funded by and literally at the expense of his gullible flock of the naive, stupid or just plain old-antiestablishment fellow-travellers. He doesn't believe a word of this.

He must be laughing his cock off!
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

TheNewSaint wrote:Not only that, the court managed to haul the elusive Peter of England himself into the courtroom. Given his history, I doubt he's there willingly.
I think he is there willingly, because without him turning up WeRe bank really does look like an internet scam as in "send £10 to Ducie Street Manchester". He's got some like minded nutters there to join in, he can feel safe there as opposed to being in the UK, where some disgruntled punter might turn up and twat him. The German customers suckers haven't got to that stage yet. I wonder if he will still be around for the next hearing, or whether he will do a quick video on the court steps about everyone being corrupt Jesuit satanist masons and then do a runner before someone from the authorities decides to interview him.
Also, I wonder if his German is sufficient to follow court proceedings. I suspect he can speak some German but have my doubts about his fluency. He mispronounced the court title for instance.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Pox »

I doubt that a magistrates court in a provincial town in Germany could rule that a 'promissory note is a valid and enforceable document' which POE seems to be saying is the crux of the case being brought.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by littleFred »

Peter wrote:If the cow is a cow then what comes out of it is milk.
Well, actually, some stuff that comes out of cows isn't milk.

And so it is with Peter.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by mufc1959 »

And another desperate mug begs PoE for help which will never come.

Garyk Martin But Peter, every one of my cheques have been rejected or returned to me, I'm in court for commital proceedings next week because my local council will not and Barclays will not accept my chq, I ring you and leave messages for your help and you never reply!!!!! I am a believer and believe me I have fought back against them to process the chq .
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Pox »

littleFred wrote:
Peter wrote:If the cow is a cow then what comes out of it is milk.
Well, actually, some stuff that comes out of cows isn't milk.

And so it is with Peter.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Pox »

mufc1959 wrote:And another desperate mug begs PoE for help which will never come.

Garyk Martin But Peter, every one of my cheques have been rejected or returned to me, I'm in court for commital proceedings next week because my local council will not and Barclays will not accept my chq, I ring you and leave messages for your help and you never reply!!!!! I am a believer and believe me I have fought back against them to process the chq .
This is from POE's Facebook page.

June Clark responds, basically saying - just grow some you spineless t××t.

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by katiHWB »

TheNewSaint wrote:Not only that, the court managed to haul the elusive Peter of England himself into the courtroom. Given his history, I doubt he's there willingly.
free holiday??
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Firthy2002 »

He should maybe ease up on the slander.

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Not only that, the court managed to haul the elusive Peter of England himself into the courtroom. Given his history, I doubt he's there willingly.
it is very, very difficult -- in most cases, impossible-- to force a witness to come to another country to testify in a legal proceeding. Usually, all you can do is compel the witness to testify in his own country and use the videotape or transcript in the country where the trial is held (and even that is typically a long, arduous and expensive proposition).
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