Everyone is talking about the weather

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Everyone is talking about the weather

Post by Demosthenes »

From the New Hampshire Business Journal:
Flotsam & Jetsam
Friday, October 26, 2007

Brown: Knock, knock

Would you believe…?

It’s possible that Ed Brown, the tax evader and newly minted jailbird, could be among the most gullible people around, considering that he holed up in his Plainfield compound threatening to remain there for his remaining days on earth, only to be done in by the simple action of answering a knock at his door.

But what does that say about his supporters?

An interview with Brown by Shaun Kranish, an avowed Brown supporter, should supply the answer.

In the interview, Brown essentially says he was tortured by federal agents after his arrest.

In a holding facility in Rhode Island, he said, he was “gassed through the ventilation system” three times.

“I was breathing on the floor, underneath, the space underneath the bottom of the door, just so I could survive and keep breathing. I think I passed out slightly a couple of times,” he told Kranish. “I was crying against the door and stuff and banging. The guards walked away and did nothing.”

At the Elkton, Ohio, prison he now calls home, Brown said he was subjected to repeated strip searches, and then placed in an isolation room with a glass door while wearing nothing but a large blanket for 15 hours, he said.

But by far the most inventive “torture” was the one that resulted in Brown’s complaint that, at the time of the interview, he had only been able to go outside once since his arrival in Ohio.

Why? Apparently, the federal authorities are able to control the weather.

“It’s too cold. I’m too cold. I can’t take this cold out there,” the former tough guy told Kranish. “This is the Great Lakes area.”

As for whether or not Brown is completely on the up-and-up with his accusations, Kranish is sure his interviewee’s claims are purely legit.

“The big thing is that Ed is not really a guy to exaggerate,” Kranish told the Concord Monitor. “So if Ed says he was gassed, then he was gassed, and I totally believe it.”

Perhaps Ed Brown doesn’t exaggerate, but there’s no doubt that he does have a tendency to, shall we say, embellish reality.

Exhibit No. 1 is the claim Brown made while holed up in Plainfield:

“You attack my property, it’s going to get really violent. I don’t care who it is.”

But as history recorded — and as Brown himself told Kranish — he “didn’t even resist one second” when federal marshals arrived last month finally to end his months-long publicity-fueled hold-out.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Shaun opines further on the weather while commenting on the So Cal fires...
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Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:34 pm

There's no use in speculating as to the cause of the fires -- although it wouldn't surprise me at all if the government was behind it.

There is one thing I know for certain, though. They could EASILY seed the clouds and make it POUR rain for as long as they want over those areas. We have ADVANCED weather control. The fires could be whiped out in a day or two.

We used weather control over forty years ago in Vietnam. We made it pour on the jungles to wash away Charlie's cover. We use it in war -- why don't we use it to solve this problem? The technology has also come a long way since then.

We can completely create, destroy, or steer hurricanes. We can move fronts, weather systems, just about anything we want to do with the weather. I've seen them doing it all this year, and last year.

Why don't we simply rain on these fires and put them out? This, to me, is more telling than anything. They still want the public to believe they don't have weather control I suppose...even though it's in a million documents, UN treaties, scientist papers, etc...
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Post by BBFlatt »

No wonder Kranish fell for Brown's spiel, he'll believe anything.
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Post by Quixote »

BBFlatt wrote:No wonder Kranish fell for Brown's spiel, he'll believe anything.
Only if it's not real. Apparently he doesn't believe in agent orange.
We used weather control over forty years ago in Vietnam. We made it pour on the jungles to wash away Charlie's cover.
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Post by Famspear »

Shaun Kranish wrote:
We can completely create, destroy, or steer hurricanes. We can move fronts, weather systems, just about anything we want to do with the weather. I've seen them doing it all this year, and last year.

This is a lot worse than I thought. Whatever this guy is smoking, I want to buy a pound of it. And I thought these people were pretty delusional about income tax laws!

We can completely create, destroy or steer hurricanes??????? The National Weather Service and millions of Gulf Coast residents would love to hear Shaunie-poo explain this one!

This guy really needs psychological counseling or something. I certainly can't fix him.
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Post by Famspear »

Demo, can you provide the link to the page containing Shaun's raving?

I have read a lot of delusion ranting by a lot of tax protesters and other anti-governmental types, but this one is way up there on the Twinkie Zone Scale.

I would put these kinds of delusions pretty close to the same category as beliefs in shape-shifting lizard people and the belief that the moon is made of green cheese.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Famspear wrote:Demo, can you provide the link to the page containing Shaun's raving?

I don't thinks it's all that unusual, as far as tax protester delusions go.
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Post by Famspear »

Thanks Demosthenes! That was just what I needed to update this:

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Post by Demosthenes »

Famspear wrote:Thanks Demosthenes! That was just what I needed to update this:

I love it.
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Post by webhick »

Famspear wrote:I would put these kinds of delusions pretty close to the same category as [snip] the belief that the moon is made of green cheese.
Yeah, believing that the moon is made of cheese is pretty delusional, given the fact that it's made of pink cotton candy and inhabited by moon bats. It's true. In 1969, instead of the supposed "moon landing" that many witnessed on television, the Conservative Crossdressing Rednecks of America attempted to colonize the moon. I say attempted because the moon bats were none too pleased to have all those abandoned trucks, dead tires, and broken beer bottles strewn about the landscape. And the Mullet Men (CCRA's military force) in purple tutus and high heels didn't help either. But don't mess with the Mullet Men, they'll strangle you with their feather boas. In any event, the CCRA and moon bats came to an understanding after a long negotiation process. CCRA would get one half of the moon, and the moon bats would get the other half. There was a huge party afterwards, and the moon bats got the CCRA so drunk that they didn't notice that the moon bats had loaded them into individual escape pods and launched them at the sun with varying arrival times. And that's where solar flares come from. Rednecks.
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Post by The Observer »

Famspear wrote:Shaun Kranish wrote:
We can completely create, destroy, or steer hurricanes. We can move fronts, weather systems, just about anything we want to do with the weather. I've seen them doing it all this year, and last year.

This is a lot worse than I thought. Whatever this guy is smoking, I want to buy a pound of it. And I thought these people were pretty delusional about income tax laws!

We can completely create, destroy or steer hurricanes??????? The National Weather Service and millions of Gulf Coast residents would love to hear Shaunie-poo explain this one!

This guy really needs psychological counseling or something. I certainly can't fix him.
Be careful...perhaps Shaun isn't as raving as you think he is:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... orm121.xml

Or maybe these scientists are smoking the same thing he is.
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Post by Quixote »

Be careful...perhaps Shaun isn't as raving as you think he is:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... orm121.xml

Or maybe these scientists are smoking the same thing he is.
Those scientists are on the verge of building the Wright Flyer of weather control. Shaun thinks they already have an F-16.
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Post by The Observer »

Quixote wrote:
Be careful...perhaps Shaun isn't as raving as you think he is:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... orm121.xml

Or maybe these scientists are smoking the same thing he is.
Those scientists are on the verge of building the Wright Flyer of weather control. Shaun thinks they already have an F-16.
Shaun would tell you that he is ahead of his time.
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Post by Famspear »

Yes, Shaun is as delusional as I think. Scientists have been trying to do things like this for many years. There is today no ability to do anything like what Shaun Kranish is describing. He is describing a fantasy. We simply do not have anything even close to this capability. Maybe some day we will have something like this.

To say that we can CURRENTLY move fronts around and steer hurricanes in the way Shaun is describing is nonsense.
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Post by Famspear »

By the way, scientists were seeding clouds in an attempt to affect the weather as long ago as the 1960s, when we talked about it science class in grade school. So, scientists have been working on attempting to control the weather for a long time.

Shaunie-poo apparently has some serious dysfunction in the part of his thinker that deals with sorting and analyzing information, especially in the area of meteorology. An attempt to control the weather (such as by seeding clouds) is not actual control of the weather. Likewise, a theory about control of the weather, or a computer model simulating same, is not control of the weather. I'm thinking that if Shaun's grade school science teachers knew about this, they'd be pretty disappointed.
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Post by grixit »

In the mid 70's Pat Robertson claimed he had successfully prayed away hurricanes from Florida. This provoked an angry response from a neopagan group that said Robertson was stealing their credit since it was their rituals that did the trick. Meanwhile, the then government of Venezuela claimed that the US government was protecting Florida with secret hurricanes steering technology. But the diverted hurricanes were hiting Venezuela instead. Years later, Pat Robertson returned to the subject and claimed that gay rights parades in Florida were going to provoke God into sending more hurricanes.
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

I know if I lived in a world without the Income Tax, I would be spontaniously wealthier than everybody else and the Blackwater helicopters would stop following me.
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Post by Famspear »

grixit wrote:
In the mid 70's Pat Robertson claimed he had successfully prayed away hurricanes from Florida. This provoked an angry response from a neopagan group that said Robertson was stealing their credit since it was their rituals that did the trick. Meanwhile, the then government of Venezuela claimed that the US government was protecting Florida with secret hurricanes steering technology. But the diverted hurricanes were hiting Venezuela instead. Years later, Pat Robertson returned to the subject and claimed that gay rights parades in Florida were going to provoke God into sending more hurricanes.
I'm thinking that since gay rights parades do occur in various cities from time to time, we are still at risk of God's punishment!

Therefore, we should heed the implied warning by that venerable expert Shaun Kranish that the government just isn't going to do anything with all the marvelous hurricane-steering-and-eradication equipment they have probably stored away in some secret location, as the bad ol', mean o'l U.S. government would like nothing better than to see hurricanes and wildfires and terrorist attacks on America. So, we need to instead ask BOTH Pat Robertson AND the neopagans to pray and/or chant for all of us -- in an effort to steer those hurricanes down to Venezuela, 'cause it'll have the double benefit of saving Florida and irritating Hugo Chavez, who's the big man down in Venezuela now.


There! A comprehensive plan to make the non-Venezuelan world a better place.

I'm so impressed with myself, I'd almost consider offering myself as a candidate for Savior of the World (except that I know Peter E. "Blowhard" Hendrickson has that sewed up).
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Post by Dezcad »

Famspear wrote: I'm thinking that if Shaun's grade school science teachers knew about this, they'd be pretty disappointed.
You've merely hit the tip of the iceberg when it comes to things about Shaun that are disappointing and in many areas in addition to science.
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Post by Famspear »

Speaking of Shaun and his wife or wives, here's a page with a lovely picture down the page a bit on the left side:

http://libertydollararrest.blogspot.com ... chive.html

He looks normal.

Go figure.
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