So what is BTBATB?
BTBATB stands for Beat the Bailiffs and the Banks and is a closed Facebook group with about 53,000 members. The members posting, have a strange belief, that what they post, and the documents that they upload, will not be seen by the banks, finance companies or bailiffs. More fool them!!!!
What they don’t realise it that many of the members viewing the daily posts actually work for the ‘corrupt state’, the 'banking industry' and their 'foot soldiers' (bailiffs') (see below).
The page also arranges 'Boots on the Ground'. If a bailiff clamps a vehicle, or if there is a eviction, they will arrange 'Boots' (aka Freeman thugs) to descend on the property to 'reason with the bailiffs and police (i.e. spout FMoTL nonsense, video the action and upload onto YouTube).
The site has about two dozen moderators; chief amongst them is Nadine Potter who rules the site with an iron fist. She is so much into the Freeman woo woo that there is no helping her. She’s also bloody nasty.
Last night she helpfully explained why BTBATB was set up…and the RULES.
Nadine Potter
8 hrs
Some of you just don't get it! Or you can't be arsed to read the rules of this group! Or research..Here is the deal you can't be arsed to read the rules of the group and adhere to them then I WILL remove you..It really is that simple.
1..Racism will not be tolerated..instant ban
2. Bullying of members is not allowed... A warning will be given .then temporary ban.....
3..Anyone caught blocking admins will be deleted until they unblock.
4. Please do not recommend StepChange, Cab, Payplan, Cap, Iva's or Dro's. We do not work in the governments favour.
5..Admins decisions are final. Suck it up!
6. NATURE OF GROUP - Was set up when everyday people experienced first hand corruption involving the state, politicians, the media, the judiciary, the banking industry and their footsoldiers AKA bailiffs.
Since that day in Oldham back in August 2013 we have gradually become a watchdog of state, corporate and judicial corruption in the UK, while at the same time actively and practically helping people through their everyday struggles and empowering people to help others.
If you like helping others or witnessing others being helped along with the odd highly controversial topical debate, sprinkled with humour and banter then this is the place to chill.
7. No in boxing advice post the community will help you.
8. No screen shooting of personal posts you will receive an instant ban.
9. No judging on of how people situations have occurred, we are a help and support group, not a judgement group, if something deserves criticism then it needs help, the situation a person has found themselves in will not be helped with more criticism and is just a pointless waste of energy by whoever has got on their high horse.
10. No gofundme or similar.