Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by littleFred »

Not with a bang, but a whimper. Though the whimpering has been long-winded.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by longdog »

exiledscouser wrote: Unless you include the thick wad of promissory notes in Smith's sky-rocket which are now, in many cases just 7 years away from Petey being able to call in. Now THAT might be a heap of fun, particularly if he goes after Jimmy One Cell.
At the risk of repeating (actually... the certainty) myself Poe's chances of ever being able to enforce payment on the "promissory notes" are somewhere slightly south of fuck all. He obtained the "promissory notes" on the basis that their value could be drawn upon to pay out on the WeRe 'cheques' / WeRe 'LLTS'. As he has NEVER paid out on a single 'cheque' or 'LLT' every single contract with his marks is null and void. Every single 'promissory note' was obtained by deception and therefore does not have to be settled at the end of seven years, ten years or indeed... Ever.

To be honest I don't think Poe has ever had any intention of demanding settlement of the PNs. It was just a part of the scam.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

exiledscouser wrote:Are we finally witnessing the death of this enterprise? Thoughts?
WeRe Bank, yes. The underlying concept, no.

WeRe Bank is dead in the water. I doubt Peter is getting any monthly fees or new signups at this point. That debit card nonsense fooled no one. I bet he didn't even recoup his costs on that.

But this German court ruling will not make anyone think "gee whiz, I guess you just can't write a cheque against a promissory note." They'll think Peter failed because he didn't properly cite the Bills of Exchange Act, invoke maritime law, renounce the authority of the Pope, or whatever. Later, they'll sign right up for the next iteration of this scam.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

What still puzzles, curiouses me, is why/how Woehrle got PoE in to court in the first place, he has made an point of being scarce all the other times. Although it doesn't appear from reports that he testified. I wonder if the court was aware, or aware and being sarcastic, that Woehrle being an investment advisor is about on part with PoE being a banker. As in purest fantasy.

i would think, careful there, that at this late remove that even the dimmest of his followers would have by now have figured out that the ship dun sunk, but then one would have thought they'd have figured out that it was a scam to begin with, and we know how that turned out. So i guess we'll see, but I would think the German contingent would get the hint though considering that the courts there are smacking them down right and left and not being in the least subtle about it.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

notorial dissent wrote:What still puzzles, curiouses me, is why/how Woehrle got PoE in to court in the first place, he has made an point of being scarce all the other times. Although it doesn't appear from reports that he testified.
That's the burning question on my mind, too. Why did he choose to appear at this case, and ignore every single other plea for help along the way?

The only possible explanations I can think of are:

1) Woehrle paid him for his 'extended support package'. Woehrle is stupid enough and PoE is greedy enough for this to be plausible.

2) It's a last ditch effort from PoE at raising his trust levels with the German crowd given the English flock haven't followed their shepherd blindly enough (as he keeps berating them.) Less likely, given he's already lost 90% of the Germans too through his half-assed commitment and repeated flitting between both sides of the continent.

3) He's become very aware that he's run out of useful material to spin into marketing, and saw this as the perfect opportunity to stoke the fire? Possible given he must be desperate by now, but at the same time a far stretch given how doomed this case was from the start.

Ultimately, I have no idea. Given the expense it must have taken to get there - plus his rightful fear of advertising his whereabouts - it does make you wonder what's in it for him. Pure mystery.

Desperation, money and sex are three of the biggest motivators behind human behaviour. Unless he's fucking Woerhle more than just figuratively, I can only imagine it's one of the former two.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

From Peter's descriptions of his videos that were linked to earlier in this thread, it sounded like he was planning to get some kind of vindication in this trial:
This is making of WeRe Bank - you are witnessing its insistent march to Victory.
Why he thought the march to victory would begin in an appeals case where WeRe Bank had already lost, I have no idea.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

I will admit, that of the three options, 1 is the only one that even vaguely makes sense, but i still can't imagine PoE actually showing up. I would have figured him for leaving Woehrle even more high and dry than he was to begin with. Since this was an appeal hearing I can't imagine they would have allowed witnesses, so I don't quite see the point in him being there. Woehrle is an idiot though, so who knows.

I still think PoE is as delusional as his followers.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by littleFred »

Video "Peter of England" verarscht mt der "WeRe Bank" ein paar Deppen at 1m 07s:
Peter wrote:And what we must also put into position, from your lawyer is the damages when we prove our case. We will be putting in a claim for damages in excess, well, I don't know what the figures would be, but ...
Yes, I think Peter was deluded into thinking he would ride into court on his white horse and not only prove Woehrle innocent, but "we" would also get damages from the German tax authorities.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by exiledscouser »

Long dog.

As regards calling in the PNs sometime in the future, it's not that I think Smith would succeed. Rather the sport and pure joy at seeing the indefensible in pursuit of the inedible as Oscar Wylde might have said, a massive footly "Blue on Blue".

Imagine the slug-fest in court proceedings before HHJ Disinterested, each side deploying ever more outrageous legal hokum. I'd pay good money to cheer both sides on from the public gallery.

"I'll see your Magna Carta and raise you a Papal Bull"

"You're bluffing, you've been bankrupt since 1933! I'll raise you the Treaty of Utrecht and a UCC 302.1 for dishonour."

"Ha! I have you now - Letter One! letter Two! and the coup de grace, fire Letter THREE!"

"I Call - judge Denning!!"

Anyway, one can only dream.
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

Of course, in order to do anything with the PN's he'd have to go to court for enforcement, and I just don't see it working, or him actually setting foot inside a court for that matter. On top of being a liar and a con man, he is first and foremost a coward.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Burnaby49 »

Ha! I have you now - Letter One! letter Two! and the coup de grace, fire Letter THREE!
The gold standard is five letters. The three letter iteration is just a shoddy shortcut method. If you are going to court you have to do it right.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Chaos »

notorial dissent wrote:What still puzzles, curiouses me, is why/how Woehrle got PoE in to court in the first place,
I would need definitive proof he was in court for an actual case involving his sham to even ask that question.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

Chaos wrote:I would need definitive proof he was in court for an actual case involving his sham to even ask that question.
The local newspaper story cited above confirms the existence of the case, and Peter's videos linked earlier in the thread show he was at least at the location of the trial.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Chaos wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:What still puzzles, curiouses me, is why/how Woehrle got PoE in to court in the first place,
I would need definitive proof he was in court for an actual case involving his sham to even ask that question.
Thinking about it, there's not actually any evidence that he was there on Monday. All we know for certain was that he appeared at the previous hearing a couple of weeks back along with a good number of other freetards (who were let in as spectators, for some unknown reason.) That was verified by one of them, who wrote a lengthy German blog post about it from inside the court room, with pictures. Link was a page or two back.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Bones »

I wonder what Petie is upto now.. He has gone very quiet......

Like all the lies about car insurance etc, it does't appear that a single WeRe card has been issued or a single retailer has a WeRe Bank card reader.......
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by longdog »

Bones wrote:I wonder what Petie is upto now.. He has gone very quiet......
He's just posted over on Facebook his explanation of how a defeat in a German court is a victory.... Or is it the other way round?
An Update on The Process in Germany on the 19th September 2016:

The Beginning of The End for Axel Muller

The so called “process” of establishing a modicum of comprehension of the ideology and function of WeRe Bank and the Unstoppable Promissory Note took a very positive turn on Monday 19th September 2016 – (full moon) in the Ravensburg Landsgericht.

The Statsanwalt, (name please), and Richter (righter) Axel Muller again, with members of the Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasons, Zionist Bankers and Jesuit Satanist cabal, attempted to pervert the Word of God, Good and Truth. All things in their world are reversed, truth becomes the lie and lies pass for truth.

We see that the two culprits, who will both be reprimanded for the debacle which they attempted to pass off as a legitimate process, conspired, with others to simply ignore the tenets, phraseology and grammar of the Ultimate Commercially Recognised Financial Instrument on this Planet – the Promissory Note (futures contract).
The Formula is accepted worldwide – no discussion here.
The formula for such a note is well documented. Please consult the internet search engines for the Formula and Accepted Wordology. ... issory-not

Every single commercial agreement – ON THE PLANET – which allows payment in a delayed fashion is a PROMISE TO PAY. Every one – there is no exception! The promissory note handed by AW to WeRe Bank, helps AW create the bank note, which is the LLT.
Has anyone, anyone at all TRANSLATED AND READ OUT IN OPEN COURT what it says on the back of the LLT?

All Euro[ ECB] bank notes are promissory notes – though they don’t even dare say so on the note, because they know they can NEVER BE REPAID. Euros are but worthless scraps of paper on their face.

A promise always supposes that the ORIGINAL IS NOT PRESENT otherwise there would be no necessity for the PROMISE to deliver in the first place.

The notes for example you give to the check-out girl in Morrisons or Tesco to pay for your goods are promises to pay, are they not?


The baboons in the Ravensburg Landsgericht process have made almost every possible mistake in conducting their “due diligence” and failed singularly to ask the most basic questions:

1.“What are the legal and grammatical requirements for the creation of a valid promissory note?
2. Is Andreas Woehrle’s created note, “a promissory note?”
3. Is said note “valid?”
4. If not why not?

They wasted 2 whole days covering all sorts of nonsense BUT failed to address the question of LEGITIMACY and VALIDITY.

Neither, have the first idea of the working of commercial instruments and smile, laugh and jape in the Affen-Theatre which they attempt of pass off as German Justice or fair play. What an immense joke.
They fly their flag and posture against the Jesus Injunction: “Be kind to and forgive and offer help to all who come to you asking!” which makes them anti Christs does it not?

And we know what the Anti- Christ is – Satan, OTO, Freimauer, Global Baal Worshipping Freemasonry, Trolls, Crowleyanity, Thelema and their Satanic dogma of, “Do what thou willst is the extent of the law!”

To summarise:

The duo fell into a trap.
Those advising them fell into it too.
They failed to address anything of substance in such an important ruling/case/process. Why?
They dishonoured their Masters – who expect at least the basics to be covered in such events.
For this they bring consequences upon the entire Hierarchy of Service to Self-Beings above them
These beings will require compensation.

On we go….

Peter of England
So basically it's more of the same crap. Promissory notes are payment, Euros are worthless and Poe knows the (German) law better than everybody else.

The predicted failure of the woo was really just a cunning plan to make TPTB fall into a trap. :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

This is a new angle:
Promissory Note (futures contract).
Those are not the same thing. A promissory note is a promise to pay, while a futures contract is an agreement to purchase something.

But it's interesting to look at Peter's scheme from the perspective of a futures contract. What dictates the value of a futures contract? Beliefs about the future, and about what the value of something will be. The price of agricultural commodities, for example, rises and falls in reaction to information about weather; production reports; potential legislation; instability in producing regions; supply/demand; and many other factors.

If Peter's promissory notes were a futures contract - a commodity that could be traded based on the belief that those who wrote them would pay as promised - they would be worthless. Because it's obvious that the people who wrote them have no ability to deliver as promised. In fact, they wrote these notes solely to avoid paying much lesser amounts.

That's why, I think, Peter hasn't resold the prom notes; because nobody wants to buy them. Even in goofy guru land, the worthlessness of it all is apparent.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Jeffrey »

They wasted 2 whole days covering all sorts of nonsense BUT failed to address the question of LEGITIMACY and VALIDITY.
In the case Peter browses the thread. All sorts of people have explained to you why your promissory note is nonsense and you've ignored them. If this German court provided yet another explanation of why your notes are worthless would it make a difference?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by PeanutGallery »

While I would like for this to be the end of Peter's adventures with his Were bank, one thing we must be wary of is the ability of these guru's to spin every certain failure into proof that the nonsense works. Peter is already going down that road and putting the blame on a corrupt system that doesn't let honest men like him win. It is a time trodden road that these guru's will keep repeating.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by littleFred »

More smoke and mirrors from Peter.

It didn't matter if Woehrle promised to give Peter anything in ten years' time. It wouldn't even matter if Woehrle had actually given Peter £150,000 in cold hard cash.

What mattered to the court was: did Woehrle pay his tax bill? No. Did Peter pay the tax bill? No.

What matters to other suckers is: would Peter ever honour cheques, LLTs, bank cards or anything else? No.