Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Pox »

letissier14 wrote:Andy Pears telling it like it really isn't


Why did the defendant sacked his legal adviser?

I wonder if he was advised to plead guilty but repentant and full of remorse?
Maybe the defendant shouldn't be so confident with his no case to answer plea.
Just supposition on my part.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by letissier14 »


And this is how freeman on the land make money ....

The Winchester Declaration



Under the gaze of King Alfred the Great - also known to history as Alfred the Lawgiver - constitutional experts and activists from all around the country will gather at the Guildhall in the ancient capital of Winchester on Saturday, 19th November to make a public and historic declaration requiring that the Rule of Law be immediately restored within the United Kingdom.

This has been deemed necessary because there is on the horizon a gathering storm of tyranny. A secretive and powerful cabal, made up largely of unelected and unaccountable international bankers, financiers and industrialists, is now starting to exert its corporate globalist ambitions to the extent that Britain’s constitution of ancient laws and customs, which effectively protects all of our individual and essential freedoms, is at very real risk of being replaced by an authoritarian system of government and judiciary that George Orwell would immediately recognise.

Using a closely linked network of international ‘think tanks’ and ‘conferences’, highly placed decision-makers and opinion formers are busy engineering a gradual but steady shift towards imposition and acceptance of some form of corporate global governance – a form of modern day feudalism whereby the elite one per cent directly control the lives of everybody else. And, of course, this is being achieved at the expense of individual sovereign nations and the freedoms of sovereign human beings. None of us are born to be debt slaves to the corporate elite. But we are born to be equal under the Rule of Law.

Interfere with the 1215 Magna Carta at your peril….

This process, known by most informed people as ‘globalisation’, is now at a very advanced stage and it would appear that successive governments, with the connivance and support of the world’s financial centre, the City of London, have deliberately and treasonously driven a coach and horses through the 1215 Great Charter (Magna Carta) and our ancient Trial by Jury Common Law of the Land constitution.

Magna Carta was a peace treaty to bring to heel a wayward, tyrannical and lawless monarch. The sealing of this agreement restored King John firmly back under the ancient and proven Common Law of the Land and, because the Great Charter pre-dates by fifty years the 1265 first-ever, statute creating English Parliament of Simon de Montfort, it enjoys complete precedence and supremacy over all statutes passed by all Parliaments since. In other words, Magna Carta 1215 cannot lawfully be repealed or tampered with in any way by our self-serving, agenda-driven and, in some cases, treasonous politicians.

The strictures of the Great Charter are completely binding on Executive, Legislature, the Judiciary and the entire population. Unfortunately, this simple constitutional fact has been overlooked by our politicians who continue to legislate and pass hundreds, if not thousands of statutes in order to micro-manage our lives. Regrettably – and it has to be said, deliberately - many of these statutes are designed to unlawfully impinge upon our inalienable common law rights.
Our elected representatives, both erroneously and treasonously, now believe that Parliament is the supreme law making body in our country. In the seventeenth century our island nation suffered from monarchs who believed in the ‘Divine Right of Kings’. Today, we have to endure the pronouncements of politicians who believe in the ‘Divine Right of Parliament’. They have forgotten that they are simply our elected servants and are compelled by the Law of the Land (legem terrae), as indeed we all are, to be completely subservient to the Trial by Jury Common Law constitution as laid down in the Great Charter.

Over the years, politicians of all persuasions and from both sides of the House of Commons, in clear breach of Article 39 of the Great Charter, have ensured that Trial by Jury no longer applies to Magistrates Courts, County Courts and Family Courts. Judges and magistrates in these courts take it upon themselves to act as both judge and jury and in doing so are not only in clear breach of Article 39, but also of their oaths of office and are therefore committing treason. The sight of judges and magistrates fleeing their courts when politely challenged about their oaths, proves this.

What we are now witnessing are effectively ‘kangaroo courts’ or ‘star chambers’ where unfathomable legalese, outright deception and commercial interests prevail over proper justice and the rule of law. This is nothing but straight forward tyranny and we, the British people, are allowing this all to happen virtually unchallenged. It might just be pertinent to say here that history records that King Alfred had Justice Frebern and Justice Cadwine both hanged because, in a treasonous manner, they interfered with the Common Law Trial by Jury process.

And even where juries are allowed in the Crown Courts, essential knowledge about the process of Annulment by Jury – whereby unjust and flawed legalisation passed by Parliament can be neutralised or annulled by any jury of randomly selected people – is being deliberately withheld from the jurors by judges who should know better. Annulment by Jury is the people’s ultimate defence and shield against the emergence of tyrannical government. And the absolute supremacy of the 1215 Great Charter means that this process cannot, in anyway whatsoever, be challenged, ignored or watered down by today’s judiciary or parliamentarians…..to do so is simple treason.

It is a sad reflection upon our system-serving and party-whipped politicians that they don’t seem to comprehend that all people are born equal under the law and equal to judge over the law as jurors. Displaying unbelievable ignorance and arrogance, we are always being told by our MPs that our country enjoys no written constitution and that Magna Carta holds no real and lasting sway over the day to day running of the country. Indeed, because of flawed, agenda-driven and subversive academia, there is now a whole generation of young people who are living their lives in almost complete ignorance about Trial by Jury Common Law and our ancient rights and customs as confirmed by the 1215 Magna Carta.
To preserve our freedoms from the gathering storm of organised corporate and financial tyranny that is about to break over our heads, we, the British nation, need to wake up quickly to our real and proven history and to our constitutional responsibilities.

Justice for sale…

Wherever you look today, we are living in a country where blatant fraud, deception and treason are all being practised by both our elected government and by the judiciary in league with the greed and corruption of the financiers in the City of London along with the globalist ambitions of the private central bankers. The British people are being deprived of their most basic freedoms and rights, along with their access to real and true justice, as we witness the increasing and insidious approach of complete corporate globalisation.

Within the parameters of the corporate and financial centre of the City of London, you will find the hub of the United Kingdom’s legal profession in the form of the Middle Temple and the Law Society – both organisations involved in making obscene amounts of money out of today’s so-called justice system; seemingly putting the pursuit of profit before the pursuit of justice and so pricing many people out of being able to seek justice.

Articles 36 and 40 of the Great Charter make it quite clear that money should never ever reflect justice and that private prosecutions against infractions of Common Law by government personnel and others can be brought cost free. So to those lawyers, judges, politicians, civil servants and others who knowingly practice treason and who profit at the expense of justice, watch out, the British people are becoming aware of our lawful rights.

Who controls the money calls the tune….

But the crucial reason why this advance towards corporate fascism is now becoming a reality for so much of the world is because of how money is created and by whom. Humanity has very stupidly allowed a tiny number of usury-practising and dynastic psychopaths to unlawfully create, issue and control the world's money supply by simply creating that money completely out of thin air as debt. That's it! In one sentence the world's predicament is accurately summed up.

Wars, famines, austerity, debt and human misery are all allowed to happen because we permit a secretive, unaccountable, unelected and privately controlled central banking system to exist. Why? Because corrupted and cowardly politicians of all persuasions and nationalities have unlawfully given away the right of any sovereign nation to create, issue and control the amount of money or liquidity needed for that nation to be secure, happy and prosperous. So please pay attention all you ‘economists’ who think you know it all, you don’t! You are just being, to use their words not ours, ‘useful idiots’ to support and give credibility to a completely unlawful and insane system of money creation and money supply.

The simple historical fact is this – no sovereign nation ever has to borrow money from the private financial sector. Any sovereign nation can create debt-free and interest-free money through its treasury that is based simply on the credit and potential of that nation. This simple fiscal measure, known as Sovereign National Credit, can be practised by any nation and in doing so will sound the death knell for the privately run central banking system, especially for the ‘central bank of the central banks’ - the very low profile and secretive Bank for International Settlements (BIS). This one organisation’s demise would see humanity’s immediate release from unlawful debt bondage thus leaving the peoples of the world to live peaceful, happy and prosperous lives.

For the United Kingdom to restore the process of Sovereign National Credit, and to remove the unlawful influence of the City of London upon our elected representatives, the Rule of Law movement calls for the immediate bringing back of the 1914 Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound (see links below for further details). This little known example from history will completely end austerity; will ensure proper funding for the NHS and the vulnerable in our society; will completely end debt for students; will give the funding needed for major infrastructure projects; and will give our armed services the wherewithal to defend properly our nation’s sovereignty.

The Restoration Amendment….

The Rule of Law movement is not a political party. But to fully restore our Trial by Jury Common Law constitution and to take back complete control of our money and wealth creation from the private bankers and financiers, we need honourable and wise people to stand in the next General Election as independent Rule of Law candidates.
Their task would be to simply put before the electorate the Restoration Amendment. This calls for the immediate and lawful restoration of trial by jury for all cases of law whilst at the same time calling for the immediate and lawful restoration of sovereign national credit to meet the needs, happiness and prosperity of the British nation. That’s it! Just these two requirements will disperse forever the gathering storm of corporate tyranny whilst at the same time setting our nation on a course for real peace, truth and prosperity. But for every constituency in the country to have a Rule of Law presence, it’s now time for good people everywhere to do the right thing and to come forward to put an end to the lawlessness of our country.

Please come and be a part of history….

The Winchester Declaration event will begin at 11.00am sharp and will end with the actual Declaration itself at 6.00pm. Tickets if bought on-line here

http://www.britishconstitutiongroup.com ... ce-tickets

tickets are £10 each. If bought on the day they will be £20 each. The Hall takes an absolute maximum of 600 people and as tickets are selling fast we would advise people to buy on-line to avoid disappointment.

This will truly be an event of historical importance – the people’s effective backlash against corporate and financial greed and tyranny….not to mention organised and Establishment-led child abuse….will begin on November 19th 2016. The Rule of Law is coming back!

So.... 600 tickets @ £10 = £6000 or 600 tickets @ £20 = £1200
Last edited by letissier14 on Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by SteveUK »

Is this Roger Hayes' BCG or something else?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by grixit »

I predict that attendance will be slightly less than 600. With the number of participants actually showing up there will be a little room left, say just enough to hold a roller disco event.

That is, unless they start giving away free tickets, and maybe promising free drinks.

Btw, Tom Crawford, what *was* the law in the saxon kingdoms for when someone, having lost title to a property through failure to pay the mortgage, then returned with a gang of ruffians, damaged the property, and obstructed the king's reeves?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Skeleton »

Tom stated maybe only a month ago on FB that he did not understand the British Constitution Group and the way of its workings. I am guessing he is hoping to see 600 adoring "Tom" fans. I am also certain he is going to be disappointed. He sure has learnt how to cut and paste though.

For and on the Record Tom, this is still recorded on GOODF. Your first post you removed but guess what go to page 2.

Re: Mortgage Help
Postby tommc » Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:07 pm

Thank you Zarkie, We don't have a court hearing as my first post explains, we just have to keep paying till the 25 years are up, four month time, then they will require us to pay infull the mortgage that we took out 25 years ago.
our last letter to them we asked for,
Full disclosure, Equal consideration, lawful terms and conditions, two wet signatures from both parties.
Please take notice.
Please reply to this letter within 14 days, failure to reply with substance, will mean the debt has been dissolved.
Now the 14 days are up tomorrow any ideas what we should send them.
Ye made men with burdens grievous to be born, yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers...Woe unto you lawyers! ye have taken away the key of knowledge ye entered not yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.
Luke 11:45-55
Black and white you knew what was happening with your mortgage Tom and black and white you trying to wriggle out of paying. I will just post a record here in case like your original plea to swindle the system on page 1 you removed, this gets removed from page 2.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by getoutofdebtfools »

I just love all this 'history in the making' and 'standing up' against the oppressors guff. All these Freetards do it and never get anywhere.

Laughably pointless drivel as always Tom. Keeps us entertained though so keep it up though :haha:
Oh the irony of the Get Out Of Debt Free website :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by littleFred »

Most of that manifesto is junk, of course, but this one got me thinking:
This calls for the immediate and lawful restoration of trial by jury for all cases of law ...
Suppose all cases, civil and criminal, needed a jury. (Of 12, or 25?) How much longer would cases take? How many new court buildings would we need to cope with this? Where would all the jurors come from?

Given the usual FMOTL/sov-cit stance on jury service ("avoid it"), how do they reconcile this?
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by NYGman »

Skeleton wrote:I will just post a record here in case like your original plea to swindle the system on page 1 you removed, this gets removed from page 2.
Can you do a screenshot for posterity?
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Bones »

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 10#p151216

Tom Crawfraud wrote:we just have to keep paying till the 25 years are up, four month time, then they will require us to pay infull the mortgage that we took out 25 years ago.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Bones »

Another interesting one

http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 30#p158852

Come August Bradford & Bingley will be demanding £45,000 from us, as that is the sum that our endowment should have been paying to them, but unfortunately the endowment has gone missing and they deny everything. They put me on a interest only payments without our knowledge
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by TheNewSaint »

The simple historical fact is this – no sovereign nation ever has to borrow money from the private financial sector.
Umm, war bonds? Or government bonds of any type? How ignorant can these people be?
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Tom Crawford wrote:
They put me on a interest only payments without our knowledge
That does indicate that Tom did not understand what an endowment mortgage is.
But as for this:
Equal consideration
He really hasn't got a clue. It would mean that no one anywhere could ever make a profit. What an idiot.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by NYGman »

I have always thought that in Tom's mind, he wanted to lay fault with the loss of the Endowment policy on the bank, and because they "lost" it, they should pick up the balance. I think this was what he wanted to beat the bank with, when he posted initially. Essentially, they mis-sold it, they lost it, they should be responsible for the balance, since there was no longer an endowment. That was really his initial position. Their negligence in loosing the endowment, should result in them eating the principal. I don't think he quite understood that Sue Canceled it, and he was still responsible for the debt.

Then GOOFY got ahold of him, and the story and thinking changed... Interesting how facts can change, after you "learn" stuff on the internet.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by daveBeeston »

It does make you wonder if at the time he first posted on goodf if he knew that Sue had cancelled the endowment policy or if Sue had spun him a line when the demand for full payment came in and she realised she had made a huge mistake.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by TheNewSaint »

I think the Crawfords genuinely never understood the mortgage they had. Tom still claims the endowment was lost, but people here have posted screenshots from Tom's own videos showing that the endowment was credited to their account, and court proceedings determined they had stopped paying into it.

Which is where they started to go wrong, of course. You can't just declare your mortgage settled and stop paying it. Their disagreement could have been resolved - and it appears B&B made above-and-beyond efforts to work with the Crawfords - but they chose to be belligerent and pursue FMOTL theories. GOOFY did get a hold of them, though I don't think they needed much coercion to go that route.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Burnaby49 »

Bones wrote:http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 10#p151216

Tom Crawfraud wrote:we just have to keep paying till the 25 years are up, four month time, then they will require us to pay infull the mortgage that we took out 25 years ago.
I read that as saying he joined GOODF on April 23rd, 2013 and posted this April 29th by which time he'd made 527 posts. 527 posts in 6 days?

Edit - Never mind. Like Quatloos it is posts to date.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by littleFred »

TheNewSaint wrote:
The simple historical fact is this – no sovereign nation ever has to borrow money from the private financial sector.
Umm, war bonds? Or government bonds of any type? How ignorant can these people be
Well, the SovCit argument is that governments do borrow money from the private sector but they don't need to, because they can just print money.

This is correct, they can print money instead of borrowing it. But this has a side-effect of devaluing money. That's the commodity the government needs: value, not money.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Bungle »

#six wrote:
Bungle wrote:
TheNewSaint wrote:
Tom Crawford has been trying to get a jury trial for months without success. This guy gets one for doing a duck impression.
Andy Pears is full of bullshit.

According to information on Law Pages, the hearing today is just a bloody Directions hearing and the actual case itself is listed for trial on 12th June 2017 !!!!

The following is also BULLSHIT. There is no hearing tomorrow or Thursday and neither of these two witnesses will be attending.
My witnesses are due to attend on the 2nd day Wednesday or 3rd day Thursday depending on which of the many letters/summonses that have been sent out by my 'no longer acting' solicitors [Lizars], you choose to believe?

This includes Tom Crawford and Jay Brad Bradley although my key witness Jay is now on holiday abroad and cannot attend.

Because of the confusion as to when the witnesses are required and that a couple of them are not available to attend, I have been granted the chance to explain the reasons needed for an adjournment. Hopefully this will mean that after the hearing Tuesday we will have a proper fixed date set for any pending trial, but this time without the continued confusion created by my precious solicitors.
You appear to be psychic. You knew the trial was going to be June 12th before the judge announced it!
Andy Pears
well after fighting my way through all my supporters haha NOT i finally got into court only to find my one and only sole devoted fan cough cough Stalker(you know who he is) sitting in the public gallery. The prosecutor argued that i had ample time to prep my defence(2 weeks since sacking barrister) that the trial should go ahead. i explained that my key witness was abroad and the judge agreed that he needs to be present. my Trial is adjourned until 12th June. The judge said its the way it is im afraid, i needed to join the back of the queue .
Like · 2 · 15 hrs (Oct 11th 19:06)
Well either that or Pears is bullshitting :snicker:
Sorry for late reply. No, I am not psychic. Shortly after 10am on the day of the supposed 3 day trial, the Law Pages website was showing that the hearing was just a Directions Hearing with the case set down for trial in June 2017.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Bungle »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Bones wrote:http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/forum/v ... 10#p151216

Tom Crawfraud wrote:we just have to keep paying till the 25 years are up, four month time, then they will require us to pay infull the mortgage that we took out 25 years ago.
I read that as saying he joined GOODF on April 23rd, 2013 and posted this April 29th by which time he'd made 527 posts. 527 posts in 6 days?

Edit - Never mind. Like Quatloos it is posts to date.
Something is odd.

He joined GOODY on 23rd April 2013 and obviously made some posts in the first few days. I say this because the following advice was given to him 4 days later by Mareo.

mareo » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:51 pm

Tom, hello and welcome to GOODF,

you have certainly been through some stuff,
you need to read up on the entire mortgage section,, still takes about an afternoon to do.

you will discover that yes they have been negligent in transferring your mortgage from endowment to interest only, however they are absolved by way of your giving them POA,. Power of Attorney to act on your behalf, this POA is conveniently hidden in the unilateral (one signature, one agreement) 'contract' conditions.

This POA needs to be revoked immediately, please read up as quick as you can, steep learning curve ahead for you. they will are 'acting' on your behalf and interest when they reposes under said POA, daft and back to front i know, but this is the information we have uncovered over the last few months.

Have a read through the threads, learn stuff you are unfamiliar with, then you will be in the best position to act, form an attack (and not a defense) of the situation.

Ask anything that you are unsure of after reading, so we all may be in a better position to assist.

just some thoughts, but did they inform you of the change?
did they seek your permission?
was your payments altered to reflect this new interest only mortgage?
how did you discover your change in mortgage?
when did you discover this change?
how long was the intermediate time between change and notice?
did you ever refuse to accept this new mortgage offer?

their claim to 'losing vital documentation' could be a bonus, they lost their paperwork, so could have lost your rejection at the time ;)

Get reading kiddo and get asking questions that we may assist you with in the direction you wish to persure.

You will be empowered through conducting your own learning curve, do not be put of, i failed English at school :roll: however this site and the marvelous members helped me to learn that i what i have learned and compels me to learn all that i do not know.

If it was a hard task to do then we would not be here, none of us,..learning is fun especially when you can use it to fight against the corruption of others, the institutions they work for and the fraud perpetrated against us all.

no silver bullets as such, more like a nuke ;)

Read up on Promissory notes, the Bills of Exchange act 1882 to better understand the use of same and promissory notes, all of which you will find within this site here at GOODF.

there is an event coming up on the 11th of May in Nottingham, your part of the world, pop along and meet other like minded individuals to exchange stories, experiences and question the folks you meet up there
It would seem that there had been some editing because Tom's posts from the 23rd April 2013 to 27th April 2013 have gone missing.
TUCO said to me:
“I envy you for the job that you do in helping advise people. If I could choose an occupation, this is what I would like to do. Much of the advice that I pass onto people is heavily influenced by your posts”.
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Re: Losing Your Home, Crawford Style

Post by Skeleton »

The thread has definitely been edited, on his very first post on GOODF he admits he owes the money and even mentions the amount involved. That is one of the posts that has gone but being Tom he has left other incriminating posts alone. I am sure someone here will have a copy of said post.

As an aside makes me laugh when they edit or heavily mod posts over on Goodf. I remember on one occasion someone having a totally one sided conversation with himself as all the replies were removed. :haha: :haha: :haha:
When I looked up "Ninjas" in Thesaurus.com, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played. :lol: :lol: