Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

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notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

longdog wrote:It's been over a month now since the great victory defeat in the German court case and as far as the 'ReMovement', the 'WeRe Bank' and the 'Re' in general goes Poe has remained uncharacteristically quiet. Is it getting near the time when we can declare the whole thing over and done with and start writing the ObituaRe?
Normally I'd say it was time to stick a fork in it, but in this case you'd have to find it first. They keep saying footl's aren't slow on the uptake, and yet here is PoE making a lie of that, almost two years and he still has hangers on. They'd probably still be sending him money if they had any place to send it to.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Bones »

And he is back :brickwall:


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Published on Oct 30, 2016

The following scenarios are touched upon here:
1. Billary Steals the election and the people roll over and accept it.
2. Billary Steals it and there is a hue and cry and social order meltdown caused by Trump and supporters knowing it for what it is - A Fix!
3. The Donald wins by a landslide and again things get a bit sticky - but well prevails in the end and the Globalist Agenda is derailed TOTALLY.
4. Billary is assassinated so that she does NOT take the House Down.
5. Barry Sotero calls a State of Emergency either due to a REAL solar EMP or one "man made" to look like one - this prevents the Inauguration on the 17th January 2017 of ANYONE and he does a 3rd term...forever.
6. The Executive Order is used to blame Russia for the melt down as they hide planetary objects nearing the Earth.

Variations on the above are possible of course as well as me missing the most obvious...

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Bones »

and there is more

Image ...
Published on Oct 30, 2016

Peter of England was outside the Ecuadorean Embassy in 2012 at the beginning of JA's forced imprisonment. Now 4 years later he makes the announcement that the globalists and Billary Clinton have faltered in their attempts to silence him "for good!" His internet was cut off at the Embassy so as to provide a "smoke screen" to allow him to be removed [with the consent of the British Government]

He is free now and with friends - He was temporarily held over in an East European state prior to taking the final flight to freedom.

WikiLeaks continues:
Billary will be jailed or maybe assasinated and will not be allowed to bring the edifice down. That's of course unless Barry Sotero pulls a 3rd Term out of the hat.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Burnaby49 »

Apparently everybody knows about Julian's daring escape except for the media.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by NYGman »

Variations on the above are possible of course as well as me missing the most obvious...
So basically anything can happen and he can't be wrong. It's like saying, "I can guarantee either Hillary or Donald will win, and either nothing or something will or will not happen you will see I am a political profit."
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Bones »

Pure comedy gold from Peter...

Barack Obama's real name is Barry and he is married to a transgender person called Michael

Where does he get this from ?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Chaos »

fascinating he has to deflect from his scamming by 'worrying' about what he allegedly perceives is going on in another country. he's still reeling from the keyfob. lol
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

Bones wrote:Pure comedy gold from Peter...

Barack Obama's real name is Barry and he is married to a transgender person called Michael

Where does he get this from ?
He's reduced to reading/using VERY old very discredited US birfer nonsense. Not only NOT original, but not even very imaginative.

I will give him credit, it is an almost dead bang certainty that either Trump or Clinton will win the upcoming election, like about 99.999%, give or take .001.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by grixit »

It is true that for a few years, Obama went by the nickname Barry, and used his stepfather's last name Sotero.

What i don't get is, if there are "objects headed for Earth", what difference does who ends up leading one part of it matter?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

grixit wrote:It is true that for a few years, Obama went by the nickname Barry, and used his stepfather's last name Sotero.

What i don't get is, if there are "objects headed for Earth", what difference does who ends up leading one part of it matter?
He went by "Barry" when he was in school in Hawai'i, which considering the age bracket wouldn't have been unusual, and using his step-father's last name while his mother was married to him same difference, but hardly a conspiracy. What was common place for other people is a conspiracy when talking about Obama. There are ALWAYS "objects", we're right in the path of any number of things, none of which have gotten anything like really close any time recently other than the stray comet and meteor over the last few year.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

I absolutely love it when freemen - whose principle character trait is not being able to organize a booze-up in a brewery - talk like this:
John Oakes: Peter, just so you know I'm working on setting a date with all million mask marchers around the world to join us at werebank and removement, brother you are a true soul and I love you, bring on the common law courts and let's nail these bastards to their administritive court walls, peace, figure of speach of course

Peter Of England: That day will come my friend and "....and all those who tried to put me down had better get ready to run...'cause I'm gonna get me a ,,," as the lyrics of Cat Stevens say in the song. This gun though is going to fire ARREST WARRANTS

John Oakes I know, I've always though to myself from being a we boy, that if I don't fit in, the way things are I must be be here to to things differently somehow, and twelve years ago I discovered the late, great John Harris and his documentary called, its an illusion, from that day I new I was one of a new breed on this planet, peace brother

Peter Of England: John Oakes TIf Trump wins and they don't "terminate" him and he delivers 1% of what he promises then the the domino effect in the UK will mean that we ReTake the country...with all that that means! So it will either happen or not - let's assume it will. Thanks

John Oakes: I agree my man, I really hope he isn't the Trump card in the illuminati card game, thanks for all your hard work and sacrifice peter of england, trump does sound like he wants to put that bitchwitch in jail.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by doublelong »

Sorry if I am wrong as I am new to all this, but did John Harris not say before he took his own life that all the free man common law crap was just that, crap?
If the guy who preached it can not convince these people that it is all crap then I don't know who can. :brickwall:
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by aesmith »

Why are these FMOTL types so keen on Donald Trump?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by daveBeeston »

aesmith wrote:Why are these FMOTL types so keen on Donald Trump?
Because idiots like to surround themselves with other idiots,sorry to any Trump supports here but the guy is a first class tit.
Never argue with an idiot,they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by TheNewSaint »

doublelong wrote:Sorry if I am wrong as I am new to all this, but did John Harris not say before he took his own life that all the free man common law crap was just that, crap?
He disavowed some of his earlier beliefs, including his own videos, but IMO he didn't renounce freedmanism fully. There is a previous discussion of John Harris here:

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by longdog »

daveBeeston wrote:
aesmith wrote:Why are these FMOTL types so keen on Donald Trump?
Because idiots like to surround themselves with other idiots,sorry to any Trump supports here but the guy is a first class tit.
I think it's chiefly the fact that Trump panders to the footler's love of conspiracy theories.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
notorial dissent
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

That and that he should be their natural idol since he has walked away from millions in debts simply saying he isn't going to pay them, leaving a huge number of creditors and employees in the lurch, or filing multiple bankruptcies. He's done what they only dream and fantasize about.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Peter of England: RICO is coming to town! If anyone knows about about the reach and effect and potency of The RICO Act 1970 and is interested in helping Freeman Legal Services & ReMovement instigate it in early 2017 in the UK, then please contact me through the usual channels. All members of the ACPO as well as WM of Senior Lodges may wish to now extend their hands in friendship to accept this "Olive Branch"[ while they still have arms with which to accept it] prior to the closing of The Door - Black Rod!
I don't know what any of that word salad means, but I'm sure the powers that be are quaking in their boots.

Remind me, Peter, what are these 'usual channels' people are expected to use to contact you?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Footloose52 »

Ah, the usual guff about US legislation being enforcable in the UK.

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act 1970, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Footloose52 wrote:Ah, the usual guff about US legislation being enforcable in the UK.

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act 1970, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.
Ah okay, thanks for that. So it's totally irrelevant drivel and entirely unusable by Peter in any tangible sense save for being a bunch of legalese buzzwords that he can spout in order to project his embarrassingly juvenile roleplaying as V from V for Vendetta?

Got it!