This is now getting beyond a joke. It is obvious from this video:
that Patrick's family accept the findings of the post-mortem, that he died of natural causes and they are holding mass for him on Wednesday. The body has been released to the family. But Neelu is on the case. She is making phone calls. Three friends of Patrick demand an inquest should be held because they think he died in suspicious circumstances. Because...because...because of stuff.
Neelu says is representing four thousand people, all clients of Patrick. Patrick represented them all in court.....apparently. She is asked on two occasions if she has been in contact with his family. On one occasion she says she has but when asked to provide the name of the family member she stalls and moves on. The second time she ignores the question. When she is told that Patrick's family have control of proceedings she says that she and her friends will overrule that.
This is so wrong. Patrick's family are suffering enough as it is. The last thing they need is Neelu and her stupid friends trying to disrupt the family's wishes.
I remember many years ago a colleague of mine said something that has always remained with me. He said in life you will meet some people who there is no point in talking to because the only thing they will ever understand is a smack in the head. How right he was.
Apparently Patrick was "possibly kidnapped" on Thursday, taken to an unknown location and returned "possibly dead" to his home on Friday at 5pm.
How does Neelu know this? I hear you ask.
Because three psychics have told her. Duh! ... yet-again/