Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by bmxninja357 »

It seems like a lot of Americans didn't get there way on election day. Oh well. That's democracy. Try again in 4 years. Then there's the crybaby protesters who are happy to take to the streets often breaking laws with their protest despite the fact the majority of them didn't vote in the first place. :naughty: don't whine and snivel if you didn't participate.

then you have the Canadian opca types. They don't vote here and still bitch about our leader. Seems they belive never picking a side means not only can they be so lazy as not to vote but they think they gained a right to blame everyone from the voter right through to the politicians elect no matter the level. All the way from prime minister right down to comisioner of sanitation. Never their fault, they didn't vote for that guy! (No matter who the elect is)

And now we have Canadian freeman whom are bemoaning the outcome of some other countries election. People who couldn't even go to the states no matter who was elected. And even more so with active Warrents for impersonating a peace officer and failure to appear. Freedom should not mean interfering with some other county and it's due process. One that's really none of your business more than a miss USA pageant vote. Perhaps concern yourself with our own government elect and how they might coexist on a legal, financial, environmental and military basis with our nearesr neighbour. In short, hey non voting opca dummies - learn how things work and how you can help politically in your own country instead of talking utter bullshit just to try and feel impotent like some dumb son of a bitch.

Many if not most of these opca types in any country have spent forever teaching others not to do their census and not to vote. That is a mainstay of the movement et al. This has been spouted ad naseum on every aternative style forum since as far back as I can remember. And by virtually all the gurus and demi frauds. Here, have some fun realizing if the person you like didnt win maybe it's partially your fault. Perhaps it is opca getting to reap what they sow. Jokes on you Mr.Guru. you did it yourself. And caused many others to be just as politically and civilly retarded, selfish and lazy as you are. You must be so proud of all that facebook time trying to dupe the gullible into thinking you know politics as well as law better than anyone. Talk about a joke with no punchline.

I am left with no choice but to tell the lot of them they are being the largest bunch of geographic retards and poitical hypocrites I have ever seen. So without getting political to an unacceptable level for this forum I will give a short, easy and fun way to vote without being a dumb ass non voter helping no one and changing nothing. You see some may say spoil your ballot. this is almost as dumb as not voting at all. Just gets thrown out but at least keeps the number of participating eligable voters more accurate. This helps them figure out how many and where voting stations need to be next time around.

But the real trick is to vote. And there is always a way to vote essentially "none of the above". Some countries actually have that on their ballot. I think new Zealand is one if I remember right. But here in alberta in canada on election day if all the candidates and incumbent suck and you don't want to vote for any of the turkeys you can tell the official handing you your ballot that you "refuse your ballot". This means to the tally you would be glad to vote and it's your civic duty but none of these foks are worthy of your support. It also means the parties do not get that few bucks the government provides the leading parties as this is based on the number of votes they get. And there is similar ways to do this in ever provincial and federal election in canada as well as state and federal American elections. Use your interwebs to find the proper way to refuse your ballot in the event you deem that to be the best choice for the time.

Hope this tells it how it is without getting overly political. I mentioned no politicians name and just wanted to show how selfish, lazy and ineffective towards change this not participating in democracy is.

And I might not be done on this yet. To those who think they have some special snowflake guru status I'm going to be all to happy to point out all the hypocrisy they are spouting and exactly why it's uninformed and ineffective as well as lazy and harmful to your fellow countrymen and an aftont to democracy itself. And it's time for the real truth to rear it's ugly head.

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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

At least in California, there is no way to express your displeasure with all candidates for an office in a way that is counted by the media. (Note that each county has its own vote processing system, with the totals sent to the California Secretary of State for reporting.)
  • Options
  • Protest at the polls
    • Whether or not it would be productive, it's illegal, as interference with the voting process.
  • Refuse your ballot.
    • Not really a good solution unless you are disgusted with all candidates for all offices on the ballot, and, although possibly counted by the county, not reported by the media.
  • Write in "Mickey Mouse" (no offense intended to the rodent.)
    • I'm afraid those votes aren't counted, either, and it just makes more work for the county election board (which, at least in Orange County, has over half of the "provisional" ballots left to count.)
  • Write "None of the above".
    • In California, this is processed as the line above. Some states do have this as an option, but, even if the State publishes the count, the national media usually ignores it.
  • Leave the office blank.
    • The media should compare the number of votes for a candidate to the total number of ballots cast, rather than for the total number of ballots cast for a candidate. As far as I know, they do not. I would not be at all surprised if the percentage for each candidate for United States President was less than 25%.
In summary: If there is a way for a (California) voter to officially express displeasure for all the candidates, I don't know what it is. I agree it is likely that most of the US protesters didn't vote, but I can't think of a good way to protest at the ballot box.

I don't think this is political, as it is a discussion of what is, rather than (for the most part) what should be. Now, if the President or President-Elect were to propose something be done with paper terrorists, ....

As you may recall, for the past 10 years or so, I've been an "inspector"* in Orange County. I know how the polls are run, and know what we are told about which votes are counted.

*Inspector = volunteer* in charge of a specific polling place.
*Volunteer; we get a stipend of about $160. Considering the hours (at least 6 am through 9:30 pm, plus 3 hours training), that's less than minimum wage, so, they call us "volunteers".
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:I hear what you are saying. :-)
I don't think you did.

You turned around and posted about Menard's political opinions regarding the US election, which really has nothing to do with trying to scam people financially. Menard's political beliefs have a tangential relation to his motivation for being a sovrun, but beyond that, it is something that is out of the scope of what Quatloos is supposed to be about. Now the thread has lurched into discussing how our voting system is conducted which really is off-topic.

This needs to be reined in and re-focused on Menard and his current attempts or I will lock the thread down. I don't want to do this, I would rather have the topic open so that the next sleazy thing Menard does (and I have no doubt he will try something else) will be noted here for all to see. But I will do it if this doesn't stop.

If you need to talk about Menard, if you need to bait him, if you need to troll him, might I suggest you set up your own Menard web page on the 'Net or Facebook? That way you can give out info and opinion on Menard 24/7. But, as Ms. Peron told Che in Evita:
"...but not here, dear, Is that clear, dear?"
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

I respectfully beg to differ this time, Observer. The Menardian line on Trump's proposed violation of our civil liberties is to do nothing (Menard calls it non-consent) and denigrate those who would participate in the process of achieving a legal remedy. And the remedy is right there in front of anyone who cares to read the Constitution and a little U.S. history.

This isn't about what Menard thinks about the U.S. election. It's about his encouraging people to do nothing while a would be autocrat tramples on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This time Bobby's do nothing attitude is really dangerous!

This is about Menard and his current attempts!

But if you want me to start another thread, or address Bobby's foolishness in the abstract I will. But, IMHO, this forum is about freeman scams. And there isn't a more dangerous Menardian scheme then his attempt at duping folks into believing the best thing to do when an ignorant President elect tries to trample our rights is. . . nothing!

Dope Clock: It has been 106 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

bmxninja357 wrote:. . .then you have the Canadian opca types. They don't vote here and still bitch about our leader. Seems they belive never picking a side means not only can they be so lazy as not to vote but they think they gained a right to blame everyone from the voter right through to the politicians elect no matter the level. All the way from prime minister right down to comisioner of sanitation. Never their fault, they didn't vote for that guy! (No matter who the elect is). . .

Many if not most of these opca types in any country have spent forever teaching others not to do their census and not to vote. That is a mainstay of the movement et al. This has been spouted ad naseum on every aternative style forum since as far back as I can remember. And by virtually all the gurus and demi frauds. Here, have some fun realizing if the person you like didnt win maybe it's partially your fault. Perhaps it is opca getting to reap what they sow. Jokes on you Mr.Guru. you did it yourself. And caused many others to be just as politically and civilly retarded, selfish and lazy as you are. You must be so proud of all that facebook time trying to dupe the gullible into thinking you know politics as well as law better than anyone. Talk about a joke with no punchline. . . .

. . .Hope this tells it how it is without getting overly political. I mentioned no politicians name and just wanted to show how selfish, lazy and ineffective towards change this not participating in democracy is.

And I might not be done on this yet. To those who think they have some special snowflake guru status I'm going to be all to happy to point out all the hypocrisy they are spouting and exactly why it's uninformed and ineffective as well as lazy and harmful to your fellow countrymen and an aftont to democracy itself. And it's time for the real truth to rear it's ugly head.

Bobby's reply:
Unfortunately Ninjdiot, voting requires ID, and Freemen do not have government-issued ID, so can't vote even if they wanted. Your idiotic suggestion to 'refuse your ballot' requires a Freeman to have ID first. Which means they would not be a Freeman. I think you've been hanging out with the quatloosers far too long.
Talk about burning your bridges, Bobby!

Dope Clock: It has been 106 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
Stalking detractors who believe that because they don't know what I am doing, I must doing nothing, are very stupid. If they knew their heads would explode.
How very disingenuous, Bobby. What you say you do in secret isn't the problem. You always say you're doing great things. . .in secret.

The problem is that you encourage others to sit on their hands while the President-elect proposes to violate the Constitution’s clear prohibition against religious tests for citizenship and immigration!

Please don’t tell us you don’t beat the drum and twist constitutional law when it suits your needs. You have tried to twist the Canadian Constitution by claiming it allows you to get a “security of the person” birth bond. You have told freemen that the Canadian Constitution works for them!

So why won’t you encourage your U.S. followers to use the U.S. Constitution to protect the liberty you say you endorse?

Have you not read the Constitution?

Dope Clock: It has been 106 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Menard just demonstrated that he's one of our most avid fans. He made that reply on his Face Book page almost immediately after ninja posted here.

So Rob, some questions. How's that second Freedom of Information request to the RCMP going? You know, the one that's going to prove that the RCMP agreed that you were a peace officer after you called their bluff and dared them to arrest you;
Now I am just waiting on some other FOIR documents from the RCMP, concerning their investigation of me and their conclusion as to whether or not I am a peace officer. Hint: They chose not to charge me after I represented myself to them as a peace officer and demanded they charge me if they did not want to accept me as a peace officer, and we would let a judge decide.
You've been pretty quiet about the whole issue since that initial post and we Quatlosers are eagerly awaiting further results to humiliate us even more. What I'd really like to know is whether or not, once you get these documents, you are going to follow-through on your publicly declared intention to "let a judge decide" by returning to Toronto to face the judge waiting for you there.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by bmxninja357 »

Oh yes. I'm going to respond. I'm currently on my phone so must wait until I have a keyboard in front of me.

Interesting calling me names when I have literally done the opposite here. In fact I haven't really said a bad word about you rob. I had made a point of it.

Would you like me to respond in kind?

Maybe you should think before you start pound your keyboard on facebook.

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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Please ninja, show some compassion. Once Menard was a giant amongst Canadian Freemen, filling lecture halls with eager young things hanging on to his every word. Paid attendance! Now he's just a pathetic ageing fugitive with nothing left of his former glory but his Face Book page and these sad desperate posts.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:Please ninja, show some compassion. Once Menard was a giant amongst Canadian Freemen, filling lecture halls with eager young things hanging on to his every word. Paid attendance! Now he's just a pathetic ageing fugitive with nothing left of his former glory but his Face Book page and these sad desperate posts.
Robert is painfully aware that his fall from grace has revealed his true self and his hidden motivations. Most painful to him is that his importance is brought into question. This “injury” has caused aberrant behaviors, such as attacking former supporters.

We can expect further personality disintegration as Menard’s rage continues.

Dope Clock: It has been 107 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by bmxninja357 »

since im an idiot i guess i should ask a dumb question. on sites like skeptics guide to the universe and skeptiod and stuff like that i noticed every here and there they do a retraction show. you know where they go through all there work and correct what they got wrong? you ever consider based on what hasnt worked doing a correction video? that would help a lot of people trying stuff that clearly has not worked. you know, separate what theories and government systems work and dont work. how can you be trying to get good government when you wont make a effort that has any sort of widespread acceptance? are people in the movement actually setting a good example for a better society for everyone?

when perelli was taking an old lady for her house in calgary while running on warrants for violent offenses why did the freeman peace officers make no noticeable effort?

do you chastise everyone for having a license then get rides from them? you ride the bus? then you dont just support the drivers license but encourage others to have it so you can claim some kind of moral high ground while enjoying never having to drive yourself? should the roads have no uniform rules and means to weed out clearly dangerous drivers? do you think you get to change the law by bitching about it on facebook while somebody drives you to the store?

should i give up my job, my transportation and my house because you think everyone should do nothing?and if everyone started doing what you do is it sustainable? is it realistic? i have donated hundreds of dollars in the past to wfs. hell, i was even the only one to buy a shirt. why should people donate? is the information generally useful? is there ample assistance there from those with a verifiable victories that are repeatable?

do you think a freeman entering the legal system has a better chance of a favorable outcome? an average outcome? or a worse outcome?

and if you really belive you got the law on your side for being a peace officer why not go fight it? others have. if you got it down better than them fight it. you wont get dick for it if convicted. its not like you were pulling people over in a fake cop car. but it would settle the debate. either you can or you cant. if your wrong theres no shame in admitting that either.

jeeze it makes one think.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by bmxninja357 »

arayder wrote:
Bobby's reply:
Unfortunately Ninjdiot, ...Your idiotic suggestion to 'refuse your ballot' requires a Freeman to have ID first. Which means they would not be a Freeman. I think you've been hanging out with the quatloosers far too long.
just because you didnt know you could refuse a ballot is no reason to get teste.

Some provinces allow a ballot to be refused on the grounds that no party satisfies the elector's vote.[1][2] Declined ballots are only legislated in the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; the option is only available for provincial elections.[3]

During the 2000 Canadian federal election, a number of voters (chiefly in Edmonton, Alberta) ate their ballots, as part of what they dubbed the Edible Ballot Society, to protest what they saw as inherently unfair elections. The stunt led Elections Canada to propose that there be legislation allowing federal ballots to be officially refused.[4]

and your in a facebook huff about some other countries election you didnt get to vote in? guess the first id you would need is a green card. or you like hillary.

just remember a vote for sitting on your ass surfing facebook is not a mechanism to change anything. its an excuse to do nothing.

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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

do you think a freeman entering the legal system has a better chance of a favorable outcome? an average outcome? or a worse outcome?
That question answers itself with my Poriskyites. They all use Freeman type defenses when caught evading tax and, of the 30+ who have gone to trial, only two have not been convicted on all charges;

1 - Arthur Doerksen - He died before his trial concluded. Not a way to avoid conviction that I'd personally recommend.

2 - Peter Balogh - He was convicted of all charges but just had his charges stayed for delay yesterday. While he started his defense as a self-rep using freeman type defenses he eventually retained a lawyer who fought the case strictly on the law. After charges stayed Balogh's conviction was expunged.

And of course there is Menard himself. What better example is there of his real belief in the theories that he tries to get others to follow? When he was given the perfect opportunity to defend himself in court based on his theories he got realistic about his chances and ran.

Allen Boisjoli is going batshit crazy full-frontal freeman in court. We'll see how well that works out. Alberta is a really, really bad spot to try a freeman defense. Queen's Bench is hammering those guys.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

just remember a vote for sitting on your ass surfing facebook is not a mechanism to change anything. its an excuse to do nothing.
I told you ninja, show some compassion. That's all he has left. Take away his Facebook and he's just another sad bum lost in dreams of yesterday's glories while he tries to find enough small change to get though the day.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by wserra »

bmxninja357 wrote:just because you didnt know you could refuse a ballot is no reason to get teste.
Oh, I don't know. Menard should seize any opportunity he comes across to get testes.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by LordEd »

bmxninja357 wrote:just because you didnt know you could refuse a ballot is no reason to get teste.
His argument is that he can't refuse a ballot because he doesn't have ID to get one and then refuse it.

Except why should he care? If he doesn't like a law he just decides it doesn't apply to him.

Also don't know why he focuses on here. His target audience doesn't come here. We aren't on the approved freeman thinking list. If he stops mentioning us, he might have a chance of keeping his followers on the verge of thinking for themselves by not pointing them straight to cited evidence that his methods aren't effective.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

Bobby has to justify being non-functional in a naturally flawed world.

He is compelled to pretend that society's problems are worse than they are, indeed insolvable. So he combs the net for stories about bad cops and Facebook posts that make government and office holders look foolish. He's so desperate for justification that he searches the news from other countries.

Consequently, Menard rejects any presentation of ways to honorably participate in, and make a positive contribution to, society. Pointing out that he can positively effect society without endorsing injustice confronts his original excuse. Pointing out that, despite claiming to be a freedom fighter, he does nothing in the face of looming injustices only heightens his rage at being umasked as a powerless self-serving hypocrite.

Dope Clock: It has been 107 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Jeffrey »

Unfortunately Ninjdiot, voting requires ID, and Freemen do not have government-issued ID, so can't vote even if they wanted. Your idiotic suggestion to 'refuse your ballot' requires a Freeman to have ID first. Which means they would not be a Freeman. I think you've been hanging out with the quatloosers far too long.
Two questions.

1. Does Canada have voter ID laws?

2. Isn't that Menard's fault for telling people not to get government-issued ID? You've told people for a decade to disenfranchise themselves from the political process and now you're complaining that you're disenfranchised?
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

LordEd wrote: Also don't know why he focuses on here.
It is because we talk about him. As Wilde said: There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote: Also don't know why he focuses on here. His target audience doesn't come here. We aren't on the approved freeman thinking list. If he stops mentioning us, he might have a chance of keeping his followers on the verge of thinking for themselves by not pointing them straight to cited evidence that his methods aren't effective.
You totally grasp the problem, LordEd. Menard is hypersensitive to criticism, yet he knows that his frequent bitching about Quatloos is going to direct some curious freemen here who might subsequently start asking questions. . .and Menard doesn't like questions.

That a couple of freemen have come here and been convinced that there's is something wrong with Menardian freemanism only adds to Bobby's problem.

Add into the mix Bobby's failing legal advice business and his ever more tiny cred and we see trouble in freeman paradise.

Dope Clock: It has been 107 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.