British Constitution Group: Winchester

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British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by littleFred »

This is an offshoot of a Tom Crawford thread. I don't think Tom really has much to do with the BCG, other than being a poster boy.

I wondered what declaration was actually made at Winchester on 19 November 2016.

The BCG FB page now includes a post from Alec Frank Bamfield, with a copy of the declaration, apparently re-typed by him, complete with typos, dodgy grammar and punctuation. Thom Forester helpfully posted a partially corrected version, with a few new typos. Shades of busy scribes in 1215, methinks, leaving historians to ponder over which extant Magna Carta is the most authentic.

My TLDR version is: Parliament isn't really sovereign. It has no authority to repeal or change any pre-1265 laws, which were given by God. The government should issue debt-free and interest-free money. MPs and civil servants who don't actively agree with this will be brought to justice.
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by longdog »

Sorry but my eyes glazed over before the end of the first paragraph.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by AndyPandy »

Why is it these idiotic pronunciations are always made by some illiterate moron, perhaps if they'd all spent more time at school educating themselves, they'd have decent jobs and wouldn't be so damn disaffected !!

What do they say - for each grammatical error your estimation of someone's IQ drops about 5 points !! :roll:
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by TheNewSaint »

longdog wrote:Sorry but my eyes glazed over before the end of the first paragraph.
Yeah, I tried reading their prior manifesto, and it didn't take long to see it's just rehashed American constitutional arguments, but even more stupid. Even the Ron Paul crowd doesn't claim the US Constitution makes all subsequent laws null and void.

Oh, and it seems they do this every year. That's right, this history-shaking conference is now at least its fourth iteration, to no apparent shaking of history at any time:

British Constitution Group Spring Conference 2015 (BCG website)

British Constitution Group Autumn Conference 2014 (BCG website)

British Constitution Group Fourth Annual Conference 2012 (YouTube)

If I may paraphrase George Carlin: "However, they are not armed, and no one is paying any attention to them."
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by littleFred »

BCG claim constitutional rights include "The right to bear arms".

I can't see them being stupid enough to try exercising that "right".
notorial dissent
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by notorial dissent »

What a load of codswallop. I haven't read dreck like that in ages, and it isn't even new.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by doublelong »

littleFred wrote:BCG claim constitutional rights include "The right to bear arms".

I can't see them being stupid enough to try exercising that "right".
Just imagine the youtube video though Taylor, Haining and Crawford walking around Nottingham in their 10 gallon hats and six shooters , tased and brought to their knees. Shouting from the back of the van as they are driven away that the armed response unit was acting illegally. :haha:
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by NYGman »

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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by letissier14 »

From the BCT facebook page earlier today




I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: British Constitution Group: Winchester

Post by AndyPandy »
