Baron David Ward

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by The Observer »

Please don't ask for an explanation - it may result in being contagious and we will have several hundred more Barons running around spreading their silliness.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by TheNewSaint »

notorial dissent wrote:Ii comes to me that I seem to have missed an episode somewhere, how did our crazy person come to promote himself to a Baron and why?
I suspect it's something along the lines of the "24 Barons needed for lawful rebellion" thread, where filling out a document declaring yourself a baron gives you special rights under the Magna Carta to issue your own driver's license, or something.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

The Observer wrote:Please don't ask for an explanation - it may result in being contagious and we will have several hundred more Barons running around spreading their silliness.
Interestingly the collective noun for Barons is a "thought" and you know what thought did......
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by notorial dissent »

I pretty much figured it was something along those lines, jsut couldn't remember if the actual ignition point had ever been discussed.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

TheNewSaint wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Ii comes to me that I seem to have missed an episode somewhere, how did our crazy person come to promote himself to a Baron and why?
I suspect it's something along the lines of the "24 Barons needed for lawful rebellion" thread, where filling out a document declaring yourself a baron gives you special rights under the Magna Carta to issue your own driver's license, or something.
Maybe David got his title from one of those out-of-work princes or nobles who surface from time to time. For a suitable financial donation, you will be granted a title on the order of "Paul, Count Gleiwitz" by the Duke of Silesia -- who just may be someone who sought out a descendant of the last Duke (or someone who claims to be the last descendant, assuming that there was ever a real Duke of Silesia). For an additional fee, you will be made a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Polywanakraca... and so on until the mark is drained of all his disposable cash.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

I thought he may have got it from here until I realised you had to pay for it
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by notorial dissent »

The problem with being one of the barons he seem to think he is, one had to have been in allegiance to the sovereign, that you are in lawful rebellion against, and I got the impression that he totally rejected that whole not being a sovereign thingy. Another case of those terms don't at all mean what you think they mean.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by TheNewSaint »

notorial dissent wrote:I pretty much figured it was something along those lines, just couldn't remember if the actual ignition point had ever been discussed.
I actually tried to research this, and didn't find much.

For such a prolific nutcase, Baron David Ward has little internet history. The oldest BDW-related item I could find on the Internet was this letter to Warrington Borough Council, dated May 30, 2013.

He spends 14 pages explaining why he doesn't have to pay a parking ticket, and why asking him to do so constitutes a crime against humanity, blah blah blah. It's his usual crap, but brief by his modern standards, which suggests he was still honing his technique. Though I have to agree with one point he raises:
It is obvious at this point that there is no-one at Warrington Borough Council that is capable of understanding the
challenge made by Mr David Ward
I'm quite sure there isn't.

But I can tell you one thing that didn't push him over the edge: getting divorced. According to page 97 of this 139-page screed, Ward was married in 1989, and his wife petitioned for divorce in January 2015 - a year and a half after the above letter. She is listed as "petitioner", which suggests she initiated the divorce proceedings.

It's not hard to piece together a narrative from this. They were married for over 20 years, he went nuts in or before 2013, and his wife left him over it.

And there's a third reason I think Ward went crazy in the last 3-4 years. His voluminous filings include all of his prior voluminous filings, no matter how irrelevant to the current matter. His 2015 divorce court filing includes, in complete detail, the 2013 parking ticket matter (both linked above). And several other minor disputes after that. As a result, that document makes a thorough record of all Ward's disputes, like rings on a tree. That this record only goes back to mid-2013 suggests his insanity started (or at least, reached its current level) at about that time.

But none of this answers the question of how he become obsessed with the idea of being a Baron. I tried to find that out, but I can't really explain it. Why? Because Baron David Ward himself doesn't seem to know.

First, there's this explanation of his Facebook group, "Gathering of the Barons":
This is the Gathering of the Barons. It was the Barons which forced the hand of King John in 1215 to give the royal seal of approval to the Great Charter. If he did not give this royal seal then he would have been disposed as king and the Barons would have elected another King in his place. The status of Baron or Baroness is the highest status there is on the face of this planet and is subordinate to nothing. There are 63.5 million Barons and Baronesses in this land
Okay, that makes some sense. But then you find him around on the Internet saying things like:
How do you make the Judge run out of the Court room?? SIMPLE. Reach into you case and pull out the family colt of arms and place it on the desk in front of you. Not above you! in front of you. The Judge sits under the cabal crest. Look above his head in every court. Do this and the Judge will instantly run for the hills and is in contempt of court. Then you take command of the court because you are the highest authority in that court. That is how you make the Judge run away. SIMPLE.

As a man you have a status by natural decent and that status us Baron Benjamin of the House of Franklin. The court is a legal embodiment it is subservient to the crown corporation. The crest of the crown corporation is above the head of the Judge on the wall. The crest is a colt of Arms, so the court is Baring Arm's in the court. The Judge is in service to the crown corporation so his status is that of servant. He sits underneath the crest because he is below the crest, he is a servant. When you display your family crest you are a Master at Arms, A Baron not a servant.
Which doesn't really square with the basic rules that "everyone is a baron" and "barons are subordinate to nothing", as there is suddenly a power structure.

Then he says this:
Am I a real Baron?
What is a real Baron?
What is it that makes a Baron, a Baron?
Is there a difference between a Hereditary Titled Baron and a real Baron by natural decent?

Is there any subversion where a Titled Baron is less in status to a real Baron?
What is a Titled Baron and where do we look for clues?
What is a Baron?

An Hereditary Titled Baron is at the barest of the monarch who is a servant y way of the oath.

The Barons of 1215 where not servants of the monarch they would have lost their heads for treason.

Clearly the Barons of 1215 did not lose their heads for treason.
The Barons of 1215 where clearly not hereditary titled Barons at the Barest of the monarch who swore an oath to the Monarch. If they were then they would have lost their heads for High treason with the great charter. There would not have been a great charter.

The question is not who the Barons where as we know their names but what is a Baron as clearly a Baron By natural decent is superior to a Monarch who is a servant by way of the oath to become Monarch.

So what is a Baron?
What is a Baron By natural decent and not a titled Baron?
What is a Baron.

What does the Word Baron mean?
What is the origin of the Word, Where does it come from?
Clearly there is some subversion here.

Baron is a French word. Baron, Baroness, Barony.
Clearly we need a clear definition as to what a Baron is and What a Baron is not.
The English for the Latin is Barrow Man
So what is a Barrow Man?

A Barrow Man is not in Service (Military)
A Barrow Man is not a paid servant to another.
A Barrow Man is not indentured to another by agreement. Apprentice)
A Barrow Man is not in service by way of an Oath. (Monarch)
A Barrow Man is not a Slave.
A Barrow Man has no Master.

A Baron by natural decent is the highest Status on the planet.
Superior to a Monarch as a Monarch is a Servant by choice and the oath.

This is why the Barons of 1215 did not lose their heads for treason.

Who is your Master?
A Slave knows his Masters Name.
Clearly there is some subversion as the 7 Billion people on this planet have no clue as to who they are.
A Baron has no Master.
A Baron cannot rebel as there is no Master for a Baron to rebel against.
A Baron does not petition the paid servants.
Know thyself First.
After reading that - and that's not even all of it - I realized that the question of "how did he come to promote himself as a baron and why" cannot really be answered. The term obviously has some special meaning to him, which he cannot clearly or consistently explain. All that matters is he's a baron and you're not, and he doesn't have to pay you, and you have to do what he says.

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by littleFred »

Good stuff, TNS. That seems a fair summary.

Though I put some blame on Warrington Borough Council. The story is: in 2013, they sent David Ward a penalty charge notice (PCN) for parking in a disabled bay without showing a disabled badge. David appealed this, not on the grounds that he didn't do it, but on the grounds that Warrington Council didn't have signatures from all the inhabitants of Warrington that they agreed to this parking restriction, Acts aren't Laws, "Sixty three and a half million people in the UK have not legally entered into those agreements", the Bills of Exchange Act says they can't send demands without first sending a bill, and so on.

Critically, the Council didn't contest David's appeal, so David won. He took this as validation of the stupid theories.

That, in my view, sent him over the edge. What had been mere theory to him was now proven, he thought, to work in practice.

And so came the divorce.
David wrote:Dear Susan.

However you think of your of you ex husband and that he is a Barmpot. You opinion is irrelevant. You better than all others should know different and that I am extremely intelligent and resourceful. I am not a man to mix words and however the facts are the Facts are the facts.
I love "I am not a man to mix words". I suppose he meant "mince".

It seems he and Susan had shared a house and mortgage, which was to be sold. She moved out. He stayed put, but stopped paying the mortgage. Santander got an order for possession on 25 November 2016, enforceable on 23 December 2016. Ouch, nice Christmas present.

Affidavit of Truth and statement of Fact
Divorce etc
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by SteveUK »

The Baron,
Having apparently failed in a TV license DD
Clawback , now reporting it to the police.

Naturally silence creates a binding agreement and....oh, I can't carry on anymore

We have just done 8 of these. This is a small one... You lucky people. This is how it is done.

To David Murphy
Branch Director for Santander UK plc Warrington
18-20 Buttermarket Street

Ref: Account Number 04866528. Sort Code. 09-01-26
Sent by email to 05-12+-2016
CC. CEO. 05-12-2016
CC: Chief of police for Cheshire. Mr Simon Byrne’s 05-12-2016

Dear Mr David Murphy.
It has come to my attention and the due diligence of others that there is a ‘The Paying Bank Guide & Rules’ which we have had no visibility off when signing the direct debit agreement. This ‘The Paying Bank Guide & Rules’ is for the Banks eyes only. As we have not formally agreed to the ‘The Paying Bank Guide & Rules’ then there is no formal binding to the ‘The Paying Bank Guide & Rules’ or any of the content.

In the ‘The Paying Bank Guide & Rules’ it states the following:
“ It is titled ‘The Paying Bank Guide & Rules’. Section 9.2 and Appendix 7 of the Paying Bank Guide says:
“The paying banks will, unless they have reason to doubt the validity of the payer’s information, accept the word of the payer concerning an error made by a service user, due to their obligations under the Direct Debit Guarantee, and will raise an indemnity claim.”

“Each paying bank should consider whether it should accept the word of the payer and provide a refund if it reasonably doubts the validity of the information provided by the payer or requires additional information to investigate the claim””

We have not formally agreed to allow the Bank or the Bank staff to adjudicate in our PRIVATE financial affairs and we have not formally agreed to the ‘The Paying Bank Guide & Rules’. This is why some of the Banks feel that they can adjudicate and investigate the reason for our claim under the Direct Debit guarantee. Sorry Mr David Murphy you have NO capability to adjudicate, investigate or interfere with our PRIVATE financial affairs. This is outside of any of Mr David Murphy jurisdictional capabilities and to do so is a criminal tort. To cause distress and alarm which is also a wilful and belligerent act of terrorism. Mr David Murphy is and will be held liable for any losses.

The Banking staff, Mr David Murphy carries a contractual obligation under the Direct debit guarantee to process ALL of the claims we make under this contractual Direct Debit Guarantee and raise an indemnity claim with BACS. We have no obligation to discuss the nature of the claim with the Banking Staff other that there has been a misappropriation of funds. Misappropriation of funds as a result of fraud by lack of full disclosure in the contract.

We formally require Mr David M Murphy as Director of the Warrington Branch of Santander UK plc to process the following claims made under OUR Direct Debit Guarantee with BACS and to raise an indemnity against this Contractual Guarantee we have with BACS with the greatest of expediency as follows.

Date Organisation Amount
01/05/2012 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £37.62
01/02/2012 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £37.64
30/11/2011 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £25.00
01/11/2011 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £37.62
01/08/2011 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £37.62
03/05/2011 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £37.62
01/02/2011 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £37.64
01/11/2010 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.87
31/08/2010 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £35.00
02/08/2010 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.87
04/05/2010 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.87
01/02/2010 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.89
02/11/2009 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.12
03/08/2009 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.12
01/05/2009 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.12
02/02/2009 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £36.14
03/11/2008 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £35.12
01/08/2008 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £35.12
01/05/2008 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £35.12
01/02/2008 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £35.14
01/11/2007 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £34.12
01/08/2007 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £34.12
01/05/2007 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £34.12
01/02/2007 DD To TV Licence QBP1 REF 0538744752 MANDATE No 0025 £34.14
Total £854.76

As we have discovered it may not be possible to transfer these recovered Misappropriated funds to another Bank then we also require Mr David Murphy as Director of the Warrington Branch of Santander UK plc to raise a Santander UK plc Bankers cheque and forward this to the following address in the name of David Ward.

House of Ward Embassy
145 Slater Street
County Palatine of Cheshire.

We also require the archived files and relative Bank records Archived by Santander UK plc from the Abby National going back to day one. There will be misappropriated funds within these records as well which must be recovered. There is no time bar on these records where there are misappropriated funds as a result of fraud due to lack of full disclosure. Fraud is a criminal offence and must be redressed. We know that these records are kept. It is a simple matter to recover this computer archived file and send this to us. This can be done by return email at very little to no cost. Santander UK plc has an Obligation to process this requirement.

In the event that Mr David Murphy as Director of the Warrington Branch of Santander UK plc refuses to comply with the contractual obligations of Mr David Murphy as Director of the Warrington Branch of Santander UK plc. Then the Chief of Police for Cheshire Mr Simon Byrne’s will be duly notified of this where the Chief of Police for Cheshire Mr Simon Byrne’s carries an obligation in the office of the Police FORCE to suppress what is a wilful and belligerent act of terrorism under the Chief of Police for Cheshire Mr Simon Byrne’s Jurisdiction which is by way of the FCA Banking Licences extends to Mr David Murphy as Director of the Warrington Branch of Santander UK plc.

We await your response. Silence creates a binding agreement through acquiescence.
So let it be said. So let it be written. So let it be done.
Without ill will or vexation.
For and on behalf of the Principal legal embodiment by the title of MR DAVID WARD.
For and on behalf of the attorney General of the House of Ward Embassy.
For and on behalf of Baron David of the House of Ward Embassy.
All rights reserved.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by AndyPandy »

We await your response. Silence creates a binding agreement through acquiescence
Why do they insist on this rubbish, common law (which they love so much) established back in 1862 that silence was not agreement to a contract and you can't impose contract terms on anyone!!!

Felthouse v Bindley (1862) EWHC CP J 35
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Firthy2002 »

Banks are also bound to investigate any potentially fraudulent activity.

Watching idiots dig themselves into holes since 2016.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by NYGman »

The paying banks will, unless they have reason to doubt the validity of the payer’s information, accept the word of the payer concerning an error made by a service user, due to their obligations under the Direct Debit Guarantee, and will raise an indemnity claim
did they miss the bit in bold? Should the bank not have a bit of time to look into the request and validate the information?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by letissier14 »

Pretend Baron, David Ward just so happens to be a trusted member over on btbab website

I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

Firthy2002 wrote:Banks are also bound to investigate any potentiallyfraudulent activity.
Fixed for you.

Fascinating stuff here, some first class posts and research. Looks like it may all kick off in the run up to Christmas.

I bet the Baroness, the long-suffering now former Mrs David Ward could tell a tale or two.

I agree that Warrington BC's failure to contest a simple parking ticket appears to have been the catalyst for all the subsequent nonsense. When he finally gets turfed out of his current embassy I wonder if reality will finally intrude?

The self-ennobled one is not unintelligent and it must surely have occurred to him that these games will go awry in the end.

Whilst I take no satisfaction watching someone lose their home, the remedy not to have this happen has been in the Baron's hands all along.

Who knows, he may yet pay his arrears or come to some sensible arrangement with his lender that does not involve the Magna Carta. I hope he does.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm now wondering when the former Mrs Baron, I presume, will get the possession order enforced and be back in her castle. Pity the baron doesn't have a dungeon to go haunt, or maybe he does.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

Oh dear, eviction is looming
Big Unplug Update...

Another week of adventures in the fight against terrorists who call themselves Government:
We may be in need of some great help and assistance on the 23rd of December 2016. Santander are going for my house. But hay this is me I have it covered.

I am all over this like a dog on heat.
So what is the Didley Doo??

My Mortgage was an endowment Mortgage, One of them shiny and great deals that are supposed to pay great dividends. Yes we know quite well now that that was a load of bollocks this is me. Yes there is a shortfall. Insufficient funds. Aviva want me to indemnify them and say YES sir you can screw me over so I can retrieve the funds to pay the funds where I become liable for the shortfall.

This is me.... That is just not going to happen is it??

The Mortgage interest and Endowment policy is all paid up in December 2014. Yes this is two years later but we have had a busy two years haven’t we.

We got divorced. The Ex got lawyers. This has complicated matters no end and caused all sorts of delays with Lawyers and Courts. You might say that there is extenuating circumstances and delays which is true. Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP are not very bright. Not the sharpest knife in the Box. I think it was really early in the family Court proceedings that Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP got a court order to sign documents on my behalf. Yes that would be the Aviva Endowment Policy for the Mortgage.

Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP have indemnified Aviva Life and by doing so Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP are now liable for the shortfall. Oooops.

Big Oooops....

Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP sent me a letter on the 11th of December offering me half the cash from the Endowment for the Mortgage. This puts Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP in Contempt of court. They have to pay this off the Mortgage and have a court order to do so.... WTF..... How brain dead are these people???

Yes I have done all I can for now and told everyone. Mr G P Rymer for Santander, Hamlins LLP which are Santander Lawyers. YES I took great delight in informing Fiona Bruce Solicitors and the Ex about the Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP Liability for the shortfall.

Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP now has all the cash as well form the endowment policy. I also included the Chief of police Mr Simon Byrne’s (Hard Copy) and all the other chiefs of police by Email

I also included all the newspapers I could find, TV and Radio, All the 174 Embassy’s. 650 MP’s All the borough Councils. Baron Michael Walker of Abringham who is the field Marshal for the UK armed forces. Just a few. Over a 1000 emails went out. Now that is how you make a noise.

I don’t think I have a problem... Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP have to settle the Mortgage with the Santander Bank because Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP have made themselves liable by signing and indemnifying the shortfall with Aviva Life policy. All dead simple really isn’t it.

I still have objectives to accomplish before the 23rd of December. I will nail there candy arse to the wall. I will keep all you good people up to speed.
Link to the original here; ... 4883459272

Looks like a full-scale confrontation then, no room here for negotiations or compromise. The press and TV are all invited (some might actually turn up) and maybe Ginger Chris will be there to stream events in real time.

It does indeed look like the former Mrs. Baron, the driving force behind repossession is a'comin for his castle (or her share in it) so I'd imagine battle lines are irretrievably drawn, positions entrenched, war inevitable.

Methinks that this time it will take more than a carefully worded 300 page missive and 1,000's of emails to dislodge.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

There is one point I would like to make regarding this matter. I believe the correct way to refer to the Baron's ex- wife is Lady Ward.
Quatloos must not allow its standards to slip when discussing future guttersnipes such as the Baron :snicker:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by TheNewSaint »

littleFred wrote:Critically, the (Warrington Borough) Council didn't contest David's appeal, so David won. He took this as validation of the stupid theories.

That, in my view, sent him over the edge. What had been mere theory to him was now proven, he thought, to work in practice.
I would argue that he had to be somewhat over the edge to have tried that approach in the first place. Though I agree that this success pushed him further into crazy town.

Based on Baron David Ward's writing style, I frankly suspect he has some kind of brain problem. When I was reading his documents, I thought jokingly, "it's like someone with Asperger's had a stroke." Then I realized that description was eerily spot-on.

His writing is very, very repetitive. He launches into a lengthy harangue, then one page later launches into it again without acknowledging he just made exactly the same point. (And this is in writing on the Internet, where you have the ability to scroll up and review what you wrote before posting it.) His court documents say the same things over and over. Verbatim. With the complete explanation included each time he says it. He has no concept of summarizing, referencing something he said earlier, or staying on topic. In fact, he thinks his voluminousness is a virtue. His documents are also very stream-of-consciousness. They start off addressing the actual point, then quickly get into his traffic court victories, then theoretical discussions of the nature of the state. There's a speech by some economist he's always citing. He makes certain consistent errors with common words, like "mix words." Another one is "decent" when he means "descent". He's obsessed with certain concepts, mainly "baron," but he can't explain them clearly or consistently.

BDW says he used to work in IT. I can believe that, because his writings show the obsessive attention to detail that people in that profession have. But people in that profession also have to combine those details into a sensible whole, which he can't do. Combine that with what we know about his lengthy marriage and presumable sanity before 2013, and it's easy to speculate that he suffered some brain trauma that scrambled what was previously a focused and obsessive mind.

I'm sorry if this story has taken a ghoulish turn. I went into it just wanting to find out the Baron's backstory, but that's where the evidence points. He would probably benefit from a caretaker of some sort.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by SteveUK »

What has poor old (real Baron) Walker done to get BDWs interest???
Baron Michael Walker of Abringham who is the field Marshal for the UK armed force
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????