Freewomen come to Louisville

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Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by arayder »

Freemanism has come to my hometown: ... rict-court

It is interesting to note that neither the judge or the news reporter knew what the two women were up to. I guess I'll have to send out an educational email.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by The Observer »

Yes, someone definitely got to these two and fed them ample doses from the Freeman Koolade Barrel. But I suspect this was a not a force-fed meal. My guess is that they were trying to come up with a sure-fire way of beating the drug charges and thought Freemanism sounded really super.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by notorial dissent »

That, and neither of them sounds particularly bright to begin with.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by arayder »

Johnson seemed to follow the freeman play book fairly well. She at first tried to avoid "coming to the bar". Then when forced to stand before the judge she said she didn't "understand" the charges, asked to be shown the law and made the usual common law declarations.

In the mean time Vondran was in the back of the courtroom trying to record the proceedings, presumably for a freeman victory lap youtube.
Last edited by arayder on Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by Jeffrey »

Judge wrote:I don't have to prove jurisdiction to you
Someone should get this to Marc Stevens. :haha:
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by The Observer »

Jeffrey wrote:
Judge wrote:I don't have to prove jurisdiction to you
Someone should get this to Marc Stevens. :haha:
The sad thing is the number of times that newbie TPs/Sovruns/FOTL try this argument out in court, thinking somehow this is the magic word that will get them released. A few minutes of research by a person of average intelligence would quickly understand that the tactic has failed repeatedly and consistently over the years.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by notorial dissent »

It's almost like they didn't have access to the internet to find out what happens when they use that nonsense, and yet they almost certainly had to have gotten at least some of it off the internet. Scary!!
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by arayder »

A sure sign of one having drunk the freeman kool aid is that upon being lead away by the cops the subject wails and screams that they are being physically abused.

At one point in the raw video ( ... rict-court), true to form, while been taken out of the courtroom Vonderun screamed she was being hurt. A couple of minutes later while Kisha Johnson is at the podium the door through which Vonderun had been taken pops open for a moment and we can hear her continued screams.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say their sovrun magic words and you're not the boss of me theories all kind of went up in smoke.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

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Not to their acknowledgment if they are die-hard believers. I wouldn't be surprised if Vonden sat in the holding cell, dreaming of the millions of dollars she will get once she files suit in court over how common law was violated by this private government that has been attempting to enslave her. Of course she has not considered that filing a suit in a court that is run by the very "corrupt" government that "violated" her "freedom" is not likely to succeed; after all, why should such a court bite the hand that feeds it? Once the suit gets tossed, then she will move on to how corrupt the courts are.

Some wanna-be sovruns do learn from their first failure and stop chanting the gibberish that they forked hard-earned money over to learn. Unfortunately they just move on to the next guru who tells them of their system to beat the government.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by arayder »

Johnson and Vondran seem to be a sort of team. My guess is they went down the rabbit hole together.

I have to wonder exactly where in Kentucky or southern Indiana these two are from and who else around here are in their study group.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by grixit »

I'm really annoyed by that kind of caterwauling. There are real incidents of police brutality in this world and real people trying to get justice for them. Crying about being dragged because you wouldn't go willingly makes light of those incidents.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by arayder »

grixit wrote:I'm really annoyed by that kind of caterwauling. There are real incidents of police brutality in this world and real people trying to get justice for them. Crying about being dragged because you wouldn't go willingly makes light of those incidents.
As we know this sort of behavior is standard operating procedure for freemen. Whether it's the crowd at Castle Crawford's repossession howling that the police were hurting them, freemen at Dean Clifford's arrest falsely claiming police cars were running over their feet or Robert Menard feigning fear of the cops during his July 2014 its all the same phony act.

IMHO the behavior comes from the same sad place in the freeman's mind as does their childish whining about the functions of any just, orderly society.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by arayder »

Kisha Johnson has a preliminary hearing scheduled for Feb. 20, 2017.

From the Kentucky Courts website:
• JEFFERSON : 16-F-013714
B / F DOB: 07/24/88
Next PRELIMINARY HEARING is scheduled for 02/20/2017 at 09:00 AM in room HJ203
Vondran has her day in court the next day:
• JEFFERSON : 17-M-001701
W / F DOB: 10/17/80
Next PRETRIAL CONFERENCE is scheduled for 02/21/2017 at 09:00 AM in room HJ104
Probably a good idea not to have them in court on the same day.
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Re: Freewomen come to Louisville

Post by arayder »

An update:


• JEFFERSON : 16-F-013714
Next SHOW CAUSE DEFERRED/INSTALLMENT PAYMENT is scheduled for 04/13/2017 at 09:00 AM in room HJ203


• JEFFERSON : 16-F-013714
B / F DOB: 07/24/88
Next SHOW CAUSE DEFERRED/INSTALLMENT PAYMENT is scheduled for 04/13/2017 at 09:00 AM in
My understanding (those of you who know more than I can help here) is that the term "show cause deferred/installment payment" means that the defendant owes a fine and court costs and a "show cause" date is set in the future as a deadline to comply with the agreement reached at sentencing.


• JEFFERSON : 17-M-001701
W / F DOB: 10/17/80
Next PRETRIAL CONFERENCE is scheduled for 04/17/2017 at 09:00 AM in room HJ104