And on the generous front, we must surely include Elisabeth Nolson. Her FB page says it all: We buy any debt.
Yup, that's right. You send her your debts, and she takes on those debt and sends you a cheque in return. Honest. I know it sounds too good to be true.
What kinds of debt? All kinds. Utilities, Council Tax, banks, credit cards, CCJs, whatever. Just send her the bills, and she'll settle it.
Well, that's fair enough. The least the debtor can do is pay such a small amount for her postage. How would debtors pay her? She doesn't say. I suspect a cheque drawn on a UK bank would do.Elisabeth wrote:... all you have to do is pay the post for the cheques and the original documents to be sent back to you
And Elisabeth's cheques to the ex-debtors are good, are they?
Oh right, so it's the usual process: deposit a cheque. When it bounces, prosecute the bank and Elisabeth. That's okay then.Elisabeth wrote:Hi you can send one to your bank with the nat west account details on for the treasury solicitor on and await their response and then we can prosecute them for breach of bill of change act and other definition while you make me to court... after all i created a liability you sold your asset and now the money you have accepted as legal tender in alignment with their own definitions have caused you a loss and therefore grounds for compensation and recourse. :) the whole package x
She's been running the FB page since 2 Novenber 2016. I can't see any negative comments about her system. True, there are also no reviews from satisfied ex-debtors. Perhaps they are shy.
One person, who doesn't seem to have signed on, seems cynical:
Danny, how could you possibly say that?Danny Bamping wrote:If people go down this road - they will end up like Tom Crawfraud, Guy Taylor...and Michael of Narnia
She wants people's NI numbers. I don't know why, but I'm sure there's a charitable reason. She mentions date of birth, but I'm not sure if the wants that. She refers to a "ND", perhaps a non-disclosure agreement. I can't download her documents for some reason. This is probably good, because I'm sorely tempted to use her service.
So I send a total stranger all my bills and personal information, including bank details. In return, she sends me a (possibly duff) cheque. What could possibly go wrong???
For the sake of clarity, I should remove my sarcasm hat and say: a massive amount can go wrong. If this isn't a scam, I'll eat that hat.