Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Of course, Pete isn't gone. Now, he brings his children into this, sharing a translated post from his daughter Majorie, claiming that CRA broke his children when, as a matter of fact, HE did this to his children. :roll: ... 026909303/
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

arayder wrote:Apparently Petey and his crowd think the law is what they imagine it to be and that solutions to self-induced legal problems can be dreamed up the same way the super hero's side kick thinks up a life saving plan at the end of a bad movie.
But isn't that pretty much the default footl/ sovict/freeman position on just about everything, not things as they are but as they want to pretend they are????
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

I can feel a bit of sympathy, but not much for Marjorie, her father is an intractable idiot and brought this on by himself on himself and his family, who are ultimately going to have to suffer because he is an idiot. I think someone needs to point out to her that it is only going to get much worse going forward unless her father grows up and grows a brain. I have a feeling she won't like that.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

coffeekitten wrote:Of course, Pete isn't gone. Now, he brings his children into this, sharing a translated post from his daughter Majorie, claiming that CRA broke his children when, as a matter of fact, HE did this to his children. :roll: ... 026909303/
Call me old school if you wish, But I think letting your daughter use the f word in a public post is low dog.

Maybe she's over 21 or something. Who knows.

Nice job there, Petey. . .not!
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:
arayder wrote:Apparently Petey and his crowd think the law is what they imagine it to be and that solutions to self-induced legal problems can be dreamed up the same way the super hero's side kick thinks up a life saving plan at the end of a bad movie.
But isn't that pretty much the default footl/ sovict/freeman position on just about everything, not things as they are but as they want to pretend they are????
The way most sane folks do it is to pay the tax and then fight the question out in court. If you win you get the money back, maybe your attorney fees and court costs. . .and you get the thanks of the people. Maybe you get some speaking engagements, slaps on the back and few free drinks.

But doing it Petey's way you get to be last guy standing at the Alamo. That makes for a good movie, but in real life it stinks.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

One of two things is happening here, either mummy and daughter are really and truly clueless about how big of an ass dear old da is, or they are aware and enablers or at the very least turning a blind eye to his self destructive behavior. Based on the post, I am more than inclined to believe that they are fellow travelers and have no problem with his self destructive behavior, although it will probably end in a jail sentence for him, I think he is either well past or fast approaching the point where even a Canadian judge will jail him, and possibly homelessness for them. My sympathy for the "innocent parties" is fast evaporating.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Philistine »

Poor little darling. Imagine having to be awakened before 10am! No wonder she's swearing like a sailor.
I think we may have the new Quebecois version of Amanda Pikey Crawford.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

notorial dissent wrote:One of two things is happening here, either mummy and daughter are really and truly clueless about how big of an ass dear old da is, or they are aware and enablers or at the very least turning a blind eye to his self destructive behavior. Based on the post, I am more than inclined to believe that they are fellow travelers and have no problem with his self destructive behavior, although it will probably end in a jail sentence for him, I think he is either well past or fast approaching the point where even a Canadian judge will jail him, and possibly homelessness for them. My sympathy for the "innocent parties" is fast evaporating.
If it's Pete's wife house, as he already said, may the government seize it? Anyway, they're not as innocent as they claim, I agree.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

arayder wrote: Call me old school if you wish, But I think letting your daughter use the f word in a public post is low dog.

Maybe she's over 21 or something. Who knows.

Nice job there, Petey. . .not!
It's not the original post. In Quebecer, it's "tabarnak" and "crisse". But it's not exactly a polite and appropriate speaking on Facebook.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Same difference, still foul mouthed. Had to have learned that somewhere, guess where.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

coffeekitten wrote:
arayder wrote: Call me old school if you wish, But I think letting your daughter use the f word in a public post is low dog.

Maybe she's over 21 or something. Who knows.

Nice job there, Petey. . .not!
It's not the original post. In Quebecer, it's "tabarnak" and "crisse". But it's not exactly a polite and appropriate speaking on Facebook.
In 2003 and 2004, my Boy Scout troop went up to Quebec for a week of summer camp. Their Canadian counterparts made them very welcome; and one way in which they did this was to teach them a few basic French words. Of course, the two quoted by coffeekitten, plus "ostie" and others, were among the first words taught.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

coffeekitten wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:One of two things is happening here, either mummy and daughter are really and truly clueless about how big of an ass dear old da is, or they are aware and enablers or at the very least turning a blind eye to his self destructive behavior. Based on the post, I am more than inclined to believe that they are fellow travelers and have no problem with his self destructive behavior, although it will probably end in a jail sentence for him, I think he is either well past or fast approaching the point where even a Canadian judge will jail him, and possibly homelessness for them. My sympathy for the "innocent parties" is fast evaporating.
If it's Pete's wife house, as he already said, may the government seize it? Anyway, they're not as innocent as they claim, I agree.
Yes. The CRA can, and does, seize people's homes if they have a big enough outstanding tax bill they won't, or can't, pay. I recently discussed this issue with another CRA retiree who's representing a Fiscal Arbitrator sucker in respect to collection issues. Guy owes a huge pile of money he has no way of paying but owns his house. So my friend has advised him to go into bankrupcy to see if he can keep something from the shambles.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

Notice of fraud, notice of fraud, this is another notice of fraud... (Melody of your choice) ... rMzjwwD-c-




Dear Éric Bardier, and all agents who penetrated OUR house without any rights to do so, violating all written laws.

Seriously, you should be ashamed to lie this way.

I HAVE NEVER ADVISED, and/or COUNSELED, and/or TOLD ANYONE to not make a statement of income.


The famous "freeman-on-the-land" are my ENEMIES, I'm AGAINST all what those idiots are telling. I claim HIGH AND STRONG that there are LAWS here, that WE must ALL OBEY to the LAW, that NOBODY is over the LAW.

But you, you give me ALL the good reasons to believe that those idiots are right...... because YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE LAW...... you act as if there was NO LAW.

IT'S SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE to see you violating all written laws....


Be advised that the Rogue Support Agency Inc has been appointed AS AN AUTHORIZED AGENT for this matter. All verbal and/or telephone communication must be sent to 416-994-1700.

Rogue Support Inc
1001 7b Pleasant Blvd
Toronto, ON M471Y7

BY: Authorized by: ME, Pierre
The man who OWNS (as decreed in the Quebec Charter of Rights), the juridic personality named PIERRE DAOUST with the registration number .... and the NAS .....
I reserve ALL the RIGHTS.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:One of two things is happening here, either mummy and daughter are really and truly clueless about how big of an ass dear old da is, or they are aware and enablers or at the very least turning a blind eye to his self destructive behavior. Based on the post, I am more than inclined to believe that they are fellow travelers and have no problem with his self destructive behavior. . .
Over the years freemen have told lots stories about family and friends being estranged after having tired to talk them out their "awakenings".

It figures that sometimes the freeman, or "tfler" might find or already have a like minded partner with no more sense than the he/her and doesn't mind throwing their fortunes down a hole over the same crazy idea.

I have to wonder if we are seeing development of a permanent class of multi-generational nitwits. Maybe they were always there and it took the internet to make their subcultures known to the rest of us. Everybody knows a crazy uncle who raised the cousins to believe the moon landing was faked and the illuminati are real.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by NYGman »

arayder wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:
I have to wonder if we are seeing development of a permanent class of multi-generational nitwits.

I would hope Darwin's natural selection would kick in, and over time, they would go extinct.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

From what I have been able to establish from the rants on Pete's page his wife and one of his daughters paid their taxes in the appropriate manner. It was just him who went off kilter. That being said, I expect the warrant said all electronic devices located at his home and work place in case he was using his wife's or daughter's for storage or transmission. If you really want to p*ss off a woman of the right age, ask to see her cell phone so her diatribe is normal under the circumstances. With regard to the whole aspect of counselling to not pay taxes, Pete is being very careful to publicly state that he is not a follower of Normandin and the other FMOTL gurus in Quebec. As I mentioned previously, someone in Pete's camp is doing some research.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

coffeekitten wrote: Be advised that the Rogue Support Agency Inc has been appointed AS AN AUTHORIZED AGENT for this matter. All verbal and/or telephone communication must be sent to 416-994-1700.
Rogue Support Inc
1001 7b Pleasant Blvd
Toronto, ON M471Y7
Rogue Support is Scott Duncan, and as mentioned previously, the address is a UPS drop box. I haven't checked out the phone number yet.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect, that if the daughter is of an age, and possibly the wife as well, if they took her phone and her social media contacts, she is probably bereft and voiceless. I know some people that if their phone were lost or taken they would be struck dumb and helpless. In their world a stolen/lost phone or device is a cataclysm.

Petey may not be a fotl, he doesn't really play their game, but he is one of Duncan's acolytes, so that doesn't really elevate him much. He is a magic word player who really has a poor grip on his vocabulary.

When he uses this phrase "The famous "freeman-on-the-land" are my ENEMIES, I'm AGAINST all what those idiots are telling. I claim HIGH AND STRONG that there are LAWS here, that WE must ALL OBEY to the LAW, that NOBODY is over the LAW." what does "HIGH AND STRONG" translate to in French? I can't get in to the faceplant page to actually see it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

eric wrote:
coffeekitten wrote: Be advised that the Rogue Support Agency Inc has been appointed AS AN AUTHORIZED AGENT for this matter. All verbal and/or telephone communication must be sent to 416-994-1700.
Rogue Support Inc
1001 7b Pleasant Blvd
Toronto, ON M471Y7
Rogue Support is Scott Duncan, and as mentioned previously, the address is a UPS drop box. I haven't checked out the phone number yet.
Break out the popcorn folks. Scott's about to move from the ranks of the so called visionaries with bold new ideas to that of failed gurus with a trail of ruined lives and embarressing courtroom loses left in their wakes.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

notorial dissent wrote:

When he uses this phrase "The famous "freeman-on-the-land" are my ENEMIES, I'm AGAINST all what those idiots are telling. I claim HIGH AND STRONG that there are LAWS here, that WE must ALL OBEY to the LAW, that NOBODY is over the LAW." what does "HIGH AND STRONG" translate to in French? I can't get in to the faceplant page to actually see it.
" HAUT ET FORT" Yeah, it's bad translation, sorry. It would be better said "LOUD AND CLEARLY", I guess. It's like saying something very loud, without fear.