"practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

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Arthur Rubin
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Arthur Rubin »

wserra wrote:It wasn't that I had a problem with, Arthur. It was pointing a finger at a current Q poster as the culprit. That's what I redacted.
Sorry. If you're willing to PM me with the redacted information, or discuss it on the moderators' board, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, carry on.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

:?: Thanks Ted.

Not sure were they've got the idea I've been on that forum, as you can tell from my posts Ive never writen "aye" at the end of any of them lol.

Sounds like mistaken identity.

NB: just had a look at what I believe to be that forum via google, it does appear someone is using a similar user name to the one I use. I can say, it's not me.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Retribution is just around the corner:
David Robinson wrote:
I'm going to work on this matter too. Once Ollie has had a break I want to get all the info nexessary to go after each and everyone of these corrupt traitors.
I take it that will consist of nothing more than writing loads more ineffectual notices.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Chaos wrote:[quote=""David Robinson"]Ollie was forced under duress to cough up or face 25 days in their stinking prison. We could not allow this and would have raised the monet to get him out.
and that statement makes it seem like all he would have had to do was 25 days and he would have been in the clear but he couldn't even do that. lol [/quote]You can't get out of paying Council Tax by doing jail time, that was changed years back IIRC.
rumpelstilzchen wrote:Retribution is just around the corner:
David Robinson wrote:
I'm going to work on this matter too. Once Ollie has had a break I want to get all the info nexessary to go after each and everyone of these corrupt traitors.
I take it that will consist of nothing more than writing loads more ineffectual notices.
Or hopefully Attempting to pervert the course of Justice?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:Retribution is just around the corner:
David Robinson wrote:
I'm going to work on this matter too. Once Ollie has had a break I want to get all the info nexessary to go after each and everyone of these corrupt traitors.
I take it that will consist of nothing more than writing loads more ineffectual notices.
Is it me, or does it just seem just ever so slightly that Dave maybe afraid that Ollie might turn on him? He sure likes to cuddle up to him!

As the newspaper article has being quoted saying- there is no getting out of paying council tax (circumstances depending of course)! So what is Dave actually trying to accomplish, that hasn't failed before?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

Another spectacular idea to bring the system down...
Trevor Brown

Great stuff i for one am prepared to do what it takes and knowing that if I stumble and fall I will do whatever it takes to distress further. As a last resort I would pay under duress of course but in 1p coins straight out of buckets let someone be paided for the task of counting, and before anyone says they will refuse payment of 1p coins think about it as I would of accepted their demand but they would refuse it
Errr.... Yeah Trev... That would work brilliantly if pennies weren't only legal tender up to 20p. Other than that trivial detail that's a sure-fire winner. :haha:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by exiledscouser »

I agree that little has been achieved here. Whether someone pays CT freely or under duress then it gets paid and the council are none too concerned either way.

Why is it, do you think, that Lawful Rebellion only seems to manifest itself in dodging one's obligations in life? Taxes of all sorts, motoring offences, debts, mortgages.

Why not try and engage in the political process and effect change that way. And before anyone kicks off and says you can't achieve change outside the mainstream look at what Nigel Farage has brought about and he isn't even a U.K. MP! Not that I want to leave the EU for all its faults.

We're an island of maybe 60 million - perhaps more - a complex modern society with laws and rules that reflect that. Not everybody agrees with every last rule and statute but largely it all seems to work.

We are not bound by some archaic charter extracted largely at swordpoint or some weird perversion of that 13th century intention by a load of freeloading workshy soap dodging keyboard rattlers who at the end of the day just want something for nothing. If any of the LR types were to time travel back to the MC era they'd last about 5 minutes - of that.

Anyway, you might have detected that I've had a gargle today - the mighty Tranmere are off to Wembley for a chance to return to the 2nd division. And a crowd of 10,000 today - not bad for non league!
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by longdog »

exiledscouser wrote:I agree that little has been achieved here. Whether someone pays CT freely or under duress then it gets paid and the council are none too concerned either way.
Every month I go into the council offices and use their machine to pay my council tax but I always say to the machine "I'm only doing this under duress and I'd rather spend the money on beer and pizzas!!!".

HAH!!!! That told 'em!!! :Axe:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by grixit »

JimUk1 wrote::?: Thanks Ted.

Not sure were they've got the idea I've been on that forum, as you can tell from my posts Ive never writen "aye" at the end of any of them lol.

Sounds like mistaken identity.

NB: just had a look at what I believe to be that forum via google, it does appear someone is using a similar user name to the one I use. I can say, it's not me.
But now we know the truth, you are a collective. No wonder you're having such a nice vacation-- you got the group rate.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

David Robinson is angry. Now, when I say angry I mean really really angry. In fact, he is so angry he could crush a grape!!!!1!!!!
He is not afraid of death! Death will be a releif!!!
Apparently the beast is out of the bottle and it isn't getting back in.

Someone please pass me the sick bucket.
Good evenng family....

Now the dust has had time to settle a little, after the criminal arrest and prosecution of an honourable man whom ONLY ASKED QUESTIONS which were IGNORED. I need to put my contempt for these traitors into assertive action as the injustice of it all, along with their astounding arrogance, keeps boiling up in me to the point of extreme indignation and anger..I've noticed that this anger is not dissipating. I feel like dynamite sweating, its like a boil growing in my brain that is at some point going to explode (deep breath).

I feel like declaring war on the regime that laughs in our faces because they know we have no courts of law to get justice within. War implies violence yet we know where that would get us all... deeper into a police state where a peaceful remedy would be even more difficult to achieve.

I must channel that anger into positive, assertive action before that boil makes me do something I may regret. You see unlike most people I have nothing to keep me in this god forsaken hell hole and I do not fear death, for me death will be a relief. Rebellion is the life blood that surges through my vains with a passion that I rarely see in others.

So brothers and sisters who have recorded evidence on Ollie's kidnapping, please PM me a copy of that evidence, be it policy enforcers names or identification numbers or recordings of their contemptious drivel, I want it all, they are all tarred with the same brush, no good cops in Southend as far as I am aware. The way I feel now, and of course I feel a great sense of responsibility for anyone who uses this remedy as I brought this to your attention, is to take this fight to another level by taking point.

Pissing about being honourable in my address to these organic robots is too meek under the circumstances now. No conditional acceptance from me in this matter... demands with threats of prosecution, persecution and naming and shaming in the public will be the tools of my indignation. The warrior spirit has risen within me, there is no putting that beast back in the bottle I've been supressing it for years but no more. No quarter given and non asked.

However, logic and reason has not abandoned me nor shall I act from an emotive stance despite my sense of indignation. A wise man once said "“Life is like a game of chess, to win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with insight
and knowledge and, by learning the lessons that are accumulated along the way, we become each and every piece within the game called life!”
I find the way he addresses the other members as "family" disturbing. This is very cult-like.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by littleFred »

exiledscouser wrote:Why is it, do you think, that Lawful Rebellion only seems to manifest itself in dodging one's obligations in life? Taxes of all sorts, motoring offences, debts, mortgages.
Yes, indeed.

The main attraction of LR is "everyone can take; no-one is obliged to give". For example, everyone can have state benefits but no-one has to pay taxes. This clearly isn't sustainable.

The second attraction is anti-authority. The Queen, government, parliament, courts, police and local councils have no authority. Laws do not have to be obeyed. To some people, this seems like a good idea.

The one thing that distinguishes David Robinson's LR from all the other FMOTL/SovCit ideologies is the assumed validity of an obscure clause in an 800-year old document. Once you accept that, David says, everything else follows. And it must be valid, because Barons used it in 2001, and the Queen wouldn't have bothered replying if it weren't valid.

But the foundation, MC A61, doesn't really matter. Hardly anyone cares about that. What matters is sticking it to the man, and getting stuff for free.

Like other wannabe gurus, David doesn't offer a vision, or a route to progress towards that vision. His vague desires for "real" courts ignore more fundamental questions. Where should laws (rules of society) come from? If not from representative democracy, then from where? How should laws be enforced? Should they be enforced at all? Would people be more altruistic if there were no state benefits (or associated taxation)? Would society function better with no organised government at all?

For all their faults, other FMOTL gurus have at least attempted these questions. But David is hollow. He has a single idea: Article 61 is an escape clause. He and his followers seem surprised that, gosh, wow, it isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card. "Ah, well, Ollie didn't do it correctly", David says, but not too loudly because Ollie has popular support so Robinson can't afford to throw him under a bus.

Perhaps David will explain more at the May 13 meeting in Nottingham. But I won't hold my breath.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

https://m.facebook.com/comment/replies/ ... 8&__tn__=R

Come on Dave! Tell him how didn't use a61 correctly!


Guru Dave's silence must mean he as accepted it doesn't work.

Tom's daughter is also getting in on the arse-kissing -

Scoll down-
https://m.facebook.com/groups/388605611 ... 2003309167
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by Worzel Gummidge »

wserra wrote:If you want to out someone, do it in a PM.

We are not starting another flame war.
Apologies for this, i will not reply on here regarding this nonsense..

Tuco » 26 Sep 2016
I am more educated than you will ever be, you idiot.
You drive me to it-You're like intense toothache. If I could see you in front of me, I would poke my fingers in your eye, sweep you to the floor and stamp on your head
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

littleFred wrote: But David is hollow. He has a single idea: Article 61 is an escape clause. He and his followers seem surprised that, gosh, wow, it isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card. "Ah, well, Ollie didn't do it correctly", David says, but not too loudly because Ollie has popular support so Robinson can't afford to throw him under a bus.
I'm now looking at all the "Lawful Rebellion" "Practical Lawful Dissent" MCA61 etc. as someone selling a "Tiger Charm". For all the use and success these theories and their adherents have ever had, they may as well be promoting that same the benefits accrue from walking round with a turnip in their pockets. It didn't work? You didn't fondle your turnip correctly. PLD = Turnip Fondlers.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by littleFred »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:... with a turnip in their pockets. It didn't work? You didn't fondle your turnip correctly.
"Fondling their turnips." Tee hee.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

littleFred wrote:
ArthurWankspittle wrote:... with a turnip in their pockets. It didn't work? You didn't fondle your turnip correctly.
"Fondling their turnips." Tee hee.
It's definitely verging closer to the serial cult.

Incredibly the cult that believed comet hale bob would bring the apocalypse, (Hevensgate) still has a website running! 25 years on it's one of the longest surviving websites and a chilling reminder why listening to strangers on the net can be inherently dangerous!-

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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by AndyPandy »

Someone attempting to educate them on what Article 61 of the Magna Carta actually says, of course he's being bullied by David 'scrounger ' Robinson and his cronies because they haven't read it and would ignore it anyway!
Albert Burgess
first the Barons select a committee of twenty five which they did, they write a petition to the King which they did if after forty days the petition has been ignored the Barons declare they are in lawfull rebellion which they have not done had they done so you are required to go to them and swear an oath of loyalty to the Barons committee which you are unable to do because the Barons have not declared they are in lawful rebellion had they done so you are required to act on the orders of the Barons committee which you cannot do because they have given no instructions you are simply rebelling which happens to be illegal.
LikeHide · 3 hours ago
https://m.facebook.com/groups/388605611 ... 1579874876

Translation of Part of Article 61

If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security, and the offence is made known to four of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us - or in our absence from the kingdom to the chief justice - to declare it and claim immediate redress. If we, or in our absence abroad the chief justice, make no redress within forty days, reckoning from the day on which the offence was declared to us or to him, the four barons shall refer the matter to the rest of the twenty-five barons, who may distrain upon and assail us in every way possible, with the support of the whole community of the land, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, or anything else saving only our own person and those of the queen and our children, until they have secured such redress as they have determined upon. Having secured the redress, they may then resume their normal obedience to us.

Any man who so desires may take an oath to obey the commands of the twenty-five barons for the achievement of these ends, and to join with them in assailing us to the utmost of his power. We give public and free permission to take this oath to any man who so desires, and at no time will we prohibit any man from taking it. Indeed, we will compel any of our subjects who are unwilling to take it to swear it at our command.

I don't recall the 4 Barons referring the matter back to the rest of the 25, nor do I recall any command being issued by the 25 Barons that says stop paying your taxes and utility bills !

- See more at: https://www.bl.uk/magna-carta/articles/ ... YCcDB.dpuf
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by littleFred »

I think I read something a few days ago, where David approved of Albert Burgess's deep learning, or something, but I can't find it now. That might explain why David hasn't banned Albert.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by grixit »

JimUk1 wrote:
Incredibly the cult that believed comet hale bob would bring the apocalypse, (Hevensgate) still has a website running! 25 years on it's one of the longest surviving websites and a chilling reminder why listening to strangers on the net can be inherently dangerous!-

I wonder who's paying the hosting fees. Its look has held up pretty well by current standards. And frankly it's good to see code without a ton of css controlling every line of text.
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Re: "practical lawful dissent" fmotl advisory group

Post by JimUk1 »

grixit wrote:
JimUk1 wrote:
Incredibly the cult that believed comet hale bob would bring the apocalypse, (Hevensgate) still has a website running! 25 years on it's one of the longest surviving websites and a chilling reminder why listening to strangers on the net can be inherently dangerous!-

I wonder who's paying the hosting fees. Its look has held up pretty well by current standards. And frankly it's good to see code without a ton of css controlling every line of text.
According to this investigation 2 members were tasked with maintaining the website?
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/arti ... 0s-website

Well that's just bizarre as heavens gate said the world was about to be destroyed, in 1997? They can't have truly believed lol!