Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote:Poor poor Petey, just gets NO respect, maybe he'll go off and pout for a while now.
Petey doesn't have to pout, he has paranoia. Right now he's having a hissy fit because he's gotten a few spam email replies to some items he has posted for sale on kijiji. Must be those evil quatloosers...
Tom Davies One of those Quatloos dicks......maybe ?
Like · 1 · June 14 at 6:50pm
Pete Daoust
Pete Daoust I hope :D
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Tom Davies
Tom Davies I don't have an account I can't view the members list for something similar to "Jose". :(
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Pete Daoust
Pete Daoust I am investigating this, with Kijiji.....but these guys are fucking slow :(
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Pete Daoust
Pete Daoust But he/she stopped now :D .....maybe he/she is reading this as well :P
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Pete Daoust
Pete Daoust Fuck do I hate these fucking "Squatters" (check the definition) :P
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Tom Davies
Tom Davies Bwahahahaha !!!!!!!

In public toilets one who sits all day on a commode waiting for a penis to come at him through a glory…
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Pete Daoust
Pete Daoust Lol...
LikeShow more reactions · June 14 at 7:33pm
And on another note, the falling out between the two old friends, Scott Duncan and Dean Clifford, is now complete: ... 4116029442
I always find it entertaining when the gurus argue amongst themselves as to the best way to lose a court battle.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say paranoia, with a hefty dose of the accompanying persecution, pretty well covers it. Classic. Then again, he's been exhibiting that all for quite a while now. I do fee l sorry for his family, they are living with a volatile irrational crazy person.

I'm not surprised that Scotty and Deano had a falling out, I have a hard time imagining them fitting both egos in the same room. I keep wondering how long it will be before he turns on Petey for "not doing it right" that is almost always the next step when an acolyte repeatedly fails.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

At least, he consults a psychologist now: I would suggest a psychiatrist for him, but it's a start.


Seriously, she's just trying to make you feel better. What would you say if she would call you a paranoid idiot? It would be closer to the truth, but would you like it? She doesn't want to be rude, after all.

I guess that if he still has enough money to pay a psychologist, he's not as poor and miserable as he claimed to be.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by bmxninja357 »

coffeekitten wrote: I guess that if he still has enough money to pay a psychologist, he's not as poor and miserable as he claimed to be.
Is it court ordered and thusly free?
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:
coffeekitten wrote: I guess that if he still has enough money to pay a psychologist, he's not as poor and miserable as he claimed to be.
Is it court ordered and thusly free?
As I understand it courts don't order psychologist evaluations. They order psychiatric evaluations by psychiatrists strictly for the purpose of determining if an individual is mentally fit to stand trial.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by bmxninja357 »

They can also order counseling. For several things. From keeping your kids to anger issues to drug issues to sex issues to.... they can and do order counseling.

I just cant see him paying for it.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:They can also order counseling. For several things. From keeping your kids to anger issues to drug issues to sex issues to.... they can and do order counseling.

I just cant see him paying for it.
If so has there been any mention here of Daoust having court issues apart from the CRA stuff which, if it goes to trial, will be at least a year or two away? Counseling implies he's been in court on family issues but I can't recall any mention of that.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

I find it hard to imagine him pay for a psychologist, but he wrote in the comments something like "you pay $75 for being told that", so I guess he paid for this after all.

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

I don't know how they do it in Quebec but in Alberta they try to use a team approach for those with mental/social issues. In other words Pete may very well be subjected to a barrage of evaluations by a social worker, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a psychiatric nurse and a team navigator (often a RN) to keep everything running smoothly. Must be interesting for all involved, however a very experienced psychiatric nurse in conversation indicated to me that FMOTL tendencies were not unheard of with her patients. They just get flagged as one of those who do not submit to societal norms and require the attention of a social worker.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

If you read the Facebook material you can see some troubling stuff.

There are professionals trying to help poor Petey and on the sidelines Scott Duncan is degrading the process by telling Petey he should ask his psychologist if he can "c*m on her face" to see if she's for real.

I suspect Scott is afraid his number one minion might leave the fold upon getting some mental health services.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

arayder wrote:If you read the Facebook material you can see some troubling stuff.

There are professionals trying to help poor Petey and on the sidelines Scott Duncan is degrading the process by telling Petey he should ask his psychologist if he can "c*m on her face" to see if she's for real.

I suspect Scott is afraid his number one minion might leave the fold upon getting some mental health services.
That's his running joke with women. Funny, huh? :sarcastic:
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

coffeekitten wrote:
arayder wrote:If you read the Facebook material you can see some troubling stuff.

There are professionals trying to help poor Petey and on the sidelines Scott Duncan is degrading the process by telling Petey he should ask his psychologist if he can "c*m on her face" to see if she's for real.
That's his running joke with women. Funny, huh? :sarcastic:
In his way Scott is trying to dismiss the psychologist in the same mindless way he has tried to dismiss every condo rule, cop, judge or law he runs into. In this case Scott says that Petey's relationship with the psychologist is purely commercial and infers that Petey ought to be able to ejaculate on her face since he's paying the bill.

But the reality is that the psychologist is not some paid sex worker. Since she's getting at the heart of Petey's problem she might end up being closer to and more useful to Petey than Scotty.

Suppose one day Petey realizes that all Scott's ever gotten him is a mess of trouble and a screwed up family, while the psychologist has helped him to channel his ornery streak, get right with the law and be a positive part of his family.

Then it's "The Minion Awakens!"
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

That is both sick and disturbing, and shows a deep seated contempt and possibly a hatred for people. Really disgusting. I wonder how Petey will feel when he eventually turns that on him?
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by eric »

Too much exposure to Scooter will quickly lead you to the opinion that he is a sick and twisted little f*ck and proud of the fact. In various of his social media accounts you will note his hatred of muslims (Sand N*ggers), women (N*gger C*nt Sl*ts) or C*m Buckets, invitations to a female murderer on the lam to have sex with him, or arguments with a CBC producer that the young female star of the latest remake of Anne of Green Gables should star in pedophilia porn.

He seems to be losing it lately in some of his arguments on facebook - I've noted that he seems to think that the entire world is supposed to be waiting on him and can't understand that people can't immediately reply to him because they might have a life outside of facebook. Here's an example in his ongoing arguments with Deano:
Scott Duncan
Scott Duncan I'm not making a reply, you are. so it'd be you that's a "special kind of stupid. You might want to examine what words mean. There's no reply here, and your stupid meme is retarded, especially in this context.

Wipe Dean's semen off your chin and look at the facts, one of which is THIS POST. You can literally check for yourself!

So pleas explain how I'm "stupid", "Nonsensical" or "illogical" bu pointing out the truth?
Like · 4 · 2 hrs · Edited
Scott Duncan
Scott Duncan Logic has nothing to do with FACTS. I'm stating a FACT. It is a FACT that I'm who he gets his legal knowledge from.
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Scott Duncan
Scott Duncan David Jones-Cook? (What's with a man hyphenating their surname? Is it to show that your parents aren't related, like everyone around you?)

Show me where "Logic" applies when I state FACTS.
Like · 3 · 2 hrs
Scott Duncan
Scott Duncan Come on you stupid little coward. You want to come here, you can fucking answer. Stop being a stupid inbred bitch, or you'll make me post more facts!

Like you have known of Dean C. Clifford for LESS THAN A YEAR. How do I know this? I know because NOBODY stays around him any longer. NOBODY.

Also a FACT
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Scott Duncan
Scott Duncan Come on bitch, LET'S PLAY!
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

It's worth noting that Duncan likes to run Clifford and Menard down by saying they have left a trail of victims in their wakes. In the spirit of the "Scott's always right" mantra Duncan claims he has no victims. . .even as he runs his number one sycophant, Petey Daoust, to ruin right before our eyes.

It seems Scott is living out the life cycle of the guru which goes something like: think up a whacky theory . . . .talk the big talk. . . development a small following. . . encourage a sycophant to use the theory. . . come up with some excuse when the theory fails. . . followers leave as the theory loses credibility. . .the guru sinks into irrelevancy.

It use to be that on the way up it was considered bad form to hoot at over the hill gurus. But it seems Scotty is intent on wrecking even his own subculture.

When Petey gets poleaxed by the courts some may get a certain pleasure out of giving Scott the same business he's heaping on Clifford and Menard.

Don't cry, Scotty. You made the new rules.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »


Someone threw a tantrum? Who? Pete Daoust doesn't want us to know, apparently. And, well, he often distorts facts, calls losses wins, and so on... It's like when he made a big deal of cops having guns during the warrant search, depicting himself as a martyr in hands of tyrants... Until now, he lost all the way. So, when he's trying to make us believe that he knows how to reply to judges, let me doubt it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Things not going well for Petey? Quelle tragique! :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

coffeekitten wrote:Image

Someone threw a tantrum? Who? Pete Daoust doesn't want us to know, apparently. And, well, he often distorts facts, calls losses wins, and so on... It's like when he made a big deal of cops having guns during the warrant search, depicting himself as a martyr in hands of tyrants... Until now, he lost all the way. So, when he's trying to make us believe that he knows how to reply to judges, let me doubt it.
My guess is that Petey gets regular tongue lashings from people who see his I-don't-have-to-pay-my-way philosophy as freeloading. As a form of psychological defense Petey pretends his surety (the basis of his philosophy) is his right. It's all part of playing the intellectually superior freedom seeker who has discovered the true law and so my talk down to those who call him out.

The sad truth is that Petey is duped loser who's well on the way to losing his home, business and wrecking his family.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

That's official: Pete Daoust is now single. Did his wife get finally bored of his bullshit? Probably. Anyway, he said it's irrevocable. So, he's looking for another consenting victim to support his delusions (and maybe offer him a new home :roll: ). Also, he answers to someone that getting a divorce would be a stupid thing to do. I guess there's a pseudo-legal reason behind that.

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by Burnaby49 »

He's just following the career path. Virtually all of the prominent Canadian freeman/sovereign types are single even though many were married or in a relationship before going down the rabbit hole. Two possibilities why;

1 - They have selflessly cast away their most cherished relationships in order to dedicated themselves to bringing justice and truth to all of Canada. They have consciously sacrificed their family lives in order to focus on creating a better Canada for all of us.

2 - They were, or turned into, self-righteous insufferable self-centered pricks oblivious or indifferent to their responsibilities to their families and quite willing to devastate the lives of their wives and children along with their own.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".