Sovereign Consulting

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Paths of the Sea
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Sovereign Consulting

Post by Paths of the Sea »

This reference was just noted by one of my associates, but I can't tell who is behind it or other related details. ... g/services

Can anyone save me a little time and provide any details as to what that site is all about and who is behind it???

Looks like it might operate out of Belleview, FL.

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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by Burnaby49 »

Don't know but they are certainly reasonable enough in their consulting fees. $25 an hour for grand advice on how to screw your life. And the House Special is only $750!
Full jurisdictional removal. Not for the new guy to this stuff, this is the whole thing. Full removal from the governments jurisdiction, natural law of course still apply's everywhere. This is not a "quick" process in that we have to build"intent" on your part, for those interested, the quicker you get on this the better. Full removal package is $750 dollars.
I'm skeptical about this claim however;
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:$25 an hour for grand advice on how to screw your life
But then I guess the demand for such a service must have increased between the top of the web page and the bottom since the "Book Now" box says that the consultation costs $30 an hour.
Mortgage/foreclosure packages. This is for those of you wishing to fight for your home, we have all the accounting paperwork numbers and information that you need to prove that the house was paid for by your note. This service is $300 dollars
This one is the best deal on the page in my humble opinion. Where else can you find a method that allows you to enter into a mortgage for, say $800,000 and then by spending a mere $300, walk away with a free house? Who knew that being a real estate robber baron could be that easy and cheap? I bet Tom Crawford is basically kicking himself all over Fearn Chase for not finding out the real way to deal with those pesky lenders who think they can trick you into thinking you owe a legal debt.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by TheNewSaint »

I've got a great idea for my own "jurisdiction removal" service. They pay me $500, I send them a one-way bus ticket out of state. :snicker:
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by arayder »

Paths of the Sea wrote:This reference was just noted by one of my associates, but I can't tell who is behind it or other related details. ... g/services

Can anyone save me a little time and provide any details as to what that site is all about and who is behind it???

Looks like it might operate out of Belleview, FL.

Maury Enthusiast!
This looks like the same patriotdiscussions who used to show up here asking loaded questions and dodging any substantive discussion. At the time he would talk about his legal studies and name drop having attended the lectures of this or that sovereign legal expert. His favorite ruse was pretending that old case law, non binding dicta and dissenting opinions trumped valid case law.

He was from Florida and was starting a legal advice service. It looks like he's got himself a web site. Wee doggies!
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by wserra »

arayder wrote:This looks like the same patriotdiscussions who used to show up here asking loaded questions and dodging any substantive discussion.
Yep. A total of 468 pieces of comedy gold.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Hmmmmmm. I wonder what the Florida Bar Association will think when they see this web site?
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by arayder »

It's worth noting that there is nothing stopping PD from attending a Florida school of law or even doing it the old fashion way and studying up to pass the state bar exam.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by notorial dissent »

Other than being dumbern' a box of rocks you mean????
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Other than being dumbern' a box of rocks you mean????
PD's problem with showing up at law school is that he's going to be expected to grasp the basics of constitutional law and case law precedent.

Right now he cherry picks his reality. I can't count the number of times when cornered with a bad idea he moved the goal posts and started arguing some unrelated point. That's sh*t just ain't gonna work in the courts.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is even simpler than that, having had to read some of his nonsense, I am not certain but what he is only barely literate, and his reading comprehension level is questionable at best.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by arayder »

Some people aren't cut out for certain pursuits.

I was a wipe out at advanced math, but well understood history and law studies. I can well remember the student who had helped me get through an advance math class shaking his head in confusion and frustration during a pre-law class. He just couldn't get the idea of precedent and couldn't see how a case with seemingly different origins could affect a future case in another area of law.

That's PD.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by Gregg »

I was thinking more of when I tried to teach Chili Dog how to land a helicopter, but, same thing.

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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by NYGman »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Hmmmmmm. I wonder what the Florida Bar Association will think when they see this web site?
I don't know, but I have passed it on to someone in Florida who may be interested in this. No promises, but information sent :)
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by notorial dissent »

FL seems to be taking that sort of thing more seriously these days, they prosecuted Anthony Williams, one of our favorite Private Attorney Generals and all around scam artists, and they took down Ronnie of Legal Bears, and will be prosecuting him for UPL after he gets done with his current confinement, so I think our friend Patriot discussions should be right up their alley at this point, and I can't think of a more deserving candidate.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:FL seems to be taking that sort of thing more seriously these days, they prosecuted Anthony Williams, one of our favorite Private Attorney Generals and all around scam artists, and they took down Ronnie of Legal Bears, and will be prosecuting him for UPL after he gets done with his current confinement, so I think our friend Patriot discussions should be right up their alley at this point, and I can't think of a more deserving candidate.
PD's been hawking this thing for quite sometime now. Whether or not he has any clients or has given out any advice is another question. I don't know if the Florida bar association waits to act until there are "victims", or whether they do something as soon as they know somebody like PD is playing lawyer.

It's possible PD has never gotten a dime or a single client and is seen as not worth the bother.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect that they at least have to know about it first. In the case of Williams and Bears, they both made public spectacles of themselves in court and by filing papers, didn't end at all well. I've always thought PD was all mouth and no action but it is hard to tell from this remove. Still I think jail would be a good place for him.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by GlimDropper »

It would seem that the demand for Sovereign Consulting's services is not so great as to prevent PatriotDiscussions from branching out into new fields. PD, under the facebook account name Randall Flagg has been trolling various "Access to TDA" and "Secret Trust Accounts" type facebook groups telling everyone that they're doing it all wrong. He also drops links to his website promising "TDA Direct Access" for the modest fee of $195 + a .5% fee on all transactions. PD (or possibly Randall) doesn't mention if you can pay the $195 fee with funds he helps you withdraw from your TDA but somehow I suspect he demands cash up front.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by notorial dissent »

Now that's the PD we all know. Once a scam artist, always a scam artist.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Sovereign Consulting

Post by arayder »

PD could be headed for trouble.

Any success with his legal advice business will only result in him generating more potentially dissatisfied customers and increasing the likelihood he or his clients will encounter tough judges in different jurisdictions. It says something that PD seems to be working overtime to keep his real name secret. It seems to me he realizes his clients are going to lose in court and he doesn't want to be around when it happens.

The best thing for PD would be to get no clients.