Correspondence from Ed and gang

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Correspondence from Ed and gang

Post by Demosthenes »

Oct. 26, 2007

'Formal Complaint' Against U.S. Deputy Marshal.

U.S. Marshals Service
Deputy Gary DeMartino

Deputy DeMartino:

--A side note regarding Doctor Elaine Brown, my wife.

--After we were kidnapped and brought to the Lebanon P.O. on 10-4-07.

--I was in the holding cell and Dr. Brown was brought into another room. The deputy that brought her in had gone outside for something and returned a couple of minutes later.

--I was standing not three feet from him when he said 'Oh damn! somebody shit on me.' I said 'I hope it wasn't my wife.' I looked down at his leg where he was looking and he in fact did have excrement on his upper left thigh. It was a glob smeared as when you wipe your backside. Elaine could have been so frightened that she soiled herself during her kidnapping or she could have been handled too roughly. / [page 1 / 2, in pencil] whichever the case, be advised that the deputies need adequate training on proper handling of non-combatants especially women.

--However I wish to bring to your attention my grave concern as to this particular action on the night of October 4, 2007, at approximately 7:45 P.M. by one of your deputies.

--Several of us discussed this at length and this is our conclusion: as there were several other witnesses to this incident.

--The excrement was smeared on his upper thigh. The only way that could possibly happen is how?

--Why would the deputy under any circumstances have his leg between my wife's legs? - - Exactly.

--U.S. Marshals had integrity at one time. They would have hung a man for doing that. Here's to decency lost.

Edward Lewis clan Brown"
Last edited by Demosthenes on Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Imalawman »

:shock: Wow. He is really losing all connection with reality. He was grasping tenuously to begin with, but now, its like he just gave up. That's not even funny, its just disturbing. Why would he publish that information about his wife? He probably sh-t himself, and blamed it on Elaine. What an A-1 asshole.
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Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

And Everyone thought Ed did not give a rat's rectum about his wife after the arrest.
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Post by Dezcad »

ErsatzAnatchist wrote:And Everyone thought Ed did not give a rat's rectum about his wife after the arrest.
Here is a letter that supposedly Ed wrote to someone to deliver to Elaine recently:
here is eds letter to elaine:

keith would you send this to lady elaine?

dear lady elaine:

my love, ive put myself into this attitude, this play acting or role of lord and lady with you,-thats more real than along with me. it helps keep one stable.

not knowing what your thinking it gets hard to converse. im sure it will get easier when you send me a letter or we are able to speak with each other.
your always a pretty positive lady elaine, thats one of the many reasons i miss you so. so stay positive as i will, no matter how hard untill i hold you again
i cant believe god has this situation in store for us. it will be over when he says it will. i just hope its pretty soon. we need to help ourselves as much as we can (nothing like stating the obvious) , of course, thats why we need to try everything.

im having a hard time believing that the patriot movement will allow this to go on without some legal intervention. i cant do anything from here untill i speak to a lawyer. thats all this system will allow. now, how do i find one without someone from the outside. we do not give a retainer untill we both , or one of us has spoken to them. make damn sure they are with us!

i have a one month beard. they wouldnt let me shave for two weeks, so, wen they let me shave twice a week, i said no thanks. i would always look like i had a 5 oclock shadow. its salt and pepper, mostly salt, with a dark band at the point of my chin and jowls. i think youll like it.

i just checked my blood pressure 114/78. 5mg lisinopril once a day. im sending two paper flowers made from napkins and one airplane i call the office jet. ive also included a wrist band that could also be used as a stem for one of the flowers. the braid is made from toilet paper. paper is just another form of rope material.
braid instructions on other sheet. the braids are out. could be used as rope. they took them. their paranoid about everything.

i ran out of ink. 1 pen 1 week. its the 9th of november and i noticed i hadnt finished this letter . their not letting get or receive any mail or call anyone. i believe they have me and you in lockdown is because they want to sell off everything we own first. then we have no way to fight back they will relax their paranoia more. thats why we need a lawyer now!they know that once we get this case back into court they will lose. in a civil suit we are realistically looking at a minimum of 4-5 million suit. the harm they have done to us is irreparable. i dont know why no onehas gotten an attorney involved for us yet. you would think someone would have figured it out by now. unless the feds are interfering again.

the more they hurt us the more they fear us. they should yahweh will remember everything. and so will we.

i love you i love you i love yu
to bits
sir ed.
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Post by The Observer »

Irony meters are challenged everywhere:
play along with me. it helps keep one stable.
their paranoid about everything.
then we have no way to fight back they will relax their paranoia more.
i ran out of ink. 1 pen 1 week.

they know that once we get this case back into court they will lose.
the more they hurt us the more they fear us.
i love yu to bits
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Post by Duke2Earl »

You missed my favorite....

im having a hard time believing that the patriot movement will allow this to go on without some legal intervention.
Amazing! Perhaps he is expecting them to file a writ of mandumbass to the Queen of the shape shifting admiralty weasels.
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Post by Famspear »

Ed the Blowhard wrote:
im having a hard time believing that the patriot movement will allow this to go on without some legal intervention
Dear Ed: Legal intervention? As in, using the legal system? As I recall, Ed, you refused to even participate in your own trial. Maybe the "patriot movement" is simply taking you at your word, as when you said:
This is fiction. The entire American government is fiction. We created it, didn't we?
--The ''New Hampshire Union Leader, June 8, 2007.

Here's some more of your blather, Ed:
I'm not quite sure you understand the ramifications of what's going on right now. This is massive. This is international. We are fed up with the Zionist Illuminati. That's what this is all about. Loud and clear. Zionist Illuminati. Lawyers, whatever they are, okay, it's going to stop. And if the judge is a member of that, I know that McAuliffe [the Federal judge in Brown's tax case] is, I know that U.S. Attorney Colantuono is, they'd better stop.
--Margot Sanger-Katz, "Browns on the record," ''Concord Monitor'', April 27, 2007.

And here, Ed, you said:
We're not conspiracy theorists [ . . . ] We deal with conspiracy facts. Freemasonry and Judaism -- that is the truth. That is the fact. That is where all the world's problems come from . . . I know for a fact that they're working together.
--Kristen Senz, "Brown: War is coming," ''New Hampshire Union Leader'', August 10, 2007.

The Federal legal system is generally, uh, pretty much administered by what you call the "fictional" U.S. government, Ed. The government is people like United States Marshal Monier and U.S. Attorney Colantuono. And when you have a dispute, the dispute is settled in a court of law by judges like Judge McAuliffe. I guess there is no need to use a legal system administered by a fictional government, a system in which you have already refused to participate.

Now that your sorry butt is in the slammer, Ed, you seem to be looking for a way out -- and you seem to be wondering whether your buddies in the so-called "patriot" movement are going to step forward, to intervene by using the "legal" system -- the system you have so intensely despised -- to try to get you out.

What a surprise.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet

Post by ElfNinosMom »

From ... ine-brown/
Today I received a handwritten letter from Ed Brown. (For those of you who still don’t know who the Browns are) here is a link to their myspace site:

Ed & Elaine Brown

Ed’s letter was hand-written in a seemingly desperate scrawl, on lined notebook paper, its tone one of sadness, and yet much hope. Ed personally requested that I attempt to continue to promote awareness of his and Elaine’s situation, and so, with only minor personal ommissions, here is his letter in full.

Please, please, pray for this dear couple. They are true Christian patriots and are fighting a fight few of us dare to take on for ourselves.

Please encourage them by writing to Ed & Elaine. If you are able, send them pictures (see letter and addresses below). If any of you have ever been kept away from loved ones, you understand how hard this must be for both of them. They need our encouragement, prayers, and if possible, financial assistance now more than ever. Let us not forget these courageous people.


Dear _______

Please! Keep us in your prayers. The picture is the first. Thank you thank you thank you. I need pictures badly. I have nothing and my heart is breaking. We [Ed & Elaine] have never been apart this long before and I am really concerned for her.

They hurt me permanently. The damage will be with me for the rest of my life.
I pray to God they didn’t do anything to my wife. Or any of the other guys.

Please put the word out. We seek reliable counsel to work with us. Maybe on the internet you might get the interest up.

I’m curious as to what Larry B Craft has to say about this case.

My wife and I are generous people and all the cases we wish to file in the name of the law are extremely winnable cases. Trust me! I am not cavalier about this. After what they [sic] already done to me, I have no illusions.

God Bless.

[signed] Edward Lewis Brown

Post by ElfNinosMom »

From ... =323403836
Letter from Ed to Friend Joe - Ed needs funds
Category: News and Politics

Dear Joe,

Thank you for the first info I've had in two weeks. I need to know of my wife.

The treatment has been tortuous up to this point. I've been gassed (3 days), chlorine water burned my mouth and damaged my larynx. I was hoarse for several days. -- I was laying on the floor of cell trying to breathe under the space at the bottom of the cell door for 5 hours one night and 8 hours the next night while fumes blew into the cell.

I was told that I was on suicide watch and already chilled from six days of abuse in Rhode Island. -- This Ohio doctor decides to put me into an observation deprivation room; I will remember Dr. Clifford and his team for the rest of my life. They hurt me Joe and it's permanent. This is what my wife and I get for trying to save a nation.

Why would anyone, especially a psychologist and medical staff, take an already cold, dehydrated, underfed individual, that was in mild shock and stressed with constant blowing air (A.C.) 10-15 mph, and temp. about 45 degrees with chill factor. I was naked except for some kind of horse blanket and the wind was blowing directly on the bed in the center of the room under extremely bright lights. This room was nothing more than a punishment room in the S.H.U. (Segregation Housing Unit).

These are cruel people Joe and they mean to get their point across. They did. Now I understand the harshness of their resolve world wide.

Would you be so kind as to send a few $$ so that I may buy stamps, etc. As Elaine was, I am isolated from "all support" with intent. This is my first ability to get anything out. I am not let out of this deprivation cell which is kept cold, cold, cold 24 hours a day. I'll call as soon as they let me.

Edward Lewis clan Brown
What's up with this "clan" crap? Eddie-boy doesn't have a clan (though he might have a Klan).

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

I wonder if Ed's Fictional Sentence from the Fictional Court has become a little more real lately.

Browns Get Five Years By Margot Sanger-Katz
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Post by grixit »

Let's all send them some lolcats, that'll cheer them up.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Post by The Observer »

Duke2Earl wrote:You missed my favorite....
My defense is "so many ironies, so little time."

Famspear wrote:Ed the Blowhard wrote:

im having a hard time believing that the patriot movement will allow this to go on without some legal intervention

Dear Ed: Legal intervention? As in, using the legal system? As I recall, Ed, you refused to even participate in your own trial.
On the other hand, Brown may be thinking that "legal intervention" means that his "patriot buddies" will take violent actions to get him released. I still remember the video where Ed kept saying that he wanted his viewers to "remember" the name of the federal attorney prosecuting him, which carried the implication that something should happen to the fed because of his audacity in prosecuting Ed.
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Post by . »

Larry B Craft
Funny stuff.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Post by grixit »

Deep among the muddy swamps of Moonbatland
Back of the woods in Frikentardistan
Inside a junk built hut roofed with a rubber raft
There lived a litigator name of Larry B Craft!
His pleas were never set on solid legal ground
But he could spin a total loss just like a merry go round!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
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Post by . »

Ah, despite the lunatic rantings emanating from prison, how soon the TPs forget and ignore losers like Ed: family paranoid, and Danny: family cut-a-deal.

Not a single active thread on libertypost dot org or freedumb4um dot com. Just mere months ago, there were many threads that dragged on for hundreds of nut-cake TP-wannabe posts.

What's the world coming to when there is so little TP outrage to laugh at?
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Ed's about to be transferred to a more permament home within the BOP and five quatloos says it won't be nearly as cushy as the low security facility (Elkton) that he's been bitching about all month.
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Post by . »

Yup. If he was just a "normal" TP, he'd probably wind up at some joint with at least a few white-collar-criminal types around, Eglin, for instance.

Acting like Ted Kaczynski for months on end is likely to result in saying hello to 23 hours of lockdown per day and one hour of exercise in an outdoor cage.

Ed: family totally screwed.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Yep. I'd put my Quatloos on a high security facility.
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Yep. I'd put my Quatloos on a high security facility.
A USP? Seems like an overreaction.
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Post by . »

Well, Ed has evinced all of the characteristics of the typical Aryan Nation anti-semite, McVeigh-type who wants to use pipe-bombs, heavy armament and anything else he can lay his hands on against the ebil goobermint.

Not to mention his frequently expressed desire to see various federal officials dead should they oppose him. Which they did. Since he didn't manage to take out any federal marshals or judges, all he's now left with are federal corrections officers.

Sounds like a formula for maximum security to me, regardless of the fact that he's an old, paranoid putz who may be nothing but blather.

But, given his history, which continues right up to this very day and doesn't include any indication that he thinks he might have been wrong in any way whatsoever, I doubt that they'll take a chance on the possiblity that he's seen the light and would be a model minimum or even medium security prisoner.

I wouldn't. The guy is seriously deluded and dangerous.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.