Correspondence from Ed and gang

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Post by LPC »

Ed Brown wrote:thats why we need a lawyer now!
Great thought, but at least a year too late.

At this rate, it will be at least another year before he begins to think about whether walking out and not attending his own trial was really a good idea.

And then Ed slips back into pure la-la land:
Ed Brown wrote:they know that once we get this case back into court they will lose.
Ed could very easily spend the rest of his life in prison and never really understand why he is there.
Dan Evans
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Post by wserra »

. wrote:The guy is seriously deluded
and dangerous.
In jail? I doubt it.
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Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:
and dangerous.
In jail? I doubt it.
[sarcasm]Well, I do remember Brown claiming to be pretty fast.[\sarcasm]
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Post by . »

In jail? I doubt it.
Well, normally, one wouldn't attribute much danger to some 60+ year-old TP clown.

But, when you add the fact that he won't have much to do other than think up ways to do harm to his keepers to the delusional aspect and his total lack of remorse and his hatred of the ebil goobermint, it makes for an elevated level of potential danger. After all, Ed was smart enough to bamboozle a dentist.

He continues to express his rabid hate for the system which put him where he is and for anyone and everyone who helps to continue to oppress him and his cause.

I really don't see how any rational correctional officer making prison assignments could regard him as anything other than someone who is at least as potentially dangerous as the worst murderous gang-banger in the system. Ed: family screwup is probably at least as psychologically invested in revenge, if not moreso.
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Post by Dezcad »

. wrote:someone who is at least as potentially dangerous as the worst murderous gang-banger in the system.
Please - Ed didn't even put up any struggle in his arrest. He is an instigator, loudmouth and just a small man with a Big Mouth.

His followers, however few remain, are the only ones that I would have any concern with.
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Post by Imalawman »

Dezcad wrote:
. wrote:someone who is at least as potentially dangerous as the worst murderous gang-banger in the system.
Please - Ed didn't even put up any struggle in his arrest. He is an instigator, loudmouth and just a small man with a Big Mouth.

His followers, however few remain, are the only ones that I would have any concern with.
I'd have to agree. I'm going to have to disagree with Demo as to the max security. My bet would be that he would move up to medium security. At least until the new charges are added on and he's convicted of them.
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Post by grixit »

. wrote:
Well, Ed has evinced all of the characteristics of the typical Aryan Nation anti-semite, McVeigh-type who wants to use pipe-bombs, heavy armament and anything else he can lay his hands on against the ebil goobermint.

Not to mention his frequently expressed desire to see various federal officials dead should they oppose him. Which they did. Since he didn't manage to take out any federal marshals or judges, all he's now left with are federal corrections officers.

Sounds like a formula for maximum security to me, regardless of the fact that he's an old, paranoid putz who may be nothing but blather.

But, given his history, which continues right up to this very day and doesn't include any indication that he thinks he might have been wrong in any way whatsoever, I doubt that they'll take a chance on the possiblity that he's seen the light and would be a model minimum or even medium security prisoner.

I wouldn't. The guy is seriously deluded and dangerous.
And remember. He's fast, he could have taken down a US marshall if he had been inclined to.
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Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

The Observer wrote:
wserra wrote:
and dangerous.
In jail? I doubt it.
[sarcasm]Well, I do remember Brown claiming to be pretty fast.[\sarcasm]
Yeah, but he doesn't want to hurt anyone. :roll:

I will also disagree with Demo. I hate to disagree with someone whose sources are so good, but this time I will have to. Maximum security is too expensive to house this clown. I will go so far as to predict a 30% chance of a low security prison and a 70% chance of a medium security prison.
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Post by . »

Wow. The guy is a self-admitted danger to anyone around him.

Max time.
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Post by The Observer »

Perhaps others could weigh in with their experience on clients in similar situations where they had been convcted for a non-violent crime, where the clients had made threats, had assembled explosive devices, consorted with other armed thugs. Where did these people eventually get incarcerated?

. has a point in that Brown did exhibit behaviour that even gave the Marshall's office pause. Brown also engaged in violent behavior in his earlier years. I would hate to see a prison guard get hurt because the assumption that because Brown is a senior citizen and that his arrest was without event, he doesn't warrant being a higher security risk.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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Post by Cobalt Shiva »

The other side of the coin is in play, as well.

It's not just keeping "Fast Eddie" from breaking out of the joint, it's to keep any goobers from successfully breaking into the joint for a "hostage rescue mission."
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Post by Demosthenes »

More from Keith in RI:
i received letters from danny jason and elaine today. i will transcribe them in a little bit except dannys which specifically says do not repost! written on it. however i can say danny SPECIFICALLY said DO NOT SEND MONEY TO MY ACCOUNT! it will be put into his commissary account and it will cause him to lose his indigent status! causing him to pay for postage envelopes court fees, paper, etc.......jason saying the same thing, here is his letter to me:


thanx for asking, but at this time im pretty much all set. my money situation is fine, and would suggest focusing all the efforts towards ed and elaine. im not big into crosswords or puzzles really and that type of thing.

it is probably not a good idea to say this, but this place is pretty damn nice for the most part. at middleton in mass. (was there for approximately a month) it was bad always hungry and stuff. here though the food is good, we dont have baloney and potato chips everyday for lunch (like in mass) and our toilet doesnt run for 15 minutes when we flush it.(in mass it did it was loud as hell too like a jet taking off)

the only thing i could want would be basic info on whats going on in the world. such as gold/oil prices (weekly or bi-weekly) and other random stuff. like what you read, not too much only a page or two, but enough for me to stay updated and also detailed enough to disseminate to other inmates and c/o's. follow me? like stuff on that highway they are building from canada to mexico, or the UN biosphere program, or anything the average person would say WTF too!

besides that just keep the beer cold till i get out and watch your back as these feds will only continue to tighten the noose around our freedoms till it is for all intents and purposes DEAD. not to far away i might add either.

right now i am reading info from a website:

very interesting you might find it worthwhile as well.

thanx for writing and your offer of assistance . in the future if the need arrises i will remember. and always... LIVE FREE OR DIE

so danny wants no account money but i am still waiting on an address to send funds to his defense fund?? anyone help here ive emailed his brother with no response?? jason is all set for money for now, and today i received a money order in the mail from a supporter for 52 dollars! (one year at one dollar per week rotated basis between the inmates paid up front, so 10 dollars or so to each inmate to be mailed tommorow, thank you kristen for taking the pledge with me!)
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Post by Demosthenes »

Elaine to Keith:
elaines letter to me written november 17th 2007 a.d.

dear keith,
have you heard from ed? i have not, even though it is more then a week since we received permission to write. do not send stamps. they have been confiscated. they are supposed to return them to you, so please keep an eye out for them. i have received both deposits you have made to my account. $20 on nov 1st and $10 recently. thank you so much, also, thank you for telling me that ** ****** sent me money. i have seen the name "******" on the account, but didnt know who it was. please thank him for me, as i do not have an address for him

i have never received any money from joe haas. i hope it has not been taken. (joe i told her you sent some because you posted you did sorry if im wrong and ill correct it in my next letter to elaine but if im right then your money isnt getting through?!?!) i just read that lauren has been released, but i have no details.

the prison is a minimum security one. it is mostly blacks and spanish with other nationalities thrown in, as this is a deportation center. they all seem to feel compelled to shout all the time. the noise level is incredible, also the language and the arguing. you have to learn to shut it out. i just splurged and spent $41 dollars at the commissary for a radio with ear plugs. also, that is the only way we can listen to the tv. we tune in to a certain station on the radio, ad that gives us the sound on the tv, as the tv itself is muted. thank goodness. yes, we go outside often, almost as much as we would like. there is a recreation area, both indoors and out with a gym and weight room. and outdoor area. the food is what you would expect. there is certainly enough of it. you have to be carefull of what you eat , as it is easy to gain weight here. lots of carbs.

you have been approved to visit. it can only be on an even number day.

i have received pictures from you, and a mountain of puzzle books. so many thanx to you. it always surprises me, who turns out to be a real friend, and who does not. we have heard nothing from bernie, which is a real surprise. but i try not to judge.
god bless danny. i know they have given him a bad time, as they have ed. please let him know that he is very special and will always be loved by us.

any of the new paperbacks by crichton, grishom, king, koonts, cook, deaver (?), james patterson would be good. they are most of my favorite authors, but please dont overextend yourself. just writing to us is sufficient.

i will close for now. oh, i dont remember if i sent you a copy of eds letter to joe haas. i will enclose it here. it needs to go to congress our legislators should know what is going on!


enclosed was a photocopy of eds letter to joe in the KFP page 7 date (?)

so now im on her visiting list hopefully by this weekend i will get to visit her.
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Post by . »

it will cause him to lose his indigent status! causing him to pay for postage envelopes court fees, paper, etc
What a surprise, yet another TP leech.
please let him know that he [Danny] is very special
He sure is. She'll find out just how special when he testifies.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

Ed Brown's age or the "threat" he poses in prison will likely be irrelevant to the final determination on where he is housed. The considerations will likely be made based on the statutes he is convicted of (if any) at a future trial. Keep in mind, according to media statements attributed to the ATF, his stash of weapons and explosives was "one of the biggest" ever seized domestically. It took two-plus weeks to find and destroy all the IEDs. Threats to kill judges, law enforcement officers and elected officials will also not play well.

With regards to his age, consider the case of Arthur Bixby, 77, who, with is son, shot and killed two police officers in South Carolina over the widening of a highway. Bixby, like Brown, was anti-government, anti-tax, and made many threats to kill law enforcement and government officials. Both stocked their homes with weapons and prepared for a siege they knew would come. Granted, Brown didnt get his chance, but arguably, the only difference between the two was a 4.5 pound trigger pull. Brown's potential for violence, in the form of weapons and explosives, was actually greater than Bixby, who only had hunting rifles and hand guns.

So in the end, I believe he will be portrayed as a significant danger to society and treated accordingly when they decide which facility will be his future home.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Elaine's son write to Keith in RI:
Good Morning:

I just wanted to give you an update on my mother. My sister and I went to visit her in Danbury yesterday. She is doing relatively well and appreciates all we (you) are doing to help her. The thing that upsets her the most is when Ed tells her about how badly things are for him. I wish he wouldn't do that. There is nothing she can do to help, and it only serves to upset her.

Her hand is being treated- somewhat- but she is otherwise in good health. She is obviously not being mistreated and has plenty of food and clean clothing. Even in prison, she is helping others. There are a couple of girls there with no friends or family to put money into their commissary accounts, so my mother has them do her laundry and she buys them what they need (toothpaste, soap, etc) at the commissary. She makes things like toothbrushes and razors last much
longer so she can afford to do that.

Does anyone know what is happening with the Habeus Corpus? She asked me about that a couple of times, but I had no answer. I have also been in contact with Catherine Dion who manages the property trusts and she seems to think the house could possibly be safe from confiscation. This is the IRS however, so who knows? If we are able to save it, then Catherine is going to ask my mother to sign a power
of attorney so we could keep it going or sell it on her behalf. If we can't sell it right away but are able to save it, my sister and I could cover the $11,000 annual property tax bill by cashing in 401K accounts. At least my mother could potentially have somewhat of a retirement fund when she gets out. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

She may also be able to communicate via email shortly, and has already been in touch with my sister electronically. She is in the process of adding my name to her email list, so as soon as that is established, it will be a breeze communicating with her. Even if you are not able to establish contact with her electronically, I could always forward messages on your behalf.

Thanks again for everything, and let me know if there is anything else I can do. I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.

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Post by Demosthenes »

Keith writes back to Elaine's son.
dave thanx for getting back to me. first can i repost
this email on the net? i repost everything so people
can get information just them hearing that elaine is
getting by using money in her account may spur people
to donate more money you know?? but i wont if you dont
want me too...i agree on the information about ed
however if they have permission to write to each other
there is nothing we can do about that, i, however will
not be sending anymore bad info along as i have been
thinking that very thing and dont want to be a part of
making any depression worsen. like you said there is
nothing she can do about it anyway.
you say her hand is being treated. for what? was
something wrong with it? was it hurt during the
arrest? nothing was ever said about it. kinda screwy
that a dentist has limited access to
toothbrushes....thats prison though.
as far as the legal issues, ie:habeous, the person to
ask that would be joe haas he has been working with ed
to try to get this filed. we have been in contact with
several lawyers some refused the case some we are
still waiting to hear from. the last elizabeth kelley
said she would visit ed and talk about representing
him but wanted money up front for having to travel to
elkton fci from cleveland. she said she would come up
with a figure and call back but i havent heard from
her since and ive sent an email and another phone
call. as has joe haas. hopefully she is just busy with
the holiday. joe is looking for as much info on the
house as possible as is ed. i think the plan is this
is going to be a long long fight and they will
probably need the money from the house to fight it! if
you goto and click on forum in the
upper left corner then click general discussion then
look for the listing main thread for ed and elaine vs
the evil irs. that is the bulletin board that we all
communicate through. it is where all updates are
posted so any of us working on the case trying to help
can be on the same page. start at the last page first
(currently 445 i think) it is the newest posts. i know
one of eds last messages out said he needed to file an
injunction on the house to protect it from seizure
BECAUSE they needed the equity in it to fight. tonight
im going to ask joe haas to send me every bit of info
that he has on what he has been doing on the habeous
and everything and any questions he has to get
answered by her and im going to go see your mom this
week sometime. i have a crappy car so i need to borrow
one to get the three hours there it is why i cant go
more often but i need to get up to date info from her
i think to be of any help. and the only way to do that
is to go see her. plus im sure joe has questions too.
keep in mind it will probably be more than 11,000 per
year for the house. i think they never paid for local
taxes at the end and there could be lawsuits etc... im
not sure. plus there is regular maintenance on the
house and considering it was never finished being
built that could get expensive! (i think it needs
siding and windows in the very large cupoula (ha ha)
right? and who knows what else! if it is possible to
save it and i know this is far off but, maybe you
could rent it? weekly for vacations or yearly to
someone to help with the bills it is a big house in a
nice area. just thinking?! i can just see the bills
getting rediculous fast! but you would know better
than i would. keep me updated on that though. maybe if
you decided to go that route some of the NH
freestaters could help finding tenants or something.
i already sent your mom my email address but i dont
know if i have to do anything else to get on her email
list? if so let me know ill do it that would be a much
better way to communicate.
look forward to hearing from you
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Post by Demosthenes »

Elaine's son writes back:
Hi Keith:

First of all, her hand was broken prior to the arrest, so it's not
the Feds' fault. Secondly, if it's possible to keep the house out of the Feds' hands, there's little chance anyone would rent it. It's not a desirable area and far from any tourist areas like skiing or sailing. The neighborhood itself is not very high-end either, so it's not the kind of place that could fetch enough rent to cover the taxes and other overhead expenses. I think selling it would be the best bet, and I doubt it would be worth completing the project.
Whoever ends up buying it would have so much to do to make it more livable. If I were to buy that house, it would probably be just for the land, and I'd have the thing demolished and start again. Ed didn't really follow the blueprints I drew up three years ago and went overboard trying to build some fantasy play castle which would not appeal to many people.

Anyway, feel free to post whatever you want to from my
correspondences. I know I need to speak with Joe Haas, and he left me a message last week. I will try him tomorrow. We'll see what happens, but I'm not overly optimistic. Everyone who claims to want to help ends up being a dead end.

I'll let you know what comes of my conversation with him if anything.

Thanks for keeping in touch,
He forgot one tiny factore in determing property factor: the ATF found so many bombs and explosives on the premises, it took two weeks to explode them all.

Elaine, by the way, did indeed break her hand several weeks prior to the arrest.
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Post by Dezcad »

CaptainKickback wrote:Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't "the castle" already been seized by the IRS to pay their income tax bill?

If so, why does Elaine's son drone on and on about saving the place and paying the property taxes on it?. If not, why does Elaine's son drone on and on about saving the place and paying the property taxes on it, considering the IRS is going to seize it?.

Also, e-mailer Keith really needs to discover punctuation and how to use it. Either that or he needs to stop smoking crystal meth.
You can't let something like reality get in your way.

Ed "whatever suits my purpose" of the clan Brown once felt that the courts were a "fiction" but now since he wants to save the house, the courts have become "real" and he wants to go to the courts to get an injunction to stop the sale of the house.

For Ed, the IRS lien is still a "fiction" cause it serves no purpose for him to believe it is "real".

It's what happens when you build and live in, as Elaine's son calls it, "some fantasy play castle".

And BTW, there's many more things that Keith needs to discover before punctuation......that's only a minor problem for him.
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Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:Also, e-mailer Keith really needs to discover punctuation and how to use it.
The punctuation isn't bad, but he hasn't yet been able to find the "shift" key on his keyboard.

(Or maybe he's just an over-educated cockroach?)
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.