Some sad news - Theresa WAS evicted recently and sadly her partner passed due to cancer.
The story is quite a sad one. Took out a mortgage for about £70k , remortgaged, had some fees added etc, with the net results that the bill soared to £170k. This was clearly out of range and inevitably they fell behind with the payments in 2014. It ended up in court, and they lost. Which brings us to December 2016 after a wave of appeals ala Rekha style.
Appeal linkey: ... 0000d74aa7
This is where it goes all bat shit crazy. A few items raised in her appeal included:
-she didnt receive the letters dragging her to court, it was therefore unfair process.
-the court system is somehow in a conspiracy.
-no jurisdiction
-minor typo in their contract therefore voiding it all (oh, how did Helen Gardiner get on?)
-a jumbling up signatures versus seals.
-the old 'unfair lending' arguments.
-non original documents.
The judge kicked it out and the bailiffs moved in.It seems they may have been a bit hasty. Her husband was terminally ill and passed soon afterwards, so I can understand the anger.
The compulsory 'sad local photo' news story can be found here: ... y-11225688
But wait. It turns out she was quite an interesting FOI agenda, telling me she was way down the rabbit hole as early as 2013. ... g_ucc1_207 . Its a mish mash of agenda 21, corrupt judges and the 'you cant tax me' junk'. My favourite :
Dear Scottish Police Authority,
I require confirmation of the Legal Status of Police Scotland.
Is Police Scotland Publicly owned or is it a Private Organisation.
How much does it receive annually from the public purse.
Yours faithfully,
Theresa Stirling