King Lud wrote:Why can't it be looked at in isolation? We have a lot of Travellers in our area who build any old shit, apply for retrospective planning permission on Greenbelt and basically get it waved through.
I know Quatloos is generally pro government and the status quo but just sometimes they really don't get it right and there's no reason to defend it.
I’d hardly describe myself as either of those things.
I just happen to think that if the law says someone is entitled to X then the best, quickest and often only way to get X is to use the methods of the law.
And if that doesn’t work because the law is unjust, or you think it is, then campaign on that issue. But start building your strategy by analysing how things actually are in concrete reality, not by replacing reality with a huge conspiracy theory involving long-dead bits of Magna Carta and imaginary “common law” then leading people down blind alleys to inevitable defeat.
As for the FOTL gurus who teach and encourage people to believe such nonsense, they’re parasites, pure and simple. No different to the snake-oil medicine sellers of the old west, except that snake-oil usually contained a hefty amount of alcohol so you got something for your money.
I guess I’m saying that I think the best way to get the result you want, be that getting the best possible legal outcome or even bringing about major social change, is to use a strategy that has at least a decent chance of actually working. And FOTL stuff stands no chance of working at all, unless you count turning a parkling ticket into a debt of hundreds or even thousands of pounds a victory.
On second thoughts, there’s one situation where it might work. When you can convince someone pursuing you for a small debt that you’re completely bonkers, on another planet and have no possessions worth seizing or income worth attaching. So they decide to give up on you and go collect other, more productive debts instead. But if you don’t get rid of them they’ll just keep coming back with ever bigger bills and more warrants until they win in the end. Just ask Neelu.