Correspondence from Ed and gang

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Post by Imalawman »

CaptainKickback wrote:Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't "the castle" already been seized by the IRS to pay their income tax bill?

If so, why does Elaine's son drone on and on about saving the place and paying the property taxes on it?. If not, why does Elaine's son drone on and on about saving the place and paying the property taxes on it, considering the IRS is going to seize it?.

Also, e-mailer Keith really needs to discover punctuation and how to use it. Either that or he needs to stop smoking crystal meth.
Also, don't forget the state's tax interests as well. Even if there were a surplus at the sale of the home after the IRS takes its cut, the state will be right behind and it will be a massive bill as well.
"Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs" - Unknown

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Demosthenes wrote:Elaine's son write to Keith in RI:
Good Morning:

I just wanted to give you an update on my mother. My sister and I went to visit her in Danbury yesterday. She is doing relatively well and appreciates all we (you) are doing to help her. The thing that upsets her the most is when Ed tells her about how badly things are for him. I wish he wouldn't do that. There is nothing she can do to help, and it only serves to upset her.

Then she should not have married a whinny loser like Ed.

Her hand is being treated- somewhat- but she is otherwise in good health. She is obviously not being mistreated and has plenty of food and clean clothing. Even in prison, she is helping others. There are a couple of girls there with no friends or family to put money into their commissary accounts, so my mother has them do her laundry and she buys them what they need (toothpaste, soap, etc) at the commissary. She makes things like toothbrushes and razors last much
longer so she can afford to do that.

This is so disturbing in that MSNBC Womens Prison Special sort of way.

Does anyone know what is happening with the Habeus Corpus? She asked me about that a couple of times, but I had no answer. I have also been in contact with Catherine Dion who manages the property trusts and she seems to think the house could possibly be safe from confiscation. This is the IRS however, so who knows? If we are able to save it, then Catherine is going to ask my mother to sign a power
of attorney so we could keep it going or sell it on her behalf. If we can't sell it right away but are able to save it, my sister and I could cover the $11,000 annual property tax bill by cashing in 401K accounts. At least my mother could potentially have somewhat of a retirement fund when she gets out. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Sorry, but I predict that Elaine will not need that retirement as she is going to move from prison to your guest room. After many, many, years in prison.

She may also be able to communicate via email shortly, and has already been in touch with my sister electronically. She is in the process of adding my name to her email list, so as soon as that is established, it will be a breeze communicating with her. Even if you are not able to establish contact with her electronically, I could always forward messages on your behalf.

Thanks again for everything, and let me know if there is anything else I can do. I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.

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Post by The Observer »

CaptainKickback wrote:Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't "the castle" already been seized by the IRS to pay their income tax bill?
In order for the IRS to have seized the Brown residence, they would have had to file a suit in federal district court for that purpose. I believe it was Famspear who shared some laws regarding federal forfeiture related to criminal convictions; it may very well be that the house was taken into possession of the government under those laws and the IRS seizure not necessary. I wonder if Scoop has any information on seizure actions vs. forfeiture on the Brown property.
If so, why does Elaine's son drone on and on about saving the place and paying the property taxes on it?. If not, why does Elaine's son drone on and on about saving the place and paying the property taxes on it, considering the IRS is going to seize it?.
Because he suffers from the same syndrome that his mother suffered from: wishful thinking and denial of what is written on the wall.
Imalawman wrote:Also, don't forget the state's tax interests as well. Even if there were a surplus at the sale of the home after the IRS takes its cut, the state will be right behind and it will be a massive bill as well.
The first thing to forget is whether there are senior creditors ahead of the fed and the state and if there is any equity in the property. If there is no equity, it matters little who was there first with the most tax liens.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Demosthenes »

More from Keith.
i received letters from reno bob and elaine today. they
are coming in faster than i can send them out! i also received BOTH envelopes containing 2 dvd's each of america freedom to fascism addressed to reno and bob. both envelopes stamped refused returned to sender. with hand written notes saying cant have items. both envelopes were opened and renos was resealed with staples and bobs resealed with clear tape. funny thing is, inside renos envelope one of the dvd's was put back into its sleeve backwards? so you couldnt see the writting on the top. when i sent them they were all facing out through the clear plastic in the sleeve. i wonder if someone watched it?! hope so it only takes on person!

letter from bob in response to my 5 dollar deposit o his commissary account:dated 11/22/07

hi keith,
WOW! i really appreciate the cash! that is awesome. i will get a bag of instant coffee, sugar, and powdered creamer! we order from the canteen once a week.THANKS!!! i was begining to wonder if anybody out there was paying attention anymore. i havent heard from anybody except a few close friends. tues, the four of us were reindicted on conspiracy charges. i was not included with the other 3 the first time around. i was the one that just offered moral support to ed and elaine. i never supplied weapons or other stuff. the other 3 are facing some serious time, mine may only be 24 months. what a bunch of crap! no matter what, the only thing we did was to keep (**the rest written in pencil**) the feds from killing the element of my charge is counterintelligence on a federal agent. isnt that a bogus charge! (i guess i will order another pen mine just went dry!) thanks for your support! keep spreading the word and lets make sure we get ron paul elected!

elaines letter to me dated 11/21/07:

dear keith,
i didnt realize you were in contact with joe haas. you two are quite a team! thank you for the address' (**i sent her address of senators and reps from nh at joe's request**) i have been sending copies of eds letter to joe that kat published in the keene free press. to everyone i can think of with instructions to send copies to their senators and reps in d.c. their treatment of ed is criminal and can not be allowed to continue. they probably treat all political prisoners this way. it seems they are trying to kill him without leaving any marks, to make it look like he died of natural causes. i am so worried about him.
i got the address for the bureau of prisons from joe and will send to them also.
i received my first letter from ed 2 days ago. he wrote it on november 3 at time of writing he was still in isolation, and still in a very cold room. he said he heard he was going to be moved to a more secure facility in 2 weeks. so i dont know if hes still in ohio or not. he said the marshall told BOP that he is militia and could influence others if he is allowed in general population, or something like that. thank you for the puzzle books and photos. i think i thanked you for the books already. let me know if you did not get that letter. i dont know about any webpages.we have no internet access except for email.
****** **** has been writing to us both, and has even sent some money to my account. we have never met her, and she is turning out to be a real friend!
i received the **** (i cant read elaines writing here and i dont remember what i sent her that she is refering to) you sent. i gave one to one of the women here who is being released in 2 weeks. i have been working with her and another on resolving this through commerce laws that the government works under-ucc-1, bonds,etc, if it works we are all out of here. we do a lot of praying. god bless you and others like you keith you are our lifeline!
it does not require an attorney to file a habeous corpus. anyone can do that, fred smart and thurston bell are supposedly working on one, but it shouldnt take this long, its not that complicated. if you could call rbn 1-800-313-9443 (?) thats republic broadcasting network-its on the internet. in fact, you can speak on the show to give updates and keep us in the news. fred has his show mon-fri @10 am. ask him about the habeous.
will write soon. i will put you on my email list. just rememebr that all email is read by them. also real mail is precious. there is nothing like the written word. you are approved to visit. i already told you that.

renos letter coming. ......
Dr. Caligari
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Post by Dr. Caligari »

i have been working with her and another on resolving this through commerce laws that the government works under-ucc-1, bonds,etc, if it works we are all out of here.
Rocky: That trick never works!
Bullwinkle: This time for sure!
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)
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Post by Imalawman »

Demosthenes wrote:elaines letter to me dated 11/21/07:

dear keith,
he said he heard he was going to be moved to a more secure facility in 2 weeks. so i dont know if hes still in ohio or not. he said the marshall told BOP that he is militia and could influence others if he is allowed in general population, or something like that.

As we suspected.... does not require an attorney to file a habeous corpus. anyone can do that, fred smart and thurston bell are supposedly working on one, but it shouldnt take this long, its not that complicated.

Ha! she is soo misguided. For her case, its extremely complicated - seeing as how there are absolutely no grounds for habeous relief. A lawyer would have to take his time with it, if nothing else than to avoid sanctions.
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Post by Prof »

Any appeal having been effectively waived by the Browns, I suppose their one avenue is a writ -- but given the narrowness of that form of collateral attack on a criminal conviction, I don't see how such a writ could not be frivolous. WSERRA should comment.

However, what the correspondence reflects is that the Browns, her children, and their supports simply live in fantasy land, with no willingness to confront reality. While the Browns may be pitiful, their willingness to resort to violence in order to continue to live the fantasy makes it impossible for me to feel any pity for them.

I suppose that it will dawn on both -- in a few years -- that this "nightmare" is real and that they face long years before being released, penniless, aged, and broken. Even if neither is ultimately charged with and convicted of additional offenses following their retreat to the "castle," trying to start over at their ages, after even 4 or so years of time served, would seem to mean that both wind up on public assistance in the "bad nursing home."
"My Health is Better in November."

Post by ElfNinosMom »

My SO and I discussed possibly making a bid on the Brown residential property when it is sold (he's a contractor, so we'd know ahead of time what we were getting into and how much it would cost to bring it up to code and finish renovations), but we changed our minds very quickly when we realized the extent of the IEDs and booby traps which had been hidden on the property.

That house isn't worth anything, and neither is the property, because there is too much chance that something deadly was overlooked. I can't imagine that anyone in their right mind would make a bid on it which might even come close to what it would otherwise be worth, because most people would buy it to tear down the out-of-code house and rebuild, but it's going to cost major money to ensure the safety of the property. After all, surveying for poisons and explosives is not a normal part of buying a house, and for all anyone really knows, Ed has that entire house rigged to go up in flames with the simple flip of a switch.

Will the feds have to make full disclosure about the IEDs etc when it is placed for bid? I'm no longer interested, obviously, but I think that those who might be interested have an absolute right to know that the house and property was set up to kill at one point in time, because to my knowledge, the government does not warrant property it sells.
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Post by Demosthenes »

More from Keith.
renos letter to me dated 11/22/07:

hey! happy thanksgiving! i just received an envelope post maked the 19th of nov 07.
there was no letter, or even a note in it. but there was a receipt. money order of 5 dollars was sent to my account from keith *********. first, please, allow me to say "thank you!" i am not sure what pressed you to send me money for canteen but thank you so much!
it was a surprise that i was not expecting! trust me, for it being a holiday, i was not very pleased how the day was going at all.
then a gift! out of the blue! i swear , xmas on thanksgiving for me in jail! again "THANK YOU!" well today was crappy. it started last night. i requested that E (max) block eat together for thanksgiving diner. i was shot down before i even handed in the request sheet. FUCKERS! then today, well long story short, top tier (my tier) was supposed to eat out of our cells/together on the "floor" at least once a day we are supposed to be able to eat our meals out of our cells with each other. well the corrections officers screwed it up today, my tier ended up eating every ,eal in our cells, each of us alone. even after lunch (the holiday meal) one of the c/o's promised we woul get to eat our supper together at least since it was fucked up at lunch time. DID NOT HAPPEN! happy thanksgiving! if it were not for your simple gift, i would have been pissed off the whole day. but some more good news, i "woke up" two more guys. one promised to become active. i could tell the c/o's ears were listening in. GOOD GOOD, truth is infectous!
again thank you!
People fixate on weird stuff in prison.
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Post by Demosthenes »

ElfNinosMom wrote:My SO and I discussed possibly making a bid on the Brown residential property when it is sold
We had the same brief conversation here, and it boiled down to how much do you trust the BATF and FBI to have really truly found *everything*?

Post by ElfNinosMom »

I originally expected Ed to be placed permanently in a medium-security facility due to his militia ties, but he may very well be placed in a high-security or maximum-security facility due to his threats and bomb-making activities.

Someone like him should definitely be watched to a greater extent than is done in a minimum-security or low-security facility, if for no other reason than to ensure some frickin' 'tards don't try to help him escape since they believe he is a "political prisoner", but I'm just not altogether sure if he requires high or maximum security in order to do that, given his age and the fact that he is very unlikely to be influential with other inmates. After all, he was only minimally influential even with people who already believed that crap. Convicts will see right through him, as will most inmates, and chances are he'd need their protection more than anything, so he'd learn very quickly to keep his mouth shut.

However, if influence is a concern, keep him out of facilities with a strong militia and/or anti-Semitic presence (which would include probably any prison above medium security). It is only when housed with those who hold similar beliefs, that he has any influence at all. He is certainly not going to convert anybody influential in a typical prison to his Zionist Illuminati crap, because the best bullshit detectors on earth are held by convicts. Yeah, they spout a lot of bullshit themselves, but they know it's bullshit even as they're saying it. It's just part of the game.

If Ed is placed in genpop in any facility housing violent inmates, he might not survive it. He'll run his mouth at the wrong person, and he will be seriously injured no matter how "fast" or "tough" he thinks he is, because the fact remains that he is an old man who's not in good shape. One of those guys might just snap his neck like a twig, not only because he annoyed them either by being mouthy or touching them (hey, he does have that weird man-touching fetish going on, as we saw with Randy Weaver), but because at his age and level of arrogance and mouthiness, he's an easy target for someone looking to make a reputation for themselves within the prison environment.

So if he is placed in any facility housing violent inmates, he needs to be kept out of genpop for his own protection. He's much safer in a medium-security facility, simply because the other inmates there are much less violent, and they should be able to contain him and his aberrant impulses there. It would also save taxpayers the additional expense of maintaining him in administrative segregation in a higher-security prison.

So unless some more information comes to light, or I missed something, at this point I think it is excessive (and therefore a waste of our tax dollars) to place him in a high-security or maximum-security prison, and I would suspect it was being done purely as a punitive measure, rather than out of necessity.

Out of his own environment, Ed's probably not anywhere near as dangerous as he might seem, because he's just another sociopath with delusions of grandeur, and prisons are overflowing with people like him, most far more dangerous in a one-on-one situation. I seriously doubt he will physically attack a guard or anyone else. He is far more likely to be the victim of such an attack.
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Post by wserra »

Prof wrote:Any appeal having been effectively waived by the Browns, I suppose their one avenue is a writ -- but given the narrowness of that form of collateral attack on a criminal conviction, I don't see how such a writ could not be frivolous. WSERRA should comment.
Who is WSERRA? Huh? Trying to trick me into admiralty jurisdiction, are you? Well, I refuse it for cause under the "saving to suitors" clause! I waive the tort and sue in assumpsit! Vigilantibus non dormientibus aequitas subvenit! (The last is Latin for "You gotta get up pretty early in the morning to fool equity!")

The short answer is that what PROF wrote is surely right. It has long been the law that habeas will not lie to review any non-constitutional claims which could have been raised on direct appeal. Stone v. Powell, 428 US 465 (1976). I'm sure these bozos will claim constitutional issues. However, since they wouldn't know a constitutional issue if one smacked 'em on the ass and called 'em "Sally", it seems unlikely they'll blunder on one. Even if they did, it is only paytriot mythology that a constitutional issue can't be waived - it can, and is so ruled all the time. Failing to take an appeal is a pretty classic waiver.

I'd settle in for the long haul, boys.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by ElfNinosMom »

As for the correspondences, Ed needs to stop whining to Elaine about his poor, pitiful life. It sounds like she's making the best she can out of her present circumstances, and more power to her for it. He's just continuing to manipulate her, and it should be stopped even if her son needs to step in and stop it for her own good. She can't help Ed, and in fact she wouldn't be in prison had she not married the creep in the first place, so he needs to just send her either "How are you? I am fine" letters, or nothing at all.

It kind of pisses me off that he is trying to make it appear that his experience is so much worse than hers. Chances are it's not, given the type of facility he is in, and he just wants her sympathy, when in fact he doesn't deserve it.

I will admit I laughed when that one frickin' 'tard thought the "America: Freedom To Fascism" DVD had been replaced backward because it had been viewed. They took it out of the case to see exactly what was in the case, then they put it back in the case and returned it because it is not permissible to ship such items to an inmate (after all, a DVD could be broken and very easily fashioned into a deadly weapon, or even used as a weapon as soon as it was broken, no fashioning necessary). I did get a chuckle from their belief that they might have converted a prison guard with it, though.

In fact, it reminded me of the time when Gene Chapman thought he had convinced his hospital psychiatrist to become a tax protester .... then within a day or so, that same psychiatrist shipped him off to a long-term state psychiatric facility.

That was probably three years ago, and I'm still laughing about it. It's definitely the "gift that keeps on giving". :lol:

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Demosthenes wrote:
ElfNinosMom wrote:My SO and I discussed possibly making a bid on the Brown residential property when it is sold
We had the same brief conversation here, and it boiled down to how much do you trust the BATF and FBI to have really truly found *everything*?
Honestly, I don't trust them to have found everything, which is why we very quickly decided to forget about it when it came to light what they had found.

Ah well, it's not worth blowing up over. :wink:
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Post by grixit »

It looks as if the only thing that can be done is to put one of those big spiked rollers on the front of a really big bulldozer and flatten everything, sadly including trees. Then scrape the place clear and hold it as county property until encroaching development pushes the price up to the point where they can make back the taxes and cost of operations.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by grixit »

As for Ed, he belongs in an old style sanitarium, where he can play croquet with Napoleon and Marilyn Monroe, do some yoga, eat pudding and watch old movies, all under the supervision of people who'll pretend to listen to him.

Pity there are no such institutions paid for entirely by tp donations.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by Scoop »

The Observer wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't "the castle" already been seized by the IRS to pay their income tax bill?
In order for the IRS to have seized the Brown residence, they would have had to file a suit in federal district court for that purpose. I believe it was Famspear who shared some laws regarding federal forfeiture related to criminal convictions; it may very well be that the house was taken into possession of the government under those laws and the IRS seizure not necessary. I wonder if Scoop has any information on seizure actions vs. forfeiture on the Brown property.
I find all the details of seizure/forfeiture a little tough to understand, and neither IRS, USMS nor the US Attorney will answer any questions about it. So this is my rough understanding, which could be flawed.

The property is subject to criminal forfeiture because it was involved in the conspiracy to structure. There was a separate jury finding and the judge did issue a specific order saying the house and commercial property could be seized to recoup losses.

There are also state and IRS liens on both properties, so I think IRS can get its money without a separate seizure order once the property is sold.

But, as far as I can tell the commercial property was taken by IRS, not the U.S. Attorney's office, so there may be some other sealed order somewhere. I never succeeded in finding anything in any of the federal district courts.

In any case, the combined forfeiture and tax liens far exceed the value of the two properties. Last I checked, the bill was around $3 million, and there may be more interest and penalties by now.
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Post by The Observer »

Commercial property can be seized administratively by the IRS without court order, which is why you would not see any court filing by the IRS for that purpose. Only when real property is identified as a personal residence of the taxpayer or their immediate relatives is when the IRS is required to go into federal court.

Scoop, do you have any idea what the Browns owed on the property to lenders (mortgages or trust deeds)? In all likelihood these would have been senior to the IRS and the state. And if the Browns were behind on their property taxes, the municipality may also be a superpriority over the government agencies.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by The Observer »

there was no letter, or even a note in it. but there was a receipt. money order of 5 dollars was sent to my account from keith *********. first, please, allow me to say "thank you!" i am not sure what pressed you to send me money for canteen but thank you so much!
Why is this guy so very happy to be receiving worthless FRNs? Doesn't he know that by accepting an FRN, he is accepting debt? The smart thing for him to do is return it to the sender and demand they send Ron Paul Libby Dollars or Libby Certificates.
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Post by BBFlatt »

grixit wrote:It looks as if the only thing that can be done is to put one of those big spiked rollers on the front of a really big bulldozer and flatten everything, sadly including trees. Then scrape the place clear and hold it as county property until encroaching development pushes the price up to the point where they can make back the taxes and cost of operations.
But who are they going to get to drive the bulldozer?
When the last law was down and the devil turned 'round on you where would you hide, the laws all being flat? ...Yes, I'd give the devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety's sake. -- Robert Bolt; A Man for all Seasons