FMOTL of the Year 2017

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Siegfried Shrink
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Re: FMOTL of the Year 2017

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

This may be a side effect of immigratiuon over the last 50-60 years, as a number of stars are of foreign extraction, and have arrived to provide hybrid vigour to our own home grown idiots, who certainly need it as they do appear to represent the sticky stuff left after you have already drained the barrel.
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Re: FMOTL of the Year 2017

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:
Regarding nailing jelly to a table, experiment has just shown me that if you nail the 'as it comes from the packet' concentrated jelly slab, the fixture is stable up to 90 degrees of table tilt. I have not yet had time to make up the jelly and let it cool, but I anticipate at least some small degree of fixture, a reasonably firm and cool jelly should be stable for at least 20 degrees of tilt. For the experiment a standard 4 inch round nail was used, results may differ with a clout nail, and the clout nail's orientation with regard to the angle of tilt.

I will concede the more usual task of nailing jelly to a ceiling would be impossible with the prepared jelly but I have some hope of success (assuming I can try this before being restrained by concerned household members) with nailing the unmade concentrate.
It should be noted for overseas readers that in Britain, jelly comes from the retailer in the form of small blocks, not packets of crystal-like material.
I fully concede that nailing a slab of solid gelatin mix to a table would be fairly straightforward, as long as it doesn't crumble in the process. My analogy was referring to the prepared gelatin (and chocolate/vanilla pudding, for that matter) cups sold by the Jell-O company in the U.S. But perhaps even Jell-O is too solid a material to be suitable as a representation of FMOTL theories.
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Re: FMOTL of the Year 2017

Post by JamesVincent »

I humbly suggest that the lifetime underachievement award go, post mortem, to the man who singlehandedly, and hilariously, brought insanity into the pseudo-legal world.... and did it with style. He has led the faithful astray for, literally, decades and, even though he has rode his non-licensed conveyance into the sky, is STILL misleading our current clowns, who are mere posers compared to this guy, into the sunset. Who is this man of mans, this greater whacko than all the other whackos I speak of?

Charlie Sprinkle

The man, the legend, the greatest of the greats, the man who threatened Nancy Reagan and who made Ronald Reagan his biatch. Without Charlie lending his name to that farce of farces, his suit of, basically, everyone in the government of California at the time, freemen would have to actually obey the law, actually have to have driver licenses, have insurance, you know, all those pesky motoring laws. Charlie got his license from God, by God, and he wasn't taking it anymore.

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Re: FMOTL of the Year 2017

Post by letissier14 »

What about the award for the biggest turn around, with GOODF being sold off to a debt management company
I don't take sides, I read all the facts and then come to my own conclusions
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Re: FMOTL of the Year 2017

Post by mufc1959 »

Once Jimmy One-Cell disappeared into the oblivion from which he'd come, I wondered who might come along to provide us with entertainment. We didn't have long to wait.

For my money, Robert 'Crab Bait' White has had a meteoric rise to FOTL stardom. He himself has admitted that less than a year ago he knew nothing about this FOTL nonsense, but having discovered it, it's now the answer not only to all his prayers, but thousands of people around the country. Undeterred by bankruptcy and the likelihood of losing his home and all his buy-to-let properties, Crabby devotes his time selflessly travelling (not driving, obvs) round the country, supporting the downtrodden and oppressed as they wave their magic pieces of paper at bewildered policy officers and achieving absolutely nothing.

What a hero! He's my FMOTL of 2017, hands down.
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Re: FMOTL of the Year 2017

Post by The Seventh String »

letissier14 wrote:What about the award for the biggest turn around, with GOODF being sold off to a debt management company
The award for the biggest bunch of sleazy amoral hypocrites might be more appropriate.