Illuminati PR

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The real world rulers tend to clever people. They are the ones who often become reasonably rich and in positions of power that they have worked their way to over many years.

People who don't rule the world tend to be the less clever people and the downright dumb, that follow this nonsense. Given a choice between saying 'I do not rule anything because I really have no idea how anything works' and 'I don't rule the world because someone is stopping me' the obvious choice is not blaming themselves.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

Oh poop.

Friday, February 16, 2018
ALLIANCE INSIDER: “There Will be No Civilian Trials for the Illuminati”

Coped below are rumors and summary thoughts by one who follows the hidden news. But, as I have always assumed, to get our country back we will not have time for the normal public court system to provide the justice needed. It is up to each of us to be prepared, and the report below may assist you in that mission.

Adam Riva
February 14, 2018

Our source within the Alliance, who we have been calling 'Arthur', recently updated us on the proceedings of the mass arrests, the recent executive orders signed to pave the wave for military tribunals of the Illuminati, and the expansion of Guantanamo Bay prison to provide maximum security detention of Deep State criminals.

I have been using the pseudonym 'Arthur' based on the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I’ve done this because of my source’s involvement in the Alliance. I feel that the Round Table, which has no specific leader, is a fitting metaphor for the Alliance because King Arthur’s court was said to be comprised of many prominent warriors.

The following is a transcript of some of the more interesting intel that 'Arthur' shared with us.

“Arthur: There is a lot going on right now. I would guess that nobody but me and maybe 100 people on Earth right now know what’s happening because I’m an I.O.

I’ll just give you a quick scenario and run-down. None of this is on TV and none of this may surface this year. Remember in 2015, I told you we started a military coup?”

Yeah, I remember.

“Arthur: Because Obama said "bring me 10 aircraft carriers and we’re going to convert them to NATO" and the Admiral said “go f**k yourself.” They took them back out.

That was the beginning of a military coup. It got worse from there as to what Bill and Hillary and Obama got into. It got much much worse. It went downhill to the point where Putin told Trump to run for president. He said to Trump “because Obama is going to put a New World Order with himself and Hillary, so somebody is going to have to take America back or you’re going to lose your country and you’re going to lose your hotels.”

These people are just about radical radical radical “fairness.” You know, New World Order style, spread the money around.

Well, it got to the point where Trump got into office and he and his team noticed that there was $7 trillion dollars missing. Obama put us $11 trillion in debt, but Trump couldn’t find $7 trillion of it. They didn’t build any bridges, any airports, no buildings, no pipeline, didn’t build a f**king thing. Well, where’s the $7 trillion? Trump started finding hints and things from the CIA, FBI, Interpol, etc.

Obama was vicious and knew that if he got Hillary in, everything would be okay. But what Trump did is he put in Blackwater, Seal Teams 2, 4, 6. He also brought in Delta Force, some CIA spoofs, black operative guys, and that’s his security. He doesn’t have the Secret Service. He’s got my guys. Nasty f**kers. They play to win, all the time, every time, every game. They don’t necessarily give a shit as long as the good guys survive and their mission is carried out.

Trump got attacked by the FBI. The Illuminati sent some people in and said “Hey f**ker, you’re not the first to take us on. Kennedy tried to shut down the Federal Reserve and take out the U.S. Treasury.”

I don’t know if you ever watched the Jekyll Island documentary by Glen Beck…?”

No, but I read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

“Arthur: Okay, so what Obama got into was flagrant and huge abuse of power. Trump got wind of it and just before Christmas he signed an executive order. Meanwhile, everyone’s asleep. They’re looking at this Russian-collusion propaganda. Trump signed an executive order and nobody caught on for 30 days. The executive order deals with a national security threat.

Now if you don’t know the UCNGA Military Law and Tribunal Law, it probably doesn’t mean a thing to you. You might say, “So what? He’s dealing with a national security threat.” With one more signature and without Congress’ approval, he can take us to martial law anytime from December 21st 2017 through December 21st 2019. Anytime he wants.

With the national security threat, he froze the assets of about 9,000 people, companies, and corporations. We’re talking about the pedophile rings, the Deep State, the Dark State, the 4,000 companies that Obama bought in Africa with the taxpayers’ $7 trillion. Trump froze all the assets, all the titles worldwide.”

Yeah, I read about that. I have it here in front of me. It’s called the Pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act signed on December 21st 2017. That’s the exact one you are referring to, right?

“Arthur: That’s it. He signed two more. He signed one on the 23rd and one on the 27th which expanded it, Adam. The reason he is rebuilding GTMO so fast – you know, Disney Land is having power failures, pipes are bursting at LaGuardia, what he’s doing is he is picking people up. The arrests have already begun.

Well, that’s what I suspected. I heard that there were a number of people that they were trying to catch so they created convincing headlines to avoid drawing too much attention. They also caught some people inadvertently by thwarting gun smuggling operations. They grounded flights, they shut things down, but then they had to provide a story that the public would believe to explain away why there was a significant disruption.

“Arthur: Well, Atlanta hub only has five backup generators and three turbine sets. It’s without power? No f**king way.”

I also heard today that they issued an order to expand Guantanamo Bay to house an additional 13,000 inmates with maximum security – and they said it would be for 'migrants', but let’s get real – there’s now just over 13,000 sealed indictments. Seems like the Alliance is in the final stages of preparation for mass arrests.

“Arthur: This got on your radar, but it didn’t get on anybody else’s. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Military Tribunal Law, but because of the National Security Act, there will be no civilian trials for anybody who is a threat to national security.”

Really? So we shouldn’t expect to see public trials for the Illuminati?

“Arthur: There will be no civilian trials for the Illuminati. It’s going to be a military tribunal when we get around to it. The general attitude in the Alliance right now is if you’re a threat to national security, we don’t have to give you a civilian trial. And, if he goes to martial law, he can just point his finger and say, “Put that f**ker away and I’ll tell you when to bring to the key back.”

When do you think the hammer is coming down on the 13,000 indictments?

“Arthur: Right now.
If you had 10,000 rats on fire, you’d have the Democratic Party. They don’t know where to go. They’re lashing out in every direction. They don’t know what to do. My concern right now is I wish that somebody would start a citizens’ party. The Democratic Party no longer exists.

They have Hillary on 27 counts of treason. Putin bought the uranium so it didn’t go to North Korea and Pakistan and Afghanistan and on into Iran. We have the data, we have the facts, we have GTMO being built. There’s apt to be a 90-day window where things get tough for the average citizen. There’s a lot cooking.

I don’t know if I ever expressed this to you. The Alliance has a checkmate. Look at who Trump put in office. Five generals and two admirals. I wonder how he’s going to rule… military tribunal. The military will get our country back. It will collapse the Treasury and it will collapse the Federal Reserve.

An order was given to dark ops and special forces teams. If Trump gets sick, these 4,760 people get sick the next f** king day. So the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones, the G8, all these people live in fear that Trump will cough.

What I think is really telling right now is if you’re watching any of the turbulence in the markets. You have the Dow plunging 666 points the day the memo was released. The deficit did the same thing back in October. There are so many contrived distractions with their satanic signature on it. Do you know what I mean?

“Arthur: The Dow is nothing more than a piece of used toilet paper that you scoop out of a sewer pipe. It’s speculation, it means nothing. If you have a liar, a pimp, a prostitute, a drug dealer, and a junkie, who’s going to prosecute who? You get it?

The recent FISA memo, I think, was the final nail in the coffin for the Russiagate narrative, and I’ve heard that there are many more memos soon to come.

“Arthur: Well here’s what’s coming. There’s going to be a truth act that’s going to come through the FCC and you’re going to lose your license if what you print is not evidentiary fact because it’s a threat to national security. Remember how I said most people don’t understand what a military tribunal is?”

If something like this truth act came out during the Obama administration, I would be very worried. He tried something similar in late 2016 – the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, I think it was called. But since Trump is pushing for this, I have a strong feeling that they would use it legitimately.

“Arthur: Net Neutrality, that’s all going to get flushed. You’re going to see the internet go to self-regulation. You’re going to see a lot of laws for the criminal shit that goes on, like the Dark Net for instance, and it’s going to be treated just like bank robbery. Our enemies are now are China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.”

There have already been mass arrests in Saudi Arabia of princes and kings, which was exciting to see.

“Arthur: It’s all on the stove right now. It’s all cooking. It’s all boiling. There’s a lot going on, but it’s just like I said before. Protect your spirit, shrink your perimeter, prepare for a 90 day window where you can take care of yourself. Withdraw. Don’t expand; withdraw. You can’t teach a mouse to sing, so don’t try to teach some people how to think. Respect what you see. Don’t cloud your perspective by what you want to see. See everything.”

I have a mantra that you’ll appreciate. It’s just something that came to me while I was falling asleep. I’ll tell you what it is first, and then I’ll explain.

Meditation, preparation, investigation, conversation.
Spend more time in meditation for the spirit than you do in preparation for a disaster. Spend more time in preparation than you do in investigation of conspiracies. Spend more time in investigation than you do in the conversations with what others think is going on. That’s your hierarchy of priorities.

“Arthur: You left out something that you’re very knowledgeable about. I would add “intuition” for the universal form of energy. I think of meditation as the mental practice, and intuition as the connection to the higher self.”

Posted by Olive Oyl at 12:43:00 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous February 16, 2018 at 2:25 PM
Good!!!! Send them to GITMO, find them all guilty, and shoot or hang the traitorous bastards, without their hoods on so we can see who they are, and I want to see it on national television, to prove that they were executed-

I know Satan wants the Illuminati to get more publicity in order to raise the value of our "brand," but I don't think this is exactly what he was thinking of.
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How to join illuminati for free

Post by LagonMarvin »


How the illuminati brotherhood changed my life for good, i want to give thanks to the Lord Lucifer for accepting, I am so grateful today is because of the illuminati brotherhood help me achieve my goals in life, i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, i deiced to join the illuminati brotherhood, but i met the wrong people, i was scammed some many times but i still do not give up, because when you give up in life, life will also give up on you, i have done so many things in life just to make it and live a happy life with my family, i believe one day i will meet the right person that we help me join the real illuminati brotherhood, because i did not give up i was so lucky to meet the right agent of illuminati brotherhood that make me join the illuminati brotherhood successfully, when i was totally initiated to the illuminati brotherhood family, i was given all the benefits amount of $2,000,000.00, ring of protection, international visa to travel to any countries in the world, house of my choice, car of my choice , this is my own testimony i am so proud of myself and i am a great man who is well known in the world, the mission of the illuminati brotherhood is to wipe away suffering and hardship away from everyone life, if you have be scammed my advise for you is not to give up, if you are interested to join the illuminati brotherhood, you are a business man/woman, an artist, a pastor, a working class, student and you want to be successful in life, you have to contact the illuminati brotherhood official email: or call/text WhatApp +15088192672 on how to join the illuminati brotherhood and become successful in life, i want you all to know this it is free to join the illuminati brotherhood you will not pay any money to join the illuminati brotherhood.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by wserra »

Real Illuminati despise spammers (two links).

We also wouldn't be caught dead posting from Lagos (like this guy).
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Gregg »

Or using a address.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Deep Knight »

There was one response to this as it was posted on "Medium"

Hello, Bewear of online fraudsters most of them are not our member and all those fake benefit that they are using to attract people be carefull of them. Those that have ear let them here…. No matter where you are. No distance can affect the work of our baphomet. Join the great ILLUMINATI and achieve your dreams.

you will been giving powers to overcome your enemies…
$90,000,000 into your bank account……
$600,000 weekly salary………
A car value at $400.000…….
Award contract worth $500,000,000…….
A House in any country of your own choice. And a free visa to your dream country.Total lifestyle changes..

long life and properity given to you as long as you win souls Into the great ILLUMINATI If you are interested WhatsApp us: XXXX,OR Email us on:, so we can begin the joining process!!!

Like what you read? Give Great illuminati a round of applause. From a quick cheer to a standing ovation, clap to show how much you enjoyed this story.

I hate to tell 'em this, but most people who would believe this story already have a car worth $400!
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Gregg »

Anyone else getting the impression that The Illuminati is run by Nigerian 419 scammers?
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by morrand »

Gregg wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:45 pm Anyone else getting the impression that The Illuminati is run by Nigerian 419 scammers?
I'd have figured it to be the other way around, actually.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by notorial dissent »

Gregg wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:45 pm Anyone else getting the impression that The Illuminati is run by Nigerian 419 scammers?
I was going, to ask if anyone knew when they'd started to branch out? I think the real paid recruiters might take offense, interfering in their commissions and all. Could get ugly, and by that I mean messy, for them.
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Re: Illuminati PR

Post by Gregg »

we're the Illuminati, we don't do 'messy', we just do 'done'.
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