Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

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notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

It amazes me that anyone, even if they are from Australia, still thinks that Dean is anything but a useless waste of protoplasm.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Then heartbreak of the financial front. Willing contributors just can't seem to get the job done;
Katy McCarten You should also set up a go fund me - I am hopelessly locked out of Paypal when I tried yesterday, sorry
I've had a few bits of artwork done for me in different parts of Europe. Paypal has never failed. I don't think Australia would be any different.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean's talk about becoming a video blogger and radio speaker reminded me of something so I went back to the beginning of this discussion and found this posting by Hilfskreuzer Möwe;


Way back in October 2013, right at the beginning of Quatloos noticing him, Dean was thirsting to be a radio star;
Dean Kory was featured earlier this week in another of the ‘Truth Radio’ broadcasts, this time “Canada, The Nation”. This was a two part interview that can be accessed here: ... ts/2369455

It appears Kory himself will be launching his own ‘Truth Radio’-type broadcast early in November, 2013
However, sadly, Dean didn't get his radio program up and running.

And, something else I'd forgotten. Dean actually posted on Quatloos! Just the once, and, to my knowledge, he's not mentioned Quatloos on Face Book, but he's certainly aware of us.

I just wanted to give you further details that you have missed...The charge you refer to where I kicked in the door of a 63 year old man...That man came to my apartment with an ax handle,entered unlawfully and threatened my life with this weapon,I chased him out and down a hallway to his room where he slammed the door shut so hard he broke the trim off the door! the charge was thrown out when i proved in court that this man attacked me and my actions were purely self- defense!...Also...I have always showed up for court dates...and as for the intoxicated in public and weed possession...I was approached by a police officer outside a bar the day after i had charges stayed,he demanded I.D. (yes I had been drinking) but when I began to record our exchange the cop attacked me,beating me on the head till I was knocked out cold! I woke up in police holding cells charged with possession of a controlled substance and public intoxication( I have never smoked weed or possessed it or sold it)EVER! He planted the weed on me and took my digital voice recorder...all these charges were dropped! As for threatening court officials...yes I made statements that were perceived to be threats by the Crown but those statements were taken out of context,So...While I was being detained on these charges I tried to obtain my court materials for my defence and for 76 days they kept all information from me.I had no choice but to plead out to the charges just to get released so i could access my court materials and prepare a defence!
As with every Face Book posting he's made he's the innocent victim. Everyone else is lying, police are out to get him, all of his problems are caused by others. Even after he was convicted of threatening officials he claims his remarks were taken out of context. One point in this diatribe that Wes commented on;
I had no choice but to plead out to the charges just to get released so i could access my court materials and prepare a defence!
As Wes noted this makes no sense. Once he'd pled guilty and been convicted the case was over and there was no defense to prepare. Essentially he was saying that he pled guilty so that he could prove that he was innocent. I've been following Dean's titanic court battles for years and this is about par for the course concerning his legal abilities. He just goes to court and rants. For years he's followed the defense that he is not Dean Kory, that's the legal man in the birth certificate. He said that once he went into court back in Ontario, put his birth certificate on the bench, and told the judge that they now had their Dean Kory in custody so case was over and he was free to go. Worked as well as you'd expect.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

Why do I keep getting the feeling that Deano is many fries short of a Happy MealTM?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean just posted this on Facebook; ... =3&theater
After rescinding the Social Insurance Number, Revenue Canada sends me a T5...Look closely...The (S.I.N.) has been purged! It's ALL zeros OOO OOO OOO
So tell me again how I must be just a nutter? lol!
This is the form he was sent;


The usual Dean Kory pack of lies. Let's parse it. First let's take his advice and look closely. The CRA did not send him a T5 slip. Nobody sent him a T5 slip. A T5 slip is a statement of your year's investment income sent by the institution where your money is invested. I get one every year regarding my mutual fund income. The institution sends one copy to the CRA and two to me. One for my tax return and one for my records. The CRA does a computer match-up run every year to verify that the T5 slips they receive from the institutions match up to reported income on tax returns. Obviously Dean is never going to receive investment income. What he was actually sent, and it's blindingly clear on the form itself, is a T5007, a Statement of Benefits. So what's covered by a T5007?
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires that everyone who receives provincial income assistance or disability assistance reports this income on his or her tax return. Clients who receive more than $500 in assistance receive a T5007 tax slip to help them prepare their tax returns. The income shown on the T5007 is not taxable but is used to calculate entitlement to federal tax credits like the GST credit and Child Tax Benefit. ... 7-info.pdf

T5007's, like T5's, are not sent by the CRA. They are sent by whomever pays out the income assistance (welfare) or disability benefits. This one was sent to Dean by by Kawartha Lakes Social Services. Kawartha Lakes is part of Lindsay Ontario, a town just outside of Toronto. This is either for the disability he claims entitlement to or for welfare. As with T5 slips they would have sent one copy to the CRA and two copies to Dean. As best I can make out it's for a year's payment of $4,723. And, as noted above, not taxable. Not that it matters. Given our understanding of Dean's finances he hasn't made enough to be taxable in years. Dean boasts;
Dean Kory ...and I have NOT done taxes for over 12 years now!...FREEDOM !!!

For once I believe him. Why file tax returns if you aren't taxable. Although he might be lying since he should be entitled to the GST credit. That's a tax credit to offset taxes for low income individuals. If the credit exceeds taxes owing the CRA cuts the non-taxpayer a cheque for the difference. Dean should qualify given his very low income. Money for nothing except you have to file a tax return to get it.

As for no SIN on the form, so what? Keep in mind, this is not from the CRA so the CRA has nothing to do with what's on the form. The lack of a SIN number does not reflect any position the CRA had taken regarding whether or not Dean can revoke his SIN number. The SIN number is a government tracking device. All income information slips, T4s T5s, maybe T5007s are required to have it. You can't, legally, get a job in Canada without a SIN number or open a bank account because employers are required to have it for T4 filings for employment income and banks require it for the T5 investment income slips. But T4s and T5s are irrelevant to Dean. They are only an issue if you work or have money to invest.

I'm guessing that he refused to give a SIN number to Kawartha Lake Social Services or said he never had one. Since the money they pay him isn't taxable they don't care. They probably deal with lots of indigent bums who don't have, or deny that they have, SIN numbers. They'd just assume that if Dean was going to claim the GST credit (the only reason he'd need the T5007) he'd have to give his SIN to the CRA or identify himself some other way, so the CRA could handle the problem. I can't make out the year on the form but obviously years ago. Dean's been re-posting a huge amount of greatest hits recently.

So pretty much everything Dean says about this form and it's significance is untrue, and obviously untrue on it's face just by reviewing the form. If Deans followers swallow this they are idiots. I'm going with idiots;
Alex Zemkus define "income."

Ryan Kellas Nice Dean!

Alex Zemkus Instead of income let's call it recompense for any kind of services rendered or donations received. I've been reading various of your post and obviously need to read even more as I've come across people stating that collecting taxes is illegal. And I'm sure the Tax department won't just easily concede

Ryan Kellas Income tax is 100% voluntary and theft.
But Alex, quoted above, asked an awkward question Dean has not, as yet, answered;
Alex Zemkus Do you work or are in business Dean and make an income?
There's always one shit-disturber.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Looks like the landlord dropped the hammer on Dean;
Very little sleep in days, Landlord showed up today, no options available as of yet....Sure wish it was summer!
Given his comment about summer I assume he's kicked out and sleeping rough. But his friends band together for him!
Martin St. John May some being within thy circle of friends come up with a solution Dean.
But, as always, totally impractical suggestions;
Perry Meyers Did you try working it off... you know. Special favors?
Work? Dean's disabled! Well he will be if he can convince British Columbia Social Services that he is. But he's been beating at that door for over a year with no success.

One fan suggests warmer climes;
Zachary Clark come to America.... find your way down south you old bird.
But Zachary lives in Spokane, washington, even colder than Port Alberni. And there's a practical issue to heading south. Given Dean's criminal record, current criminal charges, total lack of any employment history or funds, and general attitude there's absolutely no way that Homeland Security would let him into the United States. So he'd have to cross illegally and, being Dean, he'd run afoul of American police in a few days no matter how hard he tried to contain himself.

So, for the moment, he's stuck. And British Columbia is stuck with him. Maybe we can give him a non-cashable bus ticket to Alberta, land of the Freemen.

Going back to my prior post about Dean's bullshit claim to have received a T5 from the CRA there are a few more responses;
Glenn Weekes We're you able to collect your past cpp contributions?
Glenn obviously knows nothing whatever about Dean. 'cpp' is the Canada Pension Plan. It's a mandatory government pension scheme for employed individuals. All employees have CPP contributions automatically taken from earnings by their employers and remitted to the government. At 65, you can start drawing a modest but not insignicant government pension.

There is no way you can get past contributions back. The money is gone and the only way to get it returned is to live long enough to collect the pension. I've been collecting CPP for years. However, even if Dean had figured out how to require the government to return his past contribuions he faces one insurmountable stumbling block. You have to have made past contributions before you can get them refunded. You make contributions through deductions from your wages as a worker. This is Dean we're talking about. Wages? Work? What was Glenn thinking?

A few hopefuls, too dense to look at the form Dean posted with an analytical eye, ask Dean for advice on the process;
Darrell Hughes how did you get it done??? ..... i have sent shit loads of paper to get that done and nothing has worked ????
Bill Atherton Have you done a Claim and Demand for the SSN Dean, or a claim for the charge card? I have sent first notice with the request for charge card..RG 201 financing instrument (Australia)..
Steve Moloney What did you do Dean, just send them a letter with instructions to close the account?
Darrell, I can assure you that your "shit loads of paper" have been just as effective as anything that Dean has done.

And there's even one who accepts Dean's lies lock, stock, and barrel;
Noel Boucher That seems to have worked pretty good !!
But, as always in Dean's world, the crazies;
Leonard Fitzgerald Bill, you (ye) are the creditor to any creation thereof... First in time is first in line. Claim it n begin in present moment of now.. As that is where all law exists truly without presumptions or assumption.

Leonard Fitzgerald! Plus paid in lawfull monies as per the terms given on the first page of the Federal reserve act of 1914. ( truly applicated in late December 1913) the remedy is to those that seek in deed.
But one positive step. Dean answered this question that I noted in the previous post;
Alex Zemkus Do you work or are in business Dean and make an income?
Dean's response wasn't quite as enlightening as I'd hoped;
Dean Kory Alex Zemkus define "income."
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: As for no SIN on the form, so what? Keep in mind, this is not from the CRA so the CRA has nothing to do with what's on the form. The lack of a SIN number does not reflect any position the CRA had taken regarding whether or not Dean can revoke his SIN number. The SIN number is a government tracking device. All income information slips, T4s T5s, maybe T5007s are required to have it. You can't, legally, get a job in Canada without a SIN number or open a bank account because employers are required to have it for T4 filings for employment income and banks require it for the T5 investment income slips. But T4s and T5s are irrelevant to Dean. They are only an issue if you work or have money to invest.
Pretty accurate with regard to the SIN's or lack thereof on income slips. Because of personal privacy rules various organizations now only put a SIN on documents if they think it may be of use. As an example last year my T4's for work and T5's for investment income and my T5007 for my great two days on workers comp had my SIN on them. My wife's T5007 had no SIN since she is on permanent disability and should never have to pay any income tax unless I really screw up our family financial planning.

With regard to collecting CPP early there is one accepted method and every province forces you to go through this exercise before you will become eligible for provincial disability. If you have worked long enough to make sufficient contributions (about 25 years from memory) and suffer a catastrophic injury or debilitating disease that prevents you from working you can collect your CPP early. Not likely for Deano and his friends however...
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

I was (deliberately) incorrect in saying that you have to wait until 65 to collect CPP. I didn't want to get into details on a side issue. The actual rule is that you have to be 65 to collect your full CPP entitlement but you can start collecting at 60 if you wish. The catch is that your annual pension is significantly lower than waiting to 65. To offset that you get five more years of pension. Back when I retired it was a no-brainer to collect at 60 because the discount wasn't significant enough to offset the immediate five years of pension income. I started at 60 and I calculated I'd be 78 by the higher pension income from waiting until 65 caught up with the extra funds I got in the age 60 to 65 period. I figured that if I lasted until 78 I really wouldn't much care that I'd made the wrong choice. However, after I started collecting, the government realized they were way too generous to the early claimants (seemed obvious to me) and changed the rules significantly reducing the already reduced pension that people get by starting at 60. I was already collecting so the new rules didn't apply to me.

Obviously, in the context of Dean, all of this is very much a side issue.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

So after some conjecture here on quatloos about Deano and his imaginary lack of a SIN he has finally posted the whole story on facebook and actually posted images of the documents he has received from the Social Assistance people:
Having to deal with The Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation is turning out to be the worst!...I applied without any Government I.D. and I refused to give a S.I.N. and after 6 months of them giving me checks, I endorse "Sole Authorized Administrator for the Legal Name DEAN KORY, Restricted Use, Restricted Capacity, All Other Rights Protected."...
They cut me off for not giving them confirmation of a S.I.N. making me homeless.
He applied for welfare without a SIN so to prevent undue hardship they gave it to him for six months on a hardship basis. After some issues (they wouldn't give him a bus ticket to Nanaimo since he wouldn't give them a quote), and they wouldn't pay his moving expences since he didn't get pre-approval he was finally cut off.
Of course he appealed, they located his old SIN through the CRA, but since he claims he has rescinded it they won't give him welfare. Some comments from his followers who are starting to wonder what is going on:
Rory D Fpic Using government welfare is about as far from sovereignty as it gets.
Capri Adirim Sorry, how can the Gov't make you homeless? I walk dogs and pet sit to pay my rent. Also some say there is an account attached to the Birth Certificate and others say 'tax payers' pay for others welfare, so which one are you drawing from?
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

I read Dean's posting this morning and even Thelonious Monk's great album "Monks Mood" couldn't lift the pall of realizing the document's implications. You've read the documents incorrectly. Dean is back on welfare as is his brother Darcy. Welfare out of my pocket as a British Columbia taxpayer. The documents that Dean posted include separate welfare issues for both him and his brother Darcy. Let's start with Darcy, currently MIA after running off with his and Dean's cash to pursue a family issue. You read that bus ticket document wrong, it's not a letter to Dean, it's a letter to Darcy. It starts;
You are a single person in receipt of Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Benefits.
So Darcy's on British Columbia income assistance, at least in July 2017. This form does not say he's cut off from welfare, it just denies a request for $250 in moving expenses. They didn't, as you stated, deny him a bus ticket because he didn't give a quote on the cost. He changed his mind about needing it and didn't bother getting the quote.
On July 10, 2017, you advised that ministry that you didn't need the Geryhound ticket anymore, just help with the moving cost, your request was denied. You were advised of this decision and, requested a reconsideration.
Note two numbers on the form. The top one, while the identification is illegible, is his reconsideration file number, the second the case number.

Reconsideration - 1-45900824881
Case - 1-2898-49258

I've linked to the documents below. This one is worth a read for the heartbreaking saga of how Darcy has been abused, assaulted and threatened with his life. They even tried to just live in a tent and were driven out. He was in fear of his life!

The rest of the documents pertain to Dean's successful request to go back on Income Assistance. They are a package, a covering letter and enclosures from the Ministry of Social Development. First the covering letter of July 12, 2007. Same time frame as Darcy but note the file numbers;

Reconsideration - 1-44476906181
Case - 1-2735-54765

Entirely different than Darcy's moving costs grievance numbers. The rest of the documents have these two numbers on them. The covering letter says, in part;
Your request for reconsideration of the decision to deny you income assistance for failing to provide proof of a Social Insurance Number (SIN) has been reviewed. Upon consideration of the information provided, the ministry has approved your request.
The letter does not say what the "information provided" was but it does say that Dean provided the ministry with documents.

The second document is a brief summary of facts. Just that on May 25, 2017 he was denied assistance, On June 12th he submitted request for reconsideration and it ws reviewed on July 12th.

The next document is the critical one that gives the story. Here is the document;


As I read it the first paragraph says that he requested hardship assistance which he got for six months without giving his SIN. They told him he was eligible for this without a SIN but to provide the number before the six months was exhausted. When he requested further assistance it was denied because they wanted the number. Note he was "no longer eligible" for hardship assistance while he was just "denied" income assistance.

The next few paragraphs are Dean rambling;
There is an accurate record of discriminatory practices by you that violate your own Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The documents I have included show clearly that the government and offices are openly practicing the fraudulent transfer of security interests with threats of coersion and undue influence used to force these contracts on society's most desperate and vulnerable people.
Then, under Decision it states that;
The minister is satisfied that you have provided you social insurance number at the time of your application and that you were already known with a social insurance number on the ministry's previous history of you. Therefore, Section 4.1 and Section 41 doe (sic) not apply in your case.
These are the cited sections;
4.1 (1) The first stage of the process for assessing the eligibility of a family unit for income assistance is fulfilling the requirements of subsection (2).

(2) The applicants for income assistance in a family unit

(a) must complete and submit to the minister an application for income assistance (part 1) form and must include as part of the application

(i) the social insurance number of each applicant in the family unit who is a person described in section 7 (2), and

(ii) the information, authorizations, declarations and verifications specified by the minister, as required in the application for income assistance (part 1) form, and

(b) subject to subsections (4) and (6), must

(i) complete searches for employment as directed by the minister for the applicable period under subsection (2.1) immediately following the date of the application under paragraph (a), or

(ii) demonstrate that each of the applicants has completed a search for employment satisfactory to the minister within the 30 day period prior to the date of the application under paragraph (a),

and in either case provide information about and verification of the searches for employment, in the form specified by the minister.
Applicants who do not meet requirement for social insurance number or proof of identity

41 The minister may provide hardship assistance to a family unit that is not eligible for income assistance because of the failure to provide a social insurance number or proof of identity required under section 4.1 (2) (a) (i) or 4.2 (3) (a) if

(a) the minister considers that undue hardship will otherwise occur, and
(b) the minister is satisfied that the applicant is making every effort to supply the social insurance number or proof of identity. ... g/263_2002

So, from what I can draw from the above the ministry already had Dean's SIN from previous dealing (news to me) so he was back on welfare. The use of this old information is what triggered Dean's FB comment;
They cut me off for not giving them confirmation of a S.I.N. making me homeless. I took it to an appeal process and they had to reinstate me.
Now they are using my old Social Insurance Number without my consent. ( I rescinded it years ago!) and told them they are committing fraud. The Minister of Social Development dug up a 1998 tax file of mine that he claims is proof I did not rescind the I gave them a 2012 T5
that shows the S.I.N. is "ooo ooo ooo" and when I call Revenue Canada to inquire about the file they told me the account was no longer accessible.
The "2012 T5" is of course the T5007 I discussed in a prior post which has nothing to do with whether or not Dean has a SIN number.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean's straightened me out on one thing. His welfare isn't coming out of my pocket as a taxpayer. It's "breadcrumbs" returned from the millions of dollars he's entitled to that the government has stolen from him;
Dean Kory The government rapes your bond for millions and gives you breadcrumbs and then uses propaganda to make your neighbour think it's his taxes that pay your "welfare" to keep us all infighting instead of looking at the true robber!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by NYGman »

He really is working quite hard to not work. If only he put the same effort into a real job, he may actually get more that he would on benefits.... But then I guess work is for the foolish.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Chaos »

Now they are using my old Social Insurance Number without my consent.
so he of course returned the money right?
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by bmxninja357 »

Ya know i was thinking of the plight of poor old dean. All these assholes just trying to ruin his life. As a jesture of good will i figured his life would be way easier if he had a girlfriend to help him fight the man.

And i found him one. Beautiful. Smart. Polite. And a firm grasp on how the world works.

So dean, go find your soul mate. Look up her channel. Here is a vid showing just how right she is for you.

Truly someone for everyone.
whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by grixit »

That was a repost. Here's her actual channel. ... rid&view=0

She has 690 subscribers.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

I haven't reported on Dean for a bit but it's not because he hasn't been posting on Facebook. Quite the opposite, he's an obsessive, pathological poster, sometimes spewing out a dozen or two posts a day. It's been a chore reviewing them. But all rubbish. Generally reposts of freeman wisdom he's posted in the past. Phone scans of pages and pages from legal books and statutory Acts without any context as to why he's posted them. Posts from years ago about his legal problems in Ontario. But nothing about current circumstances or his ongoing criminal charges here in British Columbia until today when he posted conclusive proof that he's not guilty of anything and the "fuckin corrupt lying piece of shit" Crown prosecutor is going to pay for railroading an innocent victim!
Dean Kory I just found this old post that confirms that Darcy and I were the ones that called police and initiated their response...the Clown Attorney is claiming that their was no 911 call from us, no record of us explaining anything to the 911 dispatch, well get this up your ass sideways with a twist you fuckin corrupt lying piece of shit Crown Prostitution! (time/date stamped and screen shot!)
So what is this TIME/DATE STAMPED SCREEN SHOT! proof of innocence that exhonerates him? It's a repost of a FB post he made February 15, 2017.
Dean Kory added 2 new photos.
February 15, 2017 ·
OK...I have been without wifi for a while and this is why...
This new tiny home place that I came to turns out to be a really messed up place. Mike Hunt and his wife Kirsten Shaw are baiting people to come live here so they can exploit, extort and control everyone that comes here...they have drugged 2 of my friends and now my brother all to gain total control to develop their compound...shit is about to hit the fan!...they have messed with the wrong Twins!
RCMP will be here shortly and I will keep you posted!
He just found out that case-breaking piece of evidence in time! His hearing is at the end of the month. But, but . . . . I'll just have to play devil's advocate for a moment to give my thoughts on how the court will possibly view this critical evidence. First, he did not, as he claims, say in the post that he called the police and initiated the response. All he says is that the RCMP will be at the campsite shortly. Based on what's in Dean's posting it could be assumed that it was Mike or Kirsten who called the RCMP as they've claimed. Dean has not provided any contemporaneous evidence stating that he made the call and the police deny that they got a 911 call from Dean;
Parksville RCMP are hiding the 911 call we made and they are clearly lying in their synopsis. It's just too weird how this all played out....
So it's a matter of credibility. Does the court believe Dean or the RCMP? That's going to be a really tough call. On one side a violent petty criminal who's caused nothing but trouble in British Columbia since he's arrived here, a man constantly making grossly offensive, hostile comments about the police and courts. On the other side the police who say there is no record of Dean calling 911. And, as I've noted, even if Dean's February 15, 2017 Facebook posting is not dismissed as another entry in Dean's consistant history of self-serving victimization claims, it does not, as he claims, say that he was the one who called the police.

So Dean has this completely ironclad piece of evidence that he can use to demand that the judge exhonorate him because the fuckin corrupt lying piece of shit Crown Prosecutor and the corrupt bastard lying criminal organization, the RCMP, have joined in a conspiracy to destroy him and Darcy. It's just a matter of credibility. All that's needed is for the judge to believe Dean's completely unsupported wild accusations. Piece of cake.

This is the posting that reveals the "corrupt bastards" RCMP cover-up;
Dean Kory Mike, Kirstain and Paul attacked Darcy after Kirstain drugged him and all I tried to do was defend my brother during the attack..we called the police and those corrupt bastards arrested us based on their lies...Darcy and I have been the target of police harassment ever since, forced into homelessness and bounced from city to city...These people drugged 2 of my other friends and boldly said in their statements to police that it was only my word against theirs...I think they have been working with police for a while....Parksville RCMP are hiding the 911 call we made and they are clearly lying in their synopsis. It's just too weird how this all played out....and of course my brother's Attorney showed up to trial without the witnesses he told her to subpoena and so he had to fire her...That lawyer showed up on trial date and her first words to my brother were ,"Oh...I'm surprised your here, I didn't think you would be here today." WTF?
Only his word against theirs? Exactly Dean's problem. Credibility, credibility, credibility . . . .

He was asked how they drugged him;
Dean Kory Firenze DiVeri Kirstain makes laced chocolates THC...and they are strong enough to paralize a horse, she sells them (organic not laced) in several stores this one in Naniamo...

Dean Kory my brother had no idea the treats were laced and she gave him a handful...he pissed himself and couldn't walk when the 2 guys started beating him I showed up and stopped it...things went crazy from there.Kirstain was laughing and video recording everything.

Firenze DiVeri That is as near as dammit to attempted murder!! Jaaayzus! And the poLIEce won't act on that?? Collusion at the highest here!
And, of course, Satanism;
Ingrid Bond you know why they have to create a hostile environment. not only for their own financial benefit, but also because it is a haven for the demonic that they invite to hang-out there and they need people who are stressed and emotional to feed them. i'm not kidding. the 'spirits' they use and are enslaved to eat the loosh, the emotional energetic. this 'thing' happens on different levels. exposure is important. they really don't like exposure. and calm. will keep you and your brother well in my thought and intent.

Ingrid Bond stealing & drugging people?? that's the mo of a satanic coven.

Ingrid Bond i've heard from direct sources more than a few times that the RCMP are satanic collaborators.
Perhaps another defense Dean can toss out in court.

He had an offer to retrieve his stuff in late 2017.
Saraphine Recalma
12/28/2017 12:25PM
"Hey Dean it's Sara...Mr. C**t's ex cousin. Do you want your 5th wheel?"
I responded,
"of course I do, but the court order has to be changed so I can access the property again...on x-mas day I went there with police only to find out my truck was missing (stolen) and the trailer was unlocked, Mike is the only one with the key, All my valuables were stolen and the trailer was ransacked!"
But yet again, dark forced are allied against our hero;
Dean Kory yes ...but it seems i'm blocked from mesg. you back...

Saraphine Recalma Thats weird! Get my # from paul fiola....

Dean Kory Saraphine Recalma ...weird?...not really, they really don't want us to be able to communicate to you what really happened on your should hear what they have been doing to my brother and I since we were arrested!

Dean Kory Mike Hunt and Kirstian Shaw live on this woman's property stealing from everyone around them and drugging people...I hope Saraphine is real and will assist me in getting my home back, She should give them the boot!...Court in Naniamo at the end of this month is going to be crazy!
And Dean was given one piece of advice I can heartily endorse!
Ingrid Bond get the hell outta there dean. and by that i mean bc.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

I've seen a lot of improbably things that I have been able to believe from time to time, HOWSUMEVER, Dean Kory actually, willingly calling in the police isn't even remotely on that list. I would also suspect that the "fake" 911 call recording has been preserved and handed over to the prosecution as evidence, as is the usual course of events in something like this, whereas whatever Deano is hallucinating simply doesn't exist.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

With the satanism and all, it seems somehow incomplete without a smattering of paedophilia thrown into the mix.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Since I made that last posting Dean has make seven new Facebook postings. i just can't keep up. It's Facebook Tourettes! One is a warm family moment when he says how proud he is of his son for getting a tattoo. This tattoo;

My Son's tattoo!...of Him, sooo proud I am!

Some parents would be upset with their child for getting a tattoo saying, "one day you will regret getting that!"...well my child got this!... How can I say anything except that I am so proud and amazed to witness such beauty in all it's forms!

It's from Kipling's 'England's Answer'. At least the son didn't chose these lines;
Sons, I have borne many sons, but my dugs are not dry.
Look, I have made ye a place and opened wide the doors,
That ye may talk together, your Barons and Councillors --
Wards of the Outer March, Lords of the Lower Seas,
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

In an earlier post I wrote about how massive Pacific storms batter the west coast of Vancouver Island but barely affect the east coast or Vancouver itself;
Vancouver has, overall, very pleasant sheltered weather even though it's a Pacific ocean seaport. That's because Vancouver Island is a barrier between it and the open ocean. The Pacific winter storms smash against the west coast of the Island, making it almost unihabitable, and beat themselves to death against the mountains.

Note also how Vancouver Island is all coastal with no inhabited places in the centre. That's the mountains. Note also that Tofino is ground zero for storms. It's on the coast right where they make landfall and our resort, Ocean Village, is right on the open Pacific. Strangely enough Tofino is now a luxury resort area year round. Now out of any price range I would be willing to pay. It does excellent business in the winter from people who enjoy storms. They're almost guaranteed.

Well winter has been doing it's best to break the record on storms thrashing away at Tofino, the town that was, for a brief point, Dean's residence. ... ver-island
TOFINO, B.C. — Long-time residents of Vancouver Island’s west coast admit to being awestruck by the latest storm that has prompted an extreme wave hazard advisory for the region, including Pacific Rim National Park, Tofino and Ucluelet.

The advisory was issued Thursday as waves up to nine metres high pounded several popular beaches at the same time as midday high tides.

“You’d see people shoulder to shoulder yesterday on the beach that have lived here for 30 years or have been here for 30 minutes, and all of them were … taken aback and in awe,” said Shane Richards, the general manager of the Pacific Sands Beach Resort on Cox Bay near Tofino.
We didn't even notice in Vancouver.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".