Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by SteveUK »

Steve McCrae QC has a new mark and has update his website - step forward Paul Michaels! In fact, nearly 100 garbage documents have been posted and its a litany of FMOTL failures. I really couldn't begin to go through them all for obvious reasons, so I'll dive it some random ones and try to pull some sort of commentary together. It seems to be linked to their house and they are on the hook for a cool £1.2m. A posession order was granted for arrears in April 2017, and the £1.2m is payable on top of that - due to them drawing down money against the property by mean of overdraft.
(1) The Defendants do give the Claimant possession of the property known as Low Newbiggin House, Aislaby, Whitby, YO21 1TQ registered at HM Land Registry under Title Number NYK256562 by 4pm on 6th April 2017.

(2) The Defendants do pay to the Claimant the sum of £1,261,074.81.
An overview of the vase can be found here: ... 3.17).docx

He then goes all FMOTL bat shit crazy:
For the Urgent Attention of Charlie badge number 4756
Dear Charlie
As you have advised me that our case for crimes against my wife and I, by
Lloyds Bank of Scotland has been escalated to the financial investigation unit, I
thought I will advise them of the lawful tests of Fraud. Fraud is a crime. The
Police are employed by the People (Paul and Charlotte Michaels) and do swear a
solum Oath to serve and protect the People, (Paul and Charlotte Michaels).
And then tries the old PN trick
Lyndsey on record, stated that you have refused our Promissory note as payment because “if it
was acceptable everyone would be doing it”…..absolutely bloody hilarious. Someone at the bank
should at least tell Lyndsey that printing money out of thin air is the ingenious methodology that
has kept the fractional fiat banking system in the air for the last 146 years.
. If they have they should also know that our information and documentation is 100%
professional, legal and correct.

Lyndsey went on to confirm that the bank has not returned our Promissory notes because they
don’t have to. Lyndsey went on to say “they have to give a reason". Lyndsey Caddy is sadly
being misinformed.
He then tries to blame it all on the financial crises ... ement_.pdf

The email requests then start to get even more deranged, covering such topics as:

And well, I just cant face any more of it. Still, knowing Steve is now on board means it'll all turn out well in the end.
..for the bank.

Losing a country manor, all the land, being stuffed for an extra £1.2m - this really could be the biggest FMOTL loss on the UK's mental shores, trumping Guy & O'Bernica potentially.

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
King Lud
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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by King Lud »

They could, and indeed were supposed to, have played off £600 grand of it by the sale of another property but instead kept the money for themselves. It's obviously going to be a hell of a lot more than 1.2 million by the end of this.
John Uskglass
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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by John Uskglass »

Here's the property in question, complete with private helipad. ... 63197.html
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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by Footloose52 »

It's marketed as holiday accomodation. It seems as if they have borrowed from several banks over time to try and keep it afloat.
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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by JimUk1 »

£1.2 million!

I’ve just spat my beer out!

Move over Tom!
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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by SteveUK »

Yup - that’s £1.2m Minimum , and homeless.
With that at stake , I’m not sure McRae is the best lawyer for the job.

This ladies & Gents, will be the biggest UK fail to date I reckon.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by Wakeman52 »

Well. it looks like a very deep hole they've dug.

The GBP1,200,000 is just for starters; that's the size of their overdraft secured against the business / property. There are also the original mortgage on Lower Newbiggin, another mortgage on a property in Bohunt of around GBP500,000 & yet another on 'a house in Dove House Drive' for around GBP245,000 together with additional costs, arrears and accrued interest. This is not to mention personal loans, credit card arrears, a business loan etc. They also appear to have had property in Canada sold from underneath them.

The parlous state of the couple's finances are summarised at the end of para 11 by HHJ Raeside's judgement in March 2017 as:
It is quite apparent from this [a document listing their liabilities as of June 2011] that the position of the defendants at this time was financially precarious in that they were living above their means.
A classic case of legal understatement if ever I saw one. :snicker:

It isn't clear from my sampling of the documents put up by our expert (& I bet there are people who are delighted that their e-mail addresses haven't been redacted) whether they've actually been evicted. The website for the estate is still active and holidays can, apparently, be booked. The property has been listed a couple of times on right moves, but isn't showing as for sale at present.

It's clear that Mr Michaels has been acting as an LIP; perhaps because he couldn't afford professional advice or that he took it, but no-one was prepared to take the case on.

One to keep an eye on, methinks.
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Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by AndyPandy »

Wakeman52 wrote:Well. it looks like a very deep hole they've dug.

The GBP1,200,000 is just for starters; that's the size of their overdraft secured against the business / property. There are also the original mortgage on Lower Newbiggin, another mortgage on a property in Bohunt of around GBP500,000 & yet another on 'a house in Dove House Drive' for around GBP245,000 together with additional costs, arrears and accrued interest. This is not to mention personal loans, credit card arrears, a business loan etc. They also appear to have had property in Canada sold from underneath them.

The parlous state of the couple's finances are summarised at the end of para 11 by HHJ Raeside's judgement in March 2017 as:
It is quite apparent from this [a document listing their liabilities as of June 2011] that the position of the defendants at this time was financially precarious in that they were living above their means.
A classic case of legal understatement if ever I saw one. :snicker:

It isn't clear from my sampling of the documents put up by our expert (& I bet there are people who are delighted that their e-mail addresses haven't been redacted) whether they've actually been evicted. The website for the estate is still active and holidays can, apparently, be booked. The property has been listed a couple of times on right moves, but isn't showing as for sale at present.

It's clear that Mr Michaels has been acting as an LIP; perhaps because he couldn't afford professional advice or that he took it, but no-one was prepared to take the case on.

One to keep an eye on, methinks.
They're still there at 5th January 2018, email to the NCA I think it was stating the bank was going for an eviction order.

I've read just about all of it, it's absolutely typical, he goes from 'normal' form of legal arguments, lost the case and descended into:

The bank was bankrupt so didn't lend me anything.
Mortgage securitised
Mortgage void
They're stealing my home
Judge guilty of misfeasance
It's fraud
It's been reported to action fraud
We're going to start criminal proceedings
We owe you nothing, you owe us £16.5m in damages.

There's also an increasing level of repartition, incoherence and grammatical errors - obviously stress levels are through the roof and the gauge of reality is long gone.
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by JimUk1 »

SteveUK wrote:Yup - that’s £1.2m Minimum , and homeless.
With that at stake , I’m not sure McRae is the best lawyer for the job.

This ladies & Gents, will be the biggest UK fail to date I reckon.

Sounds like they stated their intention trying to pay an extraordinary amount of debt with a promissory note, not going to go down well.

Understandable the desperation levels must be that of a pig in a slaughter house, but they must have being seriously naive with their borrowing to end up like this!

Steve “of the family” Mcmoron must think he’s made the big time with this one.
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by rosy »

I've only had a quick skim of the documents, but it does seem as though the Michaels' default response to being unable to service the borrowing they had was to borrow more. Hence their insistence that the banks should not have recorded the arrears on their loans and mortgages on their credit record - doing so prevented them getting more loans to pay off their immediate commitments.

It's an easy trap to fall into, especially if you are the sort of person who believes that it will all come right soon, even if his income is £11k a month but his loan repayments are £13k a month. Just borrow a bit more, some for living expenses and some to clear the arrears, and rely on the jam that somebody promised you was always going to come tomorrow.

But then lenders refuse to extend more credit, repossessions start, and fire sales on properties don't generally realise enough funds to clear the borrowing secured on them.

At that point, negotiating with all of the lenders makes sense. As there was not that much mismatch between income and expenditure, I think the situation could have been saved by cooperation with lenders, extending loan periods, a business plan to increase income and so on.

Going full on sovtard makes no sense whatsoever, except for the entertainment of Quatloosians.
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by Dr. Caligari »

except for the entertainment of Quatloosians.
Not a small thing.
Dr. Caligari
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The Seventh String
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by The Seventh String »

rosy wrote: But then lenders refuse to extend more credit, repossessions start, and fire sales on properties don't generally realise enough funds to clear the borrowing secured on them.

At that point, negotiating with all of the lenders makes sense.
My skim of the documents leads me to think all the negotiations possible have probably already been done, and done over a period of several years.

The creditors seem to have accepted agreements for the paying of certain sums in exchange for not seeking immediate possession or enforcement, but for various reasons those sums have failed to materialise with no acceptable alternative being agreed between the parties. So the creditors move to the next stage of recovering what they can.
rosy wrote: Going full on sovtard makes no sense whatsoever, except for the entertainment of Quatloosians.
I suppose it might delay the apparently inevitable for a short while if the creditors try and decode the nonsense and respond to it, rather than ignoring it because it has no basis in fact or law and proceeding straight to enforcement.
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by He Who Knows »

The Seventh String wrote:
My skim of the documents leads me to think all the negotiations possible have probably already been done, and done over a period of several years.
And therein lies the rub. The hidden part to all sovtard stories is that a solution will have been been sought by reasonable people for months if not years before the dawning realisation that they are negotiating with people not of sound mind. Sovtards always come out in the wash.
The wise man does at once what the fool does finally (Niccolo Machiavelli)...and what the FMOTL never does (He Who Knows)
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by SteveUK »

He has certainly come to the end of the line. When your most recent gambits include the familiar:

complaining to the hague
using McRaes 'Vatican court service'
demanding copies of the judges oath
arguing BoS didnt pay the court fee (sound familiar?)
responses stating 'we have nothing else to add'

etc. You're pretty much fu**ed. Of course a sensible person would've realised this and launched a damage limitation exercise, rather than go down with his ship.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by JimUk1 »

SteveUK wrote:He has certainly come to the end of the line. When your most recent gambits include the familiar:

complaining to the hague
using McRaes 'Vatican court service'
demanding copies of the judges oath
arguing BoS didnt pay the court fee (sound familiar?)
responses stating 'we have nothing else to add'

etc. You're pretty much fu**ed. Of course a sensible person would've realised this and launched a damage limitation exercise, rather than go down with his ship.
They do have one option left if they wish to avoid/evade this debt.

It involves sailing to a tropical island and living indefinitely on the Pitcairn islands, with the other 40 descendants of HMS bounty.

Never have to worry about debt again!

Or money,courts and the government ever again for that matter!
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by Burnaby49 »

Perhaps you've forgotten how that story ended up.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by JimUk1 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Perhaps you've forgotten how that story ended up.

They all lived happily ever?

Can’t miss what you don’t know about I suppose?

There is a bar on Pitcain island apparently.
I bet it gets some hammering.
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by hucknallred »

Burnaby49 wrote:Perhaps you've forgotten how that story ended up.
A third of the adult males banged up for child sex abuse. Most of the people who've left have no intention of returning.
No more couples having children so they'll be extinct by the 2040s.

Not on my holiday list.
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by JimUk1 »

hucknallred wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Perhaps you've forgotten how that story ended up.
A third of the adult males banged up for child sex abuse. Most of the people who've left have no intention of returning.
No more couples having children so they'll be extinct by the 2040s.

Not on my holiday list.
That I didn’t know.
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Re: Paul Michaels - biggest FMOTL loser to date

Post by exiledscouser »

What a mess this case is.

You truly know when you've hit rock bottom when you feel the only alternative is the ExpertinFA. But Paul Michaels seems to have swallowed the pill of woo well before their paths ever crossed. When your correspondence with the bank starts;
well, we've been here before and can have a pretty good idea both of what is to follow and the mindset of the writer.

In September 2017 Paul is writing to his main creditor at Lloyds paying off his debts with a promissory note for the whole of his debt (£1,342,749.07) "Signed in Blue Ink" and allegedly witnessed by a solicitor at Vinson and Elkins of London, someone who does exist it appears and who really is a qualified solicitor but why she would choose to put her signature to this document, well, I just don't know.

Paul says that the note is in "payment and final settlements for the outstanding amount" but a closer look at the document shows that he is offering monthly instalments of £1,350 which will take **ahem** 82 years to pay off. Given that Paul is 51 at the moment that'll never fly, even if the bank were stupid enough to accept it. The letter goes on to say that if the PN isn't accepted - or returned - then the bank have agreed that the matter is "paid in full".

There is another PN in the same document for a debt with The Mortgage Business of £605,520.00 with an identically worded (and witnessed) "Blue Ink" signature, this one says payments of £753 a month which should see this all sorted in 67 years time. I wonder whether the learned Ms. Woods at Vinson and Elkins knows that this nonsense has been posted publicly?

The letters end with the usual half english, half latin postscripts mumbling on about dishonour frivolity and Non Assumpsit. The bank through it's solicitors wrote back fairly sharpish, writing "a promise to pay is not sufficient, our client requires actual payment".

Michaels appears to have been an LIP for some of the period (many years) this matter has been going on which has led to (in my view) an 'excess of indulgence', allowing matters to drift. Something to be said then for this approach? Sadly, it only delays the inevitable as TC, Neelu and Liz OTF Watson would attest.

When folk are writing to the Pope in their private financial matters you know it's all going to end badly. Here is Paul asking the Expert in FA where to direct his mailings so's the Pope gets to see them and can issue a motu proprio or some other Papal Bullshit in his favour;
Which official address do we use, to send our BOS case bundle to his Holiness?
His Holiness, Pope Francis PP. / 00120 Via del Pellegrino / Citta del Vaticano His Holiness Pope Francis / Apostolic Palace / Vatican City
His Holiness Pope Francis / Vatican City State, 00120
Regards Paul
The ExpertinFA wrote;
you can use any three
Is that because they go, respectively, to the father, the son and the Holy Ghost? I suspect there'll be no 'remedy' coming from the Holy See.

Who else can assist? Perhaps the Russkies to whom he complaints that (Lloyds BOS) have;
try to unlawfully steel (sic) our private estate which we have owned for 16 years
Most likely a "nyet comrade" there too given the preponderance for their 'connected' fellow-countrymen to acquire considerable 'private estates' and football (soccer) clubs in the UK. Paul has cast his net widely, even eliciting the assistance of the;
World Court in The Hague
which institution, he assures the ExpertinFA;
normally don’t deal with personal matters however given the matter is of serious public interest they have given me an email and postal address in order that we send FULL particulars of our grievance
The police, from North Yorks, Action Fraud and even the National Crime Agency have each firmly but politely advised that his issues are all civil rather than criminal.

They were clearly unaware then that Paul takes a decidedly unorthodox approach for paying for his utilities. Here he is in October last year (2017) haranguing nPower, advising;
It would appear that you may be in a spot of bother.
What for I hear you ask? It appears that the good utility company, fed up with a lack of payment broke in to the Whitby property, either to disconnect the supply or to fit a pre-paid meter. Paul reaches deep into the 'wallet of woo' to point out;
We DECLARE that our bill has been prepaid from our Trust, Birth Bond, or Treasury direct account. We are led to believe that you have been paid at least twice. We are researching whether Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs have received payments on these amounts, or indeed whether they have been declared to HMRC. We have had discussions with their reporting and collections team. It is alleged that NPower and other utility companies are knowingly committing Fraud. Your actions and those associated with your companies accounting practices have been reported to the City of London Police National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, confirmed by this email which has been copied into them.
I think you have been led to believe a load of total bollocks but, each to his own. This, at least should make things a little clearer as to why the ExpertinFA has now become involved.

Paul thinks he can frighten his enemies into believing that the police are swinging into action even as he rattles his keyboard and to therefore back off; sadly, the cops are back to their doughnuts, having already advised "no crimes here lad'.

The matter has now reached eviction stage following a withering judgement by HHJ Raeside QC (note to the ExpertinFA - a real QC) who, having heard the whole sorry tale concluded in a detailed judgement in March 2017 (but not handed down until October that year) that;
I therefore grant the claimant’s possession of Low Newbiggin House, Aislaby, Whitby, YO21 1TQ title number NYK256562.

Secondly, I am going to grant the claimant the outstanding monies under the mortgage
Was Paul happy with that conclusion?
We the ‘Defendants’ as real live persons pleading their human and natural birth rights under common Law, do not accept the courts decisions as documented and provided to them and we GIVE NOTICE to the court that we will appeal and fight any formalisation of the same.
Paul also helpfully wrote that if HHJ Raeside (QC) should rule against him the judge himself would be in contempt of court. He was clearly very surprised when the judgement did indeed go against him. It appears that he had been represented by a very able Counsel up to that point (who clearly did his best with the cards he had been dealt) but it was back to Pro Se after this setback and an affidavit to stay the repossession proceedings. What's the basis of the appeal?
On the 15th September 2017, the defendants did deliver to the Claimants UK Head Of-fice namely Lloyds Banking Group, 25 Gresham Street London, EC2V 7HN, two Legal-ly binding payments for the debt under the Bills of Exchange act 1882, ‘Promissory Notes’ being officially verified and witnessed. (Annexure’s 7-12)
the (defendants) have stated that if the original Promissory Notes are not returned with good reason for not accepting them, then the mortgage which is ‘Non Assumpsit’ will be considered settled in full and have a zero balance. The Promissory note has not been returned, the matter save for damages and losses and costs is now considered settled by the d’s.
To summarise;
We have been advised that a sale of our home by the Bank in ’short order’, would allow them to destroy the evidence not seen or requested by HHJ Raeside, relating to the origi-nal mortgage and Promissory Note, which will prove that the bank has been repaid for our mortgage agreement.
Another sure-fire winner before the appeal courts coming up but no, permission to appeal was refused by Lord Justive Newey under section 54(4) of the Access to Justive Act 1999.


The Supreme Court similarly knocked him back.

It's the end of the road.

Thereafter follows a blizzard of FoI applications to all and sundry asking for a raft of material, some of which simply doesn't exist. What do you make of this demand made by Paul to the legal firm Eversheds demanding;
1. HHJ Raeside’s indemnity Bond number
2. The Leeds combined court Indemnity bond number
3. Bond Number of the Courtroom 15
4. Bond Number of the Clerk/s acting for HHJ Raeside
5. HHJ Raeside;s handwritten notes (wet ink) NOT Copies for both the trial on 7th and 8th
March 2017 and for the handing down of judgement hearing, dated the 3rd October
2017. in fact ALL notes pertaining to this case.
6. The handwritten notes of Recorder Walker for the pre trial hearing dated, 3rd March
2017 which was heard at the Leeds combined court.
7. A copy of the actual court room tape recordings from the above pre-hearing trial and
for the handing down of judgement hearing.
8. Records and copies of any and all emails pertaining to this case.
9. Proof of when and by whom that the court fee for the original possession claim was
10. Confirmation (forms date/stamp of the approving officers) of the official handing over
of this matter from the magistrates court in Middlesborough to Scarborough to Leeds
combined court and then to the chancery division.
11. ANY and all other records that could or would’ve any influence or effect over this case.
This particular band-wagon seems to be popular with the likes of Rekha and TC who see it as a way of reversing adverse court judgements just by asking for material, the majority of which they would not be entitled to in any event and which would assist them not one little bit even if they were. So expect to read or hear about the eviction of the Michaels shortly.

So far, the involvement of the ExpertinFA seems to have been limited to the exchange of a few short emails and the baring of Mr. Michaels' financial soul on a whacky OPCA "legal advice' site with a 100% track record of success (!!!!11!!!!). But now that he's on the case the legal team at Lloyds better get ready, oh yes.

Sadly though, for all his self-aggrandising bragging, I would point out that the ExpertinFA never does tell you the outcome of his legal brilliance. For instance and despite all the crowing references to the Cornwall case involving Helen Gardiner there has been complete radio silence since the matter went to court in July last year.