Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

Another one for the grinder...
Sean Joseph Flattery

hi everyone, maybe a bit off topic but I'm stuck basically i have a bankruptcy petition on tuesday the 9th down south in southend county court for non payment of council tax and if anyone is up for attending with me only as witnesses you don't have to do or say anything just be there and watch - ill pay for your time and drive you down there and drive you back - i will return this favour you have my word, its for 11,000 pounds which i don't owe and they cannot prove that i do, the council created this number out of thin air - i need all the people i can get please help
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well if he doesn't owe it and council can't prove that he does what's the problem? He doesn't need a mute witness; just tell the court the facts and let the council carry the burden of proof. How can that go wrong?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm still trying to figure out what the value of the "witness" is when it all comes down.

I would be interested to know what his belief that he doesn't owe the 11k is, other than wishful thinking.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The average rate of council tax for an average family house would be about £1000 a year give or take a bit.

Unless he owns a substantial mansion or two, or a bunch of 'buy to let' property, it would be pretty tough to rack up £11000 in CT arrears. There must be more to this than the average man in the street could manage unaided.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

Judging by his FB profile, it appears he was into dealing cars? Could it be business rates?
notorial dissent
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by notorial dissent »

JimUk1 wrote:Judging by his FB profile, it appears he was into dealing cars? Could it be business rates?
I thought the amount sounded like business rates to me.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Crabbie realises the "lobby the bobby" campaign is doomed. Some of his assumptions are a perfect example of the A61 arrogance and why they'll never amount to anything.
I might get shot down by the admins here, but I have to say it. Lobby the bobby is never going to work, even though it is the best way to go, the bobby is never going to go along with or be allowed to go along with Article 61 Magna Carta 1215. I witnessed this in Birmingham.

I’m sure the 200 active members know how hard it is to convince family and friends, I’ve had many debates with those close to me. Even though they know what I’m saying is right that’s as far as it goes. They listen and agree, but the next day it’s forgotten until you mention it all again, then they say, ‘oh not that again’, even though they agreed the last time you spoke about it. And then they start thinking you’ve got a mental problem.

I think rather than lobby the bobby we should lobby the people, because the bobbies are far outnumbered compared to the people. Forget about laws, statutes, acts, religion and all that crap and start thinking about common sense. If you can’t use common sense, then you might as well give up and give in to the system. If you give in to the system then you can’t complain about anything, you can blame others for your predicament but at the end of the day you can only blame yourself. We all have a mind of our own, all we need to do is learn how to use it. Time for action let’s support those in need of support, look at every case as if it was your own case.
Some more doom laden folk jump in. And who would've guessed - everyone they sprout their bull crap too thinks they're bonkers.
David John Green My family think I'm nuts too
Tyla Steadman Yeah daily i get funny looks people thinking im bonkers, frustrates me
Pete Austin I tried explaining to colleagues at work and then they start a harassment campaign against me.
Colin Baker The truth is not a mental problem, delusion is a mental problem. Try not to worry when people give you the fluoride induced blank out.
Mark Abbott I'm currently working in Brighton On a hmrc job. All I talk about all day is lawful rebellion and tax most roll there eyes and say nothing not even argue or disagree.
Bring back the loony bins I reckon.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

JimUk1 wrote:Judging by his FB profile, it appears he was into dealing cars? Could it be business rates?
Could be business rates, but usually people are quite clear about the difference.

I see he is selling, or was selling cheap cars around 10 years old, this can be a good business or a minefield depending on the competence and integrity of the dealer. 21st C. cars are so much more durable and reliable than they used to be that good ten year old examples of almost anything can be good value for money. They can also be money pits, depending on where the dealer buys his stock and how much he pays for it, and how well the cars are checked. It may just be that someone about to be made bankruot for reasons he professed not to understand may not have been all that good a car dealer either.
He does not seem to have been making enough money to pay his bills in quite a big way.
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I’ve had many debates with those close to me. Even though they know what I’m saying is right that’s as far as it goes. They listen and agree, but the next day it’s forgotten
Possibly not so much of a debate as a monologue. People will 'agree' with anything if it will make you shut up and go away.
John Uskglass
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by John Uskglass »

If you can’t use common sense, then you might as well give up and give in to the system.
Indeed, Mr White, indeed. Wise words, but will you mark them?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

More win!!!1!!!


I seem to recall her being one of TCs big fans.

Thank god Stuart is on hand
Never sign any papers if you are sequestered they need your signature to activated their criminal intent, to hold you liable in their world of commerce.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by SteveUK »

Ever reliable rebel Eddy Adler has been reading too much of the ‘Neelu berry prophecies’.
There are rumours, but I’m not sure what Trump is really up to. However, it would figure that the figurehead leaders of countries are merely puppets & actors taking part in a pantomime, drama or soap opera, …
Thanks to our close, respectful, loving partnership with the Divine, it will be inevitable that all the criminals that own & run corporations, banks & other organisations, the big investors & share holders & the chain of commands, corrupt high & lower level civil servants including judges, lawyers, police, journalists & politicians will be made personally liable for any criminality that they’re involved in & will get arrested & tried all over the world at some stage soon. It should be swift & smooth, so should the breath of fresh air & the long awaited sigh of relief that will follow. From then on, within the next few days, weeks & months that follow, all organisations will act more responsibly & focus on offering the population of our planet the highest standard of service & will treat the environment of our planet with the upmost respect. The world population can be allowed to naturally stabilise. We will at last have an independent, professional, truthful media & public service that is fit for purpose. Harmful pollution will be dramatically reduced & the benefits of Nikola Tessla inspired free energy technologies beyond wind, solar, tidal & hydro will be made available to all & will collapse the elitist corporate grip once & for all! This technology is a gift from our Divine universe & will help sort out all the problems on our planet. Exploitation will start to be a thing of the past. Everyone will be more free to live happy fulfilling lives. The stress, anxiety & fear of scarcity & not making ends meet will be a thing of the past. All children & adults will be free to join the amazing university of life & get all the support & highest quality of education they want. There will be an abundance of the highest quality of fresh clean water for all thanks to desalination plants running off free energy technologies. No one needs to be poor & suffer any longer. Everyone will be free to travel the world if they wish in non-polluting safe aircraft. All wars & slavery will end & everyone will be free to grow their own organic top quality nutritious food. Everyone can have their own attractive, healthy, environmentally friendly homes to live in. Everyone can have positive fulfilling work to do including helping to clean up our environment, our oceans, our lands, working towards solving all the problems on our planet & learn how to heal ourselves & help others. We could all enjoy a richer culture of creativity & free expression & have the full restoration of properly convened natural Common Law Jury Justice & decision making in all our local communities along with Constables of peace & justice. The natural Common Law social contract will be upheld that all shall be free to live their lives freely as long as they behave responsibly causing no intentional harm. There should be no death penalties or torture. The closet thing to torture would be that anyone that was proven to be a danger to others must be detained until they are safe to live in communities again. Many would be reassured to know that the places of detention can be incorporated into a 24 hour ‘Big Brother House’ live T.V. channel where the likes of Tony Bliar & other war criminals, dangerous psychopaths, murderers & child abusers can be continuously monitored, as justice must be seen to be done! All our children can start to feel safe to play freely in their communities again, we can return to a 1950’s UK, … attitude that’s it safe to leave our front doors unlocked. Everyone that has been generous & have helped support this movement will be recognised & all that have tried to undermine it or have supported the NWO, … will be exposed. This is a very possible vision & a vision that can be brought into reality quicker than we could ever imagine, but it’s all down to all of us to make these changes asap, get informed and share the wise truth far & wide effectively through word of mouth & assert our personal sovereignty, no excuses, … Best wishes for 2018, …
Of course , there’s always a party pooper somewhere
Wont hapen until every last fucking JOO is wiped of th face of this earth,simple
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by aesmith »

A PLDer speaking up in favour of paying tax. Or to be more exact I think he's in favour of other people paying tax ..
Julian Price
Paying tax is optional and always has been. They normally ignore this fact so one way around it is to prove that your tax is being used to fund proxy wars abroad and arms sales which are responsible for the deaths of many innocent civilians and under the Nuremberg treaty (I think) it was agreed that no wars could be started unless we come under attack from a foreign enemy, which basically means that any tax payer is actually committing a crime by contributing to these deaths through their tax contributions. I haven't researched this for a couple of years but basically I got screwed over by HMRC for buying products on Ebay (but couldn't get receipts from many suppliers because they bullshitted they were actually VAT registered when they weren't (whole new story on this at To cut a long story short ...
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote:A PLDer speaking up in favour of paying tax. Or to be more exact I think he's in favour of other people paying tax ..
Julian Price
Paying tax is optional and always has been. They normally ignore this fact so one way around it is to prove that your tax is being used to fund proxy wars abroad and arms sales which are responsible for the deaths of many innocent civilians and under the Nuremberg treaty (I think) it was agreed that no wars could be started unless we come under attack from a foreign enemy, which basically means that any tax payer is actually committing a crime by contributing to these deaths through their tax contributions. I haven't researched this for a couple of years but basically I got screwed over by HMRC for buying products on Ebay (but couldn't get receipts from many suppliers because they bullshitted they were actually VAT registered when they weren't (whole new story on this at To cut a long story short ...
I'm pretty sure that argument went all the way to The House of Lords some decades ago when a clergyman of some sort withheld tax because nuclear weapons were illegal or immoral of both. Said clergyman lost so y'know... Common law and that :-D
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

and under the Nuremberg treaty (I think) it was agreed that no wars could be started unless we come under attack from a foreign enemy
Which Nuremberg treaty is that? The imaginary one or the non-existent one? :shrug:
"Never in the field of human conflict, was so much owed (but not paid), by so few, to so many." - Sir Winston Churchill
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

BoomerSooner17 wrote:
and under the Nuremberg treaty (I think) it was agreed that no wars could be started unless we come under attack from a foreign enemy
Which Nuremberg treaty is that? The imaginary one or the non-existent one? :shrug:
The middle one. :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

Oh this is wonderful... Another SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!! turns to shit....
Brian Varney
9 January at 15:20

Just used the chat option on the HMRC web page just to find out if my tax affairs are in order ( a bit naughty, I know). Everything's ok sir, all looks in order with nothing outstanding.

Well then, what does this mean to me? It means that the extortionate demands for monies is no longer an issue. Was this due to launching the full process right up to misprision of treason? Mind you, they did say they "this matter is now closed" last year.

The money was never the issue here folks, it was the Question of AUTHORITY or lack of it.

...and then there's the usual idiotic replies and then...

Brian Varney (11th Jan)

UPDATE .....Just noticed what the imposters have done. They have decreased my tax free allowance by a couple of thousand pounds. Dirty tricks.

I WON, I WON, I WON... The notices work!!... Oh FUCK!!!!!!... :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

The money was never the issue here folks, it was the Question of AUTHORITY or lack of it.
It's always the money.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

Death and taxes Brian Varney, death and taxes.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

longdog wrote:Oh this is wonderful... Another SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!! turns to shit....
Brian Varney
9 January at 15:20

Just used the chat option on the HMRC web page just to find out if my tax affairs are in order ( a bit naughty, I know). Everything's ok sir, all looks in order with nothing outstanding.

Well then, what does this mean to me? It means that the extortionate demands for monies is no longer an issue. Was this due to launching the full process right up to misprision of treason? Mind you, they did say they "this matter is now closed" last year.

The money was never the issue here folks, it was the Question of AUTHORITY or lack of it.

...and then there's the usual idiotic replies and then...

Brian Varney (11th Jan)

UPDATE .....Just noticed what the imposters have done. They have decreased my tax free allowance by a couple of thousand pounds. Dirty tricks.

I WON, I WON, I WON... The notices work!!... Oh FUCK!!!!!!... :snicker:
I see the Taxman is growing tired of PLD games.

Another short lived victory for the PLD idiots.

Can I recommend an online help course for any members of PLD that swing-by quatloos? ... l-thinking