You beat me to it! I actually stumbled across this dude a few days before April mentions him in her video! Mr. harry Baldwin, who says he’s not an attorney and not giving legal advice, except if you call him or contact him through his website, for which he charges for his time and forms. Of course, comments disabled in YouTube channel.Siegfried Shrink wrote:
The fragrent April shower appears to be handing off some guruing to someone called Harry Baldwin, who is offering standard OPCA mantras, "Court is a ship" etc to his few watchers.
She is still reluctant to try any of her BS herself.
In the meantime she is punting her stuff to any suckers she can rake in.
If you have an hour or so to watch all his videos, I have never seen such a mishmash of Legal theories spouted by one person. Becoming an executor of yourself, seems to be his shtick to end all legal and financial problems.
Of course without any evidence, or cases that one could look up. The one case he flashes paperwork for, involves a minor and the records sealed. Usually part of the procedure for a first time offender. I especially enjoyed his theory on Reg Z and 3 day right of recision as it pertains to traffic infractions!
Evidently Baldwin has had his own run ins with LE, as he alluded to it in his videos. The only thing I have been able to ascertain is the area code is in Ohio. He tries to distance himself from SC, FMOTL labels, but it’s the same ole same ole.