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One down, three to go

Post by Demosthenes »


Brown supporter plans to plead guilty
He's one of four allies facing charges in case

By Margot Sanger-Katz
Monitor staff

November 28. 2007 7:20AM

One of four supporters of Ed and Elaine Brown who pleaded not guilty to criminal charges of helping the couple evade capture will change his plea, according to court documents.

According to a docket entry, Robert Wolffe, 50, of Randolph, Vt., is slated to change his plea of not guilty in a hearing next week.

Neither Wolffe's lawyer, Paul Garrity, nor prosecutor Bob Kinsella from the U.S. attorney's office would comment on the case or say whether the parties had reached a plea agreement. But web postings from Wolffe's wife in recent weeks suggested that Wolffe had been negotiating with authorities.

"He has accepted a plea bargain," she wrote about a month ago. "That means that as soon as the next hearing can be arranged, he might just walk out."

Last night, Valeri Wolffe said that she speaks to her husband "all the time" but did not know anything about his decision to change his plea.

Wolffe, who was the Vermont commander of the U.S. Constitution Rangers, a national anti-government group that Ed Brown once led, was initially charged with just one crime, accessory after the fact. According to prosecutors, Wolffe and his wife, Valeri, brought their camper to the Brown's Plainfield home to stay overnight on several occasions, and they lent a car to the couple. Wolffe told marshals that he was prepared to die defending the Browns, and he acted as their armed guard on occasion, according to prosecutors.

Wolffe also offered his home as a transfer point for supplies after marshals cut postal delivery to the Browns' home. According to an online posting at the time, supporters were invited to double-wrap packages for the Browns and send them to the "Liberty Defense Project" at Wolffe's home address. Court documents allege that supplies delivered through Wolffe included more than 500 pounds of dehydrated food.

On the day of Wolffe's arraignment, Garrity asked the magistrate to give Wolffe a quick detention hearing, since he was in "a different position" than the other defendants, who had all been charged with conspiracy and with bringing weapons to the Browns' Plainfield home. But after prosecutors introduced evidence about the marshals' investigation and described how Valeri Wolffe had packed their car with guns and clothes following her husband's arrest, Garrity withdrew his opposition to Wolffe's continued detention.

Since then, Wolffe has been held in several local jails that contract with the marshals to hold federal prisoners. In an internet message described by the poster as a copy of Valeri Wolffe's e-mail, she said that her husband had reached a plea deal with prosecutors and would return home soon once the details were finalized.

But a court filing penned by Wolffe himself seemed to contradict that account. In his 35-page pleading, which was rejected by the judge because it did not come from Wolffe's attorney, Wolffe challenged the jurisdiction of the court, the honesty of his accusers and the legitimacy of his indictment.

In the document, he acknowledged that he and his wife had loaned the Browns their car, that they spent evenings at the property, that he videotaped U.S. marshals, that he carried a gun on the property and that he delivered supplies to the couple. None of those actions constituted crimes, he wrote.

"It is an undisputed fact that my actions were falsely construed as a crime by my false accuser," the document says, naming a deputy U.S. marshal who worked on the case and the prosecutors. "However, for want of any evidence, and for want of proof of mens rea, and actus reus, my actions are all shown to be totally and completely lawful acts of rightful, peaceful remonstrance."

A few days later, a grand jury indicted Wolffe on several additional charges, which could significantly lengthen his sentence if he is convicted. Wolffe is now charged with two counts of conspiring with three other supporters to impede the government, in addition to the original charge. The four men are scheduled for a trial in late January.

Another recent court filing suggests that prosecutors may be negotiating a plea with another defendant in the case. According to prosecutors, Daniel Riley of Cohoes, N.Y., has met with government officials several times since his arrest "each pursuant to a proffer letter." The document says that Riley gave detailed answers to questions about his experience at the Browns' home and that many of his statements have been corroborated by law enforcement.

The Browns held off federal authorities for months while entertaining guests and collecting weapons, but the two were captured by an undercover team of U.S. marshals in October. They are serving 63-month prison sentences for tax-related crimes. The Browns and many of their supporters, including Wolffe, believe that there is no legal basis for the federal income tax.

U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier has suggested that the Browns may face additional charges for their behavior during the standoff. Recent court documents have described a significant cache of improvised explosive devices found at the home after their arrest.
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Post by Demosthenes »

And will it be, "One down, four to go" any time soon???
From: Old Buck
Date: Nov 28, 2007 5:27 AM
Subject: Brown supporters to plead guilty

Body: Yesterday my attorney called and told me I have been supenaed and was ordered to comply by Dec. 19. if I didn't comply the Marshalls would pick me up I also received an email from this reporter . This is BS
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Post by Demosthenes »

CaptainKickback wrote:Does Old Buck need some cheese to go with his whine?

Oooh, he's been subpoenaed to testify in a matter before the court and he thinks it's b.s. What a little candy-a**ed wimp.
Unless the subpeona is for something else...
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Unless the subpeona is for something else...
Old Schmuck wrote:I have been supenaed and was ordered to comply by Dec. 19
It is clearly for "something else". A subpoena for testimony would read "on" a date, not "by" a date. Some common possibilities: records, items such as tapes, handwriting exemplars, voice exemplars, DNA specimen. There are others.
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Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:Does Old Buck need some cheese to go with his whine?

Oooh, he's been subpoenaed to testify in a matter before the court and he thinks it's b.s. What a little candy-a**ed wimp.
Unless the subpeona is for something else...
Like Elaine's shopping secrets or how she can really make something last?
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Post by Demosthenes »

Considering that the BATF is analyzing evidence obtained from a gazillion bombs and IEDs, I would imagine that gathering stuff like prints and DNA from idiots who lived there like Old Buck would be crucial.
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Post by grixit »

We usually speak of rats leaving the ship. But it this case it seems the rats are fleeing to the ship, since they're making pleas under admiralty jurisdiction.
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Post by Dezcad »

FWIW, Joe Haas posted on another forum that Bob doesn't plan to change his plea.
JoeHaas wrote: I got the news of this front page blerp in the upper left hand corner to see page B1 directly from Bob himself at 9:30 a.m. this morning on my visit to see him in Boscawen in G Unit for General Population. He said there is NO "plan" to plead guilty, and was angry that the would do this. I think the key word is negotiations, like to plea to a misdemeanor of time served to just get out of there, like an ex gratia payment on a parking ticket, it easier to pay than fight even when you're right, like the meter broken, and then sue in civil court for damages later on the outside with the proof of the broken meter, or in this case the non-filing.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Posted by Reno girlfriend.
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Well Here it is Folks

Here it is Folks.

I received word from Cirino about court today, he was very pleased with his lawyer, Cirino praised the efforts put forth by his representation despite an angry disgruntled judge, whom for some reason was pretty hostile to Cirinos Public Defender. His Lawyer shredded through the testimony the Marshal gave when the Marshal did not have his facts straight, Thank you Mr. David Brownes for shinning some light on the blatant flatout lies and the BS that they are doing to Cirino. We knew Cirino would not have bond set or would be released today, even with this you did put up a fight, and moved a few people in the gallery when you spoke about the kind of person, the man Cirino is, all he has done and aspires to accomplish.

I was also told tonight though that there was talk about the FBI filing their own cases against him and the others as well on counts of terrorism. we don't know what will become of this, or how they will be tried. Now realize my dear friends that the HR 1955 has been passed and now even those whom are peaceful activists, anti-war, or those for simply voicing their opinions now can be considered a terrorist act. I will be honest with you right now folks, they could come after alot more supporters whom have done less, we all could be misleadingly mislabeled terrorists, using the internet as a tool of expressing or communicate, to persuade change, reguardless if it is nonviolent, by communicating we could also be seen as a cell by their loose definitions, Hell, your church can be looked upon as such as well, for spreading/sharing your faith. While I will be sad to see many of you jump ship cause many have already gotten scared much earlier on when everyone was taken in. Sadden yes, but not downhearted, Cirino always said we determined our own level of involvement, we understand if you are afraid, but we are going to continue pressing on and forward without fear without regret. While it is my hope this will not intimidate any of the supporters, this is just to give you all a heads up, this is the time to decide your own involvement, decide your fate, and the direction of this nation.

thank you

Donna VanMeter

oh yes he is still being held at Merrimack, they decided not to change his location, that is a good thing, he doesnt have to lose his letters, pictures, canteen monies, ect.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Donna, HR 1955 has not been passed into law, and does not change existing terrorism laws. The Bill only establishes a committee to determine whether future laws will be needed. Ironically, Ed's case will likely be used as an example of why domestic terrorism laws should be considered.
VanMeters Revenge

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

go re-read it, plus im only reporting what i am told.
VanMeters Revenge

Post by VanMeters Revenge »

seeing how the Constitution has totally been disreguarded, While the rights of Cirino and others have been infringed upon, please excuse any confusion, feels alot like a police state already, kinda lose track of all the Rights we already lost.
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Post by Demosthenes »

In order to become law, it has to pass in both the House and Senate and be signed by the President. So far, it has only been voted on by the House.

I'm quite familiar with the language of the proposed law. Here's the text of the Bill: ... =h110-1955

All it does is establish a Commission:

`(a) Establishment- There is established within the legislative branch of the Government the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism.

`(b) Purpose- The purposes of the Commission are the following:

`(1) Examine and report upon the facts and causes of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in the United States, including United States connections to non-United States persons and networks, violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in prison, individual or `lone wolf' violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence, and other faces of the phenomena of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence that the Commission considers important.
Last edited by Demosthenes on Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Demosthenes »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:seeing how the Constitution has totally been disreguarded, While the rights of Cirino and others have been infringed upon, please excuse any confusion, feels alot like a police state already, kinda lose track of all the Rights we already lost.
Cirino made a choice to assist a couple who had been found guilty of multiple felonies. His options right now are pretty bad, especially since it is quite likely that additional charges will be filed once the FBI and ATF complete their investigation into the numerous explosive devices that were found on the property. Furthermore, Danny has been ratting out the supporters since mid June, and Bob Wolffe is changing his plea next week, which means he will likely be testifying against Reno and the others in exchange for a lighter sentence.

This is not a game. It is not some romantic reenactment of the revolution. It's an ugly, violent mess, and Reno needs to wake up from his fantasy that he is some human catalyst in a giant movement. He isn't. He's a guy who chose the wrong battle to fight, and he needs to listen to his attorney very carefully about his options for the future. He has four children to think of, and as each of the other defendants cuts a deal, his chances for a lighter sentence get dimmer and dimmer.

You and Reno's friends need to quit feeding his fantasies. He needs to start thinking in terms of his future.
Dr. Caligari
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Post by Dr. Caligari »

While the rights of Cirino and others have been infringed upon,
Which rights are those? (Aside from the right to blow people up with IEDs.)
Dr. Caligari
(Du musst Caligari werden!)

Post by Nikki »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:go re-read it, plus im only reporting what i am told.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to select a different collection of people or sources to determine what "i am told"?

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Post by LPC »

VanMeters Revenge wrote:seeing how the Constitution has totally been disreguarded, While the rights of Cirino and others have been infringed upon, please excuse any confusion, feels alot like a police state already, kinda lose track of all the Rights we already lost.
Let me summarize what I've read, and you can contradict me when you disagree.

1. Ed and Elaine Brown decided to stop paying taxes. They knew that the government expected them to pay taxes, and would prosecute them for failing to pay taxes, but decided to stop paying taxes anyway.

2. Ed and Elaine Brown started using postal orders in small amounts to pay bills and debts. They used small amounts so that their payments would not be reported, and they didn't want their payments to be reported because they didn't want to pay taxes.

3. They were indicted and convicted for what they did. They were offered legal counsel, but they rejected that offer, and Ed also decided not to attend his own trial.

4. They were convicted by a jury of their peers.

5. They decided not to appeal their verdicts and sentences. Instead, they barricaded themselves in their home and threatened to kill anyone who tried to enforce the judgments against them.

6. Cirino (and others) help them avoid capture, and helped them prepare to kill anyone who tried to enforce the judgments against them.

7. Cirino (and others) have been arrested, publicly charged with crimes in accordance with law, offered legal counsel, and are facing a public trial by a jury of his peers.

8. The Constitution does not say that no one can ever be deprived of life, liberty, or property, but only that no one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.

9. Due process of law requires, in a criminal case (and among other things), a hearing before an impartial jury and an impartial judge.

So, where has the Constitution been "disreguarded" and where is the infringement of Cirino's rights?
Dan Evans
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Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

VanMeters Revenge,

First, other than the train wreck entertainment value, I don't really care about Reno. I wander between feeling sorry for him (when I think he was a used by Ed Brown) or thinking that Reno should spend the next 50 years in prison (because he was engaged in an act that could have gotten people killed). I have never met him and base my limited opinions on the public information about him. Today, I am in a "feel bad for Reno" mood. Perhaps this is why I could never be a prosecutor. I have too much empathy for people, including those who probably do not deserve it. (Plus Rumpole of the Bailey is my hero).

I have meet Ed Brown and he is a genuine nut case and narcissistic ass. Since Reno's arrest, what has Ed Brown down for Reno? Has he even sent Reno a single letter? He barely bothers to write his wife, and when he does, it is a bunch of poor pity me crap. Ed used Reno and then discarded him like a used rag. Of all of the people in this whole mess, Ed is the one who deserves a 40 year jail term, but is the least likely to get it because of his age. :?

Reno (and apparently you) have some very strange ideas. This whole Federal Reserve/IRS/Free Mason Zionist Illuminati thing is weird. Actually, psychotic, but that's OK. I know lots of people who have some strange ideas, but they don't go around preparing for armed confrontations.

However, helping people try to kill other people is BAD, and not OK.

I guess Reno has four children. If he wants to have any chance of watching them grow up, he needs to see the light about what he has done and take some positive steps. If Reno stays on the course he is on, he is going to spend many, many years in prison. Based on the public reports (and the apparent likelihood of having at least one and maybe two co-defendants lined up to testify against him), Reno does not have a prayer of beating this one.

There has been some really good advice in this thread. Give it some thought. I seriously doubt anyone here holds any malice towards you.

If Reno does not smarten up, you need to realize this and get on with your life. You and your children deserve better than to be tied up in this mess.

Good luck.
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:as each of the other defendants cuts a deal, his chances for a lighter sentence get dimmer and dimmer.
Yes, indeed.

In the trade, people say, "The ship is sailing." If you're left standing on the dock when the bombs start falling, the results aren't pretty.
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Post by Imalawman »

By the way, when Reno mentioned that he was looking to kill people to stop the arrest of Ed Brown did you think that was a good idea? Does that sound legal to you now?

Say I am arrested for murder, but I feel that the laws of the US are nothing but a fiction and barricade myself in my house, would you come and help me avoid arrest? If I threatened to kill anyone who tried to arrest me and others assisted me, would this seem right to you?

If you would, but for a moment, stop and think about what life was like before you "saw the light", you'll realize the mistakes that Reno has made in this case. You'll then try very hard to convince Reno to follow the advice in this thread and more importantly by his lawyer.
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