OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Moderators: Prof, Judge Roy Bean

Heather will decide to head for the hills:

Before her next hearing
After her next hearing
Before her trial
Before her sentencing
Never - she wants to experience BEing and DOing behind bars.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

You simple types think that Heather has been jailed. Not a bit of it. She's in protective custody for her own safety! Why? Because this is big, bigger than we know, and isn't over. It's all in an interview Sheila Corona gave right after the trial;


I'll give a superficial review of the idiocy. Two speakers. Some pathetic male moderator and Sheila. If you think the review is disjointed I invite you to listen to Sheila yourselves.

Sheilas said that when it was over she wanted to hug all of the marshalls to show that she still loved them but but she was only allowed a handshake.

"Randall's closing statement was a portal opening for all of us. This is just the beginning. Read it out loud."

Then a sentiment I can agree with. Sheila came up with a batch of get to work metaphors but the one that stuck with me is "it's time to belly up to the bar". Then she threatened us with hours and hours of recordings when she gets home. There was no fringe on the flag. That's important. The interviewer was incredulous. An ordinary flag, no fringe? What's going on here? Sheila said it's bigger than we know. It's an important piece! Interviewer - Wow, this is big! Sheila said stop from believing they are screwed, the flag said otherwise. This is just begun and it's huge.

Interview mentioned how quickly the jury came up with a verdict. The UCC paperwork came in so late there was no way the jury could have inspected it. It's the underlying basis for the entire ball of wax! But the appeal will use it since it's part of the case. Sheila said that 'Source' did this deliberately. Source, whatever that is to them, is seeding the collective consciousness. It's a way of telling all the people in the world who are entrenched in a 3D linear perspective (Guilty!) that they've been lied to for centuries.

Interviewer wants to know what to do now that the perception he had about the facet of life he believed in is wrong. What do I plug into that void now?

These people actually talk like this. I'd suggest he get out more but I'm guessing they have too much invested in Heather to change directions easily.

Sheila makes a big deal about how the UCCs were allowed into evidence but were only allowed in very late. This meant that while the jury had them available it wasn't possible for the jury to review the 300+ pages. But, again, it was a seeding of the consciousness. It's now in the field of the collective consciousness. It's available for any of us who care to review it. I'm guessing that there won't be many takers on that generous offer. Sheila said that Aliens are seeding this into our consciousness.

Interviewer thanks the many angels who went to court and plugged into the energy in the room. Nitwit said that this energy would be important to him while he was reading the transcript. Personally I'd prefer a bottle of wine. Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto I guess.

I think Angel M made the correct conclusion about the results from this comment;
Angel M
3 days ago
She doesn't "see as a very big problem for the community"?! Her statement IS problematic b/c she's willingly going down a deep rabbit hole of denial. These 2 convictions bode badly for this community and will make work going forward that much MORE difficult! we will be labeled CON- ARTISTS, PURVEYORS OF BOGUS INFO, THIEVES and CRIMINALS . Our goals will be discredited. We'll suffer additional loss of wealth & esteem while fighting for what's rightfully ours since birth. This is a lose/lose for EVERYBODY.
Speak for yourself Angel. It isn't a lose/lose for me. Or you either for that matter since you never had any chance of getting all that imaginary free money anyhow.

On the other hand Belinda is full of it;
Belinda Frank
3 days ago
This fight isn't for wealth and esteem, it is for us to know compassion and let it flow to our worst enemies. Until you get this concept you will not get anything from this great sacrifice these two people are doing on the behalf of all beings on this planet. It isn't about money it is about our evolutionary expansion. Expand your heart and stop letting money rule your feelings. Go to Abraham/Hicks if you want to learn how to attract money.
Jennifer sees a saviour;
Jennifer Lee
3 days ago
we must all contact Trump by email about the verdict. We need him to intervene and do something. He should have long ago. Please everyone take 5 minutes and do this!

But Glazz thinks it's time to bail on that loser Heather and go scampering after another pipe dream;
glazz Sherlock
3 days ago
NESARA Now....
Good luck with that Glazz! These fools believe anything.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

Anyone else having trouble accessing the I-UV site?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

Burnaby49 wrote:You simple types think that Heather has been jailed. Not a bit of it. She's in protective custody for her own safety! Why? Because this is big, bigger than we know, and isn't over.
I've been trolling a couple of these types on FB under various identities, and it appears that this is how they deal with failure. They keep thinking that NEXT time, God or whatever supernatural force they believe in will carry the day. It's like a gambler on a losing streak increasing his bets to try to win it back faster.

I've tried to suggest (gently) that waiting on the appeal is less likely to succeed... They might have a chance to influence the jurors with all their telepathic nonsense, but the odds of influencing appeals court judges who do their work in chambers after brief oral arguments, is much smaller. And then the when the appeal fails, as it inevitably will if for no other reason than because Heather and Randy are too stupid to preserve the record, then how do they try to rationalize that they won't be able to have another chance to prove all this stuff right for many, many years. I've dumbed that part of the discussion down. They keep coming back to me with more nonsense about what's going on in their imaginary vibrational universe.

The ability for seemingly articulate people who should know better to rationalize failure away is increasingly disturbing to me. And the ability of people to infect each other with stupid ideas that become impossible-to-shake delusions is staggering.

And it's also an example of cult thinking. When something bad happens, it's always the fault of the person doing the technique wrong that the cult teaches. And when it succeeds, it's always a validation of the cult's teachings, never a credit to the individual. So it's a little surprising that the BEing and DOing crowd haven't turned on Heather and Randy for their failure.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by mirele »

I served on a federal civil jury back in October. We had lots and lots of documents admitted in the course of the trial. The system used to catalogue and display the documents was interesting but, IMHO, kind of stupid in that it had an onscreen keyboard to input and not a regular hard keyboard. It was like having a 42 inch cell phone screen. In the end, we did look at a few of the documents, but mostly worked through the judge's instructions to the jury and our recollection of the testimony. I'd be curious to find out if the jury even looked at the 300 page doc. Given how quickly they returned a verdict, I bet they figured out right away that thing was useless for their deliberations.

Why couldn't I have been on this jury????
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by davids »

JohnPCapitalist wrote:So it's a little surprising that the BEing and DOing crowd haven't turned on Heather and Randy for their failure.
Yes, but all of the rest of them ARE doing just that. That Lightworker nut and Harvey Dent are going at it, good ol' Harv being accused of being a government plant (an accusation only leveled by the most sane of persons) which is just another version of the "doing it wrong" theory. And they're all still running around trying to show how they are the ones who truly know the secret, not the others. And it's all nonsense that no sane person would try because five minutes worth of reasoning or research would lead one to conclude it's a really bad idea. :lol:
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

mirele wrote:I served on a federal civil jury back in October. We had lots and lots of documents admitted in the course of the trial. The system used to catalogue and display the documents was interesting but, IMHO, kind of stupid in that it had an onscreen keyboard to input and not a regular hard keyboard. It was like having a 42 inch cell phone screen. In the end, we did look at a few of the documents, but mostly worked through the judge's instructions to the jury and our recollection of the testimony. I'd be curious to find out if the jury even looked at the 300 page doc. Given how quickly they returned a verdict, I bet they figured out right away that thing was useless for their deliberations.

Why couldn't I have been on this jury????
I doubt that juries pay a lot of attention to documentation. I've written on Quatloos about my attendance at Russell Porisky and Keith Lawson's tax evasion and counseling fraud trials here in Vancouver. Masses of documents in both cases but both had jury verdicts after a few hours. There was no way they could have gone through the documents in any detail. I think they just listen to the story and watch the accused and decide on that.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect that the docs were the absolute last things the jury would have wanted to see, unless they were just absolutely bored out of their minds and wanted something/anything to relieve the boredom, and the docs would have put them in a coma in short order. I suspect they heard/saw enough of HAT and Randy during the trial to help them make up their minds.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Athis »

JohnPCapitalist wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:You simple types think that Heather has been jailed. Not a bit of it. She's in protective custody for her own safety! Why? Because this is big, bigger than we know, and isn't over.
I've been trolling a couple of these types on FB under various identities, and it appears that this is how they deal with failure. They keep thinking that NEXT time, God or whatever supernatural force they believe in will carry the day. It's like a gambler on a losing streak increasing his bets to try to win it back faster.

I've tried to suggest (gently) that waiting on the appeal is less likely to succeed... They might have a chance to influence the jurors with all their telepathic nonsense, but the odds of influencing appeals court judges who do their work in chambers after brief oral arguments, is much smaller. And then the when the appeal fails, as it inevitably will if for no other reason than because Heather and Randy are too stupid to preserve the record, then how do they try to rationalize that they won't be able to have another chance to prove all this stuff right for many, many years. I've dumbed that part of the discussion down. They keep coming back to me with more nonsense about what's going on in their imaginary vibrational universe.

The ability for seemingly articulate people who should know better to rationalize failure away is increasingly disturbing to me. And the ability of people to infect each other with stupid ideas that become impossible-to-shake delusions is staggering.

And it's also an example of cult thinking. When something bad happens, it's always the fault of the person doing the technique wrong that the cult teaches. And when it succeeds, it's always a validation of the cult's teachings, never a credit to the individual. So it's a little surprising that the BEing and DOing crowd haven't turned on Heather and Randy for their failure.
I think they are a kind of cult. I see many similarities with guru cults and fundamentalist religious movements. Heather is the savior/guru and BZ is her chief priestess and cult metaphysician. They profess and teach a bizarre mix of sovereign citizen conspiracy theory and new age salvation metaphysics. And like with all guru cults and religious fundamentalisms the belief system overlays reality and cuts the followers off from normal reality. They look at the same world and objective events that normal people do, but they interpret it all completely differently. That's why they are able to see the events in Knoxville as a victory and the beginning of a revolutionary universal cleansing.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by RSVPini »

Since I've been following the Hat and the Beane, I've noticed they and their followers seem to have a common belief that everything they do is righteous and good for everybody (whether or not many people know it or like it). So, when things turn out differently than they had intended, it causes them to quickly come up with some kind of rationale for what happened. They have become extremely good at convincing themselves and their followers that the government is the cause of everything negative in their world and they believe they are chipping away at the protective wall that surrounds it.

Harvey Denson has a similar kind of (lack of) logic but he appears to be under the influence of paranoia rather than the guidance of a divine entity or whatever it is that the HATJ disciples have decided is guiding her.

They are all very entertaining most of the time but they also are a good example of how mob mentality works. It's scary to know that so many people can be controlled so easily by someone whose true motivation is selfishness.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Athis »

Yes they believe they have the right to decide and legislate for everyone. Very similar to religious fundamentalists who believe their particular beliefs apply universally to all people and all other beliefs are invalid.
Heather and her followers believe she has the power and the right to abolish the US government; and the government in my nation too. She never asked me about it; nor anyone else here. She doesn't care what we think or want. She knows better and she insists we have to accept her laws.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Blackbeard »

I just discovered this whole affair with Beane and Touchy Giraffe on YouTube last week. I haven't had this much fun with a trial since Ed & Elaine Brown.

P.S. I missed you guys!
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Welcome back, I guess. Are you someone we should remember?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by wserra »

I remember Blackbeard, but it's been a long time. Pretty much a decade, right?

Welcome back. Piracy been good?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by noblepa »

wserra wrote:I remember Blackbeard, but it's been a long time. Pretty much a decade, right?

Welcome back. Piracy been good?
Is this the same person, or is it like The Dread Pirate Roberts, and the franchise has been passed on to someone new?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by wserra »

Same avatar.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

Before my time and I've been around a while.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

In case anyone missed Virgo Triad's You Tube video a few days ago https://youtu.be/qZh1RBtEvYw I've transcribed the letter she has described which appears to be arriving on targeted door steps.
We received evidence at this Office that you have apparently attempted to establish a claim against the US Treasury by fraudulent documents in an attempt to assert ownership over Treasury securities account(s) purportedly identified by your social security number or birth certificate information.

Your demand has no legal validity and is not payable through any federal or state agency. Your scheme appears to be akin to a fraud commonly known as "redemption" asserting that the United States government has trust accounts linked to each citizen.

This theory is unsupported in fact or law and has been soundly rejected by the federal courts. See e.g. Bryant v Washington Mutual Bank 524 F Supp 2d 753 (2007)[civil] and United States v Anderson, Sagorski, Yates, Modderman, Siobods, Goodwin and Shriver, 353 F 3d 490 (2003)[criminal].

Such claims and demands against the US Treasury are wholly unfounded. Be advised that presenting documents premised upon such fraud, or assisting any other individual or entity in the preparation of such a demand, may subject you to civil penalties and criminal prosecution for presenting false claims, making false statements, and fictitious obligations under Title 18, United States Code. You may wish to seek competent legal counsel regarding the law and penalties applicable to these offenses.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote:In case anyone missed Virgo Triad's You Tube video a few days ago https://youtu.be/qZh1RBtEvYw I've transcribed the letter she has described which appears to be arriving on targeted door steps.
We received evidence at this Office that you have apparently attempted to establish a claim against the US Treasury by fraudulent documents in an attempt to assert ownership over Treasury securities account(s) purportedly identified by your social security number or birth certificate information.

Your demand has no legal validity and is not payable through any federal or state agency. Your scheme appears to be akin to a fraud commonly known as "redemption" asserting that the United States government has trust accounts linked to each citizen.

This theory is unsupported in fact or law and has been soundly rejected by the federal courts. See e.g. Bryant v Washington Mutual Bank 524 F Supp 2d 753 (2007)[civil] and United States v Anderson, Sagorski, Yates, Modderman, Siobods, Goodwin and Shriver, 353 F 3d 490 (2003)[criminal].

Such claims and demands against the US Treasury are wholly unfounded. Be advised that presenting documents premised upon such fraud, or assisting any other individual or entity in the preparation of such a demand, may subject you to civil penalties and criminal prosecution for presenting false claims, making false statements, and fictitious obligations under Title 18, United States Code. You may wish to seek competent legal counsel regarding the law and penalties applicable to these offenses.
I am not going to watch the video due to a) time constraint and b) lack of interest in taking a dip in yet another intellectual cesspool. Is this document one that is issued by a fraud office or other department in a bank, or was this something issued by the government? In other words, any way to assess whether this is likely to bring about prosecution (if the feds issued it) or just a hand-slap (if the bank issued it).

In other words, are the feds coming for the recipients of these letters or is this just a threatening way to say "don't do it again?"
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by GlimDropper »

John P, it seems pretty much like a "get off my lawn" letter but sent from the Treasury Department. The fact they started making an effort seems interesting and worth bringing to notice. YouTuber Virgo Triad is every bit as much a denizen of "intellectual cesspool(s)" as we are, and for pretty much the same reasons.

Howdy AnOwlCalledSage, thank you for posting that.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Burnaby49 wrote:Before my time and I've been around a while.
I think I vaguely remember, but the 70s were very good to me, I think. :shock:
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