OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Moderators: Prof, Judge Roy Bean

Heather will decide to head for the hills:

Before her next hearing
After her next hearing
Before her trial
Before her sentencing
Never - she wants to experience BEing and DOing behind bars.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

Friend from Manchester sent a link that has OPPT indicia:


The only alternative commune in Morocco I’m aware of is OPPT and the dates coincide clearly with OPPT. Will have to do more digging to confirm.

Update and edit: the kidnappers are in fact part of OPPT. Mel Batty is mentioned as one of the members of the Morocco commune.

http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com ... -oppt.html
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

Blissfully unaware, Heather files on:
https://i-uv.com/universalcleanup-pacer ... certified/

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by NYGman »

Not getting the point of this filling at all. Hasn't her attempt at self dismissal failed? She may not accept the courts authority, but they certainly don't accept hers. She can pretend to dismiss and they can pretend her jail is actually free room and board, and not incarnation, so everyone wins. She gets a free place to stay, and food to eat, paid for by Uncle Sam. So she is accessing her hidden account, and has actually succeed. Just have to use Being and doing to view her current situation as pure freedom.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by juxtaposition »

The most impressive 'piece de resistance' here is that court transcript where the judge attempts to figure out her ass-backwards logic; before the pretrial. People are just that stupid to continue on beliefs in known felons.

Long time lurker here, I myself was wrapped up in a portion of said nonsense for a very long time. Quite frankly if it was not for this site I likely would have continued down that belligerent path. Thank you Roy, and all the other posters for playing devil's advocate using only logic, and non made up sourced material from directly referable material.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

juxtaposition wrote:The most impressive 'piece de resistance' here is that court transcript where the judge attempts to figure out her ass-backwards logic; before the pretrial. People are just that stupid to continue on beliefs in known felons.

Long time lurker here, I myself was wrapped up in a portion of said nonsense for a very long time. Quite frankly if it was not for this site I likely would have continued down that belligerent path. Thank you Roy, and all the other posters for playing devil's advocate using only logic, and non made up sourced material from directly referable material.
Curious as to what "wrapped you up? "
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by NYGman »

Resume wrote:Curious as to what "wrapped you up? "
Isn't it the promise of free money that usually gets them? It sounds so good, no real government, as it was foreclosed, and the whole US Government is a scam, and it is holding your money, while at the same time, asking you to pay more and more (Tax), it just isn't fair. The system must be rigged, and those in power or that have the money know the true secrets, and they don't want you to find out.... Guru has this secret information available, and spins a great story around it, it just has to be true, if what they are saying is true... If you are willing to suspend common sense, rational thought, and a good judgement on the veracity of the facts, you can easily get swept up in it, especially with all the confirmation that comes from the echo chamber we call the internet.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

juxtaposition wrote:People are just that stupid to continue on beliefs in known felons.
Actually, people in this world are willing to follow not only felons but clinically mentally ill loons. Pretend judge Anna Reizinger (a.k.a., Anna Von Reitz) in Alaska is one of a whole host of people slinging gobs of utter nonsense.

There's another guy named "David-Wynn: Miller" who thinks he has discovered a magic "mathematical truth language" that looks like the worst old COBOL computer program ever written that he uses for court filings. It's absolutely incomprehensible, even to a guy like me who actually did COBOL programming decades ago.

What enables this to happen is the conspiracy theory mindset. People latch onto some supposed "guru" who says something that they desperately want to be true -- the idea that you don't need to pay car registration or insurance is pretty appealing to someone making $8.50 an hour working at Wal-Mart.

Part of the message is always "the all-powerful cabal in charge of the world don't want you to know this secret knowledge." And when you buy into that, you are lost to reality. That's because anyone who objects is one of the shadowy forces trying to suppress the truth. And any evidence that counters your view must have been planted by those same shadowy forces.

So the normal skepticism that would cause normal people to ask "gee, I wonder what else this person did for a living before they started peddling this solution" or to say "gee, this sure sounds crazy, maybe I ought to check into it" has been erased by this cult-like thinking.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

Sadly David-Wynn: Miller wasn't batshit crazy enough for his followers. They court martialed him and drummed him out of his own organization. They apparently needed plenty of guns to do it. The best part was when they started addressing each other by name and carefully verbalized the colon.

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Athis »

So Heather has rejected the court verdict!
Whatever will the government do now?

I presume Heather will be filing a release order for herself and Randy in due course.

Amazing stuff that re David Wynn Miller and his buddies court martial proceedings.
They seem like adult children to me playing pretend games.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Athis wrote:So Heather has rejected the court verdict!
Whatever will the government do now?

I presume Heather will be filing a release order for herself and Randy in due course.

Amazing stuff that re David Wynn Miller and his buddies court martial proceedings.
They seem like adult children to me playing pretend games.
They are adult children playing pretend games.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

You people carp about how childish David-Wynn: Miller's court martial appears to be but it is actually very serious business. Just check the text under the video where they give the title and authority of the person rendering the verdict;


So tell me, does that sound like the title that some pathetic buffoon living in a sad fantasy world would bestow upon himself? These are people with authority. Although I would suggest that a Superior-Federal-Judge give his verdicts in a courtroom rather than an open field. Are there no Denny's in the area?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Burnaby49 wrote:You people carp about how childish David-Wynn: Miller's court martial appears to be but it is actually very serious business. Just check the text under the video where they give the title and authority of the person rendering the verdict;


So tell me, does that sound like the title that some pathetic buffoon living in a sad fantasy world would bestow upon himself? These are people with authority. Although I would suggest that a Superior-Federal-Judge give his verdicts in a courtroom rather than an open field. Are there no Denny's in the area?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

Athis wrote:So Heather has rejected the court verdict!
Whatever will the government do now?

I presume Heather will be filing a release order for herself and Randy in due course.

Amazing stuff that re David Wynn Miller and his buddies court martial proceedings.
They seem like adult children to me playing pretend games.
As a former attorney, surely Tucci-Cucci know the gibberish she spouts in just that, and it's not fooling anyone. So does she fling it about just to impress her moron followers?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

Burnaby49 wrote:Sadly David-Wynn: Miller wasn't batshit crazy enough for his followers. They court martialed him and drummed him out of his own organization. They apparently needed plenty of guns to do it. The best part was when they started addressing each other by name and carefully verbalized the colon.

A couple things I like in this video. Yeah, the proper use of colons in each other's name is precious.

I loved the large things on the table to our right of the pretend judge holding this pretend "court martial". They appear to be seal embossers of some court. If you got the seal, you got the authority, baby!

It sounds like David-Wynn: Miller had a coronary and probably some cognitive trouble. They said he couldn't remember a lot of stuff so they bounced him. I wonder how many loons were at this momentous transfer of power in the craziest pretend court system in the US. The fact that this got over 6,000 views on YouTube is all kinds of lame.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by juxtaposition »

Sadly, there isn't one of these erm.."gurus" that I am not familiar with, and have compiled a document with their claims, and point for point demonstration as to how and why they are wrong. Cobol makes more sense that "quantum language" -- fellow programmer myself.

There is nothing hidden, all is in plain sight. I've read through my states code, I've read most of the federal code, I have yearly volumes of all CFR, USC with all of my own annotations. My interpretation being, all of these hidden 'secrets' are simply a lack of due diligence, and the inability to read/comprehend.

Conspiracy only works on the belief of something that likely cannot be proven, perhaps that's part of the logical fallacy here.

PS. my grammar and sentence structure are fairly rough and unlikely to be anything more than run on sentences. I will work on it.
JohnPCapitalist wrote:
juxtaposition wrote:People are just that stupid to continue on beliefs in known felons.
Actually, people in this world are willing to follow not only felons but clinically mentally ill loons. Pretend judge Anna Reizinger (a.k.a., Anna Von Reitz) in Alaska is one of a whole host of people slinging gobs of utter nonsense.

There's another guy named "David-Wynn: Miller" who thinks he has discovered a magic "mathematical truth language" that looks like the worst old COBOL computer program ever written that he uses for court filings. It's absolutely incomprehensible, even to a guy like me who actually did COBOL programming decades ago.

What enables this to happen is the conspiracy theory mindset. People latch onto some supposed "guru" who says something that they desperately want to be true -- the idea that you don't need to pay car registration or insurance is pretty appealing to someone making $8.50 an hour working at Wal-Mart.

Part of the message is always "the all-powerful cabal in charge of the world don't want you to know this secret knowledge." And when you buy into that, you are lost to reality. That's because anyone who objects is one of the shadowy forces trying to suppress the truth. And any evidence that counters your view must have been planted by those same shadowy forces.

So the normal skepticism that would cause normal people to ask "gee, I wonder what else this person did for a living before they started peddling this solution" or to say "gee, this sure sounds crazy, maybe I ought to check into it" has been erased by this cult-like thinking.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

juxtaposition wrote:There is nothing hidden, all is in plain sight. I've read through my states code, I've read most of the federal code, I have yearly volumes of all CFR, USC with all of my own annotations. My interpretation being, all of these hidden 'secrets' are simply a lack of due diligence, and the inability to read/comprehend.
I suspect, but I don't know for sure, that there's a phenomenon operating here that is very similar to what some preachers do. It's called "prooftexting" -- you pick the one verse from the bible that seems to say what you want it to say and you quote it completely out of context. For example, the thing about how the guy who "spilled his seed on the ground" is a prohibition on masturbation is actually about a much different issue, something that would be really obvious if you read the whole story.

So, too, do these idiots "prooftext" the law. They take it completely out of context, though I don't know whether they do it intentionally or just from ignorance. One example is how they claim "the US is a corporation" (in part because various agencies have DUNS or D&B numbers) and in part because some code section having to do with payment processing says "for the purposes of this section, the US shall be treated the same as any corporation." Do that enough times, passing shit around by cut and paste, and you eventually acquire an entire castle built on a foundation of prooftexted nonsense.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by juxtaposition »

Resume wrote:
juxtaposition wrote:The most impressive 'piece de resistance' here is that court transcript where the judge attempts to figure out her ass-backwards logic; before the pretrial. People are just that stupid to continue on beliefs in known felons.

Long time lurker here, I myself was wrapped up in a portion of said nonsense for a very long time. Quite frankly if it was not for this site I likely would have continued down that belligerent path. Thank you Roy, and all the other posters for playing devil's advocate using only logic, and non made up sourced material from directly referable material.
Curious as to what "wrapped you up? "
Simply put: incompetence, shortcomings, and lets say a conspiracy minded desired belief system. I supposed the fact that I got into that garbage when I was ~13 had a role to play in it. Then later on in life, make bad choices and blame it on others instead of looking inward led to getting 'reactivated' per say.

So anyway, many of them promise the world, and it sounds obtainable...to an idiot. Someone banking on the other idiot being right, so they can then get ahead. Its all very seductive to the uninitiated. Until you realize that they all use manipulation, blame, personality control drama to keep everyone tucked up under their wing.

Its a heck of a thing to look back and realize that you created all of your own problems. Not only that, but even perpetuated them, made them worse, and dug a hole for yourself so large that well shit, you might as well bank on the most outrageous bullstuff out there. #facepalm.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by juxtaposition »

JohnPCapitalist wrote:
juxtaposition wrote:There is nothing hidden, all is in plain sight. I've read through my states code, I've read most of the federal code, I have yearly volumes of all CFR, USC with all of my own annotations. My interpretation being, all of these hidden 'secrets' are simply a lack of due diligence, and the inability to read/comprehend.
I suspect, but I don't know for sure, that there's a phenomenon operating here that is very similar to what some preachers do. It's called "prooftexting" -- you pick the one verse from the bible that seems to say what you want it to say and you quote it completely out of context. For example, the thing about how the guy who "spilled his seed on the ground" is a prohibition on masturbation is actually about a much different issue, something that would be really obvious if you read the whole story.

So, too, do these idiots "prooftext" the law. They take it completely out of context, though I don't know whether they do it intentionally or just from ignorance. One example is how they claim "the US is a corporation" (in part because various agencies have DUNS or D&B numbers) and in part because some code section having to do with payment processing says "for the purposes of this section, the US shall be treated the same as any corporation." Do that enough times, passing shit around by cut and paste, and you eventually acquire an entire castle built on a foundation of prooftexted nonsense.
So the "US is a corporation" bit, I say, of course it is*.
[* in certain and specific contexts]

Of course we can come up with any meaning when we pick and choose those meanings. In my experience from direct contact and discovery of these individuals processes, the agenda they push is specific, deliberate, and intentional.

Think of planned obsolescence. If you sell a defective product your user is hooked on, the product fails (if seller is cunning enough) blames the failure on the student, and sells them another broken product. Rinse and repeat for the duration of the stupidity of the user.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

No, the US is not a corporation, in any way. It is a sovereign nation and as such holds sovereign immunity. You cannot sue the United States, or any part of it except where sovereign immunity has been waived by a specific to the circumstance law. States are almost sovereign and again you can only sue a state in federal court under certain circumstances, most usually for violating federal laws. Both States and the Federal government contain within them corporations, commonly municipalities, but those are set up such that they can be sued but still within defined situations.

A county and the townships within it are subdivisions of the state, but an incorpoated city is legally different. One consequence of this is if a county defaults on a bond, the state usually has to back it, but if a city defaults the state cannot be liable. That, and not some conspiracy theory, is the major reason, liability and autonomy.

As a matter of form, you do not bring suit against the IRS, you sue the United States.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

Tucci-Cucci files post-verdict motions.
https://i-uv.com/universalcleanup-stand ... ent-310257
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