The saga involving Adam Mustafa has moved on a bit.
The lad was sent to a secure MH unit under a S2 '
sectioning', that is, an order that usually means someone is so mentally ill that he or she might hurt themselves or others and have been detained on that basis.
Given the admission threshold these days then getting sectioned means there are some very real concerns in the assessments of highly trained MH professionals. It also means that the patient will receive the best possible treatment for their condition, whatever it might be. It only lasts a limited time, 28 days maximum whilst diagnoses are made and needs assessed.
Does this news please Neelu? Not a bit.
I thinks she sees MH treatment as all a bit Cuckoo's Nest. She rejoices;
and, perhaps predictably;
Whilst I don't usually even take so much as an aspirin unless I've been on a Burnaby-style bender, there are times one should take heed of medical professionals and listen to their advice. Neelu calls on the 'one million' supporters to bombard the unit with calls. Liz (OTF) Nolson gives her usual rambling assessment;
Elisabeth Nolson
Did call the number you posted told them we had two people under nondisclosure in there and they said we have no one covert here I said how would you know if they are covert ..I said you are using their fake names and gave them and asked to speak to them but the system hid behind the non disclosure of course and refused to let me know how they were x
Certain know-nothings chip in;
Andrew Bowen
They're really giving him a hard time,.messing him about NHS mental health are the MkUltra department of the police.
Jenny sees other avenues of redress;
Jenny Meade
I had a vision of that turning point after visualising in a dream the heavens full of angels dressed in white after listening to Ved on the subject. The Greece peace ships captain John Castle who recently passed on May be able to help. He was Quaker so maybe Friends house could organise something
Riiiight. A dead sea-captain, that's not the mariner you're looking for. Madness.
Unusually however Neelu's anti-medication views don't garner universal support;
Gavin Wainwright
honest u lot need help it's clear to anybody that's normal the guy needs serious help when he flips out and hurts somebody you'll all be saying he should git help so get a grip hes we're (h)e should be
Hear hear Gavin. Another commenter gives us a bit more on the firearms aspect;
Joanne Clorley Delahaye
There's a picture of him floating about pointing a shot gun at the camera. The police were looking for the gun and I'm guessing it escalated from there. They wouldn't keep him in if they didn't think he was a risk to himself or the public
Given sensitivities about 'active' shooters in recent weeks and Adam's increasingly irrational tirades to camera it is surprising that, it that's true, the cops didn't deploy a more robust response. Common
Law sense does appear to have broken out on Neelu's FB page. Here's another entirely reasonable view;
Angela Hughes
He would have been assesed by 2 Drs one being a mental health consultant before sectioning. They don't section unless there is obvious reason to do so ie danger to himself or others and they can forcibly administer medications in the persons best interest. I've dealt with people being sectioned and it's not a nice experience. I'm just glad has getting the help he needs
So on the one hand we've got the NHS doing their best to assist this chap and the other, a rabid few ringing up the hospital with endless and time-wasting demands spouting uneducated bollocks. If Mr. Mustafa is released and falls back under their influence then any positives achieved by treatment will be swiftly rubbed out and further worrying confrontation looms with anyone on his hate-list. I suspect sustained use of 'super-strength' skunk cannabis at work, increasingly found as the weed of choice amongst the spliffer-arti ensuring MH professionals won't ever be out of work.
I think the reason Neely doesn't trust MH services is encapsulated in this post;
Ved Chaudhari
NEVER present yourself to the GP for a mental health assessment certificate of any sort, they will have to refer you to a psychiatrist and suck you into the Mental Health Frauds like a vacuum
Hey Neely - ever been Hoovered up in Ilford I wonder?
It is of some comfort that people posting there (and not getting immediately deleted - still there for now) are critical of Neelu.