Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

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Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Typical crap from Freeman Law
The 1st October 2009 marks a defining moment in the constitutional history of the United Kingdom. Why? Well it saw the transferring of judicial authority away from the House of Lords, and the creation of a private company to handle those previous legal decisions. An Americanised "Supreme Court for the United Kingdom" in the historic setting of the former Middlesex Guildhall on Parliament Square was established. This was in effect the ending of Justice in the UK. [Note the symbolism of the date on which it was effected].You see this bunch of scoundrels pictured right? - well, they may think they're well meaning BUT they work for a private corporation. The Head of the Supreme Court PLC, Davide Neuberger, is a Zionist Jew and ex Rothschild banker (1970-1973). What's someone like that doing heading up the British Law Courts? All courts are nothing more than Pagan Roman Curia. You should never enter into any of these courts unless you FIRST rebut the 12 Presumptions of a Roman Curia.
They just took the Law Lords and gave them a new playroom.

The site appears to be a hybrid US British fake law compendium. I wonder who is behind it and what is the point?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by HardyW »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:I wonder who is behind it
No reason to imagine anyone but Peter Smith himself has contributed to it, perhaps with some Ceylon-invented additions. Freeman Legal Services was maybe his first venture and although the web site has a different look it's still full of the common law court of record 750181 and everything else.
Siegfried Shrink wrote:and what is the point?
The point is the same as the point of ExpertInAllCrap. He charges the suckers for the services described.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by grixit »

howardmappel wrote:
Disclaimer first - I am an attorney licensed to practice in California and no where else and anything I say here should not be interpreted as legal advice to anyone. Now that I have covered my tuchas -

IMNSHO, the promissory notes are unenforceable in both the USA and GB for a number of reasons, most of which I won't discuss now because my oatmeal is getting cold and I am hungry. But the biggest reason the promissory notes will be unenforceable is that there was no valid and sufficient consideration given to the issuer of the notes, i.e., the marks, by POE. Yes, under common law (real, not SOVCIT), a peppercorn of consideration received by the party to be charged, in this case the marks, is supposed to be enough to bind the party to be charged. I would argue, firstly, that not even a peppercorn was received by the marks. The checks delivered by POE are not usable for anything other than as toilet paper or bird cage lining. Ditto with the other deliveries to be made by POE. Hardly what POE promised to deliver. The contract is not only not enforceable, it is void ab initio as not binding to begin with.

If some barrister or lawyer made the argument that yes there was a peppercorn of consideration, IMNSHO, the court would disagree and then point out that, even if there was a peppercorn, it was not sufficient consideration for a 150K pound (plus interest, etc.) promissory note.

Secondly, yes, a promise for a promise is often considered adequate consideration and may make a contract binding. But to make it enforceable, the party seeking to enforce the contract must have lived up to his contractual obligations. POE promised useful checks and other items - NOT Delivered; POE promised support to the marks - NOT Delivered; POE promised lots of things, none of which he delivered. Even if the contract was somehow originally binding, not enforceable as a result of the breaches by POE.

Thirdly, a binding and enforceable contract requires a meeting of the minds on the principal terms - that is not present here. The marks believed that POE had found a way to deliver them checks that would valid by drawing on some mystical source of payment, the RE. They never believed that POE would be able to call on the promissory note and, IIRC, POE at some point told them they need not worry about that (FRAUD IN THE INDUCEMENT BEING ANOTHER BASIS FOR NOT ENFORCEABLE). No meeting of the minds, no agreement

I am not going to discuss Fraud in the Inducement, Fraud Generally, the numerous blatant and material misrepresentations by POE, etc. because I am very hungry right now.

Howard Appel

PS: IMSOHO, there are only two ways POE collects on any of these promissory notes, he finds some sucker to buy one from him and then lets that sucker try to collect from the marks, which attempt would be unsuccessful, and he frightens a mark into paying by threatening legal action and the mark fails to consult real Bar Accreditation Registry counsel (just having a little fun with the B.A.R.). POE will never actually file a suit because not only would he lose, and then be unable to try to frighten anyone, but he would be subject to discovery, which might adduce enough evidence of criminal activity to interest a prosecution.
Well put! May your oatmeal always be hot and well supplied with cream and fruit.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by grixit »

Hercule Parrot wrote:
TheNewSaint wrote:Curious about this organization, I Googled up their website:

Peter is back, y'all. Good times to be had at the above link. His web design has improved, except for the GoDaddy credit on the bottom. But he gives away the game way too quickly....
Oh yes, it's a golden new day in the cheating & stealing fraternity. Feast your eyes on
That sheep is so mean!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Hercule Parrot »

HardyW wrote:
Siegfried Shrink wrote:I wonder who is behind it
No reason to imagine anyone but Peter Smith himself has contributed to it, perhaps with some Ceylon-invented additions. Freeman Legal Services was maybe his first venture and although the web site has a different look it's still full of the common law court of record 750181 and everything else.
Siegfried Shrink wrote:and what is the point?
The point is the same as the point of ExpertInAllCrap. He charges the suckers for the services described.
Yes, this is undoubtedly another strand of the eternal Peter Smith scam, including Werebank DNA. And his shameless dishonesty shines through. The key point here is that Lyin' Pete remains optimistic and positive because this scam has been 100% successful for him. He doesn't believe any of this nonsense, he doesn't conduct his own life this way.

Pinocchio of England wrote:NOTE: WeRe Bank is classed as a "shadow bank" by the Federal Reserve, The Bank of England as well as by the UK F.C.A. and the USA. S.E.C. It has over £1 billion under management and is operating in over 32 countries worldwide. It has repeatedly challenged the F.C.A. to prove it cannot operate "in all forms as a private bank" and it (FCA) has failed categorically to do so. So no more comments please about: F.C.A Warnings. There never was a WARNING issued and never will be.
National Press wrote:"The City watchdog is warning the public to steer clear of a fake bank which claims to have come up with a way for people to wipe out their debts for free – provided they hand over some cash.

WeRe Bank is a Manchester-based venture which claims to have created its own currency, and unfortunately for Britain’s banks, utility companies and councils, it appears many people have fallen for its outlandish promises, and have been trying to pay off their debts using its cheques.
" ... -were-bank
UK Financial Regulator wrote:"We are concerned that vulnerable consumers may be attracted to WeRe Bank’s claim that they will be able to pay off their debts ‘for free’ using RE cheques, even though they have not had to pay any money into an account.

The C&CCCL states that cheques are not legal tender and never have been. This means that if you owe someone money, they are not obliged to accept a cheque. Instead, a creditor is entitled to be paid in legal tender and can refuse payment in any other form. We have received numerous reports from financial institutions, councils, utility companies and other businesses that have been presented with WeRe cheques by consumers attempting to pay off their debts. None of these institutions has accepted the cheques as legitimate payment.

We believe that you are unlikely to be able to pay any of your debts using a cheque from WeRe Bank. Instead, you may end up with additional charges from your creditors for late payment. You could eventually be subject to other sanctions such as County Court Judgements or repossession proceedings." ... -were-bank
NZ Financial Regulator wrote:The Banking Ombudsman Scheme has told government agencies and the finance sector about a complaint it investigated recently in which a New Zealander was caught out trying to use cheques from bogus UK bank ‘WeRe Bank’.

“This is the first complaint involving a New Zealand customer that we are aware of. Canada and the United Kingdom have dealt with cases. Because WeRe cheques are worthless, customers’ attempts to repay debt with these cheques are not successful and so people face all the risks of late payment, from additional charges to repossession.

“There will be no joy for anybody who thinks they are on to a winner with a WeRe bank cheque book. It sounds too good to be true, because it is. ... nk-cheques
So that's all clear now? There was never any warning, it didn't happen.

"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Comrade Sharik »

Have you ever seen any Priests, Naval, Army, Airforce personnel or Orthodox Jews in your local Magistrates Courts or in the Crown Court?
Leaving aside the strong whiff of anti-Semitism, given the para-politics crowd's obsession with peadophile networks in high places, you'd think any potential marks reading that might just be aware that several priests have been convicted of sexual offences against children in Magistrates and Crown courts.

Clearly there have also been cases involving the other categories, some quite high profile, but it would be possible to miss them if you didn't pay that much attention to the news. However, I struggle to believe that anyone who ended up on the site in question would be unaware of, for example, the sorry history of the Catholic church relating to child abuse.

It really baffles me that anyone would fall for this nonsense. The proposition being made is demonstrably untrue, and you don't need specialist knowledge or to be able to follow complex arguments to see that it is untrue. Surely anyone reading it would think 'why is this person lying to me'?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by AndyPandy »

A few years ago a friend of mine had split from a previous girlfriend and had met a new one, he was still determined to go on a pre booked holiday with the past girl as a bit of a 'last fling'.

He told the new one that they were just going 'as friends'. I can remember asking him 'how the hell did you get away with that' he said 'she believed me because she wanted to believe me' - simples !
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by YiamCross »

Unless my memory is failing me completely, l recall that Freeman Legal Services was another string to PoE's bow of blatant fraud. He started it up in the early days of Were not a Bank. I suppose he's trying to breath life into it since he lost control of the Were websites. The coffers must be very empty indeed.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

I don't recall having seen this page before... is it new?

I also like that the 'partners' page (also new?) has a 'find out more' link under ReSDR, which leads to a page that definitely isn't new: ... k-sv-card/
The WeRe Bank PlanetRePayment Pre Paid & Stored Value Card [SVC] is to be made available to all WeRe Bank/ReMovement members from the beginning of February 2017.
Only 14 months overdue, but perhaps Nbiru is messing with the time continuum so who really knows?

It'll be interesting to see how quickly that page gets updated to replace the 'coming in 2017' with 'coming soon'. We know you still lurk here, Peter.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Dr. Caligari »

It'll be interesting to see how quickly that page gets updated to replace the 'coming in 2017' with 'coming soon'. We know you still lurk here, Peter.
Save a screenshot.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by HardyW »

For the first time in over a year, Peter of England (PoE) has a new message: "a political message". "It concerns several topics."
First, "proof of the global collateral accounts". Needless to say, no actual proof is given.
Second, "proof that 650 members of Parliament have been renegade" concerning the "express trust" whatever that is. Same lack of proof.
But mainly he wants to show HOW TO CANCEL YOUR MORTGAGE.

What a novel idea in freeman circles!!!

This inevitably involves ALL of: WeRe Bank, Freeman Legal, the IAoPB, and the international commonlaw court.
That is to say, the major players are: PoE, PoE, PoE, and PoE. And Donald Trump, because apparently he is about to do what JFK failed to do which is to take control of the Federal Reserve.

PoE, regarding his mortgage scam, claims that he is the only one to be offering such a service. Perhaps he has never heard of GOODF, Elisabeth Nolson, Simon Goldbug or any of the other schemes featured on these Quatloos UK pages.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh goody, fancy catchy semi-majik wurdz that don't really mean anything in context with each other.

Dis-inter an old scam, dust it off and trot it out for the dim and gullible.

Trot out the good old tried and true, failed scams and theories.

It's all about me, me, me, and the money, of curse.

Sounds like pure vintage POE. :snicker: :snicker:

Must have run through al those tired old Re scammings and is going back for a third??? whack at the suckers true believers. The question is will they be dumb enough to fall for it, AGAIN. Sadly the answer is probably yes.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

What a revelation, the old 'Banks don't lend money' trope rides again!

And of course, banks owe you the value of your mortgage, not the other way round.

This damp rag has been through the wringer so often it must be as dry as a bone by now but he is waving it under the noses of people who must after a couple of years of total failure, have very little faith in the WeRe concept.

Surely such a great mind could come up with some new fraud to amuse and bewilder?
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by MaritalArtist »

IANAL, but doesn't "fraud unravels everything" and the remedy is to return everyone to where they were before the contract?I.e. if the mortgage was fraudulent, you obtained the property by fraud. You get any payment to the lender back and the property reverts to the original seller.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Burnaby49 »

MaritalArtist wrote: Sun Jul 29, 2018 3:41 pm IANAL, but doesn't "fraud unravels everything" and the remedy is to return everyone to where they were before the contract?I.e. if the mortgage was fraudulent, you obtained the property by fraud. You get any payment to the lender back and the property reverts to the original seller.
You apparently have no understanding of the laws of Great Britain. If you trumpet the word 'fraud' in sufficient volume you get everything, the property and a return of the payments on your mortgage. Can't you recall how well that worked for Tom Crawford?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Jul 29, 2018 3:49 pm If you trumpet the word 'fraud' in sufficient volume you get everything
No,no,no. That won't work. You are forgetting the secret manoeuvre:
It has to be "FRAUD!!!!1!!!!"
Then, the world is your lobster*.

*George Cole. Gone but never forgotten.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by SteveUK »

The amazing Were Bank facebook page is back up and running - posting the usual tosh of course. I wonder if Peter finally managed to wrestle back control?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by slowsmile »

SteveUK wrote: Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:03 am The amazing Were Bank facebook page is back up and running - posting the usual tosh of course. I wonder if Peter finally managed to wrestle back control?
Busy pushing the Qanon gibberish I see - a growing band of potential suckers if ever there was one.
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by Chaos »

notice the logo change
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Re: Peter of England and WeaRe not a Bank

Post by SteveUK »

Peter's Freemen Legal Services has been issuing warrants via its ICLCOROL , the snappily named "International Common Law Court of Record - On Land".

It seems both UK and US politicians have been found guilty or something. The "Warrants" are all listed here, but heres a taster.


Geoff Hoon ... 694229.pdf

Cherie Blair ... 157273.pdf

General collection here:
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????