UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by TheNewSaint »

The story says that Edward Ellis, Equity Lawyer, represented Neelu in this matter. That's two restraining orders violated then, innit?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

I think EWE came dangerously close to passing himself off as a solicitor in that door-step confrontation, see Section 20 of the Solicitors Act 1974. It can get you up to two years, that shit.

Neelu's deranged followers have plenty to say about this fascistic incursion by the Gestapo Ilford Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team and their attempt to 'round her up', here's Aj darkly commenting;
A terrorist state demonstrating it is no more than Khazarian mob protection racket.
I don't think Hitler would have gone as far as he did had his secret police been more Sergeant Wilson


and less Major Von Hapen;


"would you mind awfully just popping down to Gestapo HQ for a spot of interrogation, if it's not too much trouble? We do the most marvellous lunch on a Friday"

What, no? That's OK, I was thinking of taking the rest of the day off anyway. Not to worry, just pop in whenever you're passing. Toodle pip!"

This does have Neelu rattled though and I'm pleased to see that her breaking injunctions, court directions or restraining orders, whatever it might have been, does have consequences and that the police follow them up.

The coppers at her door yesterday were polite, measured and focussed on their task and their going away that day just means they'll be back later with some more **ahem** 'robust' colleagues.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

exiledscouser wrote:The coppers at her door yesterday were polite, measured and focussed on their task and their going away that day just means they'll be back later with some more **ahem** 'robust' colleagues.
Forgive me for being an ignorant Yank, but does that mean the bailiffs or simply the cops with their funny hats?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Meaning the next uniformed callers from the constabulary won't stand for any more nonsense and Neely will find herself bundled into the back of the van, en-route to the nick, no more Mr. Nice Guy from Plod. I think they call it an interview without coffee.

The bailiffs aren't involved in this round.

The cops want to do a caution interview in which she gets a Miranda-type warning which could be a precursor to court proceedings.

Hopefully EWE will be along for the ride having interfered once too often.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

exiledscouser wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 6:15 pm Meaning the next uniformed callers from the constabulary won't stand for any more nonsense and Neely will find herself bundled into the back of the van, en-route to the nick, no more Mr. Nice Guy from Plod. I think they call it an interview without coffee.

The bailiffs aren't involved in this round.

The cops want to do a caution interview in which she gets a Miranda-type warning which could be a precursor to court proceedings.

Hopefully EWE will be along for the ride having interfered once too often.
That would require Neelu have even a lick of sense and do something that isn't self destructive, two somethings she has shown no evidence of in the past.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Seventh String »

Next time Neelu may not be given the choice of whether to attend or not.

As for Ellis, he seems very careful not to describe himself as a solicitor. If an unqualified person calls themselves a solicitor or barrister that’s an offence, but anyone can call themselves an “equity lawyer” because it means somewhere between bugger all and less than nothing.

As a struck-off, and therefore banned from practicing, solicitor Ellis is no doubt very aware of that. From what I’ve seen of him in videos it may be the only bit of law he has a rational grasp of.

It may also influence the unaware to think he’s talking sense and his opinions should be given weight. An advantage he loses the second after he lets the bees in his bonnet loose and starts down the conspiracy theory road.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

The Seventh String wrote: Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:07 am Next time Neelu may not be given the choice of whether to attend or not.
It would seem you are right.
Thoughts of the Day Friday 20th April 2018: In around 9 hours, at 10 am on 20th April 2018, I will be attending the Redbridge Magistrates Court to witness yet another false prosecution against me.
She's up before the beak for a spot of benefit fraud.

Seems Neelu has been in receipt of a private pension, certainly since 2010, something she neglected to inform the DSS about, all the while claiming, effectively, unemployment benefit or a similar benefit which is in some way means-tested.

Of course, her own failings are inevitably replaced by the usual gigantic conspiracy TPTB are bringing to bear;
Apparently, when I took out a Private Pension 33 years ago, and it was sold to me on the basis that it would be in addition to my State Benefits or State Pension, and even though it is less than the £20 per week which the law says I do not need to disclose, I am being prosecuted for not disclosing it. So apparently, they stopped my benefits for 17 months just because they believe I should have disclosed it, even if it does not change my benefit, they have decided to steal it from my benefit. So even though the law says I must have £73 per week to live on, they are giving me £58 per week.
No money coming in (or a reduced amount offsetting her other income). Of course, even though she bemoans the lack of cash coming her way, she maintains;
So the State is still running counterfeit currency, which has no value except when our blood, flesh, sweat and tears is mixed with it and it causes our enslavement - so if I do not attend, the Police will break my door again and put me through the third false prosecution in 3 years.
Huh, counterfeit currency? Why accept it in the first place if it's worthless, still less fraudulently chisel a greater share of an entitlement to it. But no, it's never her fault;
Co-incidentally, the Police coming at my door on Friday 13th April 2018 to invite me to the Police Station was co-ordinated with the false prosecution so as to disappear me and falsely prosecute me so no-one would know what is going on
Inevitably she conflates her own (allegedly) criminal manipulation of the UK's benefit system with the loss of her niece many years ago. She firmly clings to the belief that;
all judges and leaders have been put on Treason Notice by me since 2013 - and they continue to break the laws of God every time they deny the human the remedy and give remedy to the Corporations. The names and mug shots of all judges who have denied remedy will be put to Common Law Juries to consider the charge of Treason.
Anyway, treasonous or not, things are once again coming on top for Neelu, this time I doubt she'll be able to wriggle out of this one.


The second page contains another two counts.

Hopefully the true entertainment will be provided by EWE when he sweeps into court to represent her.

Could get interesting!
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

As Pliny the Elder almost said," Ex Neelu semper aliquid novi"
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Wakeman52 »

Well, well. This isn't the UK state retirement pension she's been receiving; she's not old enough. My estimate would be that she's been overpaid by several thousand pounds over the years, as ESA is means-tested.

An interesting day for the magistrates; not the straight-forward benefit fraud case they might have been expecting.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Wakeman52 wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:28 am Well, well. This isn't the UK state retirement pension she's been receiving; she's not old enough. My estimate would be that she's been overpaid by several thousand pounds over the years, as ESA is means-tested.
Not always. There's a contribution based ESA and an income based ESA. The contribution based ESA is not means tested but only lasts for a year unless you are in the support group whereas the income based ESA is means tested and lasts indefinitely. Income related ESA is paid at a higher rate than contributions based ESA.

The DWP are notoriously incompetent but I very much doubt even they would bring six charges for failing to disclose income in relation to a non-means tested benefit. If they have then Neelu is home and dry... If not she's in the shit.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

A prudent person in reciept of means tested benefits would have deferred the annuity until either she came off the benefits or reached retirement age. The annuitant does not lose any money as the eventual payments would be larger and also increased by growth of the annuity fund during the extra years. Although this would be considered by some a way of avoiding the rules, I doubt it would be illegal. Hoping no one noticed was the Neelu way.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering that we are talking about Neelu, I strongly doubt that her version of what is going on varies widely and dramatically from reality. Which is no real surprise.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

I think if you pushed the annuity out, even though you were able to access it, it would count potentially as savings and you'd fall foul on the means tested bit anyway.

But I think the most bonkers thing about her, well, she clearly thinks all GBP is fraud, counterfeit blah blah blah. But all her schemes revolve around invoicing people for worthless GBP or trying to stop the gubermint taking her worthless GBP.

I just don't get it.It must be age.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

exiledscouser wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:02 am
The Seventh String wrote: Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:07 am Next time Neelu may not be given the choice of whether to attend or not.
It would seem you are right.
Thoughts of the Day Friday 20th April 2018: In around 9 hours, at 10 am on 20th April 2018, I will be attending the Redbridge Magistrates Court to witness yet another false prosecution against me.
She's up before the beak for a spot of benefit fraud.

Seems Neelu has been in receipt of a private pension, certainly since 2010, something she neglected to inform the DSS about, all the while claiming, effectively, unemployment benefit or a similar benefit which is in some way means-tested.

Of course, her own failings are inevitably replaced by the usual gigantic conspiracy TPTB are bringing to bear;
Apparently, when I took out a Private Pension 33 years ago, and it was sold to me on the basis that it would be in addition to my State Benefits or State Pension, and even though it is less than the £20 per week which the law says I do not need to disclose, I am being prosecuted for not disclosing it. So apparently, they stopped my benefits for 17 months just because they believe I should have disclosed it, even if it does not change my benefit, they have decided to steal it from my benefit. So even though the law says I must have £73 per week to live on, they are giving me £58 per week.
No money coming in (or a reduced amount offsetting her other income). Of course, even though she bemoans the lack of cash coming her way, she maintains;
So the State is still running counterfeit currency, which has no value except when our blood, flesh, sweat and tears is mixed with it and it causes our enslavement - so if I do not attend, the Police will break my door again and put me through the third false prosecution in 3 years.
Huh, counterfeit currency? Why accept it in the first place if it's worthless, still less fraudulently chisel a greater share of an entitlement to it. But no, it's never her fault;
Co-incidentally, the Police coming at my door on Friday 13th April 2018 to invite me to the Police Station was co-ordinated with the false prosecution so as to disappear me and falsely prosecute me so no-one would know what is going on
Inevitably she conflates her own (allegedly) criminal manipulation of the UK's benefit system with the loss of her niece many years ago. She firmly clings to the belief that;
all judges and leaders have been put on Treason Notice by me since 2013 - and they continue to break the laws of God every time they deny the human the remedy and give remedy to the Corporations. The names and mug shots of all judges who have denied remedy will be put to Common Law Juries to consider the charge of Treason.
Anyway, treasonous or not, things are once again coming on top for Neelu, this time I doubt she'll be able to wriggle out of this one.

The second page contains another two counts.

Hopefully the true entertainment will be provided by EWE when he sweeps into court to represent her.

Could get interesting!
It seems shes batted it into the long grass for now. The "Bench Equality Demand" has Ellis' fingerprints all over it.
11.28 case transferred to Snaresbrook Crown Court 9.30am 16th May 2018 after "No Jurisdiction Plea". Forced in dock despite making "Bench Equality Demand". CPS prosecuted demanding 5000 gbp refused to give her name.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Until today I wasn't even aware Neelu was claiming any sickness benefits. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't speculate as to other people's disabilities as regards benefits but in this case I'll make an exception.

Neelu doesn't appear, from her many YouTube public appearances, to be physically disabled in any way which would prevent her from working. That leaves mental health issues... Which she clearly does have even though she denies it. I wonder if this is a case of telling one story to the DWP, "I'm completely bonkers and I can't work", while telling a different "I'm completely sane and the state are trying to section me because I'm a threat to TPTB" story to her followers.

That said I have absolutely no doubt that Neelu is genuinely so bonkers as to be unemployable and she's almost certainly entitled to ESA on that basis alone. There's not an employer on earth that would stand for even 1% of her batshit delusional behaviour.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

SteveUK wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:19 pm I think if you pushed the annuity out, even though you were able to access it, it would count potentially as savings and you'd fall foul on the means tested bit anyway.
No, this is not the case. Pension money left in a pot does not count as savings until you start drawing it down. [I am currently on benefits and my personal pension matures this year. Hopefully, I'll be employed before long but I've looked into it as a matter of financial prudence!] You can defer taking private pension benefits as long as you want. However, once you get an annuity it is taxable and counts as income so has to be declared if you are of working age and claiming benefits.

By my calculations, her charges cover 6½ years. She suggests that the figure is £15 per week. This would imply approx £5,000. ... encing.php

I think she's looking at a high end community order. She'd have to be pretty damn unlucky to get the maximum 6 months jail.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 1:40 pm
SteveUK wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:19 pm I think if you pushed the annuity out, even though you were able to access it, it would count potentially as savings and you'd fall foul on the means tested bit anyway.
No, this is not the case. Pension money left in a pot does not count as savings until you start drawing it down. [I am currently on benefits and my personal pension matures this year. Hopefully, I'll be employed before long but I've looked into it as a matter of financial prudence!] You can defer taking private pension benefits as long as you want. However, once you get an annuity it is taxable and counts as income so has to be declared if you are of working age and claiming benefits.

By my calculations, her charges cover 6½ years. She suggests that the figure is £15 per week. This would imply approx £5,000. ... encing.php

I think she's looking at a high end community order. She'd have to be pretty damn unlucky to get the maximum 6 months jail.
Ah got it, so even if you just leave it there after maturity its safe and sound? You learn something new everyday.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Wakeman52 »

I think she's looking at a high end community order. She'd have to be pretty damn unlucky to get the maximum 6 months jail.
Other penalties include (source -

i) loss of benefits for up to three years;
ii) repayment of overpaid benefit;
iii) a criminal record;
iv) an administrative penalty of between £350 and £5,000 (where you are fined but avoid a criminal record);
v) possible prison sentence.

The fact that magistrates have taken one look and booted the case to the Crown Court is unlikely to help her to escape something more than a community order. Benefit fraud is something the DWP takes seriously. As for repayment of the GBP5,000, that'll be another job for her friends the local bailiffs.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by SteveUK »

Wakeman52 wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:22 pm
I think she's looking at a high end community order. She'd have to be pretty damn unlucky to get the maximum 6 months jail.
Other penalties include (source -

i) loss of benefits for up to three years;
ii) repayment of overpaid benefit;
iii) a criminal record;
iv) an administrative penalty of between £350 and £5,000 (where you are fined but avoid a criminal record);
v) possible prison sentence.

The fact that magistrates have taken one look and booted the case to the Crown Court is unlikely to help her to escape something more than a community order. Benefit fraud is something the DWP takes seriously. As for repayment of the GBP5,000, that'll be another job for her friends the local bailiffs.
The more amusing punishment would be for the judge to issue a billion £ lien against her for fiddling the dole. Priceless.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

and even though it is less than the £20 per week which the law says I do not need to disclose
I call bollocks on that, you have to declare everything and maybe there are some things disregarded, but you can't not declare a pension no matter how small.
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