He ticks all the usual freeman nonsense boxes but appears to want to break into acting?!
He has all the usual social media accounts and appears to be embattled with Cambridgeshire constabulary and the local courts over something to do with assisting bailiffs.
I believe this maybe an impending SovCit guru in the making-
His YouTube account-
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYp_TY ... Oi_E302dHw
His Twitter-
https://mobile.twitter.com/PaulDakers1? ... r%5Eauthor
And of course his Whatdotheyknowaccount-
Complete with the usual nonsense -
Could be also become the UKs first freeman professional actor? Or even Model?Dear Her Majesty’s Courts and the Tribunals Service,
Can you please tell me why you allow Councils to 'hire' a Court for the day, issue their own Court Summons, and allow Council employees to act as Court ushers, the last two of which are Criminal offences, impersonating a Court usher being imprisonable up to 5 years,
Yours faithfully,
Paul Dakers
A very interesting Freeman in the making this guy!