Not so notable notes for $100 Alex......

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Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

OOOH Here's the Kool-Aid:
Now hear me: The government fiat money is not worth shit! You either change your money or lose it. The longer you wait the more you lose. This country, the world, is headed towards a major monetary crisis. Not since Rome fell has man faced such an immense event.
Hmm, I would have thought that the Bubonic Plauge, Conquest of the Americas, Two World Wars and Paris Hilton's video would have been just as big of an impact.
This collapse will make the Great Depression look like a cakewalk. We are headed towards a global hyperinflationary depression. Soon most people will be millionaires in a soup line… if not in prison.
Oh no! Shall I eat my children now or wait for them to grow and sustain me for longer? What shall I do? Is there any hope?

Luckily this snake oyl salesman has the only answer:
Get out of the soup line! The sooner you change your money the more you will make or at least preserve. For your own protection, please take action right now!!! Buy Silver immediately. Support the Liberty Dollar model with a donation. We need a survivable monetary system. We need your help. Please donate $10 or more!

:insert barfy emoticon:
When the Federal Reserve meets on December 11, they are expected to cut interest rates… and that means more easy money… and another step towards a global hyperinflationary depression! These people are mad.
Mad about high prices at National Reatilers! Serioulsy, another dunk into the Kool-Aid pool please:
This is not going to be just a US problem… When Rome fell, it was the world, as they knew it… This experience would have make Jimi Hendrix flinch! This is no purple haze hallucination. It is real and it will affect you.
Well, if a dead rock musician flinches, then it is greater than Paris Hilton! Luckily there is hope: ... uitar_riff

It's the only thing that will save those about to rock the hyperinflation!
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Post by . »

He's now in the business and doesn't even know how to spell it.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:"Liberty Dollar Numismatics"

What? The Liberty Dollar is no longer "Real Money" but now a collectible curiosity? Well strap me down and lick honey off my toes! NotHaus must have had a midnight epiphany! Just for that I need to put all my money int eArrest Dollars!
Maybe he's pulling a Larken, trying to plant stuff in the public record so he can using it as evidence in his own defense. Because everyone knows that self serving hearsay is an effective defense tool...
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Post by Famspear »

Bernard vonNothaus wrote:
As for me, I am innocent until proven guilty. I have an unalienable right of free speech. I refuse to go the showers quietly. Now hear me: The government fiat money is not worth sh*t! [ . . .] This country, the world, is headed towards a major monetary crisis. Not since Rome fell has man faced such an immense event. This collapse will make the Great Depression look like a cakewalk. We are headed towards a global hyperinflationary depression. Soon most people will be millionaires in a soup line… if not in prison. Get out of the soup line! [ . . . ] For your own protection, please take action right now!!! Buy Silver immediately. Support the Liberty Dollar model with a donation. We need a survivable monetary system. We need your help. [ . . . ] When Rome fell, it was the world, as they knew it… This experience would have make Jimi Hendrix flinch! This is no purple haze hallucination [ . . . ]
Herr von Nothaus, please take your Xanax now.

The verbiage above reminds me of the John Belushi "was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" speech in the movie "Animal House." Remember? "Who's with me??!!?" (charging out the door with no one following him).
On a positive note. I am pleased to receive all your support. Recently the legendary Robert Clarkson of the Patriot Network has come to our aid.

Ummm, Herr von Nothaus, may I have my donation back? I'd like to put it in something more stable. Let's see, here are my choices:

1. Edward Lewis: family Brown defense fund;

2. The Irwin Schiff appeal fund;

3. Peter E. ("Blowhard") Hendrickson appeal fund.

Herr von Nothaus is right about at least one thing, though. He is innocent until proven guilty.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

In all likelihood, the Arrest Dollar will only be available between now and my arrest, as it seems unlikely that I will be doing any hallmarking after I am arrested.
Interesting how he doesn't use the word "if" with respect to being arrested. I guess he doesn't share Stevesy's optimism about not having done anything wrong :roll:
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Post by wserra »

Famspear wrote:Bernard vonNothaus wrote:
On a positive note. I am pleased to receive all your support. Recently the legendary Robert Clarkson of the Patriot Network has come to our aid.
Don't worry, Famspear. The "legendary" is clearly a typo. He surely meant "mercenary" (or perhaps "culinary" or even "dromedary").

Better now?
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Post by Nikki »

I wonder if all those checks, money orders, and donations made payable to Bernard are going to be reported on his tax return next year?
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Post by Cobalt Shiva »

If VonNutCase really believes that we're going to have a currency collapse, those gold slugs aren't going to be worth much compared to copper-jacketed lead. The notes might have some value (although they're not really a good texture/size for use as toilet paper).
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Post by Duke2Earl »

If indeed one believed the sky is falling and therefore wanted to buy gold and silver, please explain why in anyone's name one would want to buy it from him?
My choice early in life was to either be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politican. And to tell the truth there's hardly any difference.

Harry S Truman

Post by SteveSy »

Agent Observer wrote:
In all likelihood, the Arrest Dollar will only be available between now and my arrest, as it seems unlikely that I will be doing any hallmarking after I am arrested.
Interesting how he doesn't use the word "if" with respect to being arrested. I guess he doesn't share Stevesy's optimism about not having done anything wrong :roll:
You don't necessarily have to do something wrong to get arrested.
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

Buying a Ron Paul Liberty Dollar on ebay: $305
Buying a Ron Paul Coffee Mug: $7.99
Purchasing time on the the Ron Paul Blimp: Priceless

Only tangentally related to the thread...But oh so good.
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Post by webhick »

December 5, 2007
Another Wednesday of Infinite Misery.
Liberty Dollar Lives!
Only if you define "living" as being unable to operate by having your stock seized by the federal government.
Announcing the Arrest Dollar!
Anyway, did anyone check out the Arrest Dollar? Frankly, my first reaction when looking at a minted coin should not be: "Oh how cute! It's got a little pair of handcuffs on it!"
PLUS, the digital Liberty Dollar (eLD) has been turned on! Now you can check your balance, transfer eLD between accounts and get a digital Liberty Dollar emailed to you so you can be a part of the Class Action Lawsuit.
According to the Online Store, you just can't exchange or redeem them.

And, the Illuminati has a class action lawsuit in the works. If you attempt to feed the wolverpuss and lose a limb, you can get in on it too! So sign up for feeding duties today and we'll also send you an eLibby, which is absolutely worthless, but you'll be able to pretend that you were scammed by the federal government when you purchased something backed by silver when the silver was already taken and you knew it was no longer backed by silver at the time you purchased it!
If you need an eLD to qualify for the CAL, just sign up and send in a donation and we will credit an eLibertyDollar to your digital account.
Yes, I'll be absolutely certain to donate $20 so I can get $1 in eLibbies that I know is no longer backed by silver so I can claim that I didn't know it wasn't backed by silver anymore and the government scammed me!

Seriously, isn't there a law or something that says that you can't purposely put yourself in a situation covered by a class action lawsuit just so you can join the class action lawsuit? It's like a "Get Rich Quick Scheme."

On the other hand, I could see, in theory, a legitmate class action lawsuit for the people who purchased Libbys before the government raid, since they had a reasonable expectation that the currency was backed by silver. Of course, I'm not sure if it would be against NORFED or the Feds until it's decided by a jury whether or not NORFED committed any crimes. And with no legal knowledge about this kind of stuff, I'm really just blowing smoke out my ass.
PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY… The CAL action is pending.
Translation: Please donate today.
We`are moving aggressively to protect your property that backs up the paper and digital currency.
At this stage, it's not about protection, it's about recovery. Or was this an intentional slip? By saying that they're aggressively protecting nothing, then they're really fulfilling that promise even when they do nothing.

Sarah Bledsoe, the trusty manager who was at the Evansville office when I arrived from Hawaii, will continue to man the office.
Well, thank god they have a trusty manager handling the office. Much better than the shifty manager they had before.
Unfortunately, she will be alone, so if you don't reach her, please leave a message.
Who broadcasts this kind of information?! He basically just told a bunch of strangers, any of whom could be violent whack job (not that Libby supporters are violent whack jobs, but there always seems to be one in every group of people), that there's a woman alone in the office who is more than likely too busy to be paying attention to her personal safety. I sure hope the Feds didn't confiscate any guns on the premises.

Anyway, doesn't that violate a man-code or something?
PLEASE NOTE: We could be raided again! You could lose whatever you send to Liberty Numismatics … but if you don't send anything… I regret that we will lose the Liberty Dollar and the ideals it represents.
Wow, I've got to jump on that bandwagon and purchase the alternative currency not backed by silver anymore. And the best part is, that I may not receive anything at all because the Feds could come in and seize everything again (which I doubt, since they probably got all the evidence they needed on the first raid)

BTW, how exactly did they mint a new coin made of silver so quickly? Can it happen that fast with private mints?

Got those dreaded, depreciating Non-Federal Non-Reserve IOU-Notes?
My secret decoder ring threw up on this one. Is it an FRN? Is it monopoly money? Is it cat spit on viagra?
Old Liberty Dollars in any form are greatly appreciated too… we need material for eBay.
So, let me get this straight. They now want as much of the stock back so they can trade it on eBay for more money? Wow, I've got to try this myself. I'm going to sell things that fall into a legal gray area and when the Feds raid my shit, I'm going to ask for it all back so I can sell it again. It's like pure profit, dawg!
So do you have a Liberty Dollar to spare for the cause?
To quote grixit (and I apologize if someone's already said this): "Brother, can you spare a Libby?"
One of the best ideas I heard was for a Black Sabbath Liberty! As a heavy metal rocker, I could certainly identify with that idea!
Oh. My. God.


HE'S A HEAVY METAL ROCKER?! Please, someone tell me that he's relating minting coinage to being a heavy metal rocker..... Oh crap! It's too late! I can't get the image of him headbanging out of my head...oh the humanity!
Either change your money or lose it.
More like "change your money AND lose it". Although I don't think the Feds would raid twice, I don't rule it out.
As for me, I am innocent until proven guilty.
Yep. I can't wait for the trial, though. In the meantime, the Feds apparently needed to collect some evidence.
I have an unalienable right of free speech.
And you're still talking, so I guess it wasn't violated.
I refuse to go the showers quietly.
Then sing the TP Lament on your way there.
The government fiat money is not worth sh*t!
Hear that? Those FRNs are NOT worth shit. But you can buy manure with FRNs. Or you can make your own for free and sell it for FRNs. Huh, FRNs aren't worth shit, but you can clearly trade them for it. Same deal with Libbies.
You either change your money or lose it. The longer you wait the more you lose.
Again, it's "change your money AND lose it." I'm not seeing how the last statement works since right now, the Libby is also backed by roughly the same thing as an FRN. NOTHING.
he too was raided by the same Agent Andy
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Post by LPC »

webhick wrote:
One of the best ideas I heard was for a Black Sabbath Liberty! As a heavy metal rocker, I could certainly identify with that idea!
Oh. My. God.


HE'S A HEAVY METAL ROCKER?! Please, someone tell me that he's relating minting coinage to being a heavy metal rocker..... Oh crap! It's too late! I can't get the image of him headbanging out of my head...oh the humanity!
Yep, just like Pat Boone.

Dan Evans
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Post by The Operative »

webhick wrote:
The government fiat money is not worth sh*t!
Hear that? Those FRNs are NOT worth sh*t. But you can buy manure with FRNs. Or you can make your own for free and sell it for FRNs. Huh, FRNs aren't worth sh*t, but you can clearly trade them for it. Same deal with Libbies.
So, let me get this straight. Von Nutball says FRNs aren't worth sh*t, but he wants people to send him FRNs so he can send them libbies that are supposed to be worth something? What does Von Nutball do with all of those FRNs? Does he burn them because they aren't worth sh*t? Does he use them as fertilizer? Obviously, he supposedly buys silver with them so he can make more inflated libbies. (Yes, I said inflated) Since Von Nutball can buy silver with those "aren't worth sh*t" FRNs, obviously they are worth something.
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Post by LPC »

Nuthouse Newsletter wrote:Now hear me: The government fiat money is not worth sh*t! You either change your money or lose it. The longer you wait the more you lose. This country, the world, is headed towards a major monetary crisis. Not since Rome fell has man faced such an immense event. This collapse will make the Great Depression look like a cakewalk. We are headed towards a global hyperinflationary depression. Soon most people will be millionaires in a soup line… if not in prison. Get out of the soup line! The sooner you change your money the more you will make or at least preserve. For your own protection, please take action right now!!! Buy Silver immediately. Support the Liberty Dollar model with a donation. We need a survivable monetary system. We need your help. Please donate $10 or more!
What? Donate my worthless $10 in FRNs? Why would I bother, since they are so worthless? And why would you want them?

I'm going to protect you from yourself, and instead of sending you worthless FRNs, which aren't worth shit, I'm going to send you valuable buttons which, as Mark Twain pointed out many years ago, are virtually indistinguishable from coins. It seems that you cannot distinguish coins from buttons, and so the buttons will be as valuable to you as money.

Best wishes to you in your future endeavors.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Post by LPC »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:What? The Liberty Dollar is no longer "Real Money" but now a collectible curiosity? Well strap me down and lick honey off my toes!
Sorry, but the "toes" has GOT to be a typo!
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Post by grixit »

webhick wrote: Seriously, isn't there a law or something that says that you can't purposely put yourself in a situation covered by a class action lawsuit just so you can join the class action lawsuit? It's like a "Get Rich Quick Scheme."
It's equivalent to jumping on a bus that just crashed and screaming "whiplash!"
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

One thought that actually came to me as I was looking through things the other day is that in a sense von Nuthouse was actually right about one thing, his stuff was inflation proof, when it comes with a 30-50% deficit to begin with, it would take some serious inflation to actually get it above its assumed value. In other words, isn't likely to happen.
wserra wrote:
Famspear wrote:Bernard vonNothaus wrote:
On a positive note. I am pleased to receive all your support. Recently the legendary Robert Clarkson of the Patriot Network has come to our aid.
Don't worry, Famspear. The "legendary" is clearly a typo. He surely meant "mercenary" (or perhaps "culinary" or even "dromedary").

Better now?
Actually, "legendary" can also be used in the sense of immense or prodigious.

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Post by Quixote »

LPC wrote:
Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:What? The Liberty Dollar is no longer "Real Money" but now a collectible curiosity? Well strap me down and lick honey off my toes!
Sorry, but the "toes" has GOT to be a typo!
Squirrels don't have toes? Or maybe you've never experienced a toe job.
"Here is a fundamental question to ask yourself- what is the goal of the income tax scam? I think it is a means to extract wealth from the masses and give it to a parasite class." Skankbeat