Sentencing in that other TP Dentist case

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Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Sentencing in that other TP Dentist case

Post by Demosthenes »

Published: Friday, December 7, 2007

Tax-Evading Dentist Draws 33 Months in Prison
Protester who took husband's advice has since paid IRS, judge told.

By Dana Willhoit
The Ledger

TAMPA | A Lakeland dentist and former tax protester was sentenced Thursday to 33 months in federal prison for tax evasion and failing to file tax returns.

The day before her sentencing, Dr. Nancy Montgomery-Ware paid her $362,000 tax bill in full, Judge James Moody was told.

During a 2 1/2-hour sentencing hearing, Montgomery-Ware completely reversed the stance she took when she represented herself in federal court during her trial in August. Then, she said she did not think anyone but federal employees and residents of the United States territories had to pay federal tax, there was no such thing as a United States citizen, and she was not a U.S. citizen but a "domiciled resident of the state of Florida."

At one point, she argued that she did not respond to a letter from the Internal Revenue Service because it was typed and not signed by anyone, and she didn't talk to office machinery.

Thursday morning, she and several supporters argued that she had been coerced into her anti-tax position by her husband, Paul Ware, a welder and long-time tax protester.

"I never wanted to not pay taxes. I never wanted to do any of those things," she said.

In November, Montgomery-Ware filed for divorce from her husband and filed for a temporary restraining order.

She said her husband physically abused and threatened her and on one occasion threw her down the stairs when she kept insisting on paying her taxes. Their daughter, Madison, was 2 months old at that point, she said. She said she then decided to give in to his demands.

"I started feeling maybe I was disrespecting him all along. I decided I should be a good wife and support him in his views," she said.

Don Steiner, a friend of Montgomery-Ware's and a minister with Wings of Eagles International, testified that Ware frequently talked about how he would not let his wife pay taxes. Steiner testified about Paul Ware's bizarre behavior when the couple was on a mission in Mexico and Montgomery-Ware was providing dental care to the poor. Ware watched his wife pulling teeth for an hour and then he decided that he could do it, so he began pulling people's teeth, Steiner said. When Steiner told him he absolutely could not do that, Ware became enraged, screamed obscenities at him in front of everyone, and was very threatening and intimidating, Steiner said.

However, Steiner testified, he remained friends with the couple and Ware later convinced him that he did not have to pay taxes. Steiner said he did not pay taxes for two years, but when he started getting letters from the IRS he started thinking about his position in the community as a minister and decided he would pay his taxes.

Montgomery-Ware's twin sister, Marie Montgomery, who is a CPA, testified that her sister had always paid her taxes until she married Ware. She said that Ware couldn't have a conversation for more than a few minutes without talking about his anti-tax beliefs. Ware got into a shoving match with her one time, and her shoulder was sore for weeks, she said.

Moody asked if Montgomery was aware that Montgomery-Ware testified under oath that all of her views on taxes were her own based on independent research. "Everything she said, Paul force-fed her," Montgomery replied.

Ware's lawyer, Matt Kaylor, said he did not want his client talking to the media and said he had no comment.

Court records show the couple married on Jan. 19, 1999. They were divorced in April 2000 and remarried in November 2000.

Moody also heard testimony from Richard White, a retired U.S. probation officer and sentencing guidelines expert who said that when he read about Montgomery-Ware in The Ledger, he contacted her and offered to give her some advice and guidance. He convinced her that she needed to seek a lawyer, he said. At first, she kept insisting that her husband said she didn't need a lawyer.

Montgomery-Ware testified that although her net income was $41,000 a month, she let her husband manage all of her money and had no idea where any of it was. She had to borrow money from her family to pay off her taxes, she said. Ware owns property and has an RV and two motorcycles. He wouldn't let her borrow any money from him to pay the taxes, she said. She said she doesn't know where he got the money to buy that property but suspects it may have been from her income.

Her lawyer, Patrick Doherty, asked that Moody depart from the sentencing guidelines so that she wouldn't have to leave her 6-year-old daughter in Ware's custody. Moody, before sentencing Ware, told her that although many women stay with abusive spouses, that doesn't excuse the women committing a crime. He sentenced her to 33 months in federal prison to be followed by three years of supervised release, and also fined her $25,000.
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Post by The Observer »

So many things that could be said about the typical ignorant behavior of TPs, but I think this particular anecdote sums up the arrogance you find in these "patriots":

Steiner testified about Paul Ware's bizarre behavior when the couple was on a mission in Mexico and Montgomery-Ware was providing dental care to the poor. Ware watched his wife pulling teeth for an hour and then he decided that he could do it, so he began pulling people's teeth, Steiner said. When Steiner told him he absolutely could not do that, Ware became enraged, screamed obscenities at him in front of everyone, and was very threatening and intimidating, Steiner said.
But maybe I am being too harsh. After all, this guy certainly knows more than tax lawyers, judges, legislators and accountants why he isn't liable for income tax - why shouldn't he be able to perform dentistry as well? It has to be a lot easier, right?
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by . »

she didn't talk to office machinery
How she ever managed to become a dentist is open to speculation.

The idiocy of the TP clod she married explains most of this, but not all of it. Sort of like Elaine: family incarcerated.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Moody also heard testimony from Richard White, a retired U.S. probation officer and sentencing guidelines expert who said that when he read about Montgomery-Ware in The Ledger, he contacted her and offered to give her some advice and guidance. He convinced her that she needed to seek a lawyer, he said. At first, she kept insisting that her husband said she didn't need a lawyer.
Yay Richard White!

Post by Weathervane »

Coincidence, or some kind of yet undiscovered link?

Female dentist TP's with domineering husbands.

Could be good material for a psych dissertation, or the next Jerry Springer episode.
The Operative
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Post by The Operative »

. wrote:
she didn't talk to office machinery
How she ever managed to become a dentist is open to speculation.

The idiocy of the TP clod she married explains most of this, but not all of it. Sort of like Elaine: family incarcerated.
I must admit that when I first heard the original story about her tax beliefs, I felt absolutely no sympathy for this woman. The story above has changed my mind a bit. I definitely don't believe she is totally innocent in this whole affair and I believe the sentencing was fair.

There are a lot of people who can soak up information and knowledge and regurgitate it on demand, but for some reason, lack the capacity to think for themselves or can be easily persuaded. Hopefully, she'll be able to get some of her money back from her idiot husband in the divorce and she'll be able to pay back her relatives.
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Post by Dezcad »

Back in April a number of forum posters at the Lakeland Ledger had very interesting things to say about Dr Ware and her husband here.

An interestining one:
Dr. Nancy Montgomery is in the wrong, along with her crazy, freak husband. He is the mastermind behind all this. When she goes down, where do you think he'll be? He will be somewhere where the money is, laughing all the way! Glad he finally found someone dumb enough to finally go along with his crazy ideas!! Sad that it had to be Dr. Montgomery. She used to be a very nice woman, until Paul Ware came along! I've known her almost 13 years and it is sad to see what has come of her. Her kids are whom are really suffering through all the madness. Good for the ones who got away from the two of them, but sad for the one who will get stuck with the weirdo for a dad, Paul. Poor child!!! It is also true, what goes around does come around!!! Hopefully all involved will get what is coming! Even Paul Ware!! His so called tricks (hiding drugs and money) will catch up to him! He has already done time, he knows what it's like. He must like it, and i hope this time the stay will be much longer!!! For Dr. Montgomery. you should have stayed away from this guy, who has brought you so far down. Better luck next time!!
Pirate Purveyor of the Last Word
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Post by . »

Perhaps she has "bad boy" syndrome.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.