UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

In this one she mentions that EWE will be representing her, her exact words "will be presenting the evidence" on Tuesday. I assume that will be the benefit fraud case (ironically one of the few frauds she doesn't accuse others of).
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

nor for any booths swings shows roundabouts or similar purposes.
Would using the place as a source of baffled entertainment for a few observers count as running a circus? Not that a breached covenant will bother her now.

EWE is restricted from taking part in any legal proceedings, I believe. Do Snaresbrook know, I wonder? Let's hope not.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:12 am I wonder whether her prestigious output will tail off or increase? No prizes for your guess!
Damn, I was hoping for a prize!

Her latest lunacy is that, as the people securing her property Clearway Services also have a contract with the Met for crime scene and trauma clean-up services, she is about to be murdered by The Powers That BE :haha:
Ved Chaudhari The organised crime network has gone up a few gears since then... now they just disappear people - Clearway Services now boast about clearing murder scenes without a trace...
Here she admits that Mr Ellis has been using her former property as an office.
Ved Chaudhari Global Organised Crime NEtwork Silences Truths by shutting London Office of Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis
Bad Neelu :evil: :evil: You have broken the covenant on the property.
14. No trade, manufacture or other business whatsoever shall be carried on or permitted or suffered to be carried on upon the land or any part thereof or in or upon any building thereon nor shall the land or any building thereon be used as or for a school hospital or public institution nor shall the land or any part thereof be used otherwise than for the purpose of private residences and the garden and appurtenances of private residences, but this shall not preclude the carrying on in any such private dwelling house of the practice of a doctor or dental surgeon or any other learned or artistic profession but no outward indication of such profession shall be permitted other than a brass plate measuring not more than 12 inches x 9 inches.
Equity Lawyer is not a profession, much less a learned one! :haha:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Never make a joking remark to Neelu.
Evidence that the UK State is a Terrorist against those who protect babies and children
Global Organised Crime Network Silences Truths by shutting London Office of Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis
The Mass Remedy Process Protection for Witness Neelu Berry is ignored by Sergeant Bertie, who admits he was a criminal before he got his uniform and claims he is not a criminal anymore because he is not allowed to be. He implies he would be if it wasn't for his uniform, which proves his belief that the Uniform alone prevents him from being deemed a criminal.
I have a feeling that the London Office of EWE was Peel Drive, and she is interpreting her eviction as closing down said office.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

So sorry AnOwlCalledSage

Have this one on me.

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Frankly I'm appalled that plod feel they have the right to shut down the very nerve centre of Equity Lawyering here in the UK, to dispossess and defenestrate the lone voice of legal sanity, the beating heart of hopelessly made-up progressive advocacy still practicing in today's Nazi state.

Or something. Like a cockroach he scuttled off from out of the spotlight and we haven't heard from him since last Friday morning's shenanigans.

Meanwhile, Neelu's latest chew toy, the unfortunate Sgt Bertie who, despite being a member of Essex Police is actually a lowly Met PC called Roberts who was last seen penning in the good Julian Assange in his hidey-hole in central London*.

Quite how PC Roberts dare turn his back even for a moment to don stripes and lead a crack team to boot Neelu out, leaving JA the chance to give him the slip goes unexplained.

The amateur sleuths at her tail are in no doubt they are one and the same, oh yes, here's Kay "Clouseau" Tippin;
Ved me and my daughter think it is the same man. He seems to have the same voice tone and same ears as well. xxxx
Lynne "Serpico" Scott agrees;
Ears loebs... They never lie.
Neelu "Columbo" Berry persists; will notice his name badge reads "Constable Roberts" on 04 April 2015 and on 20th July 2018 it changed to Sergeant Bertie - he has a habit of showing his right fingers pointing east and his left hand tucked under
Conclusive I'd say.

Louise "Bergerac" Jones holds a similar dim view of Scouseplod;
Ved they have a habit of doing this... They do it in liverpool.
She is hard on the case though and presents her detailed and considered evidence to the court of public opinion;
That phrase Neelu used above "his right fingers pointing east and his left hand tucked under" Hmmmm. Reminded me of certain crappy 70's catalog poses, I wonder if instead of being a master criminal before the police Sgt Bertie was in fact a cheezy Austin Powers-esq male model;


Anyway, back to the detectives. Eh up, tha noz, Jim "McMillan (less Wife)" Cruz has spotted a sure-fire tell-tale;
Common Law Constables wear helmets, don't they? Not flat caps, like corporate officers.
Don't forget the ferret down their trousers too.

Not all though are convinced. Terry "Taggart" Allen has his doubts;
Does not look like the same Constable. Having listened to his response about him being a criminal my guess he was involved in criminality before they put him in uniform. This is why in English Constitutional Law no Denizen is allowed to hold public office.
Sgt Bertie (or is it really Roberts - who knows?) if you read this, time to instruct Messers Sue, Grabbit and Runne.

* Off topic but I'm reading that the Ecuadorians appear to have finally had enough of their unwelcome antipodean squatter guest and are planning to withdraw his asylum claim. First Neelu booted out and now potentially JA too - the power of PC Roberts being brought to bear against both whistleblowing opinionated people's champions - I smell a conspiracy!
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

A rare appearance of the great Equity Lawyer, talking total bollocks, by conflating Neelu's trial for benfit fraud with the eviction process and giving the police the benefit of his wisdom with a file of what the man on the Clapham omnibus would recognise at totally meaningless paper. T Noble Daggett he is not. During the ensuing useless balther he can be heard wittering away in the backround making as much sense as the average babbling brook and getting about as much notice.
Then he has to go off to Kingston court on some fruitless errand about judicial corruption.
One thing Neelu does manage is to stay remarkably calm in the face of adversity.

The latter part of the video has already appeared on her facebook page, but I am posting this one so all can enjoy a snippet of EWE at work.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Oh my, there's been a post-fest today!
Neelu wrote:So now my emails are blocked, I am having to post my emails on Facebook
One of her followers observes, not unreasonably;
Open up a new email account :-)
Neelu is on a mission though;
This is a Press Release For Free & Immediate Publication - my soul brother Lee Cant will explain further if I am not contactable.
2018 07 20 Report by Neelu Berry on Police Raid + Theft of her Home to stop Truthers + Equity Lawyer operating from London Base
Move over Reuters, farewell Associated Press, here's the news that really matters;
Report by Neelu Berry dated 22nd of July 2018

A predetermined raid by the Organised Crime Network was conducted at the home of Citizen Mrs Neelu Berry and the London office of Equity lawyer Edward William Ellis, with the intention of installing metal shutters on all windows and doors to stop the work of Truthers and Equity lawyer Edward William Ellis
Pretty determined raid I'd say. Besides Neelu isn't silenced in the slightest as today's postings clearly demonstrate.
At least 15 officers in uniforms including police, Bailiffs, locksmiths, security Services and dog handlers, headed by a Sergeant Bertie, who alleged he was from Barkingside Police Station in a potential breach of the peace but was recognised by me by his voice as having arrested me in the Hampstead case on 4th April 2015.
MI5 or even 6 seem to be involved in Neelu's big raid. Whatever next?
He (Sgt Bertie) admitted that there were two risk assessment meetings held prior to the raid, one at 19:30 on the 19th of July 2018 and an early morning one prior to the 6 a.m. raid.
Quite right too - wouldn't want to encounter Neelu unprepared.
Sgt Bertie asked me if my son was in the house, referring to my son using his first name.
This confirms that my son was expected to be in, by himself, because I was expected to be staying at my sister's, in a family sabotage and ruin raid in which my son would have to take a lead and there would be many provocateurs.
More likely they knew because they'd done their homework and carried out an....erm....risk assessment. Continues;
There was no prior notice given of the raid.
The bastards. Can you imagine if this was a necessity?


"OK Fingers, we're commin' in to get you!


By then we will have the place surrounded so please set all the evidence to one side so we don't have to look too hard!

Sleep tight!"

Sigh. Later in the rant;
The clearway van arrived with metal shutters that had already been carefully measured and supplied for the purposes of making the home unusable rather than repossessed in a powerboat by the organised criminals.

Repossessed in a powerboat? I'm hugely confused.
Sgt Bertie who claimed to be from Barkingside Police Station, is exactly the same officer who called himself Constable Roberts when he arrested me outside the Ecuadorian Embassy on the 14th of April 2015, falsely alleging that I had harassed a priest in a church service on the 22nd of March 2018, wearing a badge from Hampstead police EK548.
I was able to get an audio recording of the conversation with Sgt Bertie in which he admitted that he was an organised criminal prior to joining the police force but he's not allowed to be a criminal anymore since he joined.
But but but all coppers are criminal, in or out of uniform surely? How can he not be allowed to continue on his one-man crime wave once he joined up? Neelu continues to fling allegations about;
Citizen Berry wrote:When Citizen Moor asked Sgt Bertie to turn his camera recording "on" so he could have a record of his interactions with him, Sergeant Bertie failed to do so, suggesting that all the officers body cameras were dummies because none of the cameras are recording.

This suggests that it was an assassination attempt if there had not been more than one person in the house, since Clearway Services boast about not leaving the single trace at a murder scene.
A narrow escape there then for Citizen Berry.

Now yesterday she was claiming that there were no mortgage arrears, in fact the whole thing had been paid off many times over a-la Crawfraud. But there's a teensy bit of doubt that this is actually right;
We were provided with a telephone number for the Britannia Building Society to make enquiries into paying the arrears, but that was a fully automated line inviting only a voluntary payment of any arbitrary amount to possibly steal bank details at a later date.

I utilised the service by making a payment of £10 to check if this triggers a return of the home.
Needs a bit more non-existent fiat currency than that old love. This has echos of the ticket merry-go-round with payments forthcoming once maximum inflation occurs to what were relatively small fines and it's pay up or have (the vehicle) crushed.
The house however is a bit more than that as every action taken in furtherance of the repossession and after is clocking up fees and yet more costs.

She doesn't pay CT either so fill your boots Redbridge Council, there's lots of equity in the property.

If coughing up a tenner was Plan A, what next I wonder?

There's more in the rant but I won't copy it, usual garbage and links to earlier YT vids. She does however end;
feedback appreciated
So here's some - get help.

Seriously, get proper medical help and ditch the twats currently feeding into and more sadly feeding off your delusions.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »


It's been asked before, but what is Mr Ellis doing at his "business" address at 6am?

A horrible thought. Ed and Neelu sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G. Thank the Lord he wasn't in his pyjamas! :mrgreen:

Addendum I: Just noticed in that video he is wearing matching grey SANDALS with his suit. The Horror! THE HORROR!!! :shock:

Addendum II: She's wearing Crocs! :naughty:

Addendum III: About 13:58 into the video
NB: "How many people were you expecting?"
JB: "That was in the risk assessment. Your son is registered here and you are registered here. Is that right?"
NB: "No, I'm not registered here."
JB: "Are you not?"
NB: "No."
[Note: In actuality she almost certainly has declared both her and her son living there for council tax purposes as that is the information the police have, but it's proof she is prepared to lie to them.]
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

So who is this oppressor of whistleblowers?

Sgt Julian Bertie

Barking & Dagenham Gangs and Drugs Unit

“Our short-term goal is to reduce the level of serious youth violence within Barking and Dagenham,” added Sgt Bertie.

“Long-term we’re looking to utilise the diversionary agencies in order to prevent the other issues that come through gangs and drugs.
Also he's picked up an award.
■ Pc Samuel Carey, Pc Robert Smith, Pc Eloise Thompson, Pc Robert Bushell, Sgt Julian Bertie, Pc Gemmas Dudley, Pc Craig Portsmouth and Det Sgt Louise Giles were commended for commitment to duty, professionalism and use of initiative while working for the Gangs Unit dealing with stabbings, firearms offences, kidnapping and drug crime.
Looks like a bit of a hero to me. But to Neelu I guess all police officers look the same.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

So we know she was evicted in January 2018, apparently for mortgage arrears. Looking through the thread I can't seem to see any comment about how she ended up living in the house again until this latest event.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

aesmith wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:00 pm So we know she was evicted in January 2018, apparently for mortgage arrears. Looking through the thread I can't seem to see any comment about how she ended up living in the house again until this latest event.
Don't think she was evicted then, I think that was the final court hearing before the order was given.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:06 pm
aesmith wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:00 pm So we know she was evicted in January 2018, apparently for mortgage arrears. Looking through the thread I can't seem to see any comment about how she ended up living in the house again until this latest event.
Don't think she was evicted then, I think that was the final court hearing before the order was given.
I did look at this. If you look at the dates involved, it looks like there was an attempted eviction on the 26th Jan. Then on the 27th the judgement on which the current writ was based.

So, it looks like she tried the same woo she tried last Friday in January with the enforcement officers and they backed down. The creditor thought "sod that" we're not going to argue on the doorstep, went back to the High Court and got a nailed on judgement, registered the writ in April and executed it on Friday.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by NYGman »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:14 pm So, it looks like she tried the same woo she tried last Friday in January with the enforcement officers and they backed down. The creditor thought "sod that" we're not going to argue on the doorstep, went back to the High Court and got a nailed on judgement, registered the writ in April and executed it on Friday.
That's the problem, they shouldn't back down. The need to be trained in this, and to let them know this isn't a victory. They should lay out what will come next so when it happens there is no surprise. These little victories are what keeps them in the woods. If it worked once, it will work again thinking. They should have a FMOTL specialist to assist. Eventually they would catch on, I would hope, and move on to something else, prehaps back to the DD Clawback
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

NYGman wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 3:24 pm That's the problem, they shouldn't back down. The need to be trained in this, and to let them know this isn't a victory. They should lay out what will come next so when it happens there is no surprise. These little victories are what keeps them in the woods. If it worked once, it will work again thinking. They should have a FMOTL specialist to assist. Eventually they would catch on, I would hope, and move on to something else, prehaps back to the DD Clawback
I think everyone here would agree with you, but put yourself in the shoes of her creditors. They don't actually care about exposing this FOTL bullshit. They make a calculation that any legal and enforcement fees they spend will be taken out of a property with excess equity. If it takes an extra 6 months, why should they care? They will be fully reimbursed. The ONLY person losing here is Neelu. That she is too stupid to realise is no concern of her building society.

Maybe it too late for her, but her posting of being given a phone number and paying a £10 test payment towards the debt makes me think that if she paid all the arrears, court costs and Clearwater Services fees, she could still keep the property. That she is too dumb to recognise this is no-one else's problem. Her live-in "Equity Lawyer" has lost her her equity!
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Tevildo »

exiledscouser wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:28 am Reminded me of certain crappy 70's catalog poses, I wonder if instead of being a master criminal before the police Sgt Bertie was in fact a cheezy Austin Powers-esq male model;
Is that £10.07, which would be a bit pricey for a cheap nylon "sheepskin" coat back then, or 10/7, which would be very cheap (although considering what it looks like...), and incorrectly formatted?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Gregg »

) That the land edged red upon the plan annexed thereto should not nor should any part thereof be used for the purpose of a landing ground for aircraft nor for a dog racing track or public sports ground nor for any booths swings shows roundabouts or similar purposes.
AHA! That's why the aliens couldn't come to her aid, they didn't have anyplace to land!
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

More background on the possession case, surprised the arrears are slow..
The Organised Crime Network then made a Ruin plan against the Mass Remedy Process to stop the Anti-Corruption Mission, which requires Mr Ellis to operate from 3 Peel Drive, Ilford Essex, IG5 0JR, UK, the home of Neelu Berry, (aka Ved Chaudhari) as his London Office base. But the Ruin plan was already in the Crown Court so the Family & Friend Sabotage Disappearance "Murder" Raid is now Contempt evidence and Personal Liability against the 20 men and women who were given Contempt Notice + Warning at 6.30am on 20th July 2018 by Mr Ellis, which they ignored.

So the London Borough of Redbridge Council Tax Benefit Denial Frauds, ESA Benefit Denial Frauds and Housing Benefit Denial Frauds continued to cause arrears of around £300 by August 2017 and £2,500 by July 2018 - which are the fraudulent grounds being used to steal a home worth over £700,000 -

The Bailiffs refused the option of settlement of the arrrears
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

As posted on Hoaxtead, here's Neely harassing the out of hours duty clerk at the Royal Courts of Justice. ... 663416930/

I have read through the Litigants in Person guidance and it does remain silent on whether they have access to out of hours judges. It might be somewhere else but I couldn't find it.

Interestingly as well as Edward Ellis giving bad advice in the background, there is a woman's voice similarly spouting rubbish. Specifically at 5:00 where you can hear her say: "You have Article 6 rights to a fair trial." I wonder who it might be? Article 6 is in the Human Rights Act. However, it is only applicable to criminal cases and decisions by public bodies.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

aesmith wrote: Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:41 am More background on the possession case, surprised the arrears are slow..
"are so low"?

The writ of possession is for mortgage arrears. I screen shot the writ she was waving around in her video and flipped the image. Although she doesn't hold it still enough to get a proper image, it quite clearly states 'The Co-operative Bank trading as Britannia Building Society'. Neelu is just trying to muddy the waters with her supporters. I think she has previously said £3,000. Now that may be what kicked off the process in 2017 but it would seem that she decided that she had already paid enough and stopped paying altogether.


Should have checked the earlier posts. Back on page 28 we have Neelu trying to pay off her mortgage with Swissindo Debt Burden Liberation Certificates! How could I have forgotten!!! :haha: ... 40#p251233

The recording of her trying it is still active! (audio only)

Genius from the CO-OP teller.
NB: "All banks are trading with counterfeit currency…"
<snip of more FOTL woo>
CO-OP: "We use this money as a way of living, so are you using counterfeit money then?"
Last edited by AnOwlCalledSage on Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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