Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by Gregg »

Never was I so disappointed as when Casey Serin went radio silent. One of the All Time stupidity as performance art nutcases EVER.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by He Who Knows »

Now, why would Ken Thompson resign as a director of Tunkashila on 8th July, with Peter McDowell having been appointed as a director on 30th June? Peter McDowell had already resigned as a director last November, but kept his Tunkashila Group Holdings Ltd directorship in Tunkashila Ltd.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

He Who Knows wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:33 pm Now, why would Ken Thompson resign as a director of Tunkashila on 8th July, with Peter McDowell having been appointed as a director on 30th June? Peter McDowell had already resigned as a director last November, but kept his Tunkashila Group Holdings Ltd directorship in Tunkashila Ltd.
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So McDowell is the only active officer now? He is the director of Tunkashila GH Ltd and a director of Tunkashila Ltd along with Tunkashila GH Ltd. I wonder why Ken has left?
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by He Who Knows »

Oh dear it looks like Ken's got a trial coming up (?) and his family including niece Sarah and his brother Bill are arguing about 'Ken's Cult'....
Chrisy Morris and Elisabeth Nolson stick their worthless oars in at the end...
Ken Thompson: It's becoming clear to me the more i fight the corrupt justice system the and reveal the truth the more they want to shut me up.looks like I will be doing touch of porrage

Gurjit Singh: Ken Thompson you are alone

Sarah Holden: Well quit now and don’t bother. Get on with enjoying your life. You’re at the latter end of it 🤣and there is more to life than single handedly trying to fight the system. Let’s be honest you’re never going to win and you will never change anything as much as you try

Mark P Conway: that is so so sad to hear that, y not, hey I am sick of sitting back doing nothing lets all fight these fekers together

Sarah Holden: Because it’s all bollocks. You all complain about the police, the courts etc etc. But if someone burgled your home or murdered a loved one. You would all want them then. Like I’ve explained to my uncle numerous times in discussions about this stuff..... Anyone can interpret something different to other. This is why we have terrorists because one person read something a different way and told someone else, then they got on board. People need to take perspective of what’s important in life and start enjoying life instead of trying and failing to change the world, it’s never going to happen.

Paul Woods: I think that is called turning a blind eye

"Evil prevails when good men do nothing"

Bill Thompson: It will never change while there are people with your outlook sarah. No disrespect but your a good little slave exactly what the corrupt system like.

Sarah Holden: Bill Thompson in your opinion. That’s all these things are opinions of each individual. I just don’t want my uncle locking up. He could be out spending his time with his partner or family and great nieces and nephew instead

Bill Thompson: Ken is doing a stirling job. And many more are waking up to the prison without bars we are all forced to live in. It will change a lot quicker when more get involved with what Ken does.

Bill Thompson: Sarah have you ever thought he may be trying to make a change so you and your children can have a better future.

Sarah Holden: Bill Thompson exactly it’s only a handful of people that actively do things whilst the rest sit behind their computers stating they agree and telling him to keep up the good work. That’s easy when it’s not them people getting arrested or facing these people. I’m interested to know how many of you go along to the things ken does? I bet it’s not many

Sarah Holden: I don’t see how getting rid of police is making it a better future....... they keep pedophiles, murderers, burglars and other vile criminals off the streets. How does this make the future better and safe for my kids? I’ve had these debates with ken many a time and he’s found he has no answer to those questions. As with the one that MOT’s are just for making money. Bollocks

Bill Thompson: Sarah Holden no one wants to get rid of police Sarah we just want them to do what they are supposed to do which is uphold common law instead of being corporate tax collectors.

Sarah Holden: Bill Thompson it’s all bollocks and this how terrorists are spawn. From one man/woman’s interpretation of something. How can you say you don’t want rid of the police but slag them off!!!!!

Bill Thompson: Sarah Holden i explained in the last message sarah.

Sarah Holden: Bill Thompson you didn’t tell me how many times you’ve been on the front line with Ken though?????

Bill Thompson: Sarah Holden ken knows what im doing Sarah and like ken i want changes and will never give up what im doing.

Sarah Holden: Bill Thompson so that’s a no then!!!!! So do you work??? Or are you in receipt of benefits or pension??? Surly you are all as “corrupt” as the government and whoever else you all believe are “corrupt” for spending the “corrupt money”. This is where I struggle to accept what I am hearing from “Ken’s Cult”.....

Do you go out to work and Work for free???? I bet not.
However, you all believe that no one should pay for gas/electric, mortgages, fines. As this all “corrupt money”.

But I can lay my life on it you all have houses helped to buy, by the banks and you’re all accepting benefits and pensions??????

You really can not take take take and expect to live for free and be paid for work. But expect hand outs and help from the people you are all fighting against and stating to be “corrupt”

Nasrin Qureshi: Sarah Holden what have you done sarah to help

Nasrin Qureshi: Sarah Holden you have lost the entire point sarah you are now just arguing . The police are needed and they do a very difficult job but when they do something against that which is their authority as they have done in facilitating evictions then this is where the police need to be told they cannot . YOu are throwing the baby out with bath water and losing all reality on what is actually being said . No one belongs to a cult here Sarah , so please get a grip .

Sarah Holden: Nasrin Qureshi there is no “arguing” I know exactly what I am talking about following debates me and ken have had. The police assist the bailiffs with evictions to help keep the peace and assist and take further action required with difficult people, they have more authority than the bailiffs. Have you been on the front line with ken? I’ve not seen or heard anything from anyone that proves anything that’s been said or believed. It’s Ken’s Cult. That’s what we call it

Bill Thompson: Carry on being a good little slave sarah you are obviously happy with your lot 😊

Sarah Holden: Bill Thompson a “slave” no one is here shackling me, being a slave is not effecting my every day life..... if this is being a slave bring it on. Not one question I have asked has been answered which makes me happy knowing not one of you can justify what you believe in and yes I am happy to be living my life not risking being banged up

Sarah Holden: And also what speaks volumes is that not one of you will stand along side Ken and the other couple of people who are on the front line. You’re only happy to spout your believes in the comfort of your own homes being a keyboard warrior. If you all believed what you were saying as true you would be out there arm in arm like the suffragettes arm in arm fighting for what’s right. But obviously non of you are convinced enough. End of the argument right there!!!!

Bill Thompson: You have no argument your so brainwashed. I bet you also believe everything you get told from the box in the corner of your living room you know the one that (programs) you. Its worked really well on you sarah

Sarah Holden: Bill Thompson you keep telling yourself that

Nasrin Qureshi: Sarah Holden Dear Sarah . you are correct the police do assist the bailiffs no one is disagreeing , i have been on the front line myself not with Ken but my other friends ,

Nasrin Qureshi: Sarah Holden what is the question you require satisfaction on ?

Sarah Holden: Nasrin Qureshi all of them on this post

Nasrin Qureshi: please be specific and please please please can you change the tone , im trying to understand you and help to answer your question , please state what that is .

Sarah Holden: Nasrin Qureshi see you interpret my tone as being something bad. You asked a question I replied. It’s your interpretation like with all I’ve said in all my comments. So please please please if you wish to reply read my posts and do so. Other wise don’t patronise me. I’ve clearly asked several questions which no one can answer not even Ken. These “beliefs you all have are your interpretations on things”.
You won’t push your twisted views on to me

Nita Benfield: Sarah Holden it's not about getting rid of police..its about ridding society of corporate, lawless policy enforcers. I'd welcome a return to lawful.constables

Sarah Holden: I am referring to everything ken stands for and not just this one post about his upcoming court case

Nasrin Qureshi: sarah your attitude s one of anger and angry people cant see the wood for the trees , I asked you a question and what i got back was a bad attitude , work on yourself before lecturing others .

Cheryl Kocher: More and more people are waking up Ken. The system has got away with things for to long. The more people push the weaker the system becomes. It's a long journey but trust that you are making a difference.

Sarah Holden: Don’t end up getting locked up Ken most of the time there are only a couple of you actively doing something whilst the rest of them just sit behind their computers telling you all to carry on..... no one was there for you when you got arrested and needed back up!!!!!

Jonathan Shackleton: Oh yes I know exactly what you mean that’s why I write in a sudo name, as well as my own. We’ll have to grab a beer sometime especially living in my old stomping ground.

Chrisy Morris: Sadly, having nothing to take is the only way.

Beware fighting the man who has nothing for he has nothing to lose x

Elisabeth Nolson: Especially if he assigned the titles to a ledger book of his trust to prove it
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

He Who Knows wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:50 am Oh dear it looks like Ken's got a trial coming up (?) and his family including niece Sarah and his brother Bill are arguing about 'Ken's Cult'....
I'm intrigued. I think he was arrested alongside Wrekha, but that's very unlikely to result in jail time. Most likely a fine, a community order and a restraining order for the property. Is there something else we don't know about?
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by He Who Knows »

He definitely wasn't around when Wrecka was arrested because his absence earned him the name "Brave Sir Ken" as he gave instructions from the safety of his home in Hull.
Maybe it's to do with the fraudulent activity at Companies House where he called himself 'Ken of the Family Thompson'. This may also explain why he suddenly resigned on 8th July as a director of Tunkashila Ltd :?:
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

He Who Knows wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:25 pm He definitely wasn't around when Wrecka was arrested because his absence earned him the name "Brave Sir Ken" as he gave instructions from the safety of his home in Hull.
Maybe it's to do with the fraudulent activity at Companies House where he called himself 'Ken of the Family Thompson'. This may also explain why he suddenly resigned on 8th July as a director of Tunkashila Ltd :?:
He is not likely to be facing jail time for a funny name as a director though either. Also Tunkashila Ltd hasn't filed any accounts yet so there is no possibility of anything related to that company, and again, low level company crimes don't get people jail time.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by He Who Knows »

Misrepresenting yourself to Companies House is fraud which is a criminal act.
In law, fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Fraud itself can be a civil wrong (i.e., a fraud victim may sue the fraud perpetrator to avoid the fraud or recover monetary compensation), a criminal wrong (i.e., a fraud perpetrator may be prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities), or it may cause no loss of money, property or legal right but still be an element of another civil or criminal wrong.
Also putting yourself forward as a legal representative of Ms Patel and Ms Leezack at Stockport Magistrates Court as Ken did in August 2017 is criminal, as is pretending you are qualified to set up legal trusts.
Also Ken was quite recently caught without car tax, insurance and MOT.
He really has been sailing rather close to the wind has our Ken, maybe it's all caught up with him.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Again though, unless multiple incidents or multiple recidivism, I can't see those risking jail time.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by He Who Knows »

Maybe DerbsFuzz didn't appreciate Ken Thompson (and Peter McDowell) serving them with the fraudulent, bogus, faux, sham 9-page notice by hand on 14th June?
He Who Knows wrote:
Another vid of Ken approaching Buxton Police station with the time and date added in.
All very official. ... 337515320/
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by Tevildo »

He Who Knows wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:06 pm Misrepresenting yourself to Companies House is fraud which is a criminal act.
I don't think using the name "Ken of Thompson Family" (rather than "Kenneth Thompson") counts as misrepresentation in this case. It isn't strictly accurate, but it's not actually false. Of course, there may be other material misrepresentations he's made to the authorities.

[Edit - typo]
Last edited by Tevildo on Mon Jul 23, 2018 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by notorial dissent »

It sounds like Ken of the Family Stupid and Not Really Honest has a track record and history of being over the line. I don't think any of it will bite him unless he really gets stupid and pushes it, but the license and tax stuff may get him yet. he's just not smart enough to stay out of trouble.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by Hercule Parrot »

I like the cut of niece Sarah's jib. Can someone with a Facebook thingy invite her to visit the Q?
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by grixit »

Invitation sent.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by Mike_p »

Tevildo wrote: Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:19 pm I don't think using the name "Ken of Thompson Family" (rather than "Kenneth Thompson") counts as misrepresentation in this case. It isn't strictly accurate, but it's not actually false. Of course, there may be other material misrepresentations he's made to the authorities.
Sorry I don't have a direct link to the law to hand, but IIRC, there is specific legislation related to company formations that forbids alternate versions of names.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Mike_p wrote: Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:57 pm Sorry I don't have a direct link to the law to hand, but IIRC, there is specific legislation related to company formations that forbids alternate versions of names.
Nope. Under English law you can change your name as often as you like. As long as you do not it with the intent to defraud. You don't even need to get a deed poll. However, changing it officially does help with official documents and getting things like passports.

Legal Name

I, for example, IRL go by my baptism name because my dad was a right tit when he registered me. Luckily at the time there was a section 10 on a birth certificate where a baptism name could be entered, so I have some official documentation to prove it and I can request a short form certificate just containing my baptism name. Section 10 has since been removed, so too bad for any youngsters with drunk fathers!

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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by TheRambler »

However on registering as a company director you have to provide all former names, other than change of name on marriage.

That’s how I understand it.

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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

TheRambler wrote: Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:23 pm However on registering as a company director you have to provide all former names, other than change of name on marriage.
I think we've got to the bottom of it:
To appoint a new director, you must provide the following information to Companies House:
  • Date of appointment.
  • Full name of new director.
  • Former name(s), if used for business purposes within the past 20 years.
  • Nationality.
  • Date of birth – only the month and year will be disclosed on public record.
  • Business occupation (if any).
  • Service address.
  • Usual residential address
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:07 pm
Mike_p wrote: Tue Jul 24, 2018 12:57 pm Sorry I don't have a direct link to the law to hand, but IIRC, there is specific legislation related to company formations that forbids alternate versions of names.
Nope. Under English law you can change your name as often as you like. As long as you do not it with the intent to defraud. You don't even need to get a deed poll. However, changing it officially does help with official documents and getting things like passports.

Legal Name

I, for example, IRL go by my baptism name because my dad was a right tit when he registered me. Luckily at the time there was a section 10 on a birth certificate where a baptism name could be entered, so I have some official documentation to prove it and I can request a short form certificate just containing my baptism name. Section 10 has since been removed, so too bad for any youngsters with drunk fathers!

Sage The no-so-Feathery Owl
In Massachusetts, at least, it's exactly the same. I was not given a middle name, at birth; and for many years, I had people look at me as if I had two head, because I had no middle name. I even chose one, as an adolescent; but I stopped using it because it wasn't really my middle name.

When I was a senior in law school, I learned how to do a legal name change; and while I could have changed my name, informally, as Sage points out, I decided to make it legal, and went through Probate Court to get it formally changed. I also helped an old girlfriend to get her name changed; but since she was changing her surname, she had to publish a notice in the local paper, once a week for three weeks (a total waste of ink, newsprint and money, but I digress) before the court granted her petition.
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Re: Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits

Post by He Who Knows »

Mike_P wrote: Sorry I don't have a direct link to the law to hand, but IIRC, there is specific legislation related to company formations that forbids alternate versions of names.
Mike_P is correct. According to Companies House: "It is illegal to knowingly provide wrong information for registration to Companies House (ie false names, variations of names etc)..."

As stated further up this thread Ken Thompson has recently resigned as a director from Tunkashila Ltd and maybe his false name is the reason why :?:
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