UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

grixit wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 10:34 am
Normal Wisdom wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:58 am "Private Investigator pharmacist"? That's given me my first real laugh of the day. There's definitely a "graphic novel" in that.
I was preparing a batch of chlorphenamine maleate in accordance with FDA Directive 23-R, when the door chime sounded. I looked up and saw that my assistant was missing, probably playing handball with an inflated latex glove in the store room again. The kid's a real placebo, but i owed his dad a favor or two, so i had to keep him on. That's the worst part about this job, the side effects. I quickly closed all the bottles and put on my best fake sincere smile for the customer. He was a mean looking specimen, his expression was sour, like someone who needed a lot of antacid and his complexion was blotchy, probably low on vitamins A and D. Some deodorant would have helped too. "What can i do for you?" i asked, hoping it was just a quick prescription refill. No such luck. "I need your help, Mr. Pillman" he began, "Uh, you are Mr. Pillman?" I assured that i was, indeed Rafael Xavier Pillman, Rx for short. What followed was a story as sad as last year's novelty christmas display...
Just needs a sultry but treacherous blonde, and a bottle of bourbon....
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Hercule Parrot »

TheRambler wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:36 pm I assume that it is going to Crown Court at her request? (Either way offence)

5 days allocated for what ought to be a relatively straightforward case?
Yes, it's surprising. A simple benefit fiddle shouldn't take more than one day. I suspect the judge is allowing ample space for nuttery, to make sure the trial completes in appeal-proof form. If he's very lucky, or skilful, and finishes sooner the listings office will soon give him other cases. Or a few days off to recover..... :haha: :haha:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Burnaby49 »

And I had the perfect whisky bottle for a pharmacist themed mystery. My father took such poor care of himself after my mother died that he ended up in hospital for rehab. He kept insisting on getting his whisky until his doctor thought it best to allow him some from time to time. So I bought a bottle and gave it to the doctor who slapped a regular drug prescription label on it and gave it too the nurses to administer. If I recall correctly it was one ounce administered twice daily.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by The Seventh String »

Dr. Caligari wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:21 pm
people have been imprisonned or heavily fined for similar offences before now.
So you don't do drawing and quartering any more?

Time to bring back the Magna Carta.
I’m not at all sure we did it in 1215 either. I’ve seen somewhere or other that it was invented in the middle of the 13th century as a particularly grisly end for a particularly barbarous pirate.

Anyway, after that it was reserved for male traitors only, though treason had a fairly wide definition including a servant killing his master and counterfeiting the currency. In the case of women treason included killing their husband, though for the sake of upholding public decency women were burned at the stake rather than being hanged and stuff.

Hm, maybe I shouldn’t mention old-fashioned punishments for counterfeiting currency, might give Neelu ideas....
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Tevildo »

The Seventh String wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:31 am I’m not at all sure we did it in 1215 either. I’ve seen somewhere or other that it was invented in the middle of the 13th century as a particularly grisly end for a particularly barbarous pirate.,_d ... _quartered

One William de Marisco, according to Matthew Paris. He was quartered in 1242, and the assassin he'd sent to attempt the life of Henry III was quartered in 1238.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by He Who Knows »

...interesting to learn from that Wikipedia source that even as late as 1783 in America the hanged, drawn and quartered punishment was used. Both sides partook in this gruesome act for what they perceived as treason, according to these books:

Peter J. Albert (ed.). An Uncivil War: The Southern Backcountry During the American Revolution. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1985.

Alfred Young (ed.). The American Revolution: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1976.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Wozzle »

Seems Neelu really is pulling a full Crawford:
PRESS RELEASE 27 July 2018 - For Free & Immediate Publication Globally. Please contact Lee Cant for further information and Witness Evidence

Regarding the Claim against Britannia in the sum of £50 million which is the subject of appeal in the Court of Appeal since 24th July 2018, when Corrupt Officers under Senior Master Fontaine REFUSED to ISSUE it (which she does have the authority to do since Issue Refusal Rights were removed from Masters at least 4 years ago), here is the chronology and evidence for anyone and everyone to use in whatever way it assists me or anyone else in the Public Interests, in matters of Great General Public Importance under the Criminal Law Act 1967 to end Global Impoverishment and Global Ruin of those who stand for babies and children:
Neelu Berry's home was stolen and boarded up after 20 men and women, dressed as Police broke entry without any paperwork on 24 July 2018 in a dawn raid at 6am (1).

The officer in charge was a "Sargeant Bertie", who previously wore a badge "Constable Roberts" of the Hampstead Whistleblower Kids case of the, when he arrested Neelu Berry & Christine Ann Sands outside the Ecuadorian embassy on 4th April 2015 (2), days after the vigils outside a church in Hampstead on 22 (3) & 29 March 2015 (4), which led to 2 false prosecutions against Neelu Berry, falsely alleging disruption of a church service whilst she stood outside the church.

At the first trial against Neelu Berry, on 7th October 2015, in Highbury Corner Magistrates Court, the church witnesses did not turn up (confirming this was a Hampstead Church Police-led Prosecution).

At the second trial against Neelu Berry, 11-18 July 2016 with Co-Defendant Sabine McNeill, in the Blackfriars Crown Court before Judge Worsley, the Police and Witnesses Perjured on oath that Neelu was inside the church when in fact there was video and audio evidence that she was not in the church (5).

Both False Police Prosecutions ended in "No Case to Answer" yet daily raids at the homes of family and Church Vigil members, Mental Health Frauds and Barnet Police False Prosecutions continue daily to date and ongoing using Void Corrupt Judicial Restraint Frauds by the Organised Crime Network which Human Trafficks in babies and children.


In 1988 Feb Neelu took out a 25 year £65,000 loan from Britannia Buidling Society for a house bought for £90,000 with a Mortgage Ref Number 16226621 at a time when mortgage interest was around 14% - see payment book attached, the monthly sum of £501.11

On 25 August 2000, Neelu sold the home for £159,999 and bought a home for £154,999 and transferred the loan given a new Mortgage Ref Number 025298982 in the same loan amount maturing on 24 August 2014 (6).

Neelu's baby neice, Sunaina Chaudhari, was brutally murdered and mutilated in the care of Redbridge Council Social Services in Ilford, Essex, UK, at King George hospital in October 2000 (7).

Neelu, a super qualified Pharmacist, teacher, singer, songwriter, teacher was having Cancer treatment on chemotherapy, visiting the baby in hospital prior to her 6 day care order to end her life against her parents' and family's wishes, as recommended by the Great Ormond Street Hospital (8).

In 2008 Neelu had a car accident causing serious neck injuries C4-C7 and certified sick to date.

Her late parents wished to assist her with her hardships in 2009, and made a Nationwide bank transfer payment of £67,000 to a law firm, Harris Sewas & Shah to pay off the Mortgage loan, but the money disappeared and the firm ceased trading.

When Neelu contacted the Law Society to make a claim to recover the stolen money to enable her to repay the mortgage, it refused to process the claim on frivolous grounds (She was to produce evidence that her late parents made the payment to the law firm - which is unreasonable given that the law firm could be audited by the Law Society even after closure).

The Mortgage loan matured in Feb 2014, see attached, but the interest continued as Housing Benefit Mortgage payment entitlements under Redbridge Council which it fraudulently repeatedly denied to cause arrears in a conspiracy with the lenders Britannia Building Society Trading as Co-Operative Bank. The bank now claims it will not accept the Mortgage Interest Payments and wants the £65,000 repaid and will auction the house worth £700,000 and put the property in storage.

Over the last 18 years, Redbridge Council persecuted the family with Escalating Crimes of State Terrorism by Benefit Denial Frauds, false prosecutions, forced entries, criminal damage, - despite Formal Remedy Demands of Witness Protection being made to all Ministers, MP's & Councillors in Greenwich, Bexley, Redbridge, Barnet, Camden, Enfield and all over the UK in a Private Prosecution ( and a Commercial Lien.

The Council stopped the high level disability to my sister, Sadhana Chaudhari, Sunaina's mother in 2012 in a Benefit denial Fraud. She has stage 3 Breast Cancer after she was given MRSA bug at UCH, University College Hospital in 2012 when a suspicious referral was made by Neurologist Dr Gordon Ingle of Whipps Cross Hospital for some "tests".

Sadhana is owed over a million pounds for the serious car accident injuries, losses and damages from 3rd Feb 2005, denied to her by Royal Sun Alliance due to Judicial Frauds even though liability is admitted.

Neelu's family are owed several million by NIG, National Insurance Guarantee for damages, losses and serious injuries from a car accident in 2008 in which liability is admitted but remedy denied due to Judicial frauds in the Royal Courts of Justice.

This is the evidence against all the UK Public Services to deny all Remedy, as proved Unfit for purpose and for asset recovery for the people against all members of the Organised Crime Network including the Professional Bodies, Councils and Banks.
My emphasis above, quotes taken from her facebook this morning - below is the evidence posted for you to have a look at:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

"20 men and women, dressed as Police broke entry without any paperwork"
The (approx) 9 people I saw dressed as the police, were, er, the police. And Neelu helpfully waved the paperwork in front of her camera.
In 2008 Neelu had a car accident causing serious neck injuries C4-C7 and certified sick to date.
I did wonder about her ESA claim. C4-C7 is consistent with whiplash, although she is mightily unlucky not to have made any progress on a recovery after 10 years.
She was to produce evidence that her late parents made the payment to the law firm
How dare the Law Society ask for evidence that a payment had been made before investigating. If only Neelu had a way of contacting the Nationwide Building Society and asking for a statement showing the transaction?

But she does end our speculation about the nature of the mortgage. Yep. Interest Only. This does seem to be a running theme with our FOTLers.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Her late parents wished to assist her with her hardships in 2009, and made a Nationwide bank transfer payment of £67,000 to a law firm, Harris Sewas & Shah to pay off the Mortgage loan, but the money disappeared and the firm ceased trading.
This seems to be the first we have heard of this. I too think it would not have been all that hard to document such a transfer.

I have a feeling that the court failures may have owed more to lack of merit in the claims than judicial corruption.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

It seems that her parents chose a firm of solicitors that was started in 2008, filed no accounts and was dissolved shortly thereafter. What an unfortunate choice when so many well established firms existed at the time.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by TheRambler »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:58 pm It seems that her parents chose a firm of solicitors that was started in 2008, filed no accounts and was dissolved shortly thereafter. What an unfortunate choice when so many well established firms existed at the time.
Interesting to note that the company’s sole director Khalida Jameel Ahmed registered another company
K. Jameel & Co Ltd in May 2016. Occupation and Nature of Business? Solicitor, there’s a surprise. At least £65k of client’s money adrift and they’re prepared to give him another go.

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The question of any client's money being mising is somewhat moot. We only have Neelu's allegation that there was any money, and if there was, why not simply pop into a Brittania office and pay the morgage there?

Given the amount of equity built up in the property, who in their right mind would not sell the house, pay the mortgage loan off and buy a cheaper house free and clear? Or make some new loan arrangement, easy enough with that amount of equity. Nobody in their right mind but this is Neelu.

Could this all be some sort of self harming process, like cutting yourself with a razor blade but for gtownups?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by TheRambler »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:37 pm The question of any client's money being mising is somewhat moot. We only have Neelu's allegation that there was any money, and if there was, why not simply pop into a Brittania office and pay the morgage there?
The problem with all fantasists is that their ravings usually contain a grain of truth. It’s sorting that from the embroidery surrounding it that’s the difficult bit.

As you noted previously, this seems to be the first mention of the missing money and the “bent brief”. My inclination is to believe that the solicitor had some probably innocent involvement but that the remainder is largely in Neelu’s imagination.

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Wozzle »

Did the parents not trust Neelu with the money? - or way not pay it direct to the bank. My friend paid his parents mortgage off without their knowledge and the bank couldn't have been more helpful.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

I'm beginning to regret looking up more Neelu details. She has been in breach of her 2004 restraining order multiple times and really should have been locked up before now. Could have saved the Hoaxtead victims a lot of grief.

However, in a crowded field, this is one of her more batshit crazy ideas that I stumbled across:
British INVENTED Muslims, Jews & Christians in millions in India on 14 August 1947
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

If anyone wants the stream of nonsenseness without the amazingly shaky camerawork
here it is more or less.
controls and the media are not tackling
these issues now the judges are running
a business's courts are businesses and
this country was bankrupted in 1930 as
well all countries were bankrupted by
the League of Nations the United Nations
they wrote out the Uniform Commercial
Code which is that if I have this on it
I can shut down the country I can shut
down a corporation of the human those
are my define tracks I can exercise my
rights in a court of law
because a single judge sitting without a
jury has no jurisdiction without of jury
whether he does what a jury would do is
I want a jury if I feel injustice is
coming towards me and injustice has come
towards me on many occasions for 14
years I fought a battle for justice in
this country and India is part of that
is a victim of the same injustice
because on the 14th of August 1947 there
was forced conversions of Hindus and
Sikhs to Muslims by the British
government attained before they left
India nobody is talking about that why
doesn't anybody say the Jews come from
India Christians and Jews were converted
from Hindus by the British in India on
the 14th of August 1947 why is the press
not talking about this everybody here
we're more related we're all brothers
and sisters we have the same DNA I'm
sick and tired of the arguments about
between Jews and Muslims and Hindus and
Sikhs are all the same
I'm Indian the victim is a biggest
victim of this nonsense and it's been
led by the media there is no law there
is no ethics because these corporations
are interested in money and the only way
you could shock that that is the
universe the Uniform Commercial Code 1
308 without prejudice 35.3 notice of
dishonor I have been dishonored many
times and now I go to court and I issue
a cease and desist on the judge you do
not have jurisdiction to keep on your
I want a jury of 12 you do not provide
me a jury of 12 I will wish you with a
notice of dishonor and it commercially
and that is the whole maritime law that
if anyone is on as a human there will be
shut down the whole corporation the
whole country can be shut down by a
single human and then is what I'm
intending to do that is what I don't
I've issued a commercial lien on this country
and all the Commonwealth countries that
this country's been controlling with
these lies and frauds about legislative
law which has no power over divinities
we have our old divinities we have
defined us God is our servant when we
serve God to run below anyone tries to
obstruct that relationship is Satanist
So now you know. That secret government religious conversion machine must be a doozy.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by notorial dissent »

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

I've done my Ancestry DNA sampling. I'm pleased to announce that thanks to Neelu's painstaking research I can now reveal that I am 25% Jewish. Oy Vey!

To be fair, it does explain my love of smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels. :lol:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:36 pm
Her late parents wished to assist her with her hardships in 2009, and made a Nationwide bank transfer payment of £67,000 to a law firm, Harris Sewas & Shah to pay off the Mortgage loan, but the money disappeared and the firm ceased trading.
This seems to be the first we have heard of this. I too think it would not have been all that hard to document such a transfer.

I have a feeling that the court failures may have owed more to lack of merit in the claims than judicial corruption.
Why? As others have asked. Why not just put it into the mortgage account and tidy up the details later? This also stops any further interest being accumulated and no one will get thrown out onto the streets if there is £50 outstanding on the mortgage. Also where are the money laundering checks (that's checks not cheques)? Money Laundering Regulations 2007 would be in force. In 2009 you couldn't just walk into a solicitors and say just look after this £67k please, they were supposed to ask questions.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I do not recall hearing much about this, either
Neelu's family are owed several million by NIG, National Insurance Guarantee for damages, losses and serious injuries from a car accident in 2008 in which liability is admitted but remedy denied due to Judicial frauds in the Royal Courts of Justice.
Discounting the talk of millions, I wonder if this happened, and if she got something but considered it trivial and thought millions were still due to her? She shows no signs of a current neck problem, and to be fair, she is always sticking her neck out.