Big foot in Canadian Court

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Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Big foot in Canadian Court

Post by SteveUK »

Tod Standing is a true believer in the big foot story. So much so, that he scuttled off to the BC supreme Court to force the government to recognise it.

Needless to say it was tossed out. He's vowed to take his freak show to other courts in Canada and the US where big foot has been spotted.

Good luck!!! 1!!!

The judgement ... SC1499.htm

Oh, and he got costs awarded against him.well played.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Big foot in Canadian Court

Post by Tevildo »

SteveUK wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:45 am Tod Standing is a true believer in the big foot story. So much so, that he scuttled off to the BC supreme Court to force the government to recognise it.

Needless to say it was tossed out. He's vowed to take his freak show to other courts in Canada and the US where big foot has been spotted.

Good luck!!! 1!!!

The judgement ... SC1499.htm

Oh, and he got costs awarded against him.well played.
Kevin Underhill's article on the case may also prove instructive:

Unsurprisingly, Mr Standing does have a financial as well as an intellectual motive for demonstrating the creature's existence...