Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Repudiate your (American) citizenship?" Oh, puh-leeze.... :haha: :haha: :haha:

Actually, that might not be a bad thing. To accomplish the [sic] repudiation, they have to be in another country, appear before a US official, and sign an oath of renunciation: ... broad.html

This way, there are no longer OUR headaches.
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Post by morrand »

The last line of, e-pamphlet, I guess...did make me chuckle:
If you are inside the United states [sic] and have further questions about renunciation, please contact the Department of Homeland Security.
The Screwball Division of DHS, I'm sure.

The official guidance (7 FAM 1260) also contains this brief additional point for those who decide to take the plunge:
The Department of State has implemented a fee of $2350 for administrative processing of a request for a Certificate of Loss of Nationality. This fee is payable in either U.S. dollars or [local currency] or by major credit card on the day of your appointment to take the oath of renunciation. The $2350 fee is NOT refundable if the Certificate of Loss of Nationality is not approved by the Department.
Youch. Ignorance, as always, is expensive.
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

I think the separation fee would be a major stumbling block since most of them are effectively dead beats, then the whole being current on their taxes won't go over well either, that and acknowledging they have to pay them, but the biggest issue I can see though is finding some place dumb enough to take the worthless wastes of protoplasm.
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Post by noblepa »

morrand wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:37 pm The last line of, e-pamphlet, I guess...did make me chuckle:
If you are inside the United states [sic] and have further questions about renunciation, please contact the Department of Homeland Security.
The Screwball Division of DHS, I'm sure.

The official guidance (7 FAM 1260) also contains this brief additional point for those who decide to take the plunge:
The Department of State has implemented a fee of $2350 for administrative processing of a request for a Certificate of Loss of Nationality. This fee is payable in either U.S. dollars or [local currency] or by major credit card on the day of your appointment to take the oath of renunciation. The $2350 fee is NOT refundable if the Certificate of Loss of Nationality is not approved by the Department.
Youch. Ignorance, as always, is expensive.
I don't think you can renounce your citizenship if you have any outstanding balance due with the IRS. IOW, renouncing citizenship does NOT get you out of paying taxes.

I don't know if the US requires it, but it would probably be a good idea to have acquired citizenship on some other country, before renouncing your US citizenship. Otherwise, you could find yourself stateless.
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Post by wserra »

Gregg wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:00 am
Ready September 3, 2018 at 10:59 PM
See Jimstone web site
There is enough coincidence to make it appear McCain may have been executed for treason
Because whenever an 81 year old man dies a year after being diagnosed with incurable cancer, its obviously suspicious.
Not to mention that drawing conclusions from coincidence betrays a truly fundamental ignorance.
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Post by Pottapaug1938 »

noblepa wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:44 am
morrand wrote: Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:37 pm The last line of, e-pamphlet, I guess...did make me chuckle:
If you are inside the United states [sic] and have further questions about renunciation, please contact the Department of Homeland Security.
The Screwball Division of DHS, I'm sure.

The official guidance (7 FAM 1260) also contains this brief additional point for those who decide to take the plunge:
The Department of State has implemented a fee of $2350 for administrative processing of a request for a Certificate of Loss of Nationality. This fee is payable in either U.S. dollars or [local currency] or by major credit card on the day of your appointment to take the oath of renunciation. The $2350 fee is NOT refundable if the Certificate of Loss of Nationality is not approved by the Department.
Youch. Ignorance, as always, is expensive.
I don't think you can renounce your citizenship if you have any outstanding balance due with the IRS. IOW, renouncing citizenship does NOT get you out of paying taxes.

I don't know if the US requires it, but it would probably be a good idea to have acquired citizenship on some other country, before renouncing your US citizenship. Otherwise, you could find yourself stateless.
Right. This document, from the State Department, clears things up: ... dence.html

The revocation cannot be undone, except by a petition for naturalization as a US citizen. Thus, a NESARAite or tax protestor cannot renounce citizenship, wait out the statute of limitations, and then revoke their revocation. The revocation also does not bar the deportation, to the United States, of any such person. Also, any person who has revoked their US citizenship must apply for a visa, if they wish to travel to the US; and if the visa is denied, they may be permanently barred from entering the US.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Reader's Response To Recent Discussions Regarding The Military, Qanon, and the RV

From Anonymous

Sun Tzu, I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability,

1)The Military LOVES Q period , Most think that it is Either the president or someone highup in the whitehouse , And They Pray that all that is being said is being Done!

2)The Deep State is dying a very slow spiraling death we see it everyday alittle more , we just wish is was faster, But ! I understand that this is a plan And plans are always slow to implement at times and there are always variables that you cannot see,

3)And Yes We the Military , where sent all over to fight for The Cable In the name Of Freedom , And We Have Destabilized the Mid East in the name of Freedom ! We the Military no better and our young sons and daughters have paid the ultimate price for a lie !, Well No More Since President Trump Came to office, He Is Mopping up the mess that was left by o idiot and the bush cable drug ring, Just think if Hildahag had won were would we be now? Pure Civil War With the UN in here helping her. The UN is a Arm of the cable military, most are commanded by former US officers that turned their backs on the Constitution and the American people , All For Greed And Personal glory,

4) The Shadow war, Is the President Killing off the cable and the deep state in my opinion with my contacts , they are saying that most are leaving in droves to other country's but thats ok cause President Trump will Get them sooner or later , And they will be brought to justice and hang for their crimes , Why do you think Brennan is crying about his clearance? cause he cannot have access to info he needs to carry out the cables plan and any that give him info are to taken out and hung or shot immediately that is the standing order!

Now this brings us to the RV well it's Not going to RV It Will RI ! Reinstatement Will pay off all debt the US owes and then Some , think Back When Kuwait was invaded by insane hussein and the banks all froze Kuwaits accounts and money, So then when they reinstated their currency clinton took the money and paid some on national dept the rest went into his pocket as well as other demorats and republicans alike , Iraq will do the same but we now have a President that needs the cash to rid the US of the Corruption and pay off all the debt till he can take over and close the fed reserve and go back to the gold standard , Remember this is all in the plan and I know but can't say what i really want to till after this all goes down , Sun Tzu Please beleave me when i say this is GOD's plan as it was Given to All those in power under HIM , we as the regular joe was Not Supposed to have one thin dime of it Till We Good the Military Exposed it ,

Well Sir i Hope i have answerd your question sorry for the typing my hands are old and do not work like they used too ! LOL

God Bless Sir


Posted by Sun Tzu at 10:15:00 PM
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Post by Deep Knight »

NESARA News has become QAnon 24/7 recently, with daily "Recent Q Posts" posts by Sun Tzu (I knew the real Sun "Sonny" Tzu, and you sir, are no Sun Tzu!). However, here is one statement from last week they somehow neglected.
"So if the failing New York Times has an anonymous editorial, can you believe it," Trump added. "Anonymous, meaning gutless. A gutless editorial."
Now Comes The Pain
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Post by Arthur Rubin »

The only Q we need worry about is
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Post by TheRambler »

Bellingcat the open source investigation website has just published a study of the development of GESARA/NESARA amongst European conspiracy theorists. It makes interesting reading ... onspiracy/
