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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:More from Ed to Joe Haas.
Can no one get a good lawyer to me?
Definition of "good lawyer" in this context: can be the dumbest MF ever to graduate from an unaccredited law school, but must (1) agree with me, and (2) tell me I'm a martyr. And must do it the way Irishmen vote: early and often.
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Post by LPC »

. wrote:Will the reality that he is "home" and is never going anywhere other than elsewhere in the BOP system ever penetrate his thick skull?

As I said before, I now believe that Ed is going to die in prison without ever ever understanding why he is there.
Dan Evans
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Post by LPC »

Ed Brown wrote:Image
When I look at that doodle and think about Ed Brown (a) planting explosive devices to kill people and (b) embracing Randy Weaver, I get really creeped out.

Will he have access to psychiatric care in prison? Art therapy might be helpful.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

I'm sorry, but the person who drew that picture and wrote those letters has either had a complete or near complete break with reality, and is in serious need of really good psychiatric help and a very sercure and padded environment, probalby on a permanent basis. At this point I am fairly sure that Ed is living in an unregistered reality, and is also a danger to himself and anyone he comes in contact with.

I feel kind of sorry for Elaine, I don't think any of this would have happened to her if she had not married and listened to Ed, but she did, and she still is, and it is going to end very badly for her.
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

webhick wrote:
Wed., Nov. 28, 2007 AD
(Incredibly witty, funny and profound retorts edited for brevity)
I think I just found the future ex Mrs. Avalanche. 8)
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Post by webhick »

Doktor Avalanche wrote:I think I just found the future ex Mrs. Avalanche. 8)
Only if it involves three shaved hamsters, two pudding sandwiches, and large alimony payments.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Doktor Avalanche wrote: I think I just found the future ex Mrs. Avalanche. 8)
You may have to duel Captain Kickback for the honor.
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Post by Imalawman »

webhick wrote:Yes, the justice system is pulling a gerbiwhale out of your urinal, sawing rabid monkeys in half, and putting swizzle sticks up your nose.

At first they were wondering why you seemed so happy about it, but then you turned around and they realized you were mooning them. Honest mistake, really. Have you ever thought about waxing?

I had an injured party once. There was spiked punch, and strip Jenga, and a Tom Cruise blowup doll that would say one of three phrases every time you shoot it with a blowdart: "I can be a quite excitable person.", "You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do.", and "[Women] smell good. They look pretty. I love women. I do."

It's like whacking monkeys in a barrel with wooden baseball bats.

You'll be pleased to know that he now lives with a little girl who owns a shape-shifting lizard. And the lizard is EEEEVIIIIILLLL.

Could have been worse. At least you weren't subjected to the Jello-gun. One would think that the wiggle isn't a formidable weapon, but I can promise you that when you get smacked at 60 MPH by a mass of gelatin, you reconsider the choices you made in life to bring law enforcement to the point that they had to shoot you with snack food. The regret is the pain that keeps on giving.
Do you find yourself writing a serious rebuttal and then your vision gets blurry, there's a sharp pain in your right temple, your fingers spasm and then, you look at the screen and there's the sentence, "It's like whacking monkeys in a barrel with wooden baseball bats"? Because I can't imagine how else you come up with some your lines. Either way, keep it coming.
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Post by webhick »

Imalawman wrote:Do you find yourself writing a serious rebuttal and then your vision gets blurry, there's a sharp pain in your right temple, your fingers spasm and then, you look at the screen and there's the sentence, "It's like whacking monkeys in a barrel with wooden baseball bats"? Because I can't imagine how else you come up with some your lines. Either way, keep it coming.
Well, what else do you find in a barrel that you expect me to whack? Gymnasts? That's absurd since the Illuminati no longer smuggles them into the states using barrels because they often run out of helium. And trust me, you don't want to open a barrel full of gymnasts once they've gone ripe. But, we've found that models transport very well by barrel. You can put more models in a barrel than gymnasts, they don't require helium, they don't eat, and they naturally huddle together for warmth so they don't complain about the cramped conditions. Very cost effective.

But whatever, everyone knows that you can't whack gymnasts with a wooden baseball bats... You have to use twizzlers or they will be unable to perform. Models on the other hand can't be whacked with anything. You have to break out the pork rind gun for them.

I can't believe I used the same animal twice in the same post. Gotta keep better track of myself.
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Post by webhick »

CaptainKickback wrote:It's a win-win for everyone......well maybe not so much for Webhick.........
Just so long as you're aware that I'm going to leave you for Ranger. You know, once I find his equivalent in reality and brainwash him into settling for less.

I may require help with that. Any chemists want to volunteer?
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Post by Demosthenes »

An update from Reno
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

rumors to rest

I have been wanting to blog the last few days , but have been disheartened , I am just a little down because of information being shifted around.

Like there is a claim that I had stolen a 308 rifle and like a 1,000 rounds of ammo from "Ed" himself. Where did that get hatched at? Better question is why are people who "know" me repeating such a lie?

Lets see, I drive up to New Hampshire, from Texas, to do my best to save "Lives" on ALL sides. I am a welcomed and cared for guest in their beautiful home.

It is also said that I had sex with Lisa M. in their home, which is also claimed to be the reason I was asked to leave.

I have already stated why I was asked to leave by Ed himself in an earlier blog. And I will swear that is the reason he gave me in front of the others.

You want to know what else I will swear to? I never had intercourse, not once, in the entire state of New Hampshire. Let alone in Elaine's and Ed's God loving, God Fearing, God Worshipping Home. I will swear to that.

Now, did I ever get a hug? Yes, Once ever from a woman out of the blue, out in town, who cried tears for my courage. More that a few at the house. For all kinds of reasons: hello, goodbye, Thank You, Welcome back, good luck, "you look like you need one ( I did! Thanks!)"

Did I ever hold a hand? Yes; there are a lot of steps in that big ass house, I will you!

Did I ever allow anyone to hold my hand? Only one, and not right away. And it was the one and the same I shared a kiss with .

Si what is this deal about having sex with an unknown woman in E+E's home? As "if" I could secret away an unknown female in E+E's home to have sex. Into a home where even "known supporters" were watched.. Give me a fucking break!

But to then say, I stole a rifle and 1,000 rounds from a man whom stood by with his own loaded 45 pistol, saying our good byes. On his property, his own property that the US Marshals feared to tread on themselves. With 100's of acres of land and water!?

Who ever "bought" that story is a sucker.

You all know my charges by now right? Think I care about being charged with stolen property? "Go kick rocks!" Get your story straight FEDs. My lawyer tore your US Marshals lies apart on the stand!

I brought up a 22. Cal pistol that is sightless (my own mood) because it was/is a strictly SELF DEFENSE Weapon. Which I had a license for ( it ran out/expired last month).

Also a 9mm carbine. The Beretta Storm. Go to Beretta's website. The last time I checked it was the only "Home Defense" weapon listed! The Feds want to call it an "assault rifle", "Go kick rocks!"

Now my 50. Cal BFG. Did I buy it up there? Yeah, and SO? I went to my local gun shop before I left to order one. But would not be around to test fire it when it arrived. So I bought one amidst the "behind the scenes" fighting to outlaw and ban them. And I bought it "over the counter" with background check clearing cause I AM A GOOD GUY!

There is a wait list, ok. Not every American is asleep. And the Feds "hate!" not being able to fully rule over you and as long as " We the people" the REAL Government are armed, we still have a chance to take back our freedoms if they are not returned to us as we do here so demand today!

We all determine our own level of involvement. I have always suggested baby steps to get going. But let me say this. Once you move your foot, you should already be committed in your mind and in your heart.

Now no one can make you care, but it is still your personal responsibility to look after yourself and those you love. You and yours/Me and mine.

No food to ear? Your fault. No way to defend yourself? Your fault. No freedom to escape? No liberty to speak up? Your fault.

In prison writing this letter? MY CHOICE. That's right, choice. I had phone calls coming in all morning the day of the raid, call after call of warning. Thank you, I was not going to get the money promised to me by the UNDERCOVER AGENT that was trying to set me up in AUSTIN, Texas. (for the Guest House in Iraq)

That's where the "terror" charges comes in. FBI? Maybe. Set up for sure. Wanting me to say I would "hit"/kill US soldiers and bases.

Like I told you and the "war aids" I spoke with before, " We need those Warriors back home! In order to hold the Administration fucking accountable!" My brothers and sisters in combat arms " Know" and are spreading the truth!

I have my sights on another army now. Remember, I am here by choice. "I BOW TO NO MAN."


U. F. F.

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Post by Demosthenes »

I guess no one has told Reno that the person accusing him of stealing from Ed and sleeping with a married woman in Ed's house was Ed himself...

Now be a good cult follower, Reno, and serve 30 years to life in prison protecting a man who calls you a thief and adulterer.

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Reno's Attorney must be going nuts over all of these blog posts and letters showing up on the internet. Nothing like feeding the .gov more information about your defense (and if it is not your defense, then setting your defense up for impeachment by your prior inconsistent statements).

I bet that if Ed were given the chance to roll on all of his supporters in exchange for a reduced sentence on the standoff and weapons charges, he would do so in a second. I doubt Ed will get the chance though (or at least an offer that will get him out of jail before he needs a nursing home).

It is time to put down the Kool-Aide and have some coffee.
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Post by Imalawman »

CaptainKickback wrote: Truth is, unless you are a Nelson Madela, or Alexander Sozinytschian, or a Vacel Havel, you will very quickly be forgotten and no one other than your family will give a damn about about your "unjust imprisonment." Ed Brown and company are no Nelson Mandela, or Vacel Havel or Alexander S., they are just to dumb and pig-headed to realize it.

This really is a tough crowd here at Quatloos...but I can't resist. Its Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. I've read much of his works including all three volumes of The Gulag Archipelago. I've often thought One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich would make a great movie. (apparently there was a Swedish film made, but I've never seen it over here) To appreciate the soviet system one must read some of his works. Of course a TP wouldn't dare do it because it would make him seem petty and meaninglessly truculent.
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Post by Demosthenes »

The name that jumped out at me was Václav Havel, not Vacel.
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Post by Imalawman »

As I said, tough crowd....
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Post by Quixote »

Truth is, unless you are a Nelson Madela, or Alexander Sozinytschian, or a Vacel Havel, you will very quickly be forgotten and no one other than your family will give a damn about about your "unjust imprisonment."
Or a Henry Davis Thorough.
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Post by grixit »

Imalawman wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote: Truth is, unless you are a Nelson Madela, or Alexander Sozinytschian, or a Vacel Havel, you will very quickly be forgotten and no one other than your family will give a damn about about your "unjust imprisonment." Ed Brown and company are no Nelson Mandela, or Vacel Havel or Alexander S., they are just to dumb and pig-headed to realize it.

This really is a tough crowd here at Quatloos...but I can't resist. Its Alexandr Solzhenitsyn. I've read much of his works including all three volumes of The Gulag Archipelago. I've often thought One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich would make a great movie. (apparently there was a Swedish film made, but I've never seen it over here) To appreciate the soviet system one must read some of his works. Of course a TP wouldn't dare do it because it would make him seem petty and meaninglessly truculent.
Back when i was in college there was one night when i didn't feel up to facing my refrigerator, which had only some limp tired veggies in it. So i turned on the tv and there was a solzhneitsyn movie. Set in Siberia. A half hour into the story, i was ready to eat the veggies.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Quixote wrote:
Truth is, unless you are a Nelson Madela, or Alexander Sozinytschian, or a Vacel Havel, you will very quickly be forgotten and no one other than your family will give a damn about about your "unjust imprisonment."
Or a Henry Davis Thorough.
And just how thorough was he?

For my money, you can't beat Alfred Lord Tennisball.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
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Post by grixit »

Don't forget Jean Paul Satyr, and his famous essay on how it is not important whether you shave your legs or not, what's important is choosing to shave your legs or not.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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