Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by hucknallred »

SteveUK wrote:He's also doing a speech tommorow somewhere, ironically called "Doom Watch".
Actually in January, & dependent on ticket sales I'd say.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by Burnaby49 »

hucknallred wrote:
SteveUK wrote:He's also doing a speech tommorow somewhere, ironically called "Doom Watch".
Actually in January, & dependent on ticket sales I'd say.
"dependent on ticket sales" in this context generally means forget it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by SteveUK »

hucknallred wrote:
SteveUK wrote:He's also doing a speech tommorow somewhere, ironically called "Doom Watch".
Actually in January, & dependent on ticket sales I'd say.
ticket sales eh? what happened to spreading the troof for free!
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by hucknallred »

Burnaby49 wrote:
"dependent on ticket sales" in this context generally means forget it.
If memory serves, the last meeting was free entry with voluntary donations, but was still cancelled.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by YiamCross »

exiledscouser wrote:
Is there a Mrs Ceylon I wonder? If so she deserves a medal and my sympathy.
There is. She's no better than him so save your sympathy.

I enjoyed listening to the judge tell him she failed to see how he could think he might have a good name to lose when he advises people not to pay their bills. Almost as much as when the same judge said she had found Tom Crawford to have lied to the court.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by hucknallred »

Looks like his double act is back, but his mate doesn't seem to have the luxury motor that used to feature, it's now a SEAT of some description.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by Normal Wisdom »

hucknallred wrote:Looks like his double act is back, but his mate doesn't seem to have the luxury motor that used to feature, it's now a SEAT of some description.
It does all seem a bit low rent compared to the days of the Merc, fixed camera and lectures on metaphysics. Still good to see one thing hasn't changed. They still talk bollocks.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by MaritalArtist »

I bet the Merc ended up like Dave Murphy's did :lol:
That's right, The Mascara Snake, fast and bulbous! Also, a tin teardrop!
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by hucknallred »

Ceylon sitting in his outdoor shithouse. Now improved with a backdrop & 60w bulb, has fallen for a story on a fake news satire site, The Babylon Bee.

Can anyone rip this before he sees his error & pulls it?
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by MaritalArtist »

Just when you think he can't sink any lower -

Have they murdered Alfie?
That's right, The Mascara Snake, fast and bulbous! Also, a tin teardrop!
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by SteveUK »

hucknallred wrote: Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:29 pm Ceylon sitting in his outdoor shithouse. Now improved with a backdrop & 60w bulb, has fallen for a story on a fake news satire site, The Babylon Bee.

Can anyone rip this before he sees his error & pulls it?

Someone, taking the piss obviously, pointed this out to him this morning. However, the comment deleting fairies seem to have been at work.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by SteveUK »

Colon on the Caroline Stephens freak show.
Mark Ceylon interview with Caroline Stephens PART 1 of 2

Debt agencies are a trap to start new agreements in a new loan

Previously there was a 72 hour window to refuse any contract such as Parking Tickets by returning the envelope but now there is a conspiracy between all Councils to perpetrate Mass Terrorism against anyone and everyone.

On the Bradford & Bingley State Terrorism of Tom Crawford's family and friends who risked their lives to re-enter the home through the roof of the house - after thugs dressed as Bailiffs and Police stole the home and criminally prosecuted a group of whistleblowers - whilst Tom & Sue Crawford were still registered as owners on the Land Registry - on CPS & Court Frauds

On Fraud Banking Loans, bank extortions, theft of homes by thugs hired by banks - all caught committing perjury

No Lawful or Legal Warrants EXIST, no Warrants have embossed seals with signature in WET INK, there is NEVER a COURT FEE PAID, hence no Legal or Lawful process has been followed.

CPS "We have never seen a warrant"

and welcome to another edition of stepping stones live on Facebook tonight we have mark Ceylon and he's going to be discussing the good the bad and the ugly money part one with Caroline Stephens stand by

welcome to a stepping stones to awareness show I'm Caroline Stevens and today I've got mark salon live via Skype from Nottingham now mark and I met each other at the beginning of last month we went to a constitutional events in New York and we both had a shared interest of supporting people not getting into debt so mark welcome to Wiltshire and it's good to see you again

yeah good to see you too again

so mark you and I both had a shared passion of finance yes the good the bad and the ugly the banks are the ugly part I guess and so can you give everybody a little bit of a background information as to how you got into your debt-free website

well I was running my own company it was a transport company and then in 2006 the government changed the legislation or rules as I like to call them because they're not laws but they it meant that the company had to do certain things which would end up costing thousands of pounds and it just made the company no point ruining it because it wasn't going to make any profit so by 2008 the company had gone by February and we managed to sell our house in the summer otherwise that would have gone at the

previous of that I'd been exposing what's been going off in the rest of the planet and it was only from 2008 onwards I really dug deep into the financial system and the more I dog the more I couldn't believe was going on because the whole game is a scam

so you're talking about bank lending for example yes so yes yes

so did you did you actually physically go into debt with the company

as the business was failing we took loans out to try and keep it going and of course it just didn't work it was never going to work but at the time you you do anything you can to try and keep afloat and and once it was gone and we got rid of the house so that and that was literally we'd been to for repossession and normally give you four weeks well they actually gave is eight weeks because we told them was in the middle of selling it which was sort of at the time I thought was quite good but when you realize a bigger picture I was just a compliance slave at the time

so did you happen to see a show I did a few weeks ago about shadow banking

no I missed that one right have you have you come across shadow banking at all in your

I would say yeah I would probably call it something different okay

so after you sold your house what did you uncover were you dealing with the banks the building societies the government

all of them all of them but I realized that that by that point that because I've taken all these loans out just to try and keep a business that was going to fail because of the government after we got rid of the house and we had a little quid left I decided we'd actually enjoy that and that wouldn't be paying any of the debts not because I didn't want to simply because I felt I was owed something back for being lied to as I delved deeper into the financial side of things it became blatantly obvious that there is only one single form of wealth and that is as the people we are the only form of wealth on the planet if we all stop doing everything today for a month yeah nothing nothing would happen absolutely nothing we wouldn't have TV won't have electric we wouldn't have gas would we wound up war everything would stop if we stopped so we're not just the only commodity whether what the wheel we it should actually be the controller's of said commodity because it says sounds like a legal fiction situation

so which way would you like us to go on this would you like us to go into the legal fiction side or would you like us to go into all these organizations trying to help people get out of debt free

well there comes the first problem if with the financial side of things they claim that they're going to help you get out of debt but they never do what they'll do they'll get you to fill out an agreement to say that you can only pay one pound a month or whatever but what that is is it's a snidy way of actually tying you deeper into debt because by going into one of these type of agreements you're actually acknowledging that you owe something and the way the way I'll explain this to you is for a mortgage for instance and that that will actually lead something else as well okay but it also deals with if you take a loan from a bank so you go to a bank and you say I want to buy this house hundred thousand pound and they whoever's dealing with you guys yeah no problem just fill out this agreement and this agreement is going to be how you access the money that's going to buy your property so you fill out this agreement now notice there straight away it's an agreement right in its agreement because if it was contract there would be different rules and they'd have to tell you certain things that they will never ever want to tell you so you fill out this agreement and it's got your name on it it's also got the amount that you're going to borrow hundred thousand pounds in words and in numbers yeah and then and just doing this really quickly cuz I'm aware of the shorts at short time we've got here then you sign that agreement now there's another document that has all them points on them do you know what that is the conditions if you look at a bank note a ten pound a twenty pound or five pounds of fifty pounds you've got one underneath the Bank of England it says I promise to pay the bearer on and the psalm off as I said it's got all those details that the agreement has on it right down to the point when you put your signature on it and I sort out that what we're actually doing when we go for a loan or for a mortgage we're actually creating a promissory note like the 10 pound 20 payment they are actually promising us because they're promising to pay but we accept it as payment we actually live off promissory yeah I promise to pay the pub for the beer I drink they promise to pay the brewery with the same promise who knows that bro then promised to pay their supplies with a promise and it's just a perpetual motion of promissory notes so nothing ever actually gets paid but here's where it comes interest interesting if you are going for a mortgage so we'll check it that I've created the promissory note for a hundred thousand pounds well that's my money because I've created it or it should be but what the bank then does they get you to the strings you know if they get you diplomat a contract well why didn't we use a contract for the money I'm supposed to blame because they would have had to have told you that when you create that amount you are creating the money that we're going to pretend to lend you so the user contract and what they do with the contract is they say that I want to sign is to say that you will pay his back the hundred thousand pounds you borrowed plus interest and if you can't manage it we will repossess your house and do you understand that and you go yeah okay I get that sort of thing but what you don't what they don't tell you they're in that part even because it's still a stamp yeah it's they they don't tell you that when you sign that contract you're signing over your property which is free of all incumbrances which means it's got no debts on it and it hasn't got any debt you know why because you created the promissory note that the bank then fraudulently pretends to lend you back the money that you created then they want you to pay it back plus interest when you created in the first place but what happens then is when you can't pay or you don't pay they come round and they call it repossessing your home except they never possessed it in the first place they scammed you into believing that you were actually buying a property and at the end of twenty four years twenty five years whatever you take out you're gonna own that property the only problem is you don't you can't own property

you can't own property so what about the Land Registry

all right so do you own a car yep oh yes

have you registered it yes so how can the council come along and take your car if it's parked somewhere they say they don't like it being part take it away and crush it or ransom it back to you if you owned it because if you owned it that would be theft but because you've registered it with the DVLA you've you only hold the title the DVLA owned the ownership of the of the actual car that's why this can happen okay but mark have you got your car registered with the DVLA no not as such oh that's not a very honest well you see there are ways you can deal with this subject on one of the ways is to put your property into a trust now if your car is in a trust at a separate address to your home yeah trust address your car is registered with the DVLA at some other address so this other this serviced office is where where where you can use so there are this is someone there's all the time that will take your mail and they'll send you an email saying oh you've got this mail from such-and-such and you'll say old bin it or send it on to me now if you go through that process and you get a parking ticket or other things but I'm not gonna mention the other things because I don't want to give anyone ideas but say you get a parking ticket and you don't pay it and the count or with parking tickets by the way yeah I did this on edge media about five or six years ago where I exposed parking tickets and because a parking ticket what do you know what a parking ticket is

is that a promise to pay promise Jonah

no it's an offer of a contract you're gonna stay here well we're offering you this contract that says you can only stay here for X amount of hours yeah by staying here you agree to that contract however under contract law that's not a fair contract have I not to sign that contract well that's one of the things it needs to be signed by two parties you and the council yes never sign it under contract law you have 72 hours 3 days to reject any contract so what I did and if you if you ever find the episode of edge media it's still floating about on YouTube or whatever you'll see where I get this big stack of parking tickets out wave whacking them up and down because what I realized was if they're offering me a contract and under contract law I can refuse that contract I'll just send it back in the post then with refused for cause which means I don't want the offer of your contract and I posted it back to them are you still parked there you still parked there and yeah every every ticket I got I did exactly the same things with unfortunately because it then went out on sky and the other channels that were worth it worth showing it and almost everyone in the consulate story thought wow I'll do that so if he went in there got like I did when I first realized what was going on I deliberately went out to get a parking ticket to see if it works anything that you did so what the council's did and this is where it gets into the corruption a little bit of the ugly even though it's a bit early for the ugly what the councillors did they all got together because they realized what I was saying was absolutely 100% correct they are offering you a contract so therefore you have every right to ignore that contract or reject that contract so they say and they talked and they realize that well under contract law is bang-on if they refuse that offer of a contract there's nothing we can do about so what we're gonna do and they all got together and he says I know what we'll do well not commit a criminal act we will just ignore contract law totally and that's what they do nowadays they just totally ignore contract law oh wow right all councils that issue tickets are now breaking the law because they're refusing even though they know they're offering you a contract they're refusing to back up the fact that it is a contract and you've got every right to reject it

so we've got corruption on a wide scale now absolutely across the board

so that's what these shows are doing what we're trying to do is where we're trying to educate the public into knowing how corruption is so widespread well I'll tell you how because that did get me into some rather hot water and arrested and a crown court case with six of the defendants looking at well I don't know what I was looking at what time because what they've done is that a criminal act according to them it was according to them but they made it a criminal what happened as I explained because the they-they scam you with the house mortgage problem

now there was a bloke called tom crawford who is a member of god f and he put a posting out with the video saying he paid his mortgage for 25 years which he's got proof of the bank lost his endowment policy his original mortgage was forty thousand or there abouts 40-something thousand he paid over a hundred and twenty thousand pounds back and the bank said well we don't remember losing the endowment policy so you still owe is forty eight thousand pounds and they decided they were going to review and this is where we really started digging into things and tom in particular realized with help from many of our friends of one being of course the late guy taylor we realized that we put a request in to see the forms that they had to fill out to go for a warrant a warrant of entry to evict you what to evict you basically and it turned out that every eviction that we've ever put requesting to about the the the bank has never paid the fee to initiate the eviction process in the first place which means that the whole eviction is null and void now the first time Tom put that out that was I think it was about July of 2014 might be a year long out here I think it was 2014 or 15 and on that day because it went all over the internet i publicize day everywhere there was no there are various and nobody was actually counting but with there was between two and four hundred men women and children turned up at Toms address on the day of the eviction and that the eviction never happened the bailiffs never even turned up and this shows you people power because this scared the crap out of them I can guarantee that so what happened there they left it for six months until January the following year the 23rd again strangely enough and they note then notified it again because if you're going to be evicted you have to be notified that bailiffs are coming to evict you because notice do they have to give here they have to give you notice that they're going to be coming on this day at this time and the thing is bailiffs are only coming for vacant possession under their own rules and regulations and some even like to call them laws but I don't it states that if there's someone in a property that is against being evicted you cannot under their own rules for century and yet they do now on the January that came along again Tom put another video out and I publicized it everywhere what was going off again yeah and this time again the estimates are varied but some somewhere between six and eight hundred people turned up it was like and this was in January when it was actually very cold where's the other would have been a summer wait been very hot so we had no idea how many was gonna turn off but the whole he leaves and the whole clothes was rammed you could not mmm with the amount of people and out on to the main roads as well and what happened there was a a group of about six to eight thugs from North Wales that didn't know what was going on but they were supposedly babies came round down to try and forcibly evict him only of course they met 800 or so men women and children that weren't gonna let that happen so when they were confronted about it they claim to be shoe salesmen

shoe salesmen

they these big massive burly bailiffs cheeky doubt and pretended to be shoe salesmen they were that terrified so what happened then over the next few months the courts the police the council and the banks all colluded together to sort it out and what they decided was they will literally a year to the date almost of the first at non eviction they they drafted in over two hundred police from all the local police or authorities from Darby Leicester Grantham all over not to him all over they drafted in two hundred police there was around 12 black mariah's there was two helicopters it was one fire engine there was ambulance they were there were fifty again brought in from Birmingham alleged bailiffs they were just security staff that were bused in and said were to say that your Bailiffs even though they weren't and they forcibly took back the property or stole the property should we say now about 20 or so days thereabouts later me and five other of well actually I didn't already know any of them then in fact some of them I didn't know but we actually got back onto the roof of Tom's bungalow Tom and sue’s bungalow and we were up in the bungalow in the loft and the security with guard dogs in that we'd made them look like silly really silly because of what how it worked which I don't want to go into because don't give too much away what happened there but

How did you get back in

there we climbed on the roof and it was interesting but we met with climb up a fence jump onto the garden which got us onto the roof right now why were there people to not to ya go goof Tommy's ass buckle or fact when we got there in the police finally turned up they said what can we go do to make get you to come down and we said show us the warrant - which one call a cop laughs and says okay I'll get it went on the phone to the court says get that warrant down and they told him yeah be down in no time anyways it's a day passes as one hour turns - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 what our supporters are turning up all the time so we will start getting masses of men women in children's they're there supporting isn't that and the cop you finally see him realize that there's no warrant ever going to be shown anyway it gets to around about five o'clock six o'clock somewhere in that time when the police have now gathered in your force so they can push all the protesters back down the close to keep them away because they didn't want them to see what they were about to do what they then did they once had gotten up the hill and out the way so you couldn't see what was going on at the house then then TSG van turned up with cops in on the gear and big spikes and you know all coming with bags and bags of tools now we're in the laughs it's a bungalow wearing the loft and what they do is they're talking to try and get us come down we said all along show us the warrant that you've used to evict Tom sue and his daughter from this house and we will come down of course they couldn't show it

anyway around about 8 o'clock they didn't they're distracted by chatting while the TSG are underneath the floor that some of us are stood on some of his are laying on and with big steel spikes they're running them through the floor that we've stood on in an attempt I'm convinced that at this point they are trying to murder us

but they're destroying the property at the same time I mean

yeah they don't give it they've had orders they can do anything they want to get us off that roof and that literally does mean kill us if necessary but they didn't because what happened when they were smashing through we're all let's say if we had the toilet would have probably been going to it at that point but we didn't so they continue that and then three of the guys that were there because there was five guys including me and one woman three of the guys said we'll come down we'll come down because they were in fear and one of them had actually been hit on the ankle by this steel spike coming through the floor so as these three guys are going down we're going out the window up onto the roof up to the front of the house on the ridge tiles right at the front of the house on the ridge tile.

when the three third guy comes down the cops then start coming into where we'd been and the cop who'd been I'm just suspect it was him with the spike so she can come down now there's nothing to reverse its no no no a second we're going to stay here whether it's him or one of the others I don't know but they went because if this is in the in the under roof of the house they went to where we were sat right at the front with a 40-foot drop with the spike smashing the roof tiles that we're sat on


Have you got a head for heights as well mark at that point if any one of us had gone off the foot because we were right at the front of the house on their very last rich tile if any one of those gone I suspect would have been been killed


this is how serious these cops were whether they weren't cops they were just thugs in uniform so these three of us now on the roof we spend a very very cold night even though it was July was freezing me Henry and Betty 3 we've spend a freezing night on the roof not in front of preparedness I mean I owed on at least Henry just had a jumper and I think Betty had it like a jacket so we saw huddled together to keep ourselves warm throughout the night and I think we eventually sort of stopped listening to the because they sent a negotiator up to talk and he was trying to talk us down and we stop listening to him about two o'clock in the morning where we just were just huddled each other and just sat there and that was a long night that was the next day comes and he's you know that nine o'clock he pops back up again trying to talk to his go get us come down what do we want

again we said we want to see the warrant of course this was a Saturday now I think or something since a Saturday was exactly and this is that well the courts a shot but I know for a fact you can go to a court and you can force him to open up and you can force them to give you the document that you'll request on any day of the week

anyway it carried on to about four o'clock that afternoon when we've eventually decided we were going to come down we we've made our prove that point the TV TV crews had been out and filmed is and all that sorting so we came down and we were treated very nicely I will admit by the cops that were there we were even handcuffed front like that stacked as opposed to round the back and we were taken to the police station.

we spent there weekend in the cells all six of seven was because at one point Craig Crawford Thomson and and ginger had come along in about six o'clock in the morning had come through and Chuck to some food and water or because our all the stuff we had was in the inside the house so we had some food and water to keep us going of course the only problem is eventually going to be to get the toilet that was the main reason we came down then on the Monday were in court now the judge

what type of court was that

it was the it was the the mag's court but it was with a judge so you figure out what type of court it was because it is something that's interesting he sent one of that one of the crowd down straight away for two months


yes yes the rest he bailed it then got to me and and he I basically he wanted my name and obviously he wants my slave name so that he can administer my trust and he wants me date of birth and allegedly my date of birth is and of course he gets a bit thingy a bit a bit irate at this because he knows that I know what the game is by giving my date of birth though he's not my date of birth date of the incorporation of the straw man or whatever you want call them it gives them joinder now but as that goes on for about ten minutes where he says we can go back down if you want so I gets up to walk back down to the cells and I'd okay I'm gonna go back down the cells and they go come back up he calls me back again you say that's when he says I've already sent one of your lockdown if you don't start doing as you're told then you'll be going to prison as well so I gave him the name although I did say allegedly again with the booth because I can't say that that day on that birth certificate is the date I was born because I was told that by my parents so therefore it's hearsay and hearsay is inadmissible in a court of law so I quite rightly or always say allegedly that's my date of birth now at one point the judge this is what I was I was the last one up I think they saw marked me as the ringleader or something like that even though none of us were actually involved in any of

he probably thought you were Robin Hood

well that is my avatar on some of my YouTube channels and things like that and what here's something whether judge actually broke the law himself because you know you're not allowed to spread to practice law from the bench no well if you're a George you're there to judge only you're not allowed to practice law from that position right he ordered the CPS to ramp up the charges and so event eventually we was charged with something along the lines of conspiracy to commit violent disorder and conspiracy to commit criminal damage and of course when they had that conspiracy part on it ranks it up that mean we're going to Crown Court now anyway it was six months before we actually get to Crown Court and they moved it from Nottingham to Leicester because they didn't want loads of followers turning up and supporting us however Loads did turn up at Leicester anyway it was set for a three-week court case

three weeks that must have been a costly

only lasted eight days though the first day was all the other five and all pleaded not guilty me and Craig Crawford had pleaded no case to answer and that's because we knew we had’nt anything wrong we checked on that Land Registry the morning before I went talk and it still said on the language the owner of the property “Tom and Sue Crawford” so therefore we can't be doing anything wrong if we're going on to the owners property with the owner's consent and so we said no case to answer they just listened to the that for the first day and then he said well actually I think you have got a case to answer so this the trial will start tomorrow so the trial starts on the then as it was then Tuesday and we had questioned all the security staff there's about six or seven of them in total we've questioned them all and we apart from the girl who didn't say anything negative about it she just said what had gone off all the others we proven that they'd lied in their statements they committed perjury and the one that hadn't committed perjury actually changed his mind from his statement to what the rest is said to commit perjury on the day so we've caught them all out lying all that was left for the prosecution was the police evidence gatherers which is basically video footage which we'd already seen plenty of anyway and it was it was a shambles to be honest with you

so the third day into the official trial because we're still asking to see the warrant we've been given a copy in our bundles of a warrant from 2012 well a warrant from 2012 isn't valid in 2015


and so we kept saying we'd like to see the original warrant so after three days the judge finally getting a little bit pissed off with us keep asking about their warrant so in front of the jury he orders the CPS to contact Nottingham court and get a certified copy of the warrant sent over and then we broke for lunch and we come back after lunch just grab a drink of water

it's amazing the CPS took it the judge seriously the CPS seemed to be a law unto themselves

don't they well they are but when a Crown Court judge orders you to do something he's the boss of you because you're in the same gang but he's above you so he then after lunch he had to stand up in front of the jury and say he tried but there was not a judge in Nottingham that would sign to say there's a certified copy of a warrant the same warrant that was used to evict Tom sue and his daughter from their property.

this is a Crown Court judge cannot get to see an alleged warrant that's been used to evict people. so either way we continue on through another three or four days and then after another three or four days ever still continually say we'd like to see the warrant that's the evidence that proves you should show us that that proves what you're saying is correct and we're old we'll put our hands up and say we're wrong we'll plead guilty so the judge on the seventh day orders to CPS to get a copy of the original warrant from Nottingham and the cps was actually based in Nottingham so we had to go back there every night anyway and bring it to court - the next day well we're like whoa without letting that making that noise are doing things until after we got out of court so we're adjourned for the day we still don't sit on our laurels we go back and we're starting digging into digging into stuff that we know other stuff we can use if it does continue.

we come back at court the next day and in front of the jury again the CPS bearing in mind they only had one other witness that was at a cop the CPS stand up and say we offer no evidence

oh really

so even in before Crown Court George there has never been a legitimate warrant shown to any member of the public or even a Crown Court judge that warrant was legitimate therefore I'm fairly sure and I always have been that there was no warrant ever existed in the first place and if it did it was a fraudulent warrant that just used to oh look it is a copper or Greek the gold commander yeah look this one see look they're just a fake because they'll go yeah I've seen a warrant

but they got to be signed haven't they and who did who'd signs the warrant it it has to be signed it has to bar the justice of the peace a magistrate judge with their name printed where the signature is because I could go to sign a document for the repossession of your house and just put a squiggle there well who's liable then mr. squiggle there's no liability and that's why they don't sign them because they know they're committing criminal act by doing what they're doing anyway and if they sign it and put their name to it they are then putting their own personal liability on that document that's why you will never get one signed properly and it should it should have a raised seal on it as well and not a stamp although they do tend to say that's the seal it's not a raised seal is where you emboss it onto the paper and it raises it so it's a properly and if you look into any older court orders you'll find them all with raised seals and and proper embossing isn't and yeah but because they've been committing more and more criminal acts as every day passes they know they've got to cover themselves and the only way to cover themselves is to make sure they're not liable for it and I had to get them from way from being liable you just scribble that anything you like who you're gonna prove sign that

so what happened to the case it's still ongoing still being fought three years later

Does Tom's still own the house according to the Land Registry

it's been sold on about three or four times but what Tom did because obviously he's fighting this with tooth and nail as well he sent a document I'm not sure if it was a SAR or a frigging that I think it was probably a SAR to the Land Registry he's managed to get hold of a list of documents it's about eight or nine documents that are needed to support any warrant and he put that he listed them these eight or nine separate things and sent it off to the CPS saying with the warrant that you that was used against me I'd like to know how many of these you've actually got and the CPS wrote back and says we've neither never seen and have no way of ever getting hold any of them documents

but yeah he doesn't live in his own house anymore

nope so this is an example of how as conspiracy between the bank's the judiciary CPS yep the councils and the courts and

we're just cannon fodder

well Tom actually took some some evidence this was proper hardcore evidence not hearsay or anything like that down to the royal courts and he went before a as far as I'm concerned a gatekeeping corrupt George George Phillips from the Royal Courts of Justice who said I see that this this is that this is just hearsay this even though it was proper full-on evidence is just a criminal corrupt judge judge Phillips is his name from the Royal Courts is his bent as a nine Bob note

all right on that note then so what do you see the future for the court system I mean because it's all privatized now isn't

it it's gonna collapse it's got to collapse it's falling to bits how its managing to stay going it the solicitors know it's going they can see the collapse coming and explain fully obvious to anyone in this particular area they can see what's going and the thing is it's by design. they've deliberately cut all the where you could get your solicitors fees paid for by the government they deliberately cut all that unless you're somehow fit into their little box that you've got to fit into which means yeah you can still get it

so it's very tight criteria it depends on the type of act thats been committed

the solicitors have seen their incomes drop dramatically a lot are leaving because of that and maybe not just because that maybe cause they can also see what's coming down the tracks towards them and I honestly believe that it will get to the point where the public will be so pissed off with what's how they've been lied to and deceived by the government's the call kourt's the council's the police that they probably will go out and have lynch mobs for mps and lawyers.

in fact it's interesting that most revolutions though i don't want a revolution because i don't want to go around again most revolutions start with the execution of lawyers and judges because they're the ones that's brought us to this point by signing these particular rules into well they call it law but I'll just call it acts and statutes

right then so on that sobering note mark have you got a message for the viewers at home tonight

do I say all the time but you've got to do your research yes I can show you how to do these things but if you don't understand what you're doing they're gonna ask you a question that you're gonna panic and yes I'll tell you the answer but that's not the point you shouldn't have to come back to me you should do your own research so you understand fully what is going on and what you're saying when you're asking questions so when they do come back with a question you can answer it there and then and that'll knocks them out to six they don't know how to deal with that type of thing so do your own research educate yourself because one thing's for sure what getting schools and colleges is not an education it's an indoctrination into the corrupt system

well mark thanks for speaking to us you're obviously the good the bad and the ugly well they can fight it out amongst themselves between the judges and possibly the MPs because they're ultimately responsible for what happens in this country or is it the EU anyway thank you mark and I look forward to interviewing you on part two and where we're going to talk about brexit or No Brexit see see you again soon thanks mark bye
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by TheHallouminati »

So there you have it folks! The end of civilised society as we know it...
Mark Haining says: it will get to the point where the public will be so pissed off with what's how they've been lied to and deceived by the government's the call kourt's the council's the police that they probably will go out and have lynch mobs for mps and lawyers.

in fact it's interesting that most revolutions though i don't want a revolution because i don't want to go around again most revolutions start with the execution of lawyers and judges because they're the ones that's brought us to this point by signing these particular rules into well they call it law but I'll just call it acts and statutes
(BTW, were there seriously spikes coming up through the roof at the rooftop protesters? Good job! :haha: )
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by YiamCross »

SteveUK wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:56 am Colon on the Caroline Stephens freak show.
On the Bradford & Bingley State Terrorism of Tom Crawford's family ..... there is NEVER a COURT FEE PAID, hence no Legal or Lawful process has been followed.
That's a bit rich considering that the lovely Amanda and poor Craig tried to evade paying cout fees by riding on Tom's fee remission when they knew full well anyone named on a claim who was not entitled to fee remission has to pay their share of the full fee. Interestingly Colon was entitles to fee remission apparently. Worryingly the courts ignored this right up until the day of the trial when they were forced to pay or have their claim struck out. The word hypocrisy is not big enough to encompas these lying twats.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Can't even keep his shit :lol: excuses consistent during a single video.
we've eventually decided we were going to come down we we've made our prove that point the TV TV crews had been out and filmed
of course the only problem is eventually going to be to get the toilet that was the main reason we came down
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by notorial dissent »

What a load of incoherent twaddle. In other words the usual. You don't have to pay your debts 'cause reasons, it's all someone else's fault.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Is this really the highesg, most heroic moment of Colon's career as a sov-cit shit-stirrer? "In 2016 I climbed onto a bungalow roof in a futile attempt to prevent a lawful repossession". What has he been doing since the forgotten hilarity of Sweaty Sue & Covert Betty 's Bailiff Adventure? It's like he's stuck in a time warp, endlessly retelling the embroidered tale of his own heroism.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by JimUk1 »

Hercule Parrot wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:49 pm Is this really the highesg, most heroic moment of Colon's career as a sov-cit shit-stirrer? "In 2016 I climbed onto a bungalow roof in a futile attempt to prevent a lawful repossession". What has he been doing since the forgotten hilarity of Sweaty Sue & Covert Betty 's Bailiff Adventure? It's like he's stuck in a time warp, endlessly retelling the embroidered tale of his own heroism.

Well a quick scan of his Facebook and it seems he is attacking Muslims and Jews.

Easy targets for conspiracy crackpots and usually the bottom of the barrel in terms of trying to garner interest in yourself.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by notorial dissent »

Hercule Parrot wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:49 pm Is this really the highesg, most heroic moment of Colon's career as a sov-cit shit-stirrer? "In 2016 I climbed onto a bungalow roof in a futile attempt to prevent a lawful repossession". What has he been doing since the forgotten hilarity of Sweaty Sue & Covert Betty 's Bailiff Adventure? It's like he's stuck in a time warp, endlessly retelling the embroidered tale of his own heroism.
Sadly, I think you are all too right, sad and pathetic as that is. When this highlight of your otherwise wasted life is crawling up on a roof and pretending you are relevant and peddling drinking your own urine and colloidal silver, then I suspect it would qualify as a highlight, when he isn't helping people lose their homes. Truly sad and pathetic.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Mark "Ceylon" Haining, Goofy GOODFer

Post by grixit »

When someone has a single significant story, we often refer to them as "dining out" on it. In Ceylon's case, no one is even offering him a Taco Bell combo.
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