I've learned from watching you Americans responding to the same type of idiots in your threads that engaging essene is a fool's game. He doesn't care if he's right or wrong, he just enjoys generating responses. His arguments are vague ramblings like;
1) "Canada" What is it?????
apparently just about everyone in the world except poor essene has a handle on what Canada is but he's overwhelmed by all the possible alternatives.
And his comment;
Shows what he really wants. The ulltimate sovereign goal of renouncing Canada without actually leaving Canada. The dream is to renounce all those pesky obligations imposed on him by physically being here, like obeying the laws and paying taxes while still being first in line at the trough for government handouts. Like Belanger with his stated beliefs that all laws are invalid and can't be applied against him because they aren't written in the King James Bible but still insists that he's entitled to benefit from whatever laws he approves of like welfare and free medical care.2) So just how do you break all formal ties? Is the act of sending back your birth certificate enough, or do you need to do something more? I don't know how, however I certainly would like to know how to do it, and to have it recognized by all Crown Agents (the semi-conscious men running around in their costumes and imaginary titles breaking God's laws).
His comment;
just means he hasn't moved around in Freeman circles much since that, as I said in the preceding paragraph, is exactly what they want.Additionally, I have yet to personally meet anyone who wants to be free of the Crown slavery system to claim they have no obligations or responsibilites. No one other than the Judge, who has no right to make personal claims and be the judge at the same time has made these blasphemis claims.