Freeman of the Year 2018

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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by exiledscouser »

My nomination for the prestigious "Most rehashed 'remedy'" award (and an unrelated award - father of the year too) is a relative new-comer.

This man, a stalwart of PLD with a healthy record of nonsense advice to largely incredulous members finally got the opportunity to put all his sure-fire tried and trusted footle theories into practice. He brilliantly challenged plod over his right to drive about unencumbered with a need for that pesky vehicle excise licence.

This'll show 'em, oh yes.

Except, oh no, it didn't.

He socked it to the man with all the right magic words;
  • no consent
    Admiralty Law,
    I'm under common law
    I'm a living man
    that's a staute not a law
    am I being detained (yes he was - oh no I'm not - oh yes he was - its that time of year - sorry)
    it says so in Blacks 1875 edn....
but in the end, magic words, whether in the right or wrong order, the outcome was the inevitable kicking and nicking from Hampshire's finest.

He needs to watch this video, he might just learn something.

Notwithstanding all of this, my nomination 'carried on alarmingly' before his mouthy wife and their little kids, some of whom are already appear to be well on their way to becoming mini-me's of their father. This nominee had ten million volts getting his immediate attention, kissed the tarmac, saw his family 'evicted' from the car, was hauled off to the nick, had his car impounded, got charged with a variety of offences and successfully turned a minor (read VERY minor) road traffic incident into a wallet-lightening bust-up and will be out there in you-toob land for the rest of his life to remind him (and his family) of his Crawford-class fuckwittery.

Yes, again typically all of this was posted on the idiot's lantern for all to see by none other than the nominee himself and his equally idiotic wife who's lack of empathy for her distressed children and complete absence of mothering skills probably demonstrates what a perfect partner she must be for this nominee.

You'd think, having taken one for the PLD team, his defiance to authority would know no bounds, his methods would have carried the day, the police would be running scared in every future encounter. But again, in typical Footle style, when it all comes on top with authority, he rolled over and had his belly tickled, there's a good lad.

Impound recovery fees paid to get his car back? Check
Vehicle Excise Licence paid up - in full? Check.
Ancillary offences resulting in a trial in the New Year (2019)? Oh yes.

So much for all the fearsome attitude and sweary-mary encounter which you can relive here in all its futility and pent up rage/anger management issues, And no, I don't mean the plods. I can only begin to imagine the trauma and long-term issues this incident will have had on the children.

Solid endorsement for his actions came thick and fast from the PLD'ers;
Very stupid driving around. With no tax on car why is he even provoking the police ffs with kids in car
And I think you can hazard a guess at this question someone else posed;
Anyone know if he was talking sense or full of shit!! If so what was the outcome of this video! If he’s right surely he’ll post a video of him proving himself correct... waiting for ya video and answer :D
I mean, if you want to flout the rules of the road and give the middle finger to the cops every time you encounter them, please, don't live on a small island off the south coast of England. I can just imagine that the local constabulary will be monitoring him more closely than the Colorado Beetle. A nice local press report too and he even made the soaraway super SUN.

So, if you haven't already guessed, my nomination is Dean Renshaw.
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by SteveUK »

Dean is defo in with a shout. I should perhaps create an additional category - best fmotl husband and wife team, as Hazel is just as bonkers as him.
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by SteveUK »

longdog wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 10:36 am
Hercule Parrot wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:43 am Finally, please can we have a Hero Award for the Hoaxstead team?
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by JimUk1 »

My Vote is for Dave Robinson.

With a tonne of abject failures; undeterred he fights on from his hospital bed in the weatherspoons!

Least us not forget the amount of crowdfunding success he had on the back of these failures!

And he also achieved modest success by actually been on the bbc, despite the fact he hates the beeb!
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

SteveUK wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:11 am I dont know, theres so many other brands of nujobbery out there to enjoy :P
Whilst true, there are few that commit themselves so wholeheartedly to this stupidity that they receive long jail sentences :lol:
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by SteveUK »

Gregg wrote: Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:45 pm Neelu is long ago classified an InterGalactic Fruitcake.

We have to nominate Robert White for something, anything, its just not FotY without him.
Agreed. My personal favourites were (1) when Ollies mother called him a dickhead and (2) sending dog shit to the bank and getting shot down by his own crew.
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by AndyPandy »

SteveUK wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 2:56 pm
Gregg wrote: Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:45 pm Neelu is long ago classified an InterGalactic Fruitcake.

We have to nominate Robert White for something, anything, its just not FotY without him.
Agreed. My personal favourites were (1) when Ollies mother called him a dickhead and (2) sending dog shit to the bank and getting shot down by his own crew.
Don't forget the 'A61' the moron wrote on his forehead, funnily enough he's stopped talking about the Magna Carta given its abject failure !
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by SteveUK »

That's wanna be gurus for 'ya
Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by longdog »

AndyPandy wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:24 pm Don't forget the 'A61' the moron wrote on his forehead, funnily enough he's stopped talking about the Magna Carta given its abject failure !
It looks like he's now putting his trust in the common law play court for which he's principal cheerleader but he doesn't seem to have very much hope that it will save him.

I think he knows full well that the end is in sight and that none of the various flavours of footler woo have had any effect whatsoever. Soon he'll have nowhere to go but "I lost everything because the system is corrupt and won't accept footler nonsense as being the troof it so obviously is".

For me the highlight of his career was his boast that he only had to bugger the receiver about for a year and he'd be discharged from his bankruptcy... It's hard to believe even an idiot like him didn't bother to just Google "bankruptcy" before he started down the road to a complete financial wipe-out.
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Floor show for the Awards Ceremony:

Expertinalllegalmatters going head to head with the great Equity Lawyer EWE in the ComedyCLC over something that neither of them understands.
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by Burnaby49 »

If we're opening the floor to new catagories may I suggest a Lifetime Achievement award for Tom Crawford? As much as anyone his stalwart work awoke the bottom 20% IQ percentile of the Island of England and the country of Scotland to the possibilities of destroying their own lives through incomprehensible beliefs totally at variance with any actual law.

Please note that the government of the Canadian province of British Columbia has officially recognized Scotland to be an independent nation and has, in print, notified the provincial population regarding the diplomatic recognition of this new country. So another Scottish referendum is no longer required and the Common Law Court is actually a court of the land.

May I extend my congratulations to our newest member of the United Nations?!?!?!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by JimUk1 »

The Mark Hanning award for most “Worst YouTube Video”?
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by The Seventh String »

SteveUK wrote: Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:58 pm I think Neelu potentially warrants her own category - the fruitcake award?
I’d go a step further. I humbly suggest her life to date demonstrates good enough grounds for naming such an award for her. Something along the lines of “The Princess Neelu Disposable Paper Cup” perhaps.

Or while on the subject of fruitcakery, how about the “Not-A-Lawyer-Any-More Edward William Ellis Bee in Bonnet Prize” for whoever spouts the longest and most arcane amount of irrelevant pseudo-law and conspiracy bollock-speak in the face of bailiffs, the police and/or real lawyers?
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by The Seventh String »

Funniest garbage said to a judge

Got to be Neelu or EWE, especially if written entries are allowed. Making the award based on verbals only rules almost all of our collection of civil restraint and vexatious litigant order possessors out of the running because the judges have no intention of letting them say a word in court if it can be avoided.

Which, given they mostly want to present “applications for orders against something-or-other-treason-fraud”, it usually can.

And who can blame the judges for not wanting to spend day after day trying to get their heads around Neelu’s delusions and EWE’s real-life fantasy role-playing game?

Mere outbursts of “are you on your oath?”, “I deny joinder”, “is this admiralty law?” and “the only law I agree to abide by doesn’t say I need a driving licence” don’t begin to compare to a Neelu application to the Royal Courts of Justice.

If it has to be verbal, then Ms Patel’s claim to have sold her house to a mate for a quid then rented it back off him for a peppercorn should surely be in the running.
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by SteveUK »

Or perhaps the 'say it 3 times' by the Metes
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by Juisarian »

David Robinson for Best Use of Proper English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by grixit »

Perhaps "Most Entertaining Encounter with Law Enforcement".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:08 pm Perhaps "Most Entertaining Encounter with Law Enforcement".
Hands down our Isle of Wight idiot. Be hard to top that performance.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by jonathan01n »

The Seventh String wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 10:45 pm Funniest garbage said to a judge

Got to be Neelu or EWE, especially if written entries are allowed. Making the award based on verbals only rules almost all of our collection of civil restraint and vexatious litigant order possessors out of the running because the judges have no intention of letting them say a word in court if it can be avoided.

Which, given they mostly want to present “applications for orders against something-or-other-treason-fraud”, it usually can.

And who can blame the judges for not wanting to spend day after day trying to get their heads around Neelu’s delusions and EWE’s real-life fantasy role-playing game?

Mere outbursts of “are you on your oath?”, “I deny joinder”, “is this admiralty law?” and “the only law I agree to abide by doesn’t say I need a driving licence” don’t begin to compare to a Neelu application to the Royal Courts of Justice.

If it has to be verbal, then Ms Patel’s claim to have sold her house to a mate for a quid then rented it back off him for a peppercorn should surely be in the running.
Stand under and understand... They believe words are magic, because in law many words are widely expanded and have different meaning, so they think some nornal words have hidden meaning behind it. The only way to resolve is to use literal rule to treat their delusion.
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Re: Freeman of the Year 2018

Post by HardyW »

It looks as if the actual nominations for the categories are as numerous as the attendance at the assembly outside Buckingham Palace in the summer,or the ticket sales for showings of TGBMS.
This years categories are-

Best newcomer
Biggest loss
Best dressed
Biggest fallout
Fake court of the year
Most rehashed 'remedy'
Worst website
Best eviction
Funniest garbage said to a judge
The Guy Taylor memorial lifetime achievement award.
Probably too many categories were specified. Just now I will make a nomination for the best/worst website, I was assuming it would have to be the common law court of Cocoa Interspace. But on reviewing some of the year's posts I came across a link to , which may not qualify as it is evidently the story of one person's experiences wit no pretence to be anything else (but then Cocoa Interspace is basically the same).

But if there was an award for the longest web page, that would surely win hands down.