GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Stock and Bond Fraud, including Boiler Rooms / Pump and Dump Schemes, Mutual Fund & Hedge Fund Fraud, FOREX scams, plus Churning, Private Placements, Venture and Bridge Funding, IPOs, Viaticals Fraud, HYIP and Prime Bank scams, MTNs, Historical Notes, Recovery Schemes, etc. Includes the Jim Norman Project and the Michael Dotson Project and similar HYIP scams.
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Strike three, say I.
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Confirm strike 3.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by wserra »

Now, let's see. Someone with a history of repeatedly posting unsupported bullshit now takes an unsupported driveby swipe - which I will redact as soon as I complete this post - at a bunch of people of whom I've never heard.

Yep, strike three.
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by Chaos »

strike 4
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by wserra »

Yep. The guy copies verbatim a post that was recently redacted. Well, he was a one-post wonder.
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by soapboxmom »

Clown boy sent me this email 4 times to 4 different email addresses. I answered him the first time demanding he reply with his mailing address. He answered with this nonsense 3 more times. His desperation is quite apparent. He has tried numerous times to get me to remove my thread and gotten nowhere. :beatinghorse:
From: Charles Gregoire <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 2:17 AM
Subject: Link Removal Request

Hello Realscam Team,

I kindly request you to please remove the following link: ... post124649

I'm Charles Gregoire de Rothschild, and here I am requesting you to remove the link - ... post124649 because this link is affecting my personal and professional life and also harming my online presence on day by day and I'm facing a lot of problems, I would like to inform you that, the link is appearing on top position in Google search results with my name, as well as my family’s reputation also affected lousily. Please, I don’t want my family to suffer just because of this link.

Please, help me: I need to continue with my life, and mostly I don’t wish to keep affecting the lives of those who I love. I only wish my family and myself to continue with a normal lifestyle.

I really urge you to remove this link as it is really harming me on regular bases I cannot do anything. I have already lost my reputation in past life and I don’t want to loose more. Your this act of kindness will help to get back my reputation.

It's my humble request you to please help me out from this situation, I will be very grateful to you.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Charles Gregoire
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by soapboxmom »

His email is not nearly as funny as his latest debacle in court. Clown boy and his ding-dong attorney got tossed out most hilariously on a Motion to Dismiss. The short story would be that the judge said that those tall tales had already been told, cowboy. He also noted that all of Fake de Rothchild's claims were time barred and he had no interest in entertaining any more nonsense so he was denied the opportunity to amend his 123 page pleading from Purgatory.

The pertinent court docs are linked: ... post129010
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by notorial dissent »

I 'd have thought Chuck's sorry ass would have been in jail by now. As I recall he got pretty roundly and soundly chased out of the EU and the real Rothschild family going after him for fraudulent use of their name.
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Re: GDR Privee / Charles Gregoire de Rothschild

Post by wserra »

Fake Rothschild wrote:this link is affecting my personal and professional life
Translation: "You realize you're making it harder for me to scam." Gotta admire the chutzpah.

Hiya, H_____! (I don't remember if your name is public knowledge.) Welcome back.
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