Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

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Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Famspear »

Peter Eric ("Blowhard") Hendrickson closed his "losthorizons"/Cracking the Code tax scam internet national forum on March 17, 2015, with these words:
My Friends,

I'm sorry to say so, but in some important respects this forum has become counter-productive over the course of the last few years. On balance, I believe it now does more harm than good.

My purpose in setting up the forum and maintaining it for what has been about ten years now was to give CtC-educated Americans a means of sharing inspiration, ideas and activist energy with each other by virtue of which they could more vigorously and effectively help spread CtC's liberating information. It was also meant to help the community help each member keep on the path of understanding what are sometimes complex concepts, and encourage each educated American in his or her individual actions on behalf of the rule of law.

However, in recent years the forum has become infected with trolls, silver-bullet fantasies and delusions about supposed missing pieces or hitherto unremarked "deep magic". It is now much more a means by which folks are diverted off the path of confident and productive activism and into useless, sidelining and often actively harmful cognitive bramble-patches instead, as well as a place to which some folks very unwisely resort for answers to questions in lieu of the more demanding but hugely more fruitful study of what is presented in CtC itself or on losthorizons.com.

The forum has also placed a demand on my time and attention which I cannot in good conscience divert from more important and productive activities, especially in light of its compromised character. In practical terms, the hierarchy of best use of my time has resulted in much-needed management and supervision of the forum being neglected.

Thus, at least until I have reason to believe that the considerations above no longer apply, this forum is closed. I thank everyone who participated in the spirit in which it was established.

Opportunities to dialogue remain readily available through the "comments" facility provided on both the newsletter and mid-edition update pages (http://losthorizons.com/Newsletter.htm and http://losthorizons.com/MidEditionUpdate.htm)
The forum was re-opened this week, apparently on January 27, 2019.

http://www.losthorizons.com/phpBB/viewt ... f=2&t=3227

It looks like more entertainment is on the way!
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by wserra »

Take a look at the "qualifications" to be amongst the annointed who can post at the reopened board. First and most important, you must have "acquired" and "embraced" - Hendrickson's words - a "CTC-education". Being Hendrickson, he of course uses a whole lot more words than that. Never say in ten words what can be said in one thousand. In however many words, though, he just can't permit folks like us to post - we'd be "sowing confusion and doubt and distractions".

So anyone who wants to point out that Pete and his wife (nice guy, Pete) went to jail for drinking their own Kool-aid - nope, that would sow confusion. That his stuff has never, ever won - nope, that would sow doubt. That even those of his acolytes who didn't go to jail still had to pay their back taxes, with interest and penalties - nope, that would sow distraction. No, there is just one thing you must do in order to post - kiss Hendrickson's ass.

Anyone who wants can post here. Neither ass-kissing nor donations to commissary necessary.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Are we going to set up a betting pool on how long before Pete gets his 3rd sentence?
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Gregg »

Although, I would mention that you can make non-deductible contributions to The Chili Dog Assault Dachshund Retirement Hookers and Blow Fund by sending cash to address redacted :snicker:
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Gregg »

LaVidaRoja wrote: Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:30 pm Are we going to set up a betting pool on how long before Pete gets his 3rd sentence?

Indictments June 2020
Convictions September 2020
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Cert Denied June 2021
Report to prison date October 2021
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Cpt Banjo »

The site says that to participate one has to admit filing a CtC return and submit a copy of same with one's name unredacted. Isn't it obvious that the site's a trap set up by the IRS to ensnare CtC filers? Don't be duped, CtC'ers! Better avoid it like the plague.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Famspear »

[ . . . ] the mechanism on which I [Blowhard Hendrickson] relied [in operating the losthorizons forum prior to its closure in 2015] to qualify participants simply tested an applicant's access to a CtC-education. Unverified was an applicant's acquisition of that education-- and as importantly, his or her embrace of that education.

The mistake I made -- oh, wait, I don’t make mistakes -- the thing I didn’t do was to make sure that everyone who posted in this forum had read my book many, many times and had completely fallen for my claptrap.
After all, people in the disinformation business, who are tasked (by their own interests or by paymasters) with sowing confusion and doubt and distractions, are vigorous disseminators of their eyewash. It's their job.

Indeed, certain members of the troll contingent could be seen on the forum all day long, every day. They-- and their institutions-- were very aware that the Forum is a high-visibility construct, read by the CtC community and many others, as well.

I believe that my writing is so correct, so important, and so influential that the Internal Revenue Service pays people to spend time on my web site trying to discourage my minions from believing my writing.
Sad to say, even those pretty well along in their educations can suffer from nagging doubts about CtC being the whole picture, despite the mind-boggling body of evidence to the contrary.

Despite my firm belief that my work is pure genius, that it contains the whole truth about the U.S. Federal income tax, and that there is “mind-boggling” amount of “evidence” that I know this stuff, it is sad to say that some people just don’t swallow my crap completely -- hook, line and sinker -- even after having studied my crap for some time.
ANOTHER PROBLEM generated by the non-troll participants was a unfortunate concentration on the Forum of people with problems of some kind. All too often, it was only the relative handful of CtC-educated Americans facing balkiness from a tax agency who would become Forum participants (or become seriously active participants). The vast majority who have been treated with nothing but respect by the tax agencies didn't seem to feel the need to talk about anything.

Only a few of my followers have not had success in obtaining fraudulent tax refunds, and I refer to the refusal by the Internal Revenue Service to issue a refund in every single case as “balkiness”. I refuse to accept that the mere fact that my scam often works does not mean that my scam is not a scam.
Even disregarding the troll-efforts, the Forum ended up being as likely as not a discouragement to visiting truth-seekers, due to the proliferation of participants (some innocent, and some trolls, of course) posting about troubles they were (or were allegedly) having in regard to educated (or allegedly educated) filings [ . . . ]

When a follower reports that my scam didn’t work, it drives me crazy.
I HAVE NOW SETTLED ON A SOLUTION. The Forum is re-opened, but no longer as the more-or-less "anyone can play" affair that it had been, and which ultimately allowed the problems described above.

This time strict qualifications will be imposed for participation. Not difficult ones, though...

Here is all that is necessary:
1. SUBMIT A QUALIFYING VIDEO as discussed/explained/described here. (Read that post about these videos thoroughly and carefully!)

2. SEE THAT I HAVE COMPLETE SCANS of at least one of your CtC-educated federal filings made in the last three years, along with the IRS response(s) to that filing. (See formatting and submission guidance here, but understand that for Forum qualification purposes, there can be no redaction of your name.)
It's that simple!

THE OBJECT OF THESE QUALIFICATIONS should be obvious. They will ensure that the only participants on the Forum are actually CtC-educated and activated, and most importantly, are all in.

I don’t want anyone to see anything that contradicts what I have written, and I definitely can't stand to see such contradiction myself.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by NYGman »

Cpt Banjo wrote: Sat Feb 02, 2019 11:19 pm The site says that to participate one has to admit filing a CtC return and submit a copy of same with one's name unredacted. Isn't it obvious that the site's a trap set up by the IRS to ensnare CtC filers? Don't be duped, CtC'ers! Better avoid it like the plague.
If one of us really wanted to gain access, how hard would it be for anyone here to use their 2017 software to draft a CtC return with fake name and SSN? Especially as there really isn't much to the return. Granted, you may have some overrides and errors, but just press that ignore I am following CtC button, and you should be fine.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote: Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:32 pm[ . . . ] I would mention that you can make non-deductible contributions to The Chili Dog Assault Dachshund Retirement Hookers and Blow Fund [ . . . ]
I wonder whether the Fund might have a scholarship program.

You know, for deserving candidates.....

………..just a hypothetical question...…..

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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Gregg »

Nope, it all goes towards Puperoni, bacon squeky toys and off course, Hooker and Blow. :)

How far are you from Dallas, Pete's having a CTC Education Event in Upper Arlington in 2 weeks, I think someone should go.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:04 pm Nope, it all goes towards Puperoni, bacon squeky toys and off course, Hooker and Blow. :)

How far are you from Dallas, Pete's having a CTC Education Event in Upper Arlington in 2 weeks, I think someone should go.
Don't look at me. I'm in Houston.

Although, I think attending one of those would be very . . . . .

. . . . . very . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . entertaining . . . . . . .
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Cpt Banjo »

Gregg wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:04 pm Pete's having a CTC Education Event in Upper Arlington in 2 weeks
It's actually in south Arlington, not too far away. I hate to waste a perfectly good Saturday afternoon, but...
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Gregg »

Famspear wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 7:26 pm
Gregg wrote: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:04 pm Nope, it all goes towards Puperoni, bacon squeky toys and off course, Hooker and Blow. :)

How far are you from Dallas, Pete's having a CTC Education Event in Upper Arlington in 2 weeks, I think someone should go.
Don't look at me. I'm in Houston.

Although, I think attending one of those would be very . . . . .

. . . . . very . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . entertaining . . . . . . .
It would be entertaining to make a mess of it by asking a lot of inconvenient questions and mingling with the crowd long enough to mention a few times that Pete is doing this between stints in prison for doing it.
I'm kind of curious if he can get more to show up than would fit in the back seat of a PInto.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by wserra »

Gregg wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:01 pmIt would be entertaining to make a mess of it by asking a lot of inconvenient questions and mingling with the crowd long enough to mention a few times that Pete is doing this between stints in prison for doing it.
It would indeed. I propose taking up a collection for Banjo to go and report.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:01 pm [ . . . ]if he can get more to show up than would fit in the back seat of a PInto.
I found out, with a girlfriend about 40 years ago, that there wasn't much room to get anything done in the back seat of a 1971 Ford Pinto.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Chaos »

Famspear wrote: Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:29 pm
Gregg wrote: Mon Feb 04, 2019 2:01 pm [ . . . ]if he can get more to show up than would fit in the back seat of a PInto.
I found out, with a girlfriend about 40 years ago, that there wasn't much room to get anything done in the back seat of a 1971 Ford Pinto.
that's why you needed the hatchback or the wagon.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Gregg »

In 1970, believe it or not, a movable driver's seat was optional on the Pinto and I owned the one that was built with the seat bolted solid to the floor. So picture me, 6'4" and all legs, trying to fold myself up behind the wheel. Actual picture.

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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Famspear »

Gregg wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:56 am In 1970, believe it or not, a movable driver's seat was optional on the Pinto and I owned the one that was built with the seat bolted solid to the floor [ . . . ]
Do you remember anything about your door handles, arm rests, and gear shift (manual transmission)?

The door handles and arm rests fell off of my 1971 Pinto after about a year or so. Eventually, the gear shift would come off in my hand. I had a friend with a Pinto, and the gear shift would come off in her hand, too. I remember that my alternator came loose from the engine block a few times, too.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by noblepa »


Just be glad your Pintos never exploded.

I never owned one, but I remember them well. Not one of Ford's best efforts.
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Re: Hendrickson CtC scam forum re-opened

Post by Famspear »

noblepa wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:43 pm FAMSPEAR and GREGG.

Just be glad your Pintos never exploded.

I never owned one, but I remember them well. Not one of Ford's best efforts.
Ah, yes -- the Ford Pinto Exploding Fuel Tank.

Actually, I was hit by another vehicle from behind once, when I was in the Ford Pinto. I was stopped at a red light and someone came up behind me and misjudged. This would have been in the early 1970s. Fortunately, it was just a small bump, and nothing happened.
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